Port 80 Dies Randomly, Everything Else Works

Nov 26, 2012

I had a Win 7 Ultimate 64bit on this very machine (the one in my preferences) for almost 3 years until the moment when I said to myself: OK, time to refresh. And that only because my port 80 would die sometimes....sometimes thrice an hour for 10-15 min, sometimes twice a day. But it would happen every day. I re-installed with the hope it was just a bad Win installation but it happened again after just an hour in. What I tried? Well, I certainly tried a new router. I knew it wouldn't since I also run Linux and OS X in home network and none is affected by this. I scanned old and new Win 7 with every possible malware finder, antivirus..etc. Even bought one (I have an "allergy" when it comes to A/Vs and such in general).. I went drastic today, I disconnected all devices (hdds, usbs, dvdroms, pcie) just to prove my point.. left a single 60 GB SSD with brand new win 7 with default drivers .. Took several hours but I still lost port 80 (it seems to be just port 80 since only browsers and windows LIVE are affected on my system)...Skype, FTP, rsync.. they'll all work just fine while nothing else web-wise does.

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Computer Randomly Dies But No Power Loss

May 10, 2012

I had issues with my computer displaying symptoms of a faulty PSU. I was shutting down instantly whenever I ran intensive games for too long.Soon after those issues went away, I started getting random freezes, crashes, and BSODs. I finally tracked this down to a bad version of firmware on my SSD, and upgraded it by upgrading the firmware version, doing a 'secure erase', or something along those lines, as OCZ calls it, then installing a brand new copy of Windows 7.Everything went fine for a little bit. It's been 1-2 weeks or so since I upgraded the firmware.Over the past few days, I have noticed random ... near-shutdowns. Basically, my monitor was off, and my computer was unresponsive - but the lights and fans and what-not were on.I thought something tried to shut down my computer or something, and didn't think much of it. Maybe a weird Windows Update, iunno.Note: The hard reboot function on my computer (a tiny button near my power button) that usually works without issue does not work when this happens. My computer still has power, but it seems like it just... died. No monitor connection. No response whatsoever.A simple holding down of the power button and then pressing it again when it turns off seems to work, although the power up from that point takes a bit longer than normal.

Today, I have seen this first-hand 2 times. Just today. I was doing something, the sound started skipping - at which point my monitor disconnected, although for a few seconds after, I could still hear the guy I was talking to on Skype, and he could hear me. A few seconds and the sound dies down, and my comp is completely gone. Power still running as I already mentioned.Do note that this has happened both when I was running an intensive game and when I wasn't running much of anything - certainly nothing intensive.

I've already replaced my PSU, upgraded my SSD firmware, and reformatted my main HD (not data drive) and reinstalled Windows. I ran memtest a little while ago and it ran w/o issues, 2 passes, 0 fails.FYI, I've checked temperatures. My computer is not at all overheating.S This has been going on for months. I use this computer for gaming, programming, and work.

Edit: My computer just "died" again - for the third or fourth time today. I'd like to note that for 2-3 seconds right after this happens (i.e. right when my monitor goes dark and my computer stops being responsive), my fans get very loud - much louder then they normally would. After this, my fans go back to the normal volume level that they are usually at.The only thing notable in my Windows Event Viewer is that there was a generic, unexpected loss of power. It leads me to information about a "Kernel Power Event 41", with the following link:[URL]

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USB Game Controller Only Works In One Usb Port?

Feb 19, 2012

I have this USB Sega Saturn game pad that I have been using for years now. It is a USB 2.0 device. Recently it has only been working when plugged in to one particular usb port. If I plug it in to any other usb port, it says "unknown usb device" and the driver install fails. I want to get it to work in all usb ports on my computer, particularly the ones in the front, for obvious reasons.

1. Turn my computer off and then on again.

2. Unplug the controller, uninstall the drivers, and plug it in to a different port. Still get the same error.

3. I plugged it in to every single usb port on my laptop and it works flawlessly. This includes usb 2.0 and 3.0 slots.

4. I tried switching other usb devices, such as my mouse, to other usb ports, and they work flawlessly.Both my desktop and my laptop are running windows 7 x64.

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DVI Port No Longer Works - Windows Won't Detect Monitor

Apr 23, 2012

I have a Sceptre X20WG Naga 20.1" monitor on a DVI connection with my EVGA GTX460 card. I was using it yesterday while studying for finals and decided to hook up my 37" Westinghouse TV via VGA connection, using a VGA-to-DVI converter to plug into the graphics card, as the card only has dual-DVI and mini-HDMI outputs. It was working grand as a second screen, no issue at all. Now, today, I turned on my computer and my Sceptre Monitor wasn't outputting any images at all, it just said no signal detected and then went to sleep, though my computer was still on.

So I turned on the TV out of curiosity and found that the TV was now the main screen, still with the VGA connection, and I hadn't unplugged anything since yesterday. So I logged in and right-clicked on the desktop, went to screen resolution, and here it says that the TV is the only screen detected, even after hitting detect. So I unplugged the VGA from to TV and plugged it into the Sceptre Monitor. Turned on the computer and the monitor worked like a charm on the VGA cable. I also plugged the DVI cable that I was using for the monitor into the TV and that worked like a champ too.

The only reason this is bugging me is because I won't always be using the TV as a main display because it's kinda of a pain to sit close to a screen that big. So I am currently on this forum while my monitor is using the VGA connection. It also seems to vary from which DVI port I use on the videocard because if I plug the VGA cable with converter into the 2nd port, there is no video output, but if it's in the first port, works great. I'm going to try just the DVI cable to the TV on each card port to see what the deal is there.

So basically:
The cable isn't the problem.
The VGA needs to be in the 1st DVI port on the card to work.
The DVI doesn't work at all when hooked up to the monitor.
What I want is to be able to use DVI on the monitor and VGA on the TV.

Intel Core 2 Quad Kentsfield Q6600 2.4GHz @3.0GHz
8Gb Kingston ValuRam DDR3-1333
Asus P5G41T-M LX Mobo
EVGA GTX460(2x Dual link DVI and 1x mini HDMI)
Windows 7 Professional x64

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Bug - Printer Randomly Sets Self To LPT Port?

May 31, 2012

I have had numerous customers who randomly can't print. Upon looking at their computer, the printer port will be selected on "LPT1" instead of the proper USB or TCP/IP port. I have not been able to find any correlation. This happens on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 on both business and residential computers. Originally I had thought that customers must be attempting repairs on their own. However, after 8 years and seeing this same thing happen to people who are afraid to even attempt to fix their own issue I believe that there must be some bug in Windows that causes this printer port to change.

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Laptop Gets Stuck Randomly And None Of The Keys Or Mouse Works

Jul 24, 2011

I have a HP dv6000 with a 4 GB RAM and Intel Core2 Duo @ 1.50 GHz processor. I have Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit operating system.

Sometimes the laptop gets stuck and then none of the keys or the mouse works. Yesterday I was watching a movie and the same thing happened but the movie didn't stop.

Today morning the laptop wasn't booting and then later I took out the battery and reinserted it and it worked. Are these two problems somehow related?

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Windows 7 X32 Hangs/freezes Randomly, Only Safe Mode + Networking Works

Sep 3, 2012

I've got a new copy of windows 7 (32 bit version) I have got 4 GB ram only 3,25 in use (like I had on the XP version, running on the same PC) and after I boot up the PC I just look at the desktop, play with some random games, create and delete folders, do some little stress to the RAM or sometimes just doing nothing. The only boot that works is safe mode and its variants.

Things that I've done in the past 7 days:

-I checked RAM integrity - no errors

-Everything is up to date (drivers, everything) - it hanged/froze even with a fresh copy of Windows 7

-I use wireless if that is a problem, found some errors about it and will post them after this list

-enabled services and disabled them VIA msconfig (toying around I found out that it WONT CRASH with any internet service on normal mode)

-I checked Windows 7 compatibility and it's 100% compatible

-Tried to update BIOS but I don't think it will solve anything anyways

-Used dozens of registry cleaners (CCleaner and lots; lots more) - still nothing

-Put a second HDD on my machine with Windows 7 same version, it still crashed, but on the second machine the second HDD works great.

Event 7001: The Computer Browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependency service or group failed to start.

Event 10005: DCOM got error "1084" attempting to start the service WSearch with arguments "" in order to run the server: {9E175B6D-F52A-11D8-B9A5-505054503030}

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Hibernation Works Randomly / WHEA Logger Event 18 When Hibernation Fails

Dec 8, 2012

When I put my computer in hibernation, sometimes when I wake it, it hangs at the user select screen, or it just shows a black screen. Sometimes I can reset the computer after it has hanged, and try again resuming from hibernation, and many times it will work after a couple of tries. Other times after resetting I won't get the prompt to try again with resuming (the other option is to delete hibernation data and reboot the system) but I will get the usual screen that says that Windows was not shut down correctly (with all the options for safe mode, etc). If I cannot resume and I get the screen with safe mode and all the other crap, I finally log in I get a notice that there was a critical error, in the details I see BlueScreen and other data, but I actually never get a blue screen. In the dump folder, there are no dmp files related to the hibernation hanging.

Anyway, when it happens, I see several Event 18 WHEA-Logger in the event viewer, about 6 of them every time.What's weird though, is that I literally have NO problems with this computer other than this. The only times it hangs is when I resume it from hibernation. I can play games or run stress tests with or without overclock and the system is 100% stable. But there is some problem that prevents it from resuming from hibernation correctly, so every time I use it is basically a gamble because it has like 50% chance of working.I tried EVERY SINGLE solution I found with google related to hibernation problems, and it's still there. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows from scratch, and it's still there. I'm positive I updated every single driver for every hardware I have and nope, no solution.I know the WHEA error is related to the hardware but like I said, everything works PERFECTLY once the system starts up properly, or when it resumes from hibernation properly. [code]

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Network Connection Dies

Mar 5, 2009

About once every two days, my connection to the Internet dies, and won't come back without a System Restore.

I've got two XP machines along with my Windows 7 machine on a D-Link router. About once every two days, my Windows 7 machine just decides that it won't connect to anything on the Internet including chat clients. Without refreshing the router, I can still connect with my other two machines, so I know it's not the router. I even do a restart on my Windows 7 machine and it still won't connect. The only thing that works is a System Restore.

Any ideas of what I can repair without having to do a System Restore?

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Computer Starts For A Few Seconds, Then Dies?

Feb 16, 2012

My computer turns on then stops

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Jmicron Wired NIC Suddenly Dies After Hang-up?

Sep 20, 2011

yesterday, my PC hangs and after I reset, the NIC is not connected, as if it does not have a network connection, which is usually connected as my connection (physically) is always connected.after some test, I've discovered that if my PC is connected to mywireless router through the wired connection, it's not working(used to work), not even in switches anymore, The only setup I've got a connection is when I connect my PC directly to my ADSL router, or if it is connected to another computer (PC-PC connection).my concern is that, I need to be connected to my home network.

these are the scenarios I've tested :

*Directly connect the PC to ADSL router (work)
*Directly connect the PC to another PC (work)
*Connect the PC to a wireless router (don't work)
*Connect the PC to a switch (don't work)
*Changed cables then connect the PC to wireless network or switch (don't work)


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Laptop Completely Dies Before Low Battery Level?

May 20, 2011

My laptop dies if I am on the battery and the battery percent gets between 25-40% then it will just completely shut off. It never used to do this for the first 8 months i've owned it. Now it does it every time I'm on the battery. Also, right before this started happening I was getting GREAT battery life out of my battery, so I don't personally think the battery has gone bad, however you may feel different!

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RealTek HD 889 - Sound Dies When Using Two Audio Programs

Oct 7, 2011

I have the following setup:

Windows 7 Pro x64
Intel DP55WG mobo w/ onboard RealTek HD (889)
Driver Version: from RealTek
MSI Nvidia GTX 460

Just using normal analog speakers or headphones audio works as expected. I can play WoW, Rift, a number of other games, iTunes, play a DVD, whatever - it all works fine and as expected. I can do this for hours and hours with no issues.

When I try to run any TWO or more programs that use audio at the same time (like vent and a game, or a game and iTunes for example); after a random amount of time the audio to the speakers will just cut out - like it's muted. This happens with headphones or normal stereo speakers plugged into the rear analog jack. I have not tested with any other speaker setups as I don't have any right now.

Here is some of the troubleshooting I've done:

- There are no error messages in any system logs.

- The mixer acts like nothing is wrong you can see audio levels playing, adjust sound level, etc but nothing comes out of the speakers.

- If I put the machine into sleep mode or reboot it the sound starts working again.

- While the audio is "cut out" the mic still works (people in skype or vent can still hear me but I can not hear them - I can also "monitor" the mic and it outputs the mic sound to my speakers).

- I've uninstalled, reinstalled drivers. I've tried older drivers and the newest drivers and all the drivers between.

- Tested with the HDMI audio output devices both Disabled and Enabled, no change

- Tested with the Digital output enabled/disabled, no change.

- In the driver tried testing with the "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" checked and unchecked, no change.

- Restarting the Windows Audio Services has no effect or changes the state. Only sleep mode or hard reboot makes it start working again.

- Tried unplugging and replugging in the speakers and/or headphones, swapping them out, etc. no change to the state of the output of audio.

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Every-time When Render A Video The Computer Dies

Mar 11, 2010

I am having a problem with my computer randomly shutting down whenever I use any of my movie making programs. It will not have a problem rendering anything small, but when it comes to a movie or a full eps of something my computer dies about half way through. It never used to do this before and has reciently just started doing this. I switched to Win 7 like 2 months ago. I would like to see if anyone can help me figure out the problem. I dont have the blue screen. It just shuts down completely without warning.

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Screen Dies And Audio Stops - Restart Required

Nov 23, 2012

I've been having problems with my computer. The monitor screen will randomly go black (a small grey window appears in the top-right corner as it tries switching between Analog mode and Digital mode, but the rest of the screen is completely black) and the sound from my speakers will completely cut out. When it happens, the computer won't respond to any keyboard or mouse commands, so I have no choice but to manually hold down the power button to shut it off, wait a few minutes, and restart it.

It seems to happen randomly, regardless of what I'm doing. Sometimes it happens after an hour, while I'm in the middle of playing a game or browsing the internet, sometimes it happens within 5 minutes of turning on the PC, while the system is idle. It started a month ago, and the attacks have occurred more frequently as time goes on. Now, it seems to happen within twenty minutes of start up, whereas before I could go an entire day without it happening.

My specifications are as follows:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.4 GHz)
Motherboard: ASUS M4A88T-M
Graphics Card: ASUS AMD Radeon HD 6850 (EAH6850 DC/2DIS/1GD5/V2)
Hard Drive: Western Digital Green 3 TB (WD30EZRX)
RAM: Kingston 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3 1600 MHz (KHX1600C9D3P1K2/8G)
Power Supply: Antec 520W Neo Eco 520C

I also have a wireless network card, and a CD/DVD drive, but I don't know their details. If it's important and anyone requests, I can find out. All the components were bought new in February 2011, except for the hard drive and the RAM. Those are brand new, bought two days ago. (I purchased them to stop some Blue Screens of Death that also started occurring a month ago, caused by "faulty memory/hardware failure". The BSODs have stopped since I replaced the hard drive and the RAM, but the random video/audio loss hasn't stopped.)

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What Process Is Using Port 8080 So That Can Open Up Port To Run Software

May 16, 2011

I recently installed new software that requires port 8080 to function. When I try to run the software I get an error that port 8080 is being used.How do I check to see what process is using port 8080 so that I can open up the port to run the software? MACHINE: Windows 7x64

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Laptop Turns Itself On In Middle Of Night Then Freezes Till It Dies

Nov 26, 2012

I got my hard drive replaced a few weeks ago (dropped my laptop) and had an OEM version of Windows 7 installed. After getting home and re-installing all my drivers /programs, I used it like I normally do. Fast forward 2 weeks. I wake up and press the power button but the laptop is dead (this is odd because I usually put it in hibernate on a full charge before I go to bed). This continued to happen every day, my computer s dying overnight. Since last week I have been observing it overnight. Whether it be hibernate or sleep, my computer will turn itself on and become completely unresponsive (sounds like it's on but the screen is off. My test to see if it's frozen is to hit the 'num lock' key to see if it lights up). This event is a 100% occurrence. The only way to turn it off is to hold the power button for 5 seconds. Basically if I leave my laptop in sleep or hibernate, it will turn itself on at a random interval and immediately freeze. It will stay this way until it dies or I do a hard shut down. Also, if I leave it alone and go afk while working, it will go into sleep mode and freeze completely.

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VGA Port And A DVI-D Dual Link Port?

Mar 24, 2012

I just bought a new computer from a computer shop. It is custom built and has the following:Has 8GB RAM, 3.3ghz intel core i5-2500k, windows 7, Intel HD graphics so upto 1.7GB max video memory, 1 VGA slot, 1 DVI slot.Just to confirm I checked in person and my tower has a VGA port and a DVI-D dual link port.

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Port 01 Ressetting Port Error

Jul 15, 2011

im having the port error of 01.

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Usb Port And Lan Port Are Not Working Download

Jul 1, 2012

my 2 no usb port and lan port are not working other wise other 1 no usb port working this is new laptop i think driver not installed because when i connect the pendrive there was light showing in my pendrive.so i want drivr

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Laptop Screen Dies After "Starting Windows"?

Feb 9, 2011

I have had trouble with my laptop for a while now. It is an Acer ASPIRE 5741Z-5433. It worked great for many months, but after a while I broke the LCD screen and had it replaced. After the replacement, the computer itself stopped working. Once I turn it on, it seems to boot normally until it reaches the Starting Windows screen with the turning windows Logo, but right after this, the screen goes black. I've been doing this with an external monitor, because the laptop's LCD screen is having problems again (it's at 0 brightness, cannot see anything unless I focus on the screen for about half an hour and adjust to the light level). I have no idea why this is happening, because I reset the laptop. I know this worked, because if I start in safe mode it says Setup is preparing your computer for first use, before telling me that it cannot be set up in safe mode, which restarts it into the same problem, starting windows then going black.

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BSOD Randomly And PC Freezes Randomly?

Jun 30, 2012

my pc has been acting weird lately, it has began randomly crashing frequently. I turn it on and after 3 or so minutes of random activity it just freezes or gives me a blue screen error. Sometimes while playing BF3, it freezes.[CODE]

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PC Randomly Shuts Off And Randomly Boots Up After (sometimes)?

Mar 7, 2012

When the PC is on it will depending on how long its been on will randomy just shut off. When it shuts off, it "sometimes" reboots but most often it "tries" to reboot but fails and then stays off. After this failed try to reboot if I press the power button on the case and mobo, nothing.Now if I turn OFF the PSU leave it for a few minutes and come back turn the PSU switch on and press the power button the system comes to life for a second or two then dies and will no respond to the power buttons until I turn off the PSU again.I have gotten it up and running from this state by leaving it off and unplugged for a couple of hours. When I say the PC comes to life for a second or two, I mean the case fans. If I get it booted up the BIOS is reset to default for some reason. Also if it makes it to windows, the notification area icons also gets reset... very very odd.I have a short video of the problem, sorry for the darkness, I finally decided to video it and it was 11pm.PSU dying or Mobo. I dont have extra's so I cant test them.Forgot to mention, ive checked for heat problems but none of my temps are high, they are all normal and its a Antec 1200 with tons of air movement.Event Viewer shows nothing expect for unexpected shutdown. My event viewer is clean from any errors also. I do not get any BSOD and this is on a fresh Windows 7 install from late Jan.

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Port Help

Sep 4, 2009

ok well i spent about 3 hrs and i know its not my router and its the os and i did a fresh install too im on 7600 rtm, now i got windows firewall and defender disabled, i got nod32 antivirus not with a firewall just the anti, now i got utorrent, so i use utorrents port checker, the port works for it but if i add a port to my portforwarding on my router it dont work, according to this port scanner, now if i enter it and use it as my port in utorrent it works! but anything else doesnt i dont get it i got windows firewall disabled and all that i literally think theres a hidden firewall or a virus but i know there isnt a virus i also did a scan incase so any ideas?

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Add A Tcp Port In Win 7

Nov 30, 2009

I literally cant press the "change settings" button in windows 7, (im using windows 7 RC), its dull and theres nothing i can do, trying to connect to spore if your wondering.

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USB Port Won't Work

Oct 4, 2011

My computer crashed about a month and I want to format it. When I plug in the keyboard to go into bios it does not work. if i plug in anything at all it doesnt work, every usb port that is.

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Using HDMI Port To T.V?

Feb 17, 2011

Last night my new laptop arrived (XPS), still getting used to windows 7 etc... but i thought i would watch something through my t.v. Plugged HDMI cable in back of laptop straight in to t.v, changed the source and straight away i had a lovely sharpe picture of my deskop instantly.... or so i thought

im getting the middle part of my screen fine - but it is cropped so i cant see the tool bar (its too low) and the desktop icons are only veiwable if i move them closer in screen! Ideally i want to have identical screens on both so i can use both at sam time, but currently i can only view either or atm? and the t.v one being crop means i can use it as a computer (No toolbar etc..)

I could figure this out on XP but windows 7 seems beyond me atm!

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IE 8 And Port 80 Problem

Sep 2, 2009

I have some crazy problem with port 80 . Everything was fine since last 5-6 days. When i try to connect to some pages i get this note on picture.

i tried every posible browser and same thing ! also tried disabling firewall and nothing ...problem is still here! this is only one of many pages that i cant load.

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USB 3.0 Driver With 2.0 Port?

Aug 1, 2011

To all the computer geniuses out there, I guess this isn't a windows 7 problem but it's about drivers.I have an Asus K53E-B1 with Windows 7 64bit. It comes with 3 USB 2.0 ports and that's it. I went on the Asus website today and found USB 3.0 drivers update.I can't just download those drivers and use them and expect USB 3.0 performance when I have USB 2.0 ports right?

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PCI Serial Port

Jan 28, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 and updated all my drivers. I am missing two drivers, and I don't know what they are:

PCI Serial Port

PCI Simple Communication Controller

What exactly are these? I own a Lenovo X200 Tablet. Any ideas where I can find the drivers for these two things?

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USB Identification - Which Port Is 2.0

Apr 5, 2011

I have a quick question about the USB ports on my computer. I have a screenshot hosted here on Flikr: USB | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Of the 5 USB's that are listed, one is a USB2. Is the USB2 Enhanced Host Controller a USB2.0 port? I am looking because I am going to buy an audio interface and if I have a 2.0 in there then I will get something a little better 'cos I want as little latency as possible when recording vocals.

There is one other thing also, if it turns out that there is a 2.0 port, is there a way to physically differentiate which port is the 2.0? I have 3 USB's on the back and 2 on the front of my tower. At the moment I don't know which is which and do not know what to physically look for when I look in or out of the case.

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