Multiple File Renaming
Jan 7, 2010
I have a strange problem regarding renaming multiple files, mainly pictures as I have tons of them. Whenever I name all pictures in a folder, highlighting them all and renaming the first one, it renames the first 40 in groups of two, as follows:
Filename (1)
Filename (1)
Filename (2)
Filename (2)
Filename (3)
Filename (3)
...and so on until it gets to 20, then they're renamed properly.
They are all JPEGS. This method worked brilliantly in XP, why not 7?
Does anyone have any ideas at all around this, or even some software I can use to rename files?
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Apr 3, 2012
In Windows 7, is there a way of renaming multiple files, such as: JPG files in ascending order from 1-10,000?
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May 4, 2010
is it possible to batch file name in Windows 7?
I have many videos and music that needs renaming often but i'm wary of 3rd party apps. I use to use rename-it! back when i had vista and xp but it hasn't been updated for Windows 7
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Dec 24, 2011
I seem to remember seeing a tool called file 2 folder which puts a files into thier own folder and names the folder the same as the original file, i have had a search both here and google but have not managed to find it. Also, I have a fair few folders all containing 1 file, the folders are named correctly but the files inside are not, is there an easy to make the files match the folder they are in?
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Dec 26, 2011
I'm renaming some songs but when I do this I get this message:But my filename is not that long! Here is how long I can make it before my keyboard does not enter characters. They just don't show up when I type.
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Feb 23, 2012
I have, today, installed Win 7 on a new computer. I have been using XP until now. I have googled and searched through the forum for an answer to this problem but can't find anything. Either I am the only one that has it, or I am the only one that it bothers
I have a folder with 200 audio files of various formats. I want to select only the .OGG files whose filenames start with "A".
On XP:
I would sort by filename, select all the "A" files, re-sort by file type, using CTRL and the mouse, I would then deselect non-OGG files.
When I try this on Win 7 my selections are cleared when I re-sort.s there a setting somewhere that I need to change?
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May 8, 2011
I regularly need to turn off windows 7 GUI settings such as aero,certain services,unload certain apps in memory, all in win 7 ultimate. These settings will always be the same. I would like to know if it is possible to create some sort of file*batch file?) which would turn these settings off, and also a separate file which would turn them back on again when i wanted them all back.
I am familiar with working with simple .bat files, and converting them into .exe's and attaching them to shortcut icons. So my only question is where do i find examples of how to write lines of code to manipulate the windows interface.
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Apr 20, 2012
i need to have files in folders for admin staff but need them also in my program folders. it is tedious to modify one then save change to all other folders - this runs the risk of missing a there a way without having to write a macro - or an easy way to do macros in office 2010
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Dec 31, 2012
I am trying to make a batch file which echos text based on an input.Here is the code I have so far:
@echo off
set /p input=
If %input%=="hello" or %input%=="hi" or %input%=="hey" or %input%=="yo" or %input%=="hello?" or %input%=="hi?" or %input%=="hey?" or %input%=="yo?"
@echo off
when I save the file and run it, it all at once echos the first three results, then tells me that 'else' is not an operable command and then the program closes.
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Jul 5, 2012
What is the easiest way to move multiple user files on a pc to a new user file on the same pc? Windows 7 home premium.
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Jan 10, 2011
In Windows XP, Explorer I was able to select multiple files of different file types, right click and select print. In Win 7 64 bit print is not a choice when I select multiple files of different types. Is there a way to make this work or is it just an option that was left out of Win 7 for some reason?
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Apr 3, 2011
All of a sudden after turning on my Windows 7 based notebook this morning, when I select a folder or file with the left mouse button in Windows Explorer, all folders and files from the first to the one being pointed at will be selected. The files & directories stay selected. Double clicking will attempt to open the lot. Very annoying behaviour. Right click on the desired item gets me out of trouble. ANy selected files are deselected and I can then use right click option menu's Open item.
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Aug 10, 2009
I've made the move (fresh install on new HDD) from XP to Win7RC x64 (I never gave Vista a look) and I want to scan my old HDD partitions for *.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg etc to make sure I haven't missed any old files which were not saved in the right place.
The two partitions are mounted as F: and G:
In XP once you'd turned off the animated dog and chosen the advanced option, you could set "all of part of the filename" to "*.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg" and "look in" to "f:;g:". It was a so easy
I can't seem to get Windows 7 to search for more than one file extension, let alone multiple drives as well. Is there an advanced search option which I've missed?
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Oct 31, 2012
so we have this database app that someone has open full screen. you can click on a link and drag a file right to the desktop. problem is, she has the app open on the primary windows ( the one with the star menu) and the file does not "land" where it is dropped on 2nd screen, but where the next icon would go on primary display. have tried with align to grid, and auto arrange on and off. is there a setting somewhere else to set this?
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Mar 14, 2012
I want to save a file to multiple drives, simultaneously. RAID can join multiple drives, as far as I know, you can't have a temporary RAID setup, whereas, you have an external drive that is attached temporarily, how ever long temporarily is, save the file which is saved to the RAID, when you don't want the drive to be attached to a RAID you can stop the RAID, whenever, and it acts like a regular drive.
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Dec 17, 2010
I need to reduce the actual file size of a lot of pictures that I have, I want to do them all in one go and I don't think paint is capable of doing this. A simple bat/batch file command would be ok?
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May 30, 2011
Below is a batch file I created to copy all the files from a program called A5V5. This batch file works to copy the files to two different drives What I want to do is if the J: Directory is not availble (This is a flash drive) that it will copy to the E: directory which is a second HDD and not leave a "The system cannot find the drive specified" when the flash drive is not inserted.
@echo off
cd c:
cd program files (x86)
cd A5V5
cd Ranch Mobile, Inc
Copy *.* "E:Ranch Mobile" (This is a second hard drive for backup files only)
Copy *.* "J:Ranch Mobile" (This is a Flash drive that is not always inserted)
I like the way batch files work and I can do these simple ones but when it comes to doing the more complicated ones I am at a total loss.
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Apr 19, 2012
This is a windows 7 x64 AMD CPU, Radeon HD5770, eyefinity triple monitor setup. About two years old system.
AMong 2 monitors, I have 2x Acer X193w connected via DVI, another one is a X2gen connected via display port.
The X2gen monitor usually won't turn on when I wake the computer up, it make the "tip tip tip" clicks for minutes before eventually turned on.
It was fine until about 2 weeks ago, crashed 6 times so far.
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Dec 20, 2010
I decided to come here because everyone here is far more helpful then over on the microsoft site. My first question is I am modding my sims 2 game. I use to be able to copy the file into my downloads folder no problem. I did an update a few days ago and now all of a sudden as I am copying them I get file destination name is to long for the folder. I have renamed them and it helps but it sucks doing it when I never had the problem before.Next question I asked on the microsoft forums over a week ago and no answer. My media player has doubles of each album. It really sucks when I am listening to my media player and have to listen to the album twice. I tried taking them out resetting it and at first it only put the first one and then sure enough it redoubled them. I don't know if it is because I have itunes. How can I fix this please? Is it because of itunes? Is it something I just have to live with and choose to use itunes or media player and not have both?
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Nov 10, 2009
I have a simple batch file to load multiple files with one click, but it's not working.
When I run it, it simply very quickly pops up the cmd dialog, which quickly disappears, and nothing is loaded.
I've tried 'running as administrator' - same problem.
File is xxxxx.bat
I've even tried the fail safe:
start /d C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
and that doesn't work, so it's not a error in my paths... for some reason, it just won't load...
Worked in XP fine...
Is there a different technique in 7?
Basically, end result, want to open two programs with one click (one icon on taskbar).
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May 3, 2012
I have a folder with around 2000 files in it. I want to be able to copy certain files from this folder (normally around 40) and place them in a brand new folder, I want to be able to do this with nothing more than a txt file that has all the file names I need copying in it with every file name on a separate line.I receive around 10 new txt files each day so you can imagine how tedious it is searching through 2000 files, picking out the 40 I need, times a day everyday.To make things even more complicated, the txt files I receive don't always have the correct file names in them, maybe there's a misspelling or a word or two missing for some of the names. That's ok when I'm going through picking out the files I need to copy myself because I can normally tell which file is being requested, but I can't see it being so easy for a program or whatever to do, I'm guessing it'll need to have a search feature where it picks out the most likely file.I'd like it to be as automated as possible. I receive the txt file, make sure each file name is on a separate line then a program or script or whatever goes out and picks out the files (or most likely files for the name's that aren't exact matches) and copies them into a brand new folder (which I'd like to be the same name as the text file it's using to choose the files).
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Sep 14, 2009
Windows 7 now incorporate Librarys as a way of sorting ur stufff instead of designated Folders. Well I always Renamed my libraries (from Beta to RC to now Win 7 Pro) with no probs at all.Tll just now. I discovered all my libraries have "fixed" them selves to the default naming (music, Videos, get the pic ). Any further changes to the library name does not work at all. However if i were to change the library name to anything other than the desired library name, it would change without a hitch. just what is going on here? It jut recovered from another prob, that was Chckdsk not starting (it would get stuck at 1 second) now my question is these problems interelated, and if so do i really have to reinstall My copy of windows 7 ?(please don't tell me i have to. D=)
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Jul 9, 2012
I ripped a CD to my HD and it mixed up the tracks and the track names, so all are out of sync by two positions. I renamed all the songs correctly but when I play them with VLC or WMP the music plays the correct song but the names remain the same. How can I get the names to appear as per the song being played?
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Jan 19, 2011
It is not possible to rename folders using wildcats for a batch file; are there any alternatives ?
trying to rename folder vb_X_X using vb_*
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Mar 28, 2011
Just bought a new PC. Runs Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit. I'm new to Windows 7 but have used previous Windows versions for years and years (but not Vista). And I've never seen this happen with any other operating system. Out of the box, Windows 7 sets up this "My Documents" & "Public Documents" system of folders (and the same for pictures, music and videos). And that's great for separating each user's documents and providing common folders which all users can see. But, shortly after setting my new PC up (installed a printer & some other hardware bits, installed Office & copied my document files across from the old PC), Windows suddenly renamed the "My" & "Public" versions of the documents, music & videos folders. Looking at it all via my own account (I'm admin, by the way), I had folders called "Documents" & "Documents" instead of "My Documents" and "Public Documents" (and the same for music & videos). But it kindly left me with "My Pictures" and "Public Pictures" folders. This has actually happened on two machines now. It happened on the original new PC. But the store exchanged it with an identical new machine
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Jul 22, 2010
I just purchased my new (to me) HP laptop, a former demo unit at the local wal mart, and went through the motions of setting up the system.course, that sticks me with the user name brenda. I've tried to copy the user folder contents to a new account, but some of the files are access protected (even from the owning user, I checked).not really to far in to start fresh, but I absolutly hate having to redo all that work cause of one little (really should be easy to fix) issue
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Nov 3, 2009
I renamed the wireless network (ESSID) of my router from one of my Windows XP PC's, and then found that my Windows 7 PC could no longer see any networks at all (there are several from neighbours in addition to mine).
Nothing seemed to help - Rebooting, uninstalling drivers for the wireless card, etc. Eventually I got it to work by giving the network card a fixed IP address, and the it could see all the networks again. I could then change it back to DHCP and it was still okay.
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Nov 16, 2011
I downloaded a lot of pictures on to my computer and openned them in to picture manager. I renamed them and a bunch of the pictures were named the same thing. When I tried to find the picture that I named before it with the same name it was nowhere to be found. How do I go about finding the other pictures I have with the same name I have at least 5 pictures with the same names which is about a total of 20 lost pictures.
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Nov 22, 2009
What I describe below doesn't always happen but it does lots of times: Let's say I delete a folder, it will tell me that access is denied, a program is using it, to solve that, I have to open another folder, or click on an image, then go back to the folder I want to delete, and delete it.
Renaming (this is all over the network) here's what I do:
1. Open randomly named folder to check content.
2. Go back up one folder level to rename the folder according to content.
3. Error! Folder is in use by another program (not specified), please try again
4. Try opening another folder and then going back again to rename originally wanted folder... sometimes it works.
5. Wait 5-10 minutes before renaming.
I just tried to rename a folder without even going into the folder....Error!! "The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Close the folder or file and try again."
Windows 7 ultimate x64.
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Jul 7, 2010
Why is it everytime I want to rename a folder for instance of music, that has never even been opened yet, i always get "The action can't be completed because a folder or file in it is open in another program"?
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Jan 25, 2013
I changed one of my bluetooth device name "Phone", I was just missing with it, now it won't show my device name , it always show the name I have choosen for it. How can I restore it ?
I tried searching on registry , no luck , not sure if it's there, I removed bluetooth driver and reinstalled it. I removed device phone, when I try to pair with it again, it still shows the name I have choosen.
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