Not Enough Space For Upgrade Installation

Jun 25, 2009

I'm running build 7077 (x86) on my netbook, which has a 16GB hard drive. Windows 7 itself takes up just enough of the drive that there's not enough space left over to perform an upgrade installation to a newer build.

So tell me: is there any way to trick Windows into using an external hard drive (instead of the primary internal drive) for temporary storage during an upgrade installation?

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Windows 7 Installation On Fresh Formatted Drive - Not Enough Space

Feb 20, 2011

I am having problems installing windows 7 on a fresh, formatted drive, it keeps telling me I don't have enough space to install windows seven on the drive, but its a 500gb Hitachi deskstar.

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Upgrade To 7 From Vista - HD Space Has Disappeared

Oct 27, 2009

I upgraded yesterday from Vista to 7. All seems to be working great, except that I noticed my HD now only has about 51G available (out of 160G). That was a huge jump.

I have not been able to locate any "windows.old" folder, but am sure there are some remnants of the Vista install somewhere.

Any ideas on how I can get my space back?

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Upgrade - Why Over 100GB Disk Space ?

Dec 21, 2009

I install windows Windows 7 by upgrading from vista; using Windows 7 upgrade.

It takes for one hour and a half, then completed.

I go to check disk space on C, then it appears 117 GB used

therefore I find out system requirement of windows seven. It is just 20 GB for x64

So I think the remaining must be some updated files or required space for Windows 7 themes.

But what exactly are they from and what is it?

and how can I hand it.

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Upgrade Windows 7 Not Enough Disk Space?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade from vista Home Premium to 7 Home Premium (32-bit). I keep getting error 'not enough disk space to store temporary files . . .' I checked at the MS site and find you need 16GB to do the upgrade and I have over 105GB! Is there something I'm missing?

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20GB Spare Space Really Required To Upgrade?

Oct 23, 2009

I've seen the upgrade requirements to upgrade from Vista 64 to Windows 7 64 and they call for 20GB of free hard drive space. Is this REALLY necessary? I currently have 9.47GB free right now, but can probably get that down a few gig more. Has anyone been able to upgrade with less than 20GB? Like others, I normally am a proponent of clean installs, but thought that I would give an upgrade install a try in order to not have to re-install everything that I already have installed. Vista 64 is running fine for me, but I really wanna get up to Windows 7. I'm interested to hear what others have experienced. Depending upon the feedback here, I may uninstall some STEAM games and then use a partitioning tool to rearrange my hard drive partitions to make the upgrade work. I have already backed up a majority of the files that I do not want to lose and will also do a FULL backup so that I can do a full restore in the event of catastrophic upgrade failure.

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Upgrade Installation To New Ssd From Xp

Dec 26, 2010

On to what I'm trying to achieve, my current machine is running XP SP3, I've recently purchased a 120Gb SSD drive, the current OS resides on a 320Gb standard drive.I'm about to purchase the Home Premium Upgrade to bring myself to Windows 7, I've read through the majority of the tips / guides to upgrades, particularly in regards to the clean install methods.

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Installation With Upgrade Kit

Dec 17, 2009

I have bought an online version of the upgrade kit using my student discount through MS's site. And i have also ordered the hard copy paying extra $20CAD.

It has been a month and a half and i still haven't received the hardcopy.

And here is where the problem is. My computer broke down last night (thus i can get my installation file that i downloaded) and it won't let me redownload because it has passed 30days of my purchase.

Here i have a friend where he has the same version of windows but just a FULL version instead of just an upgrade kit.

Will i be able to use that DVD to install windows 7 and use my own CD key to register/activate?

EDIT: i would like to also ask if anyone have purchased the windows 7 from the student discount site and have ordered their hardcopy of windows 7. If yes, how long did it take to receive your copy.

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Installation/upgrade Fails

Sep 29, 2010

I have a netbook that came with the starter edition. I am trying to install the pro edition over it. The install dies and tells me I cannot install it and I need to select Windows Anytime Upgrade instead. However, that will not accept my license key from my pro edition. Am I stuck with a disk I cannot use now?One of the install choices was to do a clean install and lose all of my files, applications, and settings. Is that my only choice?

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Upgrade XP To Pro Using Same Vista Installation

Nov 3, 2009

I was running Vista HP and planned to upgrade to Windows 7 Pro before I realized it would require reinstalling programs. So I called Microsoft and cancelled the Windows 7 Pro order and purchased Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade locally. But I'm having problems running all Call of Duty games with hard crashes.

Meanwhile, Windows 7 Pro Upgrade arrived in the mail despite my having cancelled it and I found that indeed, Microsoft billed my credit card. Now, I've a mind to install Windows 7 Pro on my desktop and just do the resinstalls, and then use the copy of Home Premium Upgrade on my laptop. I'm sure I'll have no problem running COD in virtual XP mode on Windows 7 Pro.

So, a couple questions:

- To install Windows 7 Pro, I assume I have to first install my earlier version of Vista? Can I do that if it's already "linked - if that's the correct word" with the Windows 7 Home Premium upgrade I've had in place for a couple of weeks and is registered?

- Can I then install the Windows 7 Home Premium upgrade on my Vista HP laptop, despite that it has already been registered on the desktop? Or do I need to call Microsoft?

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Re-installation From Upgrade Media

Dec 25, 2009

A friend did an overlay upgrade from Vista (+ lots of software, incl. Norton I.S.) to Windows 7, ending up with a borked computer. After much struggle, it's working, but boot times to desktop are extremely long. I have suggested a clean reinstall, with disciplined addition of drivers and apps, carefully checking functionality along the way.

I am assuming that reinstalling from his upgrade media, and choosing Custom, then formatting and etc., will not result in any activation troubles. Correct? I want to help him get to a properly working system (w/o the execrable Norton stuff, if possible).

There should be no issues between Windows 7 and his system hardware--my box is essentially the same and performs great, and I know to look to the mobo and hardware vendors for drivers rather than taking them from Windows Update (wrong Realtek LAN driver, thank you, MS).

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Windows 7 Re-installation After Anytime Upgrade

Dec 20, 2012

I have a PC with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I upgraded it to Ultimate through the Anywhere upgrade program, which gave me a new Key.

Now, I need to reinstall Windows 7, and would prefer to install as fresh as possible. Do I install from the Home Premium ISO or Ultimate ISO?

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Partitioning Prior To New Installation - ( Not Upgrade)

Nov 5, 2009

I used to have an external hard drive enclosure, and I stored large video files onto its 1 TB capacity. I built a new machine, sold the enclosure and used the same 1 TB hard drive with the UNbacked up files still therein. Obviously I am new to this otherwise I would not have done this. I realized my mistake when I went to install Windows 7 and it said to back up your files.

I read further and discovered the reason was "They will be deleted". I really don't want to loose these files. Is there any way to install the OS without deleting the files. Can I install another OS like Linux, then partition the hard drive, delete linux then install windows 7 onto a partition? WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS! OTHER THAN BUYING ANOTHER HDD ENCLOSURE!

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Windows 7 Upgrade - Not A 'clean Installation'?

Jul 31, 2011

Purchased a Windows 7 64 bit Professional (academic). I have been originally using a Windows 7. However, the HDD had been giving me fits and has currently died. I'm not unable to activate my upgrade key since my new HDD does not have an old version of Windows to upgrade from. What should I do?

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Install Windows 7 Again After Upgrade Clean Installation

Jul 1, 2010

i had windows vista on my pc and i did a Clean Installation of windows 7.but now i have some problems,and i want to install windows 7 i have to go back to windows vista? i have a windows 7 upgrade dvd.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade Failed Installation

Apr 19, 2012

My Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade($220) from Windows Vista Ultimate was 3/4 done judging from the progress bar. Received a command prompt stating that the upgrade failed due to corrupt installation files.On reboot I get a disc read error ctrl alt delete.I receive the same error everytime I ctrl alt delete. Is the disc corrupted by the upgrade?

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Black Screen On Installation Of Windows Professional Upgrade?

Jun 16, 2010

I've recently purchased a new ASUS computer (N61V I think), it came with Windows 7 Home, however for school the techies will only work with Windows 7 Professional, so thus, I cannot use it at the moment. I went through start, and went to "Windows Anytime Upgrade", purchased the Professional upgrade, confirmed, etc, etc. But for some reason my screen has gone black (I'm using another comp!) and the lights are flashing on and off. This has been happening for 2 hours now, and I'm not sure what to do. It's got a 500GB hard drive (around 470gb left) and I'm not sure why it's having such problems. Very strong internet connection - plugged in- and has been on charging.

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Windows Upgrade (REPAIR) Install Using Universal Installation CD

Jun 2, 2012

So my 64bit fujitsu lifebook laptop has run into some crazy problems the last few days. Including freezing every several minutes for ages. BSOD a few times a day. Nothing along the taskbar opening. Task Manager making the whole screen turn black etc.I researched alot and tried many things, including chkdsk which just takes to long for it to be realistic (i judge it would take about 1 week to finish)That being said, i want to do a repair install of windows 7, but when i use my universal disc (which has 32bit and 64bit windows 7 on it) it returns the error after the compatibility check:

- You can't upgrade 64-bit Windows to a 32-bit version of Windows. To upgrade, obtain a 64-bit version of the installation disc, or go online to see how to install Windows 7 and keep your files and settings.

- 32-bit Windows cannot be upgraded to a 64-bit version of Windows. To upgrade, obtain a 32-bit version of the Windows installation disc. is there a workaround for this? I know people can make a universal disc easily, so maybe there is a way to do this in reverse

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Upgrade License Number Without A Previous Installation Of Windows Xp Professional

Aug 3, 2011

i built a compaq laptop board by board a few years ago.the laptop came with a windows xp professional sticker, but no install disc or hard drive.i want to know if i can upgrade the license number without a previous installation of windows xp professional.

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Install Microsoft Office 2007 Upgrade Without Prior Installation?

Feb 3, 2012

Best Buy lost my copy of MS Office 2003 professional Edition 2 years ago. They gave me MS Office Professional 2007 Upgrade and installed it for on my computer. My computer's hard drive has failed and I purchased a new one yesterday. I need to know how to install my MS Office Prof 2007 Upgrade without a previous version installed on the new PC. There must be a way since Best Buy did this for me last time.

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Does Allocated Space For System Restore Affect Allocated Space For Backup

Jan 7, 2012

I just allocated more space to my system restore to ensure that when i back up files/docs there will be sufficient space. But does the allocated space for system restore affect at all how much space is allocated for backup? If not, i will would like to turn back down the allocated space for the restore.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Service Pack 1
Computer is ASUS laptop
4 gb of ram
64 bit system

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Move Windows 7 Upgrade Version To New Drive Without Windows 7 Installation DVD?

Jul 6, 2010

I purchased a windows vista-windows 7 upgrade for $30 from a student deal here in canada. The method of installation was a simple .exe file which ran a sort of setup which automatically upgraded to windows 7. Now I have Windows 7 professional 64 bit on my PC, and I just bought a new solid state drive. I want to move the installation to the SDD.

I don't have a windows 7 installation DVD, so I can't exactly use the steps described in the tutorial for reinstalling a windows 7 upgrade. I do have a valid upgrade version Product Key, so what I would like to know is whether or not it would work to clone my current install to my SDD. My SDD only has 120GB of space, so I would have to basically delete everything, but I don't care about that. Alternatively, is it illegal to download an image of a Windows 7 installation DVD and use my valid Product Key? Theoretically the product key would work right? (I make this assumption based on the sticky about re-installing Windows 7 upgrade versions). Or, would my key only work with a Windows 7 install dvd that it was intended for?I just don't have a clue what to do here, because I don't think I can get another copy of that EXE that I used to upgrade. It says on their website that you can only re-download 30 days from your date of purchase. Am I totally stuck? I am completely welcome to any suggestions because I really hope that I didn't just waste $400 on an SSD, because I definitely don't want to buy windows 7 again.

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Use A Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade Disc As A Installation Disc?

Feb 9, 2012

Is there any way to use a windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade disc as a installation disc? Or would I have to go out and get another Windows installation disc and then use the upgrade disc?

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Installation Error: Setup Cannot Continue Due To A Corrupted Installation File

Sep 13, 2009

I am installing Windows 7 (Custom installation initiated from Windows XP) but I get the following error message when the installation is on the "Installing updates" step of the installation:

"Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance."

Do you have any idea what the problem may be with the installation? Is there a way to see what file that may be corrupted?

I have tried to burn the DVD in low speed, but the error appears anyway. I have a MSI K8T Neo2-Fir mainboard and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor application says that my hardware is okay for upgrading.

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Installation Hangs At Start Of Windows 7 Installation

Jun 2, 2011

I have just got Windows 7 Ultimate.I accept the Licence Agreement, set my partitions as i want them but when it gets to the expanding files part it will hang at 0%. This happens on both the 32 & 64 bit disc.This is a brand new purchase which I opened it about an hour ago.The laptop has a 400GB HD and 2GB of ram. It came with Home Prem x64 pre-installed, So the hardware meets the requirements.What seems to be the problem?

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Windows 7 Installation - Computer Shuts Off During Installation?

Jun 29, 2011

I just bought a new hard drive and a brand new Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit disc and I am doing a clean install on the new hard drive. it seems that everything is going normal, but at a random time during the installation, the computer just shuts off.sometimes it doesn't even get to the installation when it shuts off. sometimes it shuts off in the middle of the "windows is loading files..." black screen. there are no beeps when it shuts off or when I turn it back on. there are also no error codes.whenever i turn it back on it simply acts as if it never tried to install windows and starts the boot all over from the disc

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Asus P9x79 Ssd Installation With New Installation Of Windows 7 Pro?

May 16, 2012

So i have a new SSD Corsair Force 3 240 gig and all I want to do is install Windows 7 Pro on it. This board does not support parted magic (cannot wake from sleep and there are no onboard video to wake up to) so ive resorted to clean all.I have not been able to successfully boot the OS on the SSD. I never intended on setting up raid but apparently all the literature i see is on raid. I created a USB install disk as reccomended onto a 8gig ntfs primary active did the bootsect /nt60 X: and it successfully worked copied the cd over to the flash drive and copied the rste drivers in a folder called drivers My SSD is installed on port 1 6gig sata intel (as this board doesnt have marvel apparrently) My DVD is installed on 3gig Sata port 6 I set up Raid in the bios as reccomended by others (as this is the only way to install ssd?).

Nothing UEFI is enabled There are no other drives hooked up to the computer. Just SSD, USB cordless mouse, keyboard and no network cord or WIFI i started with a clean ssd as reccomended my bios recognized the ssd on post i booted into the win 7 install (MBR not uefi) i loaded the 64 bit rste drivers from asus as reccomended by others i left the machine to install the usb then booted into windows install (for whatever reason) i pushed f8 to boot my corsair windows brings up an error on a black screen File: windows/system32/drivers/adpahci.sys driver did not load Status: oxc0000221 Info: Windows Failed to load because of a critical system driver is missing or corrupt

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Upgrade Path Problem - Win 7 RC To Vista To Win7 Upgrade

Nov 13, 2009

I installed Win 7 RC on a new build and purchased Vista Home Premium 64bit OEM with upgrade to Win 7 Home premium. The Win 7 upgrade disc has arrived. I understand that Vista must be installed and activated for the upgrade to work. Attempts to install Vista with Win 7 RC running or booting from the Vista disc lead to error code 0x80070103, insufficient free space. My HDD has > 450 Gb free space in 2 partitions. Do I need to reformat the HDD in order to install Vista over Win 7?

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Upgrade From Vista 32-bit To Windows 7 64-bit With The Upgrade Disk?

Aug 7, 2009

I ordered the 50$ Windows 7 upgrade disk. I realize that Windows 7 will need vista or XP already installed for the upgrade version of Windows 7. But if I want to upgrade my Vista 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit, Will I be able to do it with this upgrade disk? after all I will need a fresh install (because 32 to 64) and this is the upgrade version...

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Continue The Upgrade / Merging Upgrade Process

Nov 30, 2009

Customer dropped off a laptop telling me that his Windows upgrade had failed.

It's a new HP DV6 that had Vista pre-installed on it.

I've taken a look at it, and there's a "Windows.old" folder on the root of C:, which is of course a back up of all his data.

There's also a batch file inside the folder with the following inside of it:

"REM Dummy file for NTVDM"

I'm wondering if there's a way to "continue" the upgrade / merging process? He has asked me to re-install all of his software the way he had it. So i'm hoping there's an easier way to continue where he left off.

I know Windows 7 creates a "Windows.old" folder when upgrading from XP. Not sure why one was created for a Vista to Windows 7 upgrade though.

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Revoting Previous Upgrade To Upgrade To Windows 7?

Dec 24, 2012

I have a pc with Windows XP pro 32bit retail version. First I have made an image, just in case. Then I have upgraded it to windows 8, 64bit by using the retail upgrade DVD and clean install. However, I found out that my motherboard is so old (5 years old) that there are no drivers for win8 and after asking ASUS they said that the motherboard is not supported any more and that there will be no new drivers for it. I tried using win7 drivers but it did not work and without correct drivers a lot of things does not work (in particularly hdmi port).What I want to do now is to revert to my image (windows xp), buy a Windows 7, 64bit upgrade retail DVD and upgrade windows xp to windows 7 for which there are drivers for my motherboard.

1) Can I use windows xp retail (whose product key has already been used to upgrade to win8) image to upgrade to windows 7 retail? will the activation of windows 7 succeed? I want to use clean install again since i upgrade from 32bit to 64bit

2) If the answer to question 1 is a yes, how does microsoft prevent users from using the same windows image file to upgrade different pc's? I mean, theoretically, I can make an image of pc1, copy it to a hard drive of pc2 (even if it will result in erroneous installation due to different specs) and upgrade both systems by using two VUP product keys which are cheaper than one VUP + one retail product keys

3) Can I use windows 8 upgrade DVD which is not used any more to upgrade another PC?

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