Random Computer Hanging / How To Clean CPU

Jan 29, 2013

So I noticed it happen a long ways, few months back, but one time it hanged and I resetted and it was completely okay from then on. Considering it happened only once, I stupidly believed my friend that sometimes computers have little slip-ups.Now, recently, it would hang a few times at random moments. Sometimes a little after start-up, when it's loading all the programs from the start, at some times just...at a completely random moment. I would restart it, but sometimes upon pushing the restart button, it would sometimes turn off, then turn on again, and sometimes (everything is so randomly patterned) it would turn off. I would cut the power completely, wait a few minutes, and possibly try again. By now I'm getting more and more anxious as this action increases at every moment.Goggling does little help since 'hanging' computers is such a broad broad topic, but I think it might be a hardware issue?

I'm not sure how to clean my CPU since admittedly, I don't want to touch anything in case I screw up. I know well enough about static and all that but I am not in a country that provides all the computer parts and necessities in the world.I'm not sure what else to take and do to proceed. I'm a little iffy, admittedly, at installing strange programs. I reaallly don't want to screw this up because I'm not exactly able to afford much since I'm just a high schooler.No BSODs for this issue. It hasn't BSOD'd in the lonnnnngest time. Just hangs at the screen.

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Clean Install Of Windows 7, And Things Are Not Responding And Hanging?

Aug 12, 2012

I did a clean install of windows 7, and things are not responding and hanging.My computer used to be a hp pavilion p71142 I kept the processor, dvd drive, ram, and hard-drive from it, but did my own build.Before I did my own build, I was having trouble with windows. It was slow and it got to the point where windows would not load/boot. I did a fresh install before I started changing hardware, but still slow.The only thing changed when my computer was hp is the graphic card and psu. But those worked fine for several months with no problems. I have got to the stage again now, where windows 7 will not load, and I can't even get into startup repair.

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Seemingly Random Application Installations Hanging?

Jan 6, 2012

I have had a persistent and very hard to troubleshoot problem on my PC for the last couple of months. Occasionally when trying to install applications, the installer will not progress beyond 0% or takes far too long to do so. When this happens if I close the installer and retry I get an error along the lines of "you already have this installation open". If I find that process in task manager and close it I can try again, but the same problem will occur.This does not happen with every program, my guess is it happens to perhaps 10% of programs. There seems to be no link between the installations that it hangs on. I do not have a list of applications that the error occurs on currently although I can see how that would be useful. It does not matter if I am installing to my SSD or HDD, the error has occured on both.

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Why Computer Is Hanging Always

Dec 6, 2011

if i turn on computer than mouse is not working but i restart computer mouse is working

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Why Computer Is Hanging Always

Jul 8, 2012

when i play any game or movie my pc hang after every 10mins.

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My Computer Keeps Hanging

Aug 25, 2012

in these past few days, long, 30-second hangs have been occurring increasingly frequently, with no more than a few seconds between hangs today. It starts out one program not responding at a time, then spreads to all the rest of the programs. Sometimes it's so bad that the computer ignores ctrl-alt-delete. I don't know what's causing it, but it is made more perplexing by the fact that no more than 10% of the i7-2600K cpu is being used at any time, and the programs only use 3-4 GB of 16 RAM.

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Computer I Hanging And Getting Bsod

Feb 12, 2012

My computer was hanging a long time on shut down. On reboot, all seemed okay until at the next shutdown when I got a BSOD

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Computer Hanging On Splash Screen?

Mar 22, 2011

It boots fine but when it gets to the windows 7 splash screen the log in box takes up to 20 mins to display. When it does display I can log in and the computer runs fine.I have tried:

- virus scan which is clean
- malwarebytes comes up with nothing
- restoring to before the problem started

But, the problems remains - up to 20 mins for the log in to appear. It is almost as if it forgets to put it up.

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Computer Hanging And Programs Freezing

Jan 9, 2012

I've just been encountering a new problem. My computer just starts to hangup after just a few minutes of use. Programs lockup for minutes and even my mouse freezes for a few minutes at a time. I don't really know what could be causing it. No processes seem to be taking a lot of CPU usage, and there doesn't seem to be any suspicious processes either. Even as i type this, Google Chrome is freezing and unfreezing, but all my keystrokes are captured

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Computer Hanging In Win7 - Vista

Jul 2, 2009

Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop with Vista on it had all sorts of issues. I cleaned them all up, but couldn't stop it from hanging. Seemingly random. Complete and permanent freeze requiring 10 seconds on the power button to restart.

Eventually decided to move to Win 7 RC. Formatted hard disk completely (with BootIt NG) before installing. Still having the same problem.

Memtest86 reports no issues (after 47 hours).

Chkdsk no errors.

sfc.exe no errors.

Hitachi dtf no errors (although it's a Toshiba drive).

All the regular spyware, adware, malware programs - no issues.

Interestingly, the problem doesn't seem to occur in Safe mode or when performing chkdsk, installing Windows, or anything else outside the main windows environment. This leads me to believe it's not hardware, but some system/software element common to both Vista and Windows 7?

I'm using a Lenovo 3000 N100. 1.73GHz, 1gig ram, 32 bit Win 7, version 6.1, build 7100.

Also, I'm currently trying to run a Windows Update from within Safe Mode With Networking, but it's not working. Should it be?

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Computer Hanging And Grey Screen At StartUp?

Feb 2, 2013

I have a desktop, custom built, that has been a nightmare since day one. Anyway, last time I brought it in for repairs they checked the motherboard and RAM- it was all fine, and they replaced my hard drive.For the past month or so, my computer will freeze or hang while I'm in the middle of working on something. I'm a photographer and it usually happens when photoshop is left sitting open for a few minutes. Firefox will freeze and so will PS and Bridge.When it freezes, nothing works. Ctrl+alt+delete will work to open the task manager, but it won't actually end any tasks when I try. I am forced to hold the power button down to shut it off. About 3 days ago I got a message upon start up saying that I needed to check disk but immediately said that it couldn't check disk due to a corruption? Stating that a recently installed software was the problem and I needed to do a system restore. I tried to do a system restore to before I installed my machforms update and it wouldn't let me! Stated that the c drive is corrupt and I need to do a check disk. So it's sending me in a circle and I can't complete either. Today, when I booted I received a lovely grey screen. This happened about 7 times before it booted normally. I tried to boot in safe mode but it froze.

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Computer Freezing/Hanging A Few Minutes After Boot-up?

Nov 20, 2012

So for the past day I have been having a problem with my PC. I booted it up and within two minutes the whole thing froze, I couldn't Ctrl-Alt-Del or anything, so i figured something just went kaboom and decided to restart. Same thing happened.. so I decided to boot into Safe mode. The safe mode boot worked fine and I've prob alley booted into Safe Mode at least 20 times the past day and it only froze once.I don't know if this is a driver issue or a hardware issue or what, but It's really frustrating. I have run MSE and it can't find any viruses. Also, when I try to play music/or open a file,my computer hangs and it takes like 20 seconds of the little circle loading mouse icon for anything to happen, and sometimes this will also trigger the computer to downright freeze.

So far I have tried :Going into MSCONFIG and disabling startup/processes = Did not work System Restore : Delays the freezing for a little while but it comes back after a couple hours, the Hdd/sdd hanging is still present = did not work Ran a chkdsk = said it was fine Ran the WD HDD Diagnostic tool = said hdd was fine Did something called sfc /scannow (i think that's it) ... = said i was fine This is a custom built PC i made and I have had it for a month and a half, I also checked for loose cables but did not see any.

Specs :
CPU: i5 3570k
GPU: AMD Radeon 7970
SSD : Samsung 830 128gb
HDD: WD Black 1TB
Ram : 8gb g.skill Ram
PSU: 750w OCZ
Mobo : ASRock Z77 Xtreme4
OS : Windows 7 64bit

Also, I have checked eventviewer and I get a lot of errors but they don't make sense and I don't think they are the problem.Error examples: The driver detected a controller error on DeviceIdeIdePort0. source: atapi Error Id: 11 NEXT Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected. Source : WMI Error ID: 10


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Dell XPS Windows 7 Computer Hanging For 10-15 Mins?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a peculiar problem with my lappy. Once I start it the system runs for sometime (usually for 15mins to 1-2hours) and then it suddenly hangs for 15-20mins. When the system hangs, the mouse becomes a circle and nothing seems to be moving. This problem started after I installed Spybot S & D. Although I have uninstalled S & D, the problem still persists. Currently I see some of the folders in my C drive appear like Hidden Files.

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Windows 7 Clean Install Random Restarts?

Mar 28, 2012

Just upgraded my system and did a clean install of windows 7. I noticed that after the computer is left on for a few hours it will restart randomly. When it restarts I get a message stating the following:

isolinux 3.20 2006-08-26 copy right 1994-2005 H peter anvin A bootable dvd/cd is detedted press eneter to boot from the dvd/cd if no key is pressed within 5 sec, the system will boot from next priority device automoatically reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key

The hard drive is the main boot device, the dvd is the secondary.

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Clean Windows 7 Install And Constant Random Crashes

Nov 14, 2011

I recently had a virus on my computer and did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate. Now it seems that randomly my processes will stop responding, usually if I have a couple things running at once. I cant seem to burn a DVD because every time it will crash during it. Usually when it happens all the processes wont respong, task manager wont come up and a couple minutes later my system restarts. I have run a memtest and it turned up with no errors.

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Random BSoD Even After Clean Graphic Driver Installation

Jan 26, 2012

so for about 5 days, i have experienced random and sporadic bsod, before that it was normal and stable. i did my installation on my os on october 2011. i'm quite sure it's graphic driver but i've clean installed almost 10 times and still crashing. it crashes randomly when i opened a Internet video or open a video file, everything regarding to video. i'm already feeling hopeless here

my specs are
win 7 64 bit home premium (not oem)
gigabyte x58 ud3r
i7 920
gigabyte gtx 480
asus xonar essence stx
3x2 ocz ram 1033 mhz
my os is located on my ssd which is an intel 510 120 gb
i got 1 tb hard drive caviar green
i got 500 gb hard drive caviar green
and 250 gb seagate (really old, it's ide iirc)

i've uploaded the minidump and system performance, i hope i did right on the attachment (first time posting here).

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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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Upgrade, Clean Install From Old Computer To New Computer

May 2, 2012

I purchased an HP latop right when Windows 7 was coming out and the HP laptop had Windows Vista when I bought it but I was sent a free upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate by HP during the time when they were selling laptops with Vista and sending free upgrades.So what I want to know since the fan stopped working some time ago, (cooling it with a small fan from Walmart sending air around and inside it somewhat) on the HP laptop I purchased and recieved the free upgrade. If I return the HP laptop to factory settings (did a complete backup when purchased) and put Vista back on it, can I use my Windows 7 Ultimate disk in a newly purchased laptop since it will still only be on one laptop since I am returning the old one to Vista?And do I have to uninstall Windows 7 Ultimate with the Upgrade disk so it knows it's no longer on that computer. In other words are they linked by some type of serial number on my HP laptop that only allows me to install the Windows Upgrade disk on that specific machine?

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Windows Essentials To Keep Computer Clean

Aug 21, 2012

first of all i have a windows 7 64bit, i run malwarebyes, and windows essentials to keep my computer clean. i want you to know i ran a full scan on my computer a couple of days ago and things seemed fine. but i have trouble with videos on Internet some time like if i'm playing a video if it has black in the background if i change back and forth you can see the back ground of the web page. i changed fire fox settings since other videos i noticed were running slow to 600.000 so it would load the videos faster. but, know Internet seems to be messing up. when i brought up task manager i didn't know if what was on there correct or not.

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Need To Install XP To Be Able To Have A Clean And Tidy Computer?

Apr 15, 2011

I've got dozens of folders on my PC that i cant delete because apparently i need admin privileges (even tho i am admin). Even if i switch user to the dedicated hidden admin account it still tells me i dont have the rights to delete stuff from MY OWN COMPUTER. It's utterly ridiculous.Cant beleive i actually bought this joke of an OS. I feel completely vindicated for pirating previous versions of windows and certainly wont be wasting money on future versions if this is the path they are going down.Do i really need to install XP to be able to have a clean and tidy computer?I can make a new folder and instantly i dont have the rights to delete it, surely that cant be normal?I really dont want to have to go back to XP but unless anyone knows a way to remove this stupid and completely unnecessary behaviour it seems like the only choice i have.All i want is to have 1 account, my account, from which i can do anything i like, and yes, i do understand the risks involved in that.or if not, and i do have to waste time switching to an admin account every time i want to delete/uninstall something, i at least want it to work from there which it currently does not.I have the UAC set to the bottom but still it tries to babysit my every move.

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Clean The Trial Games From Computer?

Apr 18, 2011

I want to clean the trial games from my computer

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Times Can We Clean Install Windows 7 On 1 Computer

Nov 1, 2011

I upgraded from Vista to 7 on my old motherboard which was successful. I then upgraded to a new motherboard so a clean installation had to be done by calling up Microsoft which was also successful. Both 32 bit versions.Now I want to do a clean install to 64 bit to take advantage of the extra RAM. Can I do this many installs? I still have the upgrade disc and product key.Also, with a previous clean install, all my old folders were compressed into a folder in the new install. Will this also happen when moving it to 64 bit? No changes to the hardware has been made.

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Windows 7 Clean Install On Newly Built Computer

Feb 1, 2012

I have put together a computer, new motherboard, processor, hard drive, everything. Now I'm trying to install Windows 7 from a boot DVD, but obviously have no drivers installed, so my computer doesn't communicate with my monitor. I guess I'm stuck between needing the driver installed, but needing Windows to install the driver? Do I need to install MS-DOS or something first?I have a completely blank hard drive. Trying to install Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit.

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Can't Rename Computer During Clean Install - Some Characters Invalid

Aug 17, 2012

I have a Dell Optiplex 755 that got some malware on it, so we decided to reformat and do a clean install. I booted from my Win7 flash drive, deleted the partitions, and things proceeded normally. When it asks me to name the computer I get "some characters are not valid" no matter what I enter. No possible way I'm entering invalid characters, I'm only using the alphabet!

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Computer Freezes At Random?

Jan 23, 2013

recently i have been having trouble with my computer. so i will be looking at Internet videos or playing a game or something and my computer will stop all services and will freeze up and just hang up and sit there forever and i cant do anything so i end up having to hard reboot my computer

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New Computer, Random BSOD?

Apr 5, 2011

040411-11154-01.dmp040511-9531-01.dmp040511-9282-01.dmpSeven Forums.I recently built a new computer (put it together myself) and I am having trouble with random BSOD's. I thought I had fixed the issue but it seems to be repeating.


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Random Computer Hang

Feb 14, 2012

i did a search through the forums to see if anyone else has had this issue but i could not find the exact problem.
before i go into details, here are the system specs. please note nothing has been over clocked.

cpu-intel core i7-2600k processor
motherboard-gigabyte intel z68 atx ddr3 2133 lga 1155 motherboards ga-z68x-ud3h-b3
gpu-evga geforce gtx 560 ti super-clocked 1024mb gddr5 pci-express 2.0 graphics card
memory-corsair vengeance blue 16 gb ddr3 sdram dual channel memory kit cmz16gx3m4a1600c9b
primary hard drive-intel 510 series (elm crest) ssdsc2mh120a2k5 2.5" 120gb sata iii mlc internal solid state drive (ssd)
slave hard drive-western digital caviar green 2 tb
sound card-creative labs sb0570l4 sound blaster audigy se
psu-1 x ocz zs series 750w 80plus bronze high performance power supply compatible with intel sandy bridge core i3 i5 i7 and amd phenom
cpu cooler- zalman cnps9500 at 2 ball cpu cooling fan/heatsink
media burner-lg black 12x bd-r 2x bd-re 16x dvd+r 12x dvd-ram 10x bd-rom 4mb cache sata internal 12x blu-ray disc rewriter wh12ls38
card reader-rosewill rcr-ic001 40-in-1 usb 2.0 3.5" internal card reader w/ usb port
case-rosewill challenger black gaming atx mid tower computer case
operating system-windows 7 professional 64-bit

i started this build in december and the hang has been happening more and more frequently. when playing a game, bf3, in my case, everything works perfectly, cpu and gpu stays cool, i have the windows widgets and a readout on my keyboard that uses core temp to see live temps.
however, just watching a video on Internet or browsing a site, or just listening to music, the system will freeze with the latest image on the screen and if sound was on, a .05 loop of the sound will keep playing. this happens at random times, nothing predictable, and i cannot replicate it. i cannot alt-tab, or ctrl-alt-delete out of it. both keyboard and mouse go dead and the only way to break the freeze is to hit the reset or power button. on some occasions i will get a bsod, but i think it has only happened 2-3 times, where as the hang has occurred at least 20+ times in the last month and a half.

here are some of the things i have tried.

-ran memtest86 for 14 hours: no errors
-disabled on board audio in the bios
-uninstalled realtek drivers
-updated video card, and sound card drivers
-ran atitool scan for artifacts for 8 hours: none found
-ran prime95 for 4 hours: stayed below 55c no errors.
-ran chkdsk
-messed with my power plans
-enabled and disabled fast boot in the bios
-ran full system scans with avast, ms security essentials, superantispyware, and malwarebytes: nothing found but tracking cookies
i have done more but i cannot remember right now, will post when it comes back to me.

my next step is trying a new power supply, the 750w may not have enough juice, but i do not have one to test with currently. i am eying the 1200w x-series from seasonic but i want to make sure it is not something else before i plunk more money down. i am willing to try any suggestions.

edit: forgot to add that this build originally started with a 96gb ssd which i had win7 loaded on. i felt it was too small so i upgraded to the larger one. however when i had the smaller ssd installed the same symptoms were present.

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Random Freezing Computer?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a computer running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1. It has run well for about a year, but recently has been freezing up randomly. Intel Core i7 2.67 GHz, 8 Gig of RAM. 1 TB disk with 807 GB free. I have made sure that all drivers are up to date.I have removed all external equipment except for mouse, keyboard and Network cable and still get random freezes. Sometimes every two or three days, sometimes multiple times a day. I've run AVG anti-virus, Malwarebytes,

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Random Computer Shut Down?

Feb 14, 2013

here is my problem it seems when ever i try and do anything memory intensive on the computer it blue screens and says that it is a "memory management" issue I've tried restoring to an earlier point this does not work. It had been having problems before this shutting down but they were not this bad. I can't play games or anything like i said memory intense.

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New Computer Random Freezing?

Dec 25, 2011

at random times my computer freezes and most of the times at when i play games and start the computer up

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