Multi Seat Computing At Home?

Mar 31, 2012

My family have growing computing needs - 2 kids, plus my wife and I, and frequent visitors like grandparents. All of want access to a PC, but I don't want to administer 5+ machines around the house. How can I roll out a central server for the family to access their own portfolio of applications? The kids' school uses Windows. I want to allow my wife the freedom of a power user, secure the kids surfing an allow everyone to keep personal files centrally. Also, given my eldest is a tinkerer, I want to allow her to experiment within her own pc environment - but be able to kill an environment and deploy a fresh instance (she has an old mac now, and managed to change the o/s to Spanish - took me over an hour to work out to fix it).

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Set Up A Multi-seat On Windows 7?

Oct 27, 2012

Is it possible to Set up a multiseat on windows 7? If so can you provide with the steps even if it takes hours its fine..

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Windows 7 Home Premium Multi-Colored Swipe Error

Apr 29, 2012

I have a dell inspiron notebook less then one year old. Every time I attempt to start up it suggest start-up repair or start normally. If I choose start normally it begins to load with the microsoft symbol when all of the sudden a multi-colored streak runs across the top half inch of the screen and it freezes for good. I have used startup repair and the computer is unable to automatically repair it, I have tried to reboot from an image of the computer and the same error happens at start-up. I have even gone as far as restoring the factory settings but there is nothing that will prevent that little streak from showing up and freezing my computer mid start up.

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Installation Copiers Multi Boot OS With Multi Software?

Oct 19, 2010

Installation copiers Multi Boot OS with Multi software?

I have just just purchased some new PC with different configration AMD Phenom II X4 965, Gigabyte 890GLX Motherboard, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD and 2nd AMD Athalon 635 with Gigbyte 875 Mothboard -4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD.I want to use these machines for Gaming as well as for teaching and for Internet browsing and web site development

What i Did i had Installed Multiple OS Windows XP SP3 32Bit, Windows XP SP2 64 Bit, Windows 2003 server 32 and 64 bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64 Bit, Windows 2008 server 32 and 64 bit , Windows 7 32 and 64 bit.

Now i want to install general softwares like Office, Adobe Master collection cs5 , Autocad, Coral , Visual studio Java, C, SQl Server, Oracle and the list caries on

I want that i dont have to install these software again and again on every software so that the space is not occupied and i can use same program files folder for each and every OS and time is also saved from installing the software.

For that i have seen some installation copiers (backups) which remain in memory before installation and records the information of registry and system files being copied and records and the can again be copied to the different OS.

Is there any ways to do these which installation copier backup is good for doing this . finding such softwares which can copy or backup installation files registries and i can just use the same installers.

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Games Choppy With More Than Enough Computing Power

Apr 4, 2012

I have dual core 2.5 processors, a Nvidia 9500 GT, and a Sata hard drive all running on windows 7 32 bit. I know this is no where near a top of the line setup but it is choppy running 4 year old games! I almost double the recommended, not minimum, hardware requirements for "The Witcher" the game I am trying to get to play smoothly and yet it is still choppy. If I lower the settings completely it is playable but still not where it should be. I have updated my video drivers, cleaned my registry, reinstalled the game, scanned for viruses, using AVG free, and defragged my hard drive. From here I don't even know where to go. I left task manager running last time to see if my processors were maxing while playing and they hit around 80% and my ram peaked to about 70%.

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How To Reduce Computing Power While Downloading

Feb 11, 2012

when I am downloading something, sometimes it is torrent sometimes it is via a third-party downloading client, how do I "power down" the computer? Putting it to sleep will stop the download so that's a no. I am not doing anything else other than downloading, and all other processes other than the download ones can be stopped.

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Does LockWorkStation (Windows-L) Permit Background Computing?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm a contributor to theSkyNet, and my CPU is crunching away whenever I'm gone from the desktop (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit) or whenever there's idle time outside of whatever I'm working on at the moment. I'm wondering if that processing will go on if I lock the computer when I leave it.

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Multi Booting

Jan 17, 2009

I would make four partitions: 100GB, 100GB, 50 to 80GB and the rest for storage. You do have a 500GB drive???

The first one I would install is XP to the third 50 to 80GB partition; that way you won't have to mess with boot issues but I wonder if XP will then be the (I don't know the term) default partition that can't be formatted from within an OS; do you know what I'm referring to?

Then I would install Vista to the second 100GB partition; then Windows 7 to the first, as that would give 7 the fastest partition for future use.

I would be very interested in your thoughts on this setup, this is the way I intend to install to the new machine when I get it finished.

I just tried to format my Vista (the first OS installed on the first HDD) from within my Windows 7 and the format option is grayed out. This is what I was trying to say in the statement below; the reason this would ever matter is for any reason you should ever need to format the partition XP (or the first installed OS) is on you would have to use a third party partition manager to do so.

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No Multi Physical Cpu Support

Oct 5, 2009

My system is a Asus L1N84 WS SLI FX74 This system has two physical processors on it. So its two dual cores making it 4 cores.(this is the main focus of this thread being started)

I have had this system since vista was new.

When I biult this system I ordered a copy of Vista Home Premium

When I got it up and running I noticed that when I went to system info it said I had 2 processors. Well I called Asus and AMD and Microsoft. And all of them said that the reason I was seeing two processors is because I have two processors. Me not wanting to hear it did alot of research until I found one thing that told me I was just being told what they thought would get me off the phone with them. And I am having the same issue with Windows7 RC1

What I told them is that is not a good answer because my previous system said I had 2 processors and that system was an AMD 4200 X2

So it said 2 processors and it was just ONE dual core.

Not to mention that this board got a horrible write up against Intel which caused AMD to trash the whole 4x4 idea. Bad for them because this is one hell of a system with all four cores running. Which were not running during those benchmarks against the Intel quad 6700 at the time. Remember I said I installed Vista Home premium.

Well it turned out while I was searching Microsofts web site I looked at the differences between Vista Home premium and ULTIMATE. There was my answer staring me right in the face.... Ultimate was the only version that had MULTI PHYSICAL CPU SUPPORT! So I then purchased Vista Ultimate and checked the amount of processors in the system window and also In CPUZ . And there they were......4 processors... Needless to say that I quickly benchmarked it again on pcpitstop and 3dmark 06 and on pcpitstop my numbers doubled!!!

Literally DOUBLED. Because now the other processor was being utilized.

I add in here about the issue with the Intel benchmark just to say that this system is and was totally comparable to any intel system at that time and AMD scrapped it because of a faulty test!!! The sites that did their reviews were only running one of the dual cores which is why it was only slightly better then one FX 60 in there reports!! THIS is over DOUBLE and FX 60 with all 4 cores running!

Anyway... Now to the issue about Windows7 ULTIMATE........

THEY didnt put that support in Windows7 Ultimate making it no good to use with a server board!! And now I have this OS in here and am only running on 2 cores AGAIN!!! What will microsoft do to fix this issue for all the people that want to run Windows7 in their servers boards INSTEAD of the new WINDOWS SERVER 2008?

How do I get my processors to show up?? Anyone have any answers?

The Microsoft technical support told me that they cannot answer that and I would have to call technical support after I purchase Windows7 and have the issues!! WHY WOULD I WANT TO PURCHASE IT WITH THIS ISSUE !!! ANYONE?? Help please? Microsoft?

Just to clarify the post above for anyone that says it.... I have ULTIMATE . that IS the RC1. And it says 2 processors and cpuz which said 4 before I installed this NOW says 2!

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Multi Language Support In Win 7

Dec 16, 2009

I'm planning to buy a new PC with Windows 7 (English) and not sure what version I should buy. I need to be able to switch into Japanese language mode for writing Word documents and composing/reading email sometimes. I do not need the desktop, menus etc. to be displayed in Japanese, however. I've found some info on the Internet and MS web site but still confused:

1) I have read that LIPs can be installed on any version of Win 7 but looks like Japanese must be installed as a full install (no parent language). If this is the case, can I setup 2 user accounts and configure one for English and the other for Japanese?

2) Do I need to have Win 7 Ultimate or Enterprise edition to do what I want to do?

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Multi Monitor Wallpaper

Sep 13, 2009

i use a triple-head configuration with my center monitor specified as primary display. i have made some 3x Wide screen wallpapers, and i set them as the desktop backgrounds. it works fine with one caveat:

the images left most border starts on the center display --the image is triple wide, but the right-most third wraps around the the left display.

any ideas on how to properly center the image? i need the center display to be the primary as certain applications throw a fit when they are run on a non-primary channel.

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Trying To Get Multi-Monitor Resolutions Set Up

Oct 22, 2009

I have been having a problem with trying to get Multi-Monitor resolutions set up. On XP my monitor setup is capable of 3360 x 1050; with 7 it automatically separates them and sets each resolution to 1680 x 1050, I would like to enable Span-extended desktop and have had no luck, CCC on XP allows this and on 7 the option simply isn't there. I was just wondering if I was overlooking something.

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Multi Screen Problems

Feb 1, 2009

Any of you guys use multi monitor set ups?

I have 3 screens which ran flawless with xp. In desktop Windows 7 is cool, as with browsing etc.. But when it comes to gaming i'm getting nothing but headaches... having to disable my outer screens struggle with resolutions. I hope there is a fix soon

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Install Hp Multi Function?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a hp multi function hooked up to a win7pc by usb connection, I also have a laserjet hooked up to my ethernet lan. I am trying to install a hp 3310 with a ethernet connection. The latest Windows 7 hp software gets almost to the end of the install routine until it asks how I want to connect it. I choose ethernet and it checks whatever, it shows my 3310 connections correctly and then tells me it cant connect. Windows 7 add a device cant find it. I can ping the unit ok, and I can connect to it through the ip address, and i can scan through the browser. If i go to win7s add a printer it installs a basic print driver and allows me to print as normal. All other xp pcs on the lan can print to it.I would dearly love to use the scanner on the 3310.
By the way the 3310 worked with all functions when it was connected via usb to a xp pc.

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Next Generation OS - Multi Processor Or 128 Bit

Aug 20, 2011

As you increase the number of processors the performance improvement diminishes compared with the expected result -- for instance a system with 8 processors won't perform 8 times faster than a system with one processor due to the ovehead of managing the extra complexity of the interaction of all the processors. (Note the system will still be FAST of course !!).

Now wouldn't it be better to design say 128 and 256 bit architectures in the OS so you could still run many tasks concurrently but without the overhead of the multi processor environment - or at least have far less processors in the MP environment.

it was rumoured a while back that Windows 8 would have some 128 bit possibility -- I don't think there are any commercially available chips yet but thats only a matter of time.

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Multi People Cannot Play From Same LAN

Jul 9, 2011

Certain online games we play use P2P connections. We are playing from the same network thus have the same IP address. We have opened/forward required ports for the game, enabled DMZ, tried using Hamachi to no avail. Would purchasing a 2nd IP address from our ISP fix this problem?

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Multi-OS Sharing On Same Computer

Oct 2, 2009

I have a Multi-OS unit (Ubuntu, 2x Windows XP Pros, and Windows Vista), the problem started when I installed Windows 7 64bit RC. At first it worked well, then once I started using my media (pictures, music files, videos) whenever I worked on XP and Vista, I couldn't access my files in the media folders. It always says Access denied.

I found a small remedy by booting in Windows 7 and then editing the sharing properties, Share with homegroup and adding everybody in the list of people "to share with". The thing is, it doesn't work with some sub folders and files inside sub folders. I end up having to edit each and every shared folder's security/share settings.

The big question I'd like to consult is, if there was some way of resetting the sharing properties of my main/parent folders and reset them and their sub-folder hierarchy.

I understand the problem with security, but I think that it doesn't apply here since its just other OSes within the same system trying to access files inside it.

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Multi Boot 3 OS - 7, XP And 98SE

Dec 13, 2009

Is it possible to run the 3 OS', 7, XP and 98SE via a multi boot setup and if so can anyone advise on how to do this or maybe have a link to a Tutorial showing how it can be done.

Reason i ask is i am looking to play some old school games that you just cant play regardless of Compatibility Mode and other 3rd party apps.

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Multi Booting Windows XP And 7

Jan 6, 2010

I am planning on buying a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) so I can run DX 10 and 11 and install more memory in my computer.

I currently have two hard drives installed on my computer,

(1) a 160 GB (split into 3 partitions) with Windows XP (32-bit) installed on one of those partitions

(2) a new 640 GB with only a few files on it that can be deleted.

I want to be able to have the option of starting up in either XP or 7.

My question is this: if I install 7 on the new HD, will I still be able to see that Hard Drive's space in XP (and vice versa with 7)? Will I still be able to install and run programs from both drives in both OS's? Will installing an OS in the second drive restrict the use of the space on that drive by other OS's?

I would assume that it should work fine, but I wanted to find out if anybody has had problems with this before I go and spend $100.

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Windows & Multi Processor Support?

Mar 30, 2011

Installed Home Premium on an HP workstation which has 2 physical CPU's. Only recognising a single CPU in task manager but there are 2 listed in device manager?

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Multi-Core, GPU All In One Gadget Monitor

May 16, 2009

Anyone found a working all in one system monitor gadget?

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Multi-Monitor Taskbar Support

Dec 30, 2008

Any suggestions to deal with multiple monitors in Windows 7? I was using UltraMon in Vista and really liked what it did. With all the changes to the taskbar in 7, UltraMon has lots of issues.

Is there anything new in 7 dealing with the taskbar (across multiple monitors)?

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Multi-monitor Icon Placement

Dec 18, 2010

I have a setup with three monitors using the one in the middle as the primary one. It seems that I can't place icons in the lowest row of the primary monitor, as they will snap and jump to the row above it. If there is another icon above it, this icons kinda gets in the way and prevents the problem from occuring. It works fine on my other monitors as there is no taskbar there. For some reason, this behavior only occurs when there is a monitor to the left of the primary one, and I've noticed the same thing in Windows XP. The system seems to adjust the bottom of the icon space to work with the leftmost monitor. Is there any way I can fix this? Adjusting icon spacing won't help. Also, is there any tool to backup and restore my icon layout that works in Windows 7 and not just XP? It gets messed up when i switch from extended desktop to AMD Eyefinity mode and vice versa.

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Multi Monitor Taskbar - Confirmed

Jul 31, 2009

I read recently that upon release, windows 7 will have multi-monitor taskbar support, which I'm very excited about. Is anyone able to confirm this, as it seems that they were already shipping Windows 7 when this news emerged.

If I can pin programs to one monitor or the other, and have 2 "show desktop" buttons, then I'll be a very happy man.

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Touch Pad Multi Gesture Support?

May 10, 2011

can microsoft implement native multi gesture support for touch pad for windows 8, it like a small touch screen isn't it? as of now it works randomly with some application and not other eg zune, windows explorer doesn't work etc. the feature is so useful it's supprising that microsoft still haven't include it in their os.

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Multi Format Internal DVD Player?

Aug 6, 2011

Since many of the movies that I would like to buy are only in PAL, instead of NTSC format, I would like to buy a internal player that will use either format. It seems that everything that I have found is either external, or the description in the specs is obscure on this point

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Multi Card Reader Not Working

Feb 23, 2012

For some unknown reason, my multi card reader is not being recognised when I start up my computer. I suspect it has turned off the Auto Start. Can anyone help me please. I suspect that if I could make contact with the reader and turn it on manually all would be well.

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How To Make A USB Multi-Bootable Device?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a 16GB USB drive sitting here calling me.. I have a project I want to do with it as well.

I would like to have Windows 7 32bit, Windows 7 64bit, Hirens Boot CD 9.9, and Windows XP all on the usb drive for install.

So basically I would boot from USB a menu would pop up and a choice of one of these 4 systems would be presented. Once you pick that Disk it would bootup to the install or application selected.

I was able to make a x32 USB Windows 7 stick but im confussed how to do a menu and allows multiple bootable images on a USB drive.

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Microsoft Outlook Multi Tagging?

May 11, 2011

I am currently using IMAP between my Gmail and Microsoft Outlook 2010. In my Gmail account, one email could be tagged under label 1 and label 2 for example. If i would like to tag say Email B to both label 3 and label 4, how do i do that? I am new to Microsoft Outlook 2010, reason for deciding on Outlook 2010 is because Gmail's sorting is horrible.

That's the only complain i have about Gmail really, but the sorting is important for me to check the bulk of my email which are a lot.

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Can't Multi-boot Two Loads Of Windows 7

Jun 23, 2011

I'm setting up my system drive with 3 operating systems:

1) Windows 7 64 bit (for home use)
2) Win XP (for legacy programs)
3) Windows 7 64 bit (for work use) that order on the hard drive. Rather than using Windows own boot manager, I'm using the open source GAG boot manager (which, like lots of third party boot managers, runs before any OS loads so you can pick which OS to run - and then hides the other OS's and their entire partitions until you reboot.) I've done this sort of thing with multiple WinXP loads before, no issues. In fact, this very hard disk used to have three WinXp loads on it (in position 1 and 3 above). I formatted those partitions and replaced them with the Win7 loads, which is when the problem started.Everything worked fine until I added the SECOND load of Win 7 (third on the hard drive, as above). It installs properly, but when I try to run it, it hangs on the "Starting Windows..." screen (and the spinning windows logo just stays spinning infinitely).if I then immediately reboot and run the FIRST load of Windows 7 (which was hidden, worked fine before, and lives on its own separate partition), I get a screen right away saying a problem happened last time I ran it! Which isn't true - the problem happened when I just ran the SECOND load of Windows 7, not the first! Remember, these Win7 loads are totally separate. But for some reason, it thinks there was a problem. It even asks me if I want to enter repair mode. Spooky...Anyway, I do NOT choose to repair and instead just say "run normally". And everything then boots fine. (Of course!) And sure enough, if I shut down and simply choose to run that same first load of Win7 a second time, it again works with no problems reported. BUT... if I then proceed to run the SECOND load of Windows 7, it again hangs on the "Starting Windows..." screen, and - you guessed it - if then try to run the FIRST copy of Win7, it will again report it had a problem last time it was loaded. Which starts the whole thing over again....

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Multi Card Driver For Gateway Ta6

Dec 3, 2009

WIN 7 did not find the multi-card reader on my Gateway laptop. Does anyone know how to get a driver for this 4 year ols PC?

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