Possible To Upload Mail To Exchange From 2 Workstations

Aug 10, 2012

When a User is setup to Exchange using MS Server 2003, 2008 or 2011 and there are a lot of mail content to upload to the mailbox, and also this User is working on 2 workstations. For example a Desktop at the office and a Notebook traveling home with the User. I have to in several occasions upload the mail using 1 workstation and then let the other download which means that this is something awful to wait for sometimes.

And all I need to know if you import the mail directly into the workstation for the uploading if importing it into the second workstation will create duplicates on the Exchange. I haven't had a chance to test this with dummy accounts or anything to see the outcome and if possible this would save me much time in the future. What are the options.

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Mail Accounts - MS Exchange Server?

Nov 28, 2011

I had Outlook 2003 set up with two different mail accounts. One was a work account that I set up as an Exchange Server account so I could share calendar, contacts and all email folders.When I purchased a new laptop and migrated programs / data from and XP machine to the new Windows 7 machine I noticed that my work account had been converted to a pop3 account and no long enabled calendar sharing, sent folders,tc. and I could no longer send emails.I'd like to be able to have another Email Account so I can set it up in Exchange format, but I can not figure out how to do that in Windows 7.When I try to start Windows Mail from Programs menu it is missing. I assume this is due to an answer I gave during set up which leads me to believe Outlook 2003 is not wholly compatible with Windows Mail.If I want to continue to use OL2003 with Windows 7 should I just bite the bullet and set up my work account as a pop3 account, or is there a way to create a new mail account that I can set up in MS Exchange Server

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MS Explorer Loosing Navigation To Workstations?

Oct 26, 2012

I recently upgraded a client's computing site installation. 4 Desktops, software (XP/MS Office 2003 to W7/MS Office 2010) and one MFD. To save some time and make the transition smoother (and attempt to iron out any unforseeables) I set the 4 new workstations up at home - at cat5 hardwired through a TP Link Router under a Workgroup, with each workstation named WORKSTATION01, 02,03 and 04, with file sharing via the workgroup, appropriate advanced sharing center settings and routing via DHCP (dynamic IPs). The network worked flawlessly at home for two weeks, whilst I installed the inevitable updates and made sure when I installed at the site, everything was as up to date as possible and any issues ironed out.However, the client started loosing the ability to navigate to another WORKSTATION via MS Explorer typically, it would happen in the afternoon. Some days, it wouldn't happen at all.BUT! WORKSTATION01 never looses Workgroup visibility in MS Explorer only the other 3 do - and not all at one time always.I've compared all settings on WORKSTATION01 with the other (offending) 3 and they are the same.

All work stations peer at the same level - there is no (higher) server as such. Although WORKSTATION01 has the clients accounting software data file on it and important documents are stored under a SERVER folder which is resident on WORKSTATION01's hard drive.The "visibilities" are always fine when they boot the machines up in the morning. If a device looses the MS Explorer visibility to the Workgroup (under Network) - sometimes rebooting the device restores it, some times it doesn't.They don't loose the MS Explorer visibility if they leave a session(dialogue) permanently open - but they shouldn't have to to that.I've set up a desktop folder with inter-workstation short cuts as a work around and they always work.
Other Considerations:

1) SOFTWARE - running Windows Defender with Firewall On and Avast.

2) FIREWALLS ON/OFF - I've read a lot of threads - the jury seems out on this - some advocate turniong them off, others fervently announce this should NEVER be done - use the right settings!

3) DHCP vs STATIC IPs - again, plently of dispute on this as to whether DHCP or static IPs should be used for device routing.

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Setup Two Workstations From One Computer For Two People Working At Different Times

Jan 23, 2013

I want to setup two workstations from one computer for two people working at different times. Isn't there a KVM switch that will do this?

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How To Exchange Two Keys On Keyboard

Dec 27, 2011

I have exchanged two keys on my laptop keyboard .... (Windows 7)" was exchanged with the @ ........ as I was used to using a UK keyboard. I am passing that laptop to my daughter, as I have a new one. I set the keyboard back from UK English to English Australia. but it doesn't seem to have changed the keys.

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Outlook Connecting To Exchange

Jun 12, 2009

Just installed 7229. I can't configure Outlook to the Exchange server. It just says that it is not connected. I have a 7201 installed also, where it works fine.

Outlook 2007 SP2 btw.

Any suggestions?

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Unable To Connect To An Outlook Anywhere Exchange Server?

Feb 28, 2012

I have recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I installed Office 2007, which has updated to SP3.Using XP I used to be able to successfully use Outlook 2007 for my office email, which uses a microsoft exchange server. I have not been able to get this to connect using Windows 7 despite using exactly the same settings. I have also tried a number of other combinations as advised from other sites but I can't get anything to work?This microsoft fix was also of no help... Error messages when you try to connect Outlook 2007 to Exchange Server: "The action cannot be completed" or "Your Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable" or "Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook".I have tried various username combinations: username or domainusername.I have tried various password security options.This is the error message I get: Outlook cannot logon. Verify you are connected to the network and are using the proper server and mailbox name. The Connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action.

I use the following setting:

Use Cached Exchange Mode - unchecked
Encrypt data between MicroSoft Office Outlook and MicroSoft Exchange
Server - checked
Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTP - checked
Proxy authentication settings: Basic Authentication

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Free Bluetooth Exchange Folder Download?

Jan 4, 2013

I reformat my laptop aspire4741 from window7 home basisc to window7premium my bluetooth exchangefolders were gone and the pc bluetooth is notworking. What and where do can i find the correct software and lnstaller for my laptop?

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Outlook 2010 Has Stopped Connecting To Exchange Server?

Apr 12, 2011

I am using outlook 2010 and recently have started having problems connecting to my exchange server account. It has been running hunky dorry since I installed it a few months ago.Now it occasionally connects to the server but mostly shows "Disconnected" all my other email accounts run correctly. Its not the exchange server as my phone and web exchange connect OK, my laptop is running 2007 and it connects OK.

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Outlook 2010 Using Exchange - Strikethrough After Importing PST File

Nov 13, 2012

After I imported a pst into my mailbox(using the option to replace duplicates) I know have strikethroughs on all of the duplicates that should have been replaced.

How can I get rid of these messages. I have also checked and the messages are not set to expire.

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Outlook 2010 Doesn't Save Password (Exchange)

Jan 21, 2010

An issue with Outlook 2007 in combination with my Microsoft Exchange e-mail account was that it couldn't remember the password and I had to enter it every time I started Outlook. This was solved by adding a credential through 'control user passwords2', a workaround which can be found on several sites.

However, this doesn't seem to work anymore using Outlook 2010 with Windows 7. Or at least it seems to work different, but I can't get it to work. Outlook itself creates a generic credential in the form of MS.Outlook: USERNAME>@<EXCHANGESERVER>:PUT, but on another website I found the form MS.Outlook:<E-MAILADDRESS>@<EXCHANGESERVER>:PUT It also creates two Windows credentials, one with the username also as server and one with the correct exchange server, username and password. What should I add to make Outlook remember my password?

I also tried some other workarounds for previous versions of Outlook, but they all didn't work. I tried these: Stop Outlook/Outlook Express Asking For Your Password Every Time | Windows Vista | Windows Tools, Help & Guides Outlook 2007 won't save passwords in Vista...save password..


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Outlook 2003 / Exchange Server Wont Connect

Oct 28, 2009

I installed Win7 (at home) and when I try to configure Outlook 2003 to connect to the exchange server that our company uses. It cannot get access to this server. It says outlook must be online to access the exchange server.

All other internet access works perfectly. I've checked and rechecked all the settings. They are correct. It worked fine on VISTA. I did a Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade. Continues to work fine on my XP Pro station. Seems like something is blocking it from going out over the Internet.

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Error Code 0x80070057 When Trying To Connect To Exchange Sever

Dec 22, 2011

When using 2010 to do name discovery I am getting "An unknown error occurred, error code:0x80070057" it stops and no connection to the exchange server is name.

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Making A Mess Setting Up Outlook 2007 With MS Exchange Connection

Feb 17, 2013

I have Avast anti virus running as my preferred AV software. To date I have not needed to use Outlook, but this year its usefulness increased as it saves me accessing work emails through my browser (as well as maintaining the calendar and stuff). So, I start the first run set up. All went well until it asked me to log on to the exchange server. When I did so it refused, eventually telling me I had to turn off the SSL(?). From what I could see, I could only do that after the address was entered into the profile, which it won't let me do. I did some digging and read (somewhere) that Avast was the problem. I tried temporarily disabling filters and logging on again, but no different. As a test, I fired up my laptop, also Windows 7, disabled the Avast filters, started Outlook for first use, set up the Exchange connection, logged on fine. Restarted the filters, all good! So next I try to reset Outlook to first run on my desktop. Can't do it. It resets Outlook to default, but doesn't bring up the set-up screen. I suppose I can uninstall Office all together (I'd only need to back up OneNote at this stage) and run a registry cleaner, but I'd rather not at this stage. I tried importing the registry settings from the laptop (no lectures please). This sort of worked; it now tries to log on to exchange on start up, but still fails. Something is still blocking the connection. Any ideas on what the block is?

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Can't Upload Files?

Jul 11, 2011

I noticed that files don't upload.It as i try to upload files to web site for example this forum (manage attachment button) it would not upload it just says "Uploading File(s) - Please Wait " and stays that way. File size is smal like 80kb or so jpg so i dont think that would be problem.

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Why Does Everything Download And Upload To Word Pad

Apr 13, 2011

I don't understand, okay yesterday I went to download fonts from dafont.com and 1001freefonts.com and I then I downloaded them and it asks me to download to default (Word Pad, windows explorer) and I don't know how to open/save it under the right app; which I have no clue what to do to fix this. but I thought things you download is suppose to be set up automatically.

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Upload Files To A Different Drive?

Oct 7, 2012

Windows is installed on Drive C which is a 120 Gb SSD, and everything i upload defaults to there, but i also have a 1Tb HDD (drive D)that i want to use as main storage for image/music files etc. I've already copied across all the image files/folders i previously uploaded to the D drive, but can i 'tell' Windows to upload to drive D automatically? I want to keep the SSD as clear as possible.

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Can Not Upload Dump File

Feb 19, 2012

Just build a new computer running windows 7 64-bit- it's fast and works great. I bought an external hard drive to back it up and every time I run a back up I get a BSOD. I have a dump file but don't know how to read it so I am posting it here.Actually it seems that I can not upload the dump file here.

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Put It In A Zip File Because It Kept Saying Invalid To Upload?

Mar 11, 2012

I put it in a zip file because it kept saying invalid to upload... Don't really know what it could be /: , all i know is that my computer was running really slow when it did it , andthat whenever i typed it would delay for a couple seconds for it showed up in the chat box , its fine , now i just wanna know what it is , and if i need to fix it before it gets wors

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Can't Upload Pictures To Blog

Feb 26, 2012

I have a Tumblr blog and on my Acer Aspire with a Windows 7 OS, I can't upload photos. I click on the upload and click and select the photo, the little wheel spins and nothing happens. i have no problem doing this on Windows Vista or on my MAC.

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Upload Speed Drops To Zero?

Aug 16, 2011

The speed test on my 2 Windows7 machines (PC and netbook) have recently started to show a fine download speed but when measuring upload speed the dial moves up to 400 and then gradually sinks back to zero over the next couple of minutes. It doesn't register any final upload speed. I can upload files to emails up to roughly 200kb but nothing any larger.However my old laptop with XP has none of these problems. Hard wiring makes no difference and it's not the router, because the XP machine works fine with the same router that uses the Windows7 PC.I've uninstalled Adobe Flash and re-installed it for the Windows7 machine. No change.

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Unable To Upload Picture

Nov 7, 2011

i cannot upload picture to my computer

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Can No Longer Upload Large Files

Oct 7, 2012

I usually send clients large images around 4Mb via the email. I also upload to various sites, files up to 15Mb. They are all usually jpeg or .psd format.

For some reason it just doesn't work anymore - they get so far and seem to just hang. I contacted my ISP provider and they went through all their trouble shooter but told me that the problem is my end.

I am using Windows 7 64 bit. I have tried IE9 and Google Chrome but neither helps. I use Microsoft Security Essential. I have tried turning off the firewall but this doesn't work either.

Smaller versions of the jpegs seem to upload OK. I haven't done anything to change what I am using recently other than to run the automatic updates.

I have internet satellite using an ipstar modem. No router.

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Cannot View Or Upload Minidump Files?

Jun 4, 2011

I used BlueScreenView to check what was the cause of the multiple BSOD's i was always getting and it turns out it is ntoskrnl.exe. However, i cannot zip the minidump .dmp file to upload and I cannot view the file's contents at all either.

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Windows 7 File Upload Not Responding

Jul 31, 2009

I have the 64bit RC, and keep it updated through win updater.When I want to upload a picture to a website, I click on the "Browse computer" button, when I do the window opens for me to navigate to the picture ... as normal, however all it does is freeze, and then goes into (not responding) mode? I have tried it with Firefox and IE, both do the same so its not that, and I have done it on numerous sites, so its not the site?

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Slow Download / Upload Speeds

Jun 24, 2011

I have AT&T DSL internet service and I'm using their 2-Wire 2701HG-B modem/router plus all my phones lines connected to a phone or Sat receiver have their filters installed on them. I'm subscribed to their 3Mbps plan but for quite awhile now I've noticed very slow internet speed.Going to Speedtest.net - Results or Speed Test | Bandwidth | Broadband Internet Services I'm getting download readings as low as .23Kbps to 2.73Mbps (the latter very, very seldon) with an average of under 1.0Mbps.AT&T did a ping or something and can tell I have noise on the line so they say it's probably either the router or one of the phone lines so this morning a tech dropped off a new router (same brand/model) but I can't see any improvement.When the tech came the other day he hooked up his small modem from my phone line to his laptop and ran a speed test and it was consistently 2.5Mbps.So are there any settings on my modem/router that could be slowing things down?

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Upload File Issue / Error

Oct 31, 2009

i'm having a strange uploading issue.

whenever i try to upload a file via Internet or dropbox, the upload finished a 25mb file in about 5 seconds, then gets an error. this is not normal as i usually have 40-80kb a sec rate.

apparently sendspace works, but it's slow.

tried it in firefox, chrome and ie8. tried downloading newest driver, reboot, rollback to old driver and so on.

also, i don't know if it's worth mentioning, but my internet got incredibly slow and up to 800ms ping after i tried uploading via Internet/dropbox. i then have to disable the connection and troubleshoot it to get it back to normal.

tried it in safe mode with networking, and didn't get any problems at all.

i'm runnin windows 7 64bit rtm.

network adapter: realtek rtl8111c

edit: i forgot to add that i also tried disabling the windows firewall. didn't help.

edit2: uploading with basic uploader without status bar works. so if anyone haven't found a fix to this we can let this thread die untill there is.

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Cannon Camera Wont Upload

Jul 21, 2011

I have a Powershot SD450. Just got a new desktop with Windows 7. It doesn't recognize the camera until I check for new devices. It finds the camera and says there is no driver. But this camera uses PTP and should not need drivers. The camera can upload on any XP system without additional software, but not Windows 7. I tried installing the original Cannon pre 7 software, no luck. Went to Cannon, no drivers developed. Went to Microsoft, says this camera is compatible, but it doesn't seem to be.

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Cannot Upload Publisher And The Web Previews Are Distorted

Feb 11, 2012

I can not upload publisher and the web previews are distorted. Pass use was on XP with no issues

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Cameras Turns Off Before Pictures Upload?

Jun 29, 2012

why do the camera turn off when the usb cord is placed in the computer?

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How To Stop Data Upload In Windows 7

Aug 6, 2012

How to stop data uploading in windows 7?

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