Possible To Set Default Folder Structure In Windows 7 Pro?

Aug 10, 2012

I was curious to know if in XP pro and 7 pro are allowed to set the default folder structure. Its more of a pet peeve really but I always like to view my folder structure to details and sometimes if I create a folder and drop images it will make a filmstrip or if I place files in a new folder it will create tiles.

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Optimal Personal Folder Structure For Windows 7?

Oct 13, 2011

I have confusion and perplexity over the optimal folder structure for Windows 7. I make it a standard practice to put My Documents on a separate drive.Windows 7 allows you to move the personal folders to a new location, but in both installs where I've tried this using the documented procedures, the Documents folder disappeared and I had to reinstall WindowsSo the personal folders stay where they are.What to do? Use libraries! I decided to put a folder called My Document Center on D: and make it the default for the Documents Library.That should fix the problem, I thought. Ithasn't.C:UsersUserNameDocuments appears in the Documents library. That's fine. I expect it. This seems to be the personal folder.

I'd expect it to have nothing in it. But it does have quite a bit of stuff, it seems from program installs. That's not fine. I guess programs put stuff there because they don't use the library. Start Menu | UserName takes me to a window that has a "My Documents" folder and a shortcut to a "My Documents" folder, but the shortcut seems to be useless since it tells me I don't have permission to access it, though it indicates I could probably do so through the security tab. That makes me wonder if it is a virtual folder of some sort, though. I'm not sure what its purpose is other than to create confusion. Question 1: Is there a way to redirect all the stuff that's going into the personal Documents folder?

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Recover Files After Deleting Partition With Folder Structure?

Jul 16, 2011

I deleted my partitions by mistake. Drive originally had 2 partitions, 100MB (Windows 7 setup partitiion) and 930GB (Data storage partition). In summary:

1) I deleted the 100MB partition (because disk is(was) now storage disk) and 930gb partition were deleted too.
2) I started following a guide from microsoft and re-create the 2 partitions as RAW (without format).
3) I deleted the 2 raw partition and created a full space partition to the disk QUICK FORMATTING NTFS.
4) Started to try "Recuva" but most of the files recovered (1,000,000 files) are broken, i tried the option to recover Folder Structure but fails.

Is there any way to recover the files and Folder Structure properly? Except of the partitions deletions/creations I didn't write anything inside the disk.

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Revert Folder Icons Back To The Default Folder?

Jan 15, 2013

I don't remember What I did to get it like this but I've so many things and none seem to work. why my folder icons look like that.

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Windows 7 Filename Structure?

Jan 2, 2013

I am trying to copy/merge files from an external harddrive onto my c:driveI am getting the option quite frequently (too often to work around manually), standard windows screen to resolve duplicate filename conflict- ie. copy and replace; don't copy; or copy but keep both files.my problem/query is that the filenames are not the same...eg. "EXTRAC~2.XLS" trying to overwrite "Extractps.xls". by appearance (and even checking file properties) those filenames are strictly very different.I tried to research, and suspect it has something to do with filename structures (I am running windows 7 home premium x64), but cannot get succinct onfirmation/explanation of this nor the simplest course of action to resolve- ie. is my system somehow 'shadowing' the long filename in a way that I cannot see, and which could be defaulted as the 8.3 filename that otherwise appears totally different in windows explorer? I had read this is a possibility to maintain backwards compatibility, but do I need this turned-on, and if not how to turn-off?

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Windows 7 Default Folder?

Feb 15, 2011

Is there a way to set a default folder in Windows 7 when savings things? Any time I save images(I belong to several paint groups), it always opens in the temp folder and then I must toggle to the folder of my choice, many times deep, deep, deep within the Windows Explorer tree. Sometimes it takes so many toggles through the tree?

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Folder Icon - Change Windows 7 Default Folder Icon

Sep 30, 2009

How to Change the Windows 7 Default Folder Icon ?

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Change The Default Save Folder For Windows 7 Something Else?

Nov 14, 2012

I have been through these two links below MS Office Word : Set Default Save Location Library - Set Save Folder If I want to change a default saved location folder for any of those file's types : Excel, adobe , jpg, access, email attachment , ,,,,,etc Do I need to repeat the procedure explained in the above two links for each individual file type?

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Revert Folder Icons Back To The Windows 7 Default?

Mar 6, 2012

I tried srf/scannow imagres.dll and icon cache already, and I still get this: from a pack I installed I just want to get rid of these ugly Icons

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Set A Particular Folder As The Default?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to know how to set a particular folder as the default when open up a file for eg how do I set "My Documents" folder as the default folder

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How To Set A Default Folder Size

Nov 19, 2011

does anyone here know how to set a default folder size, so that every window opened will display my folders the same size? i like the bigger folders and would like to set it for the entire system, instead of having to continually reset it every time i open a new folder.

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Default Save Folder?

Aug 12, 2011

How can i change where WMC saves recorded TV?I do know that i can change to another Hdd (at the current momoment i dont have a second Hdd)I want to change to a diffrent folder on my C: Drive (same drive as the OS)The default folder it saves to is C:UsersPublicRecorded TVI want to change it to C:UsersDerek and TienaMy Recorded TVI cannot figure out how (if at all) how to change it.

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Folder Template - Default

Aug 14, 2009

How to Set a Default Folder Template for All Folders in Windows 7 ?

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Disk Structure Is Corrupted And NUreadable

Apr 10, 2011

I'm having a bit of problems with my USB thumb-drive. Whenever I try to format it (via Windows) it says "The disk is write protected." and on accessing, it gives the following error, The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable, I decided to look-up on internet to get this solved but didn't find any solution. It shows up under Disk Management as "RAW". There is no data in the drive (even if it is some, it's not worthy).

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Set A Particular Folder As The Default When Open Up A File?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to know how to set a particular folder as the default when open up a file for eg how do I set "My Documents" folder as the default folder?

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Setup Documents As The Default Folder?

Mar 20, 2012

When I Open up an Excel workbook, I would like to set up a default Folder when opening up regular workbook. For e.g I would like to set up My Documents as the default folder. If I open up a workbook in say "Downloads" Folder" , the folder must default back to My Documents" so that when I want to open up another workbook, it defaults back to My Documents?

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How Do I Set Default Program For Opening A Folder ?

Jul 19, 2009

I read somewhere how you can choose the default program to open a folder with, but now I cannot find it again, and I also cannot find how to do this.

I had done it and changed the default file manager, but I want to reverse the change. I can't get to a window or dialog box that lets me change the file types windows displays, or that lets me edit the default program when I click on a folder icon.

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Folder View - Set A Default For All Folders

Jul 16, 2012

How to Set a Default Folder View for All Folders in Windows 7 ?

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Changing X64 Default Installation Folder(s)?

Feb 5, 2012

I just upgraded from 32 bit to 64 bit windows 7, I have two harddrives, a 40 gig for my os (C and a 1 tb for everything else (D. That's how it was on the 32 bit system, but now on 64 bit, there are more folders to mess with (Program Files and Program Files x86). How do I tell windows to install to the bigger D: drive and not fill up my small C: drive? Also, the programs that were already installed on my D: drive, will they need to be moved to the x86 folder, reinstalled, or can I continue to run them from their current location?

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Set Up A Default Folder When Opening Up Excel Files?

Sep 6, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and Office 2010. I would like to know how I can set up a default folder when opening up my Excel Files

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Set Default Folder When Opening Up Office Files?

May 13, 2012

I would like to know how I can set up a default folder in windows 7 when opening up Office workbooks. If I open up Excel 2010, It defaults to to My Documents. However, if I click on a folder "Fixed Assets" to open up a workbook, Excel looks at the latest folder when wanting to open up further files. I want Excel to always default to My Documents

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'Folder View' Settings Keep Resetting To Default

Aug 6, 2012

I installed a program the other day that messed with my Windows Explorer. Now no folder will remember it's View options (Large Icons, List, Details), they all reset to their default.

As you can see it's nothing to do with Libraries. Neither the 'Shell Fix' nor editing the registry at

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBagsAllFoldersShell

has fixed it.

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Change Default User Folder Icons?

Jul 22, 2010

how to change the default user folder icons if they get changed

As you can see I know have a picture of Jason Derulo as my Downloads icon because i had an mp3 in there.

I knew how to do it for vista but I can't find anything for this.

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Changed The Default Installation Folder, It Will Not Apply?

Oct 30, 2012

I check it several times, went through every step on the web to changing the default installation folder, and no matter how many times I check it, save it, re write it, it won't save. It keeps installing on my SSD (C)

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Folder View Settings - Reset All To Default

Sep 1, 2009

How to Reset All Folder View Settings to Default in Windows 7 ?

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Default User Desktop Folder Location?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm setting up the backup for my computer. When I tell it to back up the desktop for my user profile, however, there's nothing to backup, even though my desktop shows items on it. I found those items in the "public" desktop folder. When I check in HKEYCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsExplorerUsershellfolders, however, the Desktop data shows %USERPROFILE%Desktop, which is the path to my user desktop folder. I could just backup the public desktop folder, but I really don't want my desktop to be public.

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Suspicious Temp Files In Default 'Downloads' Folder

Sep 6, 2012

Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:UsersUSERNAMEDownloads'. Here's a pic:

I don't use the default downloads folder for storing my downloads and I have configured all my browsers to save files to another location. But since last month, I noticed these small ".tmp" files being created in default downloads folder. I've been using Win7 Ultimate for almost 3 years now and I've never encountered this before. Or is there any way that I can see what program has created these temp files.

BTW, I use multiple browsers, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and sometimes IE8. I'm pretty sure it's not IE8 and Firefox coz I've been using them for a long time and they've never created temp file in 'Downloads' folder. I've recently installed Chrome and Opera and right now Chrome is my default browser. I went and cleared all my browsers' cache files using their own method withing the browser, but they are still there. Really annoying. I know I just can delete them, but I want to know which program has created them.

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Changing Default Installation Folder To Separate Drive?

Sep 4, 2011

If you have a small but fast (or maybe not so fast) drive that you would like to ONLY run Windows off of and a larger separate HDD that you want to use as the install drive for all programs.In my case I have a 50GB SSD and a RAID0 array of 2TB. With space being limited on the SSD the best option for me is to install everything to the RAID array and leave the OS on the SSD. Mind you, you don't have to be running a RAID array to do this. That's just how my system is set up. You'll probably be better off just using a larger single HDD for stability reasons.And if you are doing a fresh install you should give this tutorial a look: User Profiles - Create and Move During Windows 7 Installation So the first step is to open REGEDIT. Simply click the Start Menu, type REGEDIT in the search bar and hit ENTER.Next look for the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Once opened go to "SOFTWARE". There are two folder in this directory we will be editing. Note that the second folder "WOW64" is only for 64-bit users. If you are running 32-bit then the "WINDOWS" folder is all you will need to make changes to.Now from the "WINDOWS" folder you want to select "CURRENTVERSION". Simply click the folder itself not the arrow next to it. This is what you should see in the main window to the right of the directories. Now my registry settings have already been changed. Note that my secondary drive is "D:". Originaly everything here was set to "C:".

Once this is finished the 32-bit users are finished and can restart their systems. 64-bit users have one more step. Now you want to go to your "WOW64" folder. While I just realized I forgot to cut a snippet for this step it's fairly simple. Once in the "WOW64" folder you once again want to click the "CURRENTUSER" folder and observe the main window to the right.Just like in the "WINDOWS" registry you will make the same changes. Once you have implemented your drive your registry should look like this.Now restart your system. Though there is a chance you are completely finished I highly suggest running a command prompt session and typing "sfc /scannow". This will allow your system to scan for any conflicts in the internal settings and fix them.

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Restore Default Permissions On Folder, And Subfolders And File?

Mar 14, 2011

i have a folder on my external drive with lots of subfolders and files inside ful of work i need to get at. but for some reason all of the permissions on that folder and its subfiles are denying me access. i can see the files and folders but i cannot open the files. i can go into every folder but again i just cannot to open any file.

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External Drive Not Recognized In XP Now Disk Structure Corrupted / Unreadable

Jan 15, 2013

We had an external USB drive with tons of media files on it connected to computer A running Windows 7 Pro SP1. The drive was safely removed and connected to another computer that was running Windows XP Pro 2002 SP3. I was told that the drive was not recognized in XP and that it was disconnected (I cannot say for sure "Safely") and returned to the Windows 7 computer. Once the drive came up I get the following:

K: is not accessible. The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.

I know every drive fails eventually and I'm not sure how old this drive is. Any utilities to use to try and repair the file structure. I have only tried rebooting the Windows 7 computer and that did not change anything.

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Modify Default Library To Point ONLY To Chosen Folder And Not Defaults

Feb 29, 2012

I have my "pictures" folder on a separate disk drive and have set Libraries to include it. However, I still have Microsoft's My Pictures folder and can't get rid of it. As a result, many applications get confused and save files to the wrong folder or I loose files myself.How can I modify the default Library to point ONLY to my chosen folder and not the defaults please? Or alternatively, get rid of the MS default library system completely as I HATE being forced to be organised like this by MS when no alternative is offered that works!

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