Network Browsing On Different Subnets?

Apr 16, 2012

We are adding Windows 7 computers to our network which has several different subnets. For example, our desktops are on a different subnet than our servers, but we need to browse to them to access shared folders. When browsing the network, computers on a different subnet are not displayed. We do not have this problem with XP desktops. Are there settings on the Windows 7 computers to change that will allow the different subnet computers to be displayed?

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Extremely Slow Network File Browsing Over VPN?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm connected to my work network using a PPTP VPN connection. The browsing of files on the remote server is extremely slow in Windows 7. I have another computer that has Windows XP on it, and there it's fast as always.Local network file browsing works fine.

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Any Way To Hide Browsing History From Network Administrator?

Dec 9, 2012

Is there a way to browse without my requests being logged? It really feels invasive.

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Browsing Win7 Shared Folders In Home Network - How ?

Dec 5, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on a new PC and been playing around with it for a couple of days.

I have added it to my home workgroup and shared out some folders. I have turned off Windows firewall, however if I try to view the shared folders from other machines (XP) on the home network I get asked for a login and password.

Yet if I browse the other XP machines from the Windows 7 machine I can see all their folders. I can't find a setting anywhere that would seem to address this!

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How To Keep Web Browsing History

May 23, 2011

I use Firefox and i have Xmarks sync and Firefox Sync. I want keep my enter month web browsing history. So how do i do it? But I use Ccleaner for clean my PC. If Ccleaner delete my browsing history are there any way to import it again using Xmarks or Firefox Sync? Currently i can only view my current season history.

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Browsing For Folders, But Nothing Is There?

Jun 12, 2012

I am running on Windows 7 x64 Home Edition.

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BSOD Due To Browsing

Jul 20, 2009

After running first XP and than Vista on my rig I ghosted the Vista (x64) install yesterday and formatted for Win 7 (RC). All installed just fine and appears stable as long as I do nothing. I haven't installed any supplier drivers, but run from Win 7 integrated drivers only. I went on with updating through Win Update with everything there was and then went on to the typical utility stuff (i.e. Flash, Acrobat Reader etc.).

My issue is that on SOME web pages my computer now go straight to blue screen of death memory dumping. An example of such a page is Nvidia's (, which will send me straight to BSOD as soon as the name is resolved and I have a title. ^^

I tried restoring to a system restore point prior to all 3rd party installs (such as Flash), but I have no different behavior. I am about to try a clean install to see if it persists, but I am curious as to if anyone else has seen or heard of this tiny issue before and has any interesting theories on it?

And to clarify; no Asus drivers were installed and no the BIOS is not updated, but on the other hand - if it was BIOS incompatability I would kinda expect some generela stability issues, not connected to sepcific home pages.

Any ideas? Aliens in my RAM? Microsoft censoring the internet? Computer come alive and has a taste of its own?

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Internet Browsing Is Too Low?

Jan 16, 2012

i am using windows 7 and after a moth later my internet connection is getting too slow i cant load a single page . some times it will take five six minutes to load one page . and some times page cannot load . but if i restart my PC it will OK some times but within 20 minutes again same thing is happening ...

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Random Crashes While Web Browsing?

Jun 14, 2011

Recently, my computer has started freezing while I'm browsing the web. No BSOD or resetting, it just freezes and I have to hold the power button to get it back.I don't think it's over heating, or memory or any of that because I can happily play games hour hours with no issues.I can watch films,or streaming media for hours and it's fine. It only crashes while surfing or talking on Steam.

MSI P67C45 (still haven't got my B3 replacement :O)
i5 2500k (standard clock, with the 'turobo boost' ability engaged)
4gb (2x2) G.Skill Ripjaws X (I think. Can't remember freqs but I'll dig it out if somehow important)
Nvidia GTX260
Corsair F240 SSD (lucky competition win ) with the OS on

1TB HDD - got the pagefile set up on this drive so I don't burn the SSD

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Speed Up Browsing By Disabling Add On's

Jul 16, 2011

I keep seeing a window pop up saying "speed up browsing by disabling add on's".Should I do it, and what is a add on?

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BSOD - While Browsing Various Locations

Sep 26, 2012

I've been getting the BSOD since 2010...usually occurs when accessing video or photos at mainstream sites like or FOX etc...intermittently...I've attached the CPU-Z, RAM-MON and the SF Diagnostics dump files.

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IE 9 Not Saving Browsing History

Jul 26, 2012

My internet explorer 9 is not saving my browsing history. I have allocated space for the temporary files, but still nothing is saved.

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PC Slowing Browsing Speeds?

Feb 11, 2011

We have a 20Mb line with a 2Mb upload. When checking speed testing sites, we're always getting full speeds.When downloading using Steam or uTorrent (Anything that manages its own downloads) I can get 2.4 - 2.5MB/s download.But when I'm using any form of web browser, firefox, IE ect. Loading pages can take 10-20 seconds, pictures 30seconds-2minutes. Downloads are much much slower, around 500KB/s and while videos usually load fast enough they sometimes drop their connection and stop buffering.

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Internet Browsing Slow With IE9?

Sep 24, 2011

When I use IE9 to browse the internet it sometimes is very slow. I have run an internet speed test program [URL] which hangs when testing IE9. I then started Chrome and the internet browsing was fast. I ran the speed test program and the speed was what I expected. I switched between IE9 and Chrome to access certain web pages and perform the speed test and in EVERY case browsing with IE9 was unbelievable slow while Chrome was very fast. I cleared the browser history file, check the register for errors. Even as I write this problem on Chrome the IE9 is still trying to access this forum.

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Web Browsing Speed Too Slow?

Oct 24, 2011

I have ADSL 512Kbps internet connection. Most of the time it too much slow. When i connect to the internet first minutes connection OK, but after few minutes left this worse thing happen. Do you have any idea for fix this issue?I use Kaspersky Internet security 2012.If i download files using internet download manager they use full speed, this issue only happen web browsing.

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IE 9 Crashes Randomly During Browsing

Mar 21, 2012

When I am browsing the web suing IE9 I get a crash randomly and sometimes after closing the browser and restarting I get a crash. What I could do to pin point the cause.

First crash:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:9.0.8112.16421
Application Timestamp:4d76255d
Fault Module Name:StackHash_edac
[Log] .....

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Turn Off Caret Browsing?

Jun 13, 2012

I have tried clicking the F7 key to turn off caret browsing. This does not work.

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Log In/Passwords Not Being Saved When Browsing?

Aug 21, 2012

Many websites that I used to be able to "click" on are now asking for name/email and password. What happened and how do I fix that. I went to Internet Options/tools and the link to content (user names and passwords is checked) and still have the same problem.

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BSOD While Browsing The Internet?

Nov 17, 2011

Out of the blue, (no pun indended), my computer decided to BSOD. It is a Lenovo X61T, using windows 7 x64 ultimate.I have attached the minidump,I have the current windows updates and checked my drivers.

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Jan 30, 2012

My computer's been perfectly stable for months now and suddenly it BSODs again. (the previous issues had been entirely accounted for and rectified) I have my hunches but I need someone to take a look at the BSOD logs to find out what exactly caused this one.I've been doing just fine until I started playing Battlefield 3. My NVIDIA 280.26 drivers weren't good enough, the game told me so and froze every 5 minutes of play, necessitating killing the process through the task manager. I did a clean reinstall complete with driver sweeper of the 285.62 driver version and that fixed my issue. The game requires you to have all sorts of crap running in the background when you play. Punkbuster is normal but now EA has their own version of Steam, 'Origin', which needs to be playing while you run it. It also runs the game through the web browser, which required their own addon through my Firefox browser (v9.0.1).

Things were going well till a couple of days ago. I had just finished up a game of BF3 and was browsing through the game's web site when my screen went black. Everything came back up and my PC told me my video drivers had crashed and recovered. Firefox had oddly crashed as well. Fast forward to today, I'd finished playing BF3, at least an hour had passed. I was browsing some unrelated web site when my computer popped the blue screen linked in attachments. No warning at all, just browsing the net. My computer has been 100% stable up until now so I'm thinking it's either the new drivers or the funny plugin the game shoved into my Firefox.Whenever I've gone to their web site the browser opens 3 'plugin container' processes which won't close until I shut down the browser entirely. I know Origin wasn't running this last time but I might not have shut down the browser and restarted.I use Windows 7 64 bit retail on a self-built computer.I just built the system at the end of last year. 285.62-desktop-Windows 7-winvista-64bit-english-whql (installed)

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BSOD While Using Computer For Browsing Web

Feb 17, 2012

I just had a very random BSOD while just using the computer for browsing the web. It was related to win32k.sys. I have attached the dump files to this post. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with SP1 and have an i5 760 processor and a GT240 graphics card.

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Random BSOD When Browsing Net?

Jun 4, 2012

I recently re installed the OS and updated the chipset and display driver but no luck.

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BSOD Web Browsing Ntoskrnl?

Jul 22, 2012

I am getting BSOD while doing average tasks like web browsing or playing solitaire. I have already done a memtest 86 for 7 passes with no errors, chkdisk, repair files from install disk with no errors found, updated bios, and windows update.

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A Lot Of Bandwidth Eaten With Little Browsing?

Jun 20, 2011

From the past few weeks or so, I am on a limited data plan (10 GB per month).When I browse the internet for an hour or two (usually Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and some forums), my data exchange for that session goes to around 700-800 MB. I'm pretty sure something is wrong with it. Simple browsing can't consume so much of data. I have Windows Auto Update turned on, but I don't think that the updates would be so large. Earlier I was on an unlimited plan and so I never checked the amount of bandwidth brother has recently opted for an EDGE plan and gets very low speeds. How can I help him increase his browsing speed? Even he doesn't downloads much but is a heavy internet browser and is extremely irritated with the slow speeds he gets.

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User For Internet Browsing

Jul 6, 2011

I want to create a user in Windows 7 who can only surf the net and can't do anything else. I dont want this user to do anything other than using internet explore.

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Can Block In-private Browsing?

Jan 11, 2012

how to disable in-private browsing for windows 7?

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Freezes When Browsing The Internet

Apr 14, 2009

I have same freezing issue. usually while starting any web browser or just browsing web.

I have abit ab9 pro mobo and I thing this is driver related issue? but u never know :/

someone solved this problem already?

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Programs Crash When Browsing For Videos?

Oct 15, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version[CODE]

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Internet Stalls/times Out While Browsing The Web?

Apr 10, 2012

For the past few months I've been having an issue where every 15-30 minutes my laptop will "stall" while browsing the web. I'll get a "waiting for [URL], etc message at the bottom left corner of the browser when it's stalling until it eventually times out and tells me it can't load the page.This issue occurs with every browser I try (IE, Chrome, Firefox). After a couple minutes, everything comes back to normal and I can continue wasting time on the internet until the next hiccup.

My set up is:

A Gateway NV57H58U Intel Core i5-2430M
Windows 7
Comcast digital cable
A Belkin Wireless router

At first I assumed it was the router since it's a couple years old and was cheap when I bought it back then.The only thing that makes me think differently is that when I'm using the PS3 I never experience a break in connection. I can play a game online for 3-4 hours without any crashes or stutters.Also, while the internet is stalling out there is never a disconnect from the router - it always says it's connected and the signal strength is always "Excellent."

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Safe Internet Browsing For Children

Nov 29, 2010

My little girl has started browsing the internet using Google mostly for school homework etc. Obviously it is impossible to spend every second of my time watching what she is doing. Although I check through the browser history I am very mindful that she may click on a site and see images I don't want her to see. What is the best way to make sure these sites are blocked or the chances of it happening are severely reduced?.

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Save The Webpage For Browsing Offline?

Mar 24, 2010

How can I save the webpage for browsing offline?

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