Monitor Not Displaying 1920x1080?

Nov 4, 2011

I know this computer can do it. I've done in Windows 7 and on Ubuntu before.

When I open screen resolution, the highest one displayed is 1600x1200. When I got to my adapter settings and click "List Modes" the highest one shown is 1920x1440, though when that one's clicked, my monitor says "mode not supported"..

I've tried using powerstrip. But when i get to the part where you install the driver, it won't let me install it. i click it over and over and over again, but nothing happens.. no error message or anything, it just won't go...

I've been trying to get this to work for hours. I have some embedded graphics intel chip thing.. i couldn't find an exact name anywhere..

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Windows 7 Monitor 1920x1080 Resolution Fix?

Nov 22, 2011

my LG w2243s worked fine on my computer before i upgraded to windows 7 from XP proffessional. now it doesn't recognise it. and wont let me adjust the resolution to the monitors settings, i tried updating the driver, but was told i already have the best driver available. my monitor is not listed in DEVICE MANAGER and when i download the driver from LG, it does nothing when i click it..

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Monitor Not Letting To Have A 1920x1080 - Resolution

Sep 27, 2012

I have a new computer and monitor. It worked perfectly and the monitor was installed emmediately without me doing anything. So it all worked perfectly - until one day my SSD broke. So i had to send the SSD back - and got a new one. Great, I thought, now it will all work perfectly again. But, as I have finished everything and be happily in my account, my monitor wont let me set the 1920x1080 setting...its not even listed. OK, I thought, then I will install the driver. So I installed it from the CD delivered together with the monitor when i got it, but theres still no 1920x180 - setting listed. I tried nearly every driver download for my monitor and searched nearly the whole internet for solutions, but it was all the same. as highest the highest two are 1856x1392 and 1920x1440 - which looks horrible. So, the best resolution is 1400x1050 - which is just too wide. My monitor is the Samsung SyncMaster S22A300 LED-Monitor with, as said, 1920x1080 Shall i contact the management?

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Monitor Samsung 2233SW - Screen Waiting With Resolution 1920x1080

Sep 14, 2009

Every time I try to run a program (fullscreen) with lower resolution than the monitor (1920x1080) it gives screen waiting ... and only comes out if I press alt tab ... how do I fix this? I called the tech support .. and said that it has seven windows drive yet .. anyone know what do I get?

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Secondary Monitor Not Displaying

Apr 22, 2009

I have seen a couple dual monitor problems on this forum, but no solutions for my issue. I have Windows 7 32 with dual 4850 cards and CCC installed with Crossfire configured. I am using 2 20" LCD monitors, my primary works fine. Windows detects my second 20" monitor and I have set the resolution and that it should extend my desktop but there is no display.

When windows is loading both monitors display the Windows 7 splash page so I know the signal is getting there. Also I have tried resetting the drivers, uninstalling them, etc. At no point have I been able to get windows to display on both monitors. Any ideas?

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Reliably Monitor Not Displaying Anything?

Aug 15, 2012

My reliably monitor got stuck from 3 months ago, so i cleared it, however, now it is blank and is not displaying anything, what should i do.

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Monitor Not Displaying Native Resolution

Oct 27, 2009

I'm having trouble getting my monitor to display at its maximum resolution and I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong.

I have an ASUS VH242H 23.6" Monitor which has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080. I originally had windows xp and it could display this resolution just fine. Now, after installing windows 7, when I hook the monitor up to my laptop, I can only get it to display up 1400x1200. Going past this point causes the monitor to flas an out of range message. Furthermore, my computer won't let me designate the refresh rate as far as I can tell. I updated the driver for my graphics card and that didn't seem to make a difference.

I have an HP nw8440 Mobile Workstation with a ATI FireGL v5200 GPU.

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Monitor Is Not Displaying Full Screen On Windows 7?

Jan 1, 2013

my display is bigger then my screen. how do i make my display including my desktop and all windows fit my screen?

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Missing 1920x1080 Resolution?

Feb 2, 2010

i have recently just formatted and re-installed windows 7, steam and counter strike source and previously i used to run my game at 1920x1080 but since formatting it no longer gives me the option of 1920x1080 in the video settings?

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Hdmi 1920x1080 Player For Laptop?

May 19, 2012

I am searching for HDMI output player for 1920X1080 resolution for my laptop to my 3D Sony bravia..

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Stuck At Resolution 1920x1080 But Its 1600x1200 For Real

May 15, 2012

have a benq 2420hd 24inch with native resolution of 1920x1080 its setted like that but feels like 1600x1200 and powerstrip information says so also everything is huge on the screen and some text is blurry. have a dvi cable connected .gcard is nvidia geforce 470 gtx i have rolled back drivers ,tried to tweak the dpi,change edid information maybe i do it wrong "powerstrip",scaling the desktop in nvidia do not mutch either im out of clues whats wrong. new cable? [code]

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Windows 7 With Aero Running In 1920x1080 Mode?

Oct 31, 2011

If you have, I would like to have a screenshot of your desktop with the picture below as a desktop background.My intention is to promote virtualization technology and demonstrate graphically how you can run several operating systems on the same machine at the very same time.Here are the instructions:

1. Make sure that your screen mode truly is 1920x1080, (I don't want to have the wallpaper rescaled in the screen shot). Make the following picture temporarily your desktop wallpaper:

2. Open a window and arrange it as the black rectangle in green in the following picture:

This window could be paint, notepad or any software that opens a standard windows 7 window with Aero translucency. I want this window to look like a typical hardware demanding FPS game (such as Crysis 2 och Battlefield 3 or similar) running in windowed mode in Windows 7.

3. Make sure there are no desktop icons covering the green shaded parts of the image above and make sure that the window you have added is active. Press "SHIFT + PrintScreen" to capture the screen.

4. Open Windows Paint or similar software and paste the screenshot by pressing "CTRL-v".

5. Save the picture as 24-bit PNG, BMP or TIFF (NOT JPEG or any image format below 24-bit!), and submit it as is back onto these forums. You can upload it to e.g. "" but make sure you set the "Do not resize" (!) option.

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5760x1080 Eyefinity Display To Act As 3 X 1920x1080 Monitors?

Feb 13, 2013

First of all I weren't sure if this question should go into the GPU section but I think it's linked to windows 7!I have an eyfinity set up with 3 x 1080p monitors. When I play a game in eyefinity I turn my screens on to act as one 5760x1080, but when I'm finished playing games I turn it back to 3 separate monitors for general reasons. I was wondering if there is any software or programs out there that has the ability to set your 5760x1080 display to eyefinity when gaming but at the same time when not gaming it lets you use your monitors separately. For example I usually have 1 monitor for for each purpose(internet/editing/social media) but with eyefinity turned on everything is spread over the 3 screens.

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Windows 7 Is Not Displaying Right?

Jun 12, 2012

I have NVIDIA GTX 560,before I had ATI RADEON 3600 HD Series.

Problems started with ATI when I quited from game resolution changed so I needed to change it.

I found good resolution,but this happened few times and there is no good resolution. Everything looks to small or to big,to wide or to short (using different resolution does not help I try them all out with all possible modes (16:9,14:9) also changing cable does not helps)

After few weeks I got HDMI cabel.Resolution was good everything was OK as it should but now is another problem. Everything looks like it is in set on low quality and its blurry to.

I dont know what to do because I try all possible modes on HDMI to overscan off/on 16:9,14:9 changing settings in nvidia control panel... No way to get it work.

Also I have 21,6 inch LCD tv with default resolution 1360x768 I dont know does this helps but my TV is recognized as Generic non-PvP monitor.

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Date Not Displaying?

Oct 10, 2010

nyway, yesterday the date in the system tray randomly stopped appearing. It still shows the time, just not the date. I didn't change any settings or anything like that, I just remember looking down and noticing it was gone. I've looked in the date's settings and it still knows the correct date, it just will not put it on the task bar.I've looked on google to find people having similar problems, but nobody with a solution. I've tried restarting the computer as well, to no avail.

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RAM Not Displaying Correct MHz

Sep 10, 2009

can some one tell me why in everest ultimate edition and in Bios aslo (ram is showing only 1066 Mhz but i have Corsair 6GB 1333Mhz)....

but here intel says 1066 Mhz is default value....... ( Processors - Frequently asked questions )

so i want to know that how to increase Ram's Mhz to 1333Mhz..!!!

please post any screenshot or any link with screenshots if possible...

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Cd Icon Is Not Displaying

Jul 31, 2011

when i insert cd or dvd no actions are taking place in my system and its not even displaying the cd icon.

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CD / DVD Drive Not Displaying

Jan 18, 2009

does anyone else have a problem with their DVD drive not displaying after putting a DVD or CD in the drive and Can I get some help for it.

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Websites Not Displaying Correctly

Jan 2, 2012

Certain websites such as eBay, Facebook & Hotmail are not loading correctly. Once I hit log in the page just shows as text to the left hand side of the screen. I have cleared all history, cookies & cache, I have restarted my computer, I have tried accessing them under a different windows PC user name, upgraded Mozilla, tried internet explorer, upgraded Java and made sure it was enabled.

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Japanese Kanji Is Not Displaying

Feb 3, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, the whole kit and caboodle.I setup my personal computer the exact same as my fathers, but for some reason, despite installing all the same updates and blah blah, I can't get the Japanese Kanji to display ON the computer Chrome displays them just fine, but my music is all boxes, rather than Kanji..Yes, I installed the Japanese Display Language, but when I go to swap to it, even IT shows as boxes, rather than Kanji..The same problem extends to Korean, Chinese (both), Russian and a few other packs.

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Icons Not Displaying Properly

Aug 2, 2012

There is a closed thread that describes my exact issue and what was discussed at [url]...

I was wondering if anyone knew of a resolution for this. It is for another computer and so i don't have immediate access to the specs but i can post them at a later time if it is deemed necessary. I just wanted to get the ball rolling at least for now

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Screen Not Displaying Correctly?

Sep 15, 2012

My display has suddenly decided to reduce it's size and doesn't any longer stretch to fill the monitor screen. There is a black border of about 1.5cm all round the desktop display. Using Windows 7 on a Dell All-inOne.

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Icons Not Displaying Properly?

Jan 27, 2011

Some application icons and files that are use them to open aren't displaying their proper icon and are displaying a default windows icon.

This is happening in the taskbar, the desktop and the start menu. I've tried deleting the iconcache.db file which didn't work.

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Gadgets Not Displaying Correctly?

Jun 11, 2010

For some odd reason, about a month ago all gadgets in my win 7 ultimate stopped working correctly and now look like this when extended:Not even samples for the clock are displayed correctly anymore, instead I just get this red X-es.I've tried many things already, such as repairing windows for the dvd and so on but none have worked.

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Desktop Keeps Displaying - How To Stop It

Mar 29, 2012

I have a user that says her desktop randomly pops up while she is typing. She also says that sometimes when she walks away from her desk and comes back the desktop is displayed. She shakes the mouse to bring the last active window back each time. I changed out her keyboard thinking that there is something going on with the Windows+D Keys but the problem still occurs.

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How To Know Which One Is Displaying The Right Version Of DirectX

Oct 24, 2012

i have ASUS K42JP, with AMD Radeon HD 6570M (2GB).this is Performance info, in system rating window which says directX version is 10 and here is dxdiag which says its version is 11

my question is which one do i believe? here's the display page of dxdiag, which shows memory of 1702MB, in 64-bit, while once i put 32-bit in it and it became about 3500MB, how do i increase it? i mean it should display the shared system memory which is 3765MB.i have installed the graphics display .

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Not Displaying Usb Hard Drive?

Nov 9, 2012

My computers motherboard fried a few weeks ago, so I fished out an old laptop and restored the OS to factory settings with a restore disk I created. My goal was to just use this laptop until I repaired my new one. (had to clean install windows seven because a prior failure which led me to getting a new one in the first place) After sucessfull reinstalation of windows on my old one, I popped out my hard drive on my new laptop, placed it in a portable usb case and plugged it into my ,now working one. My old laptop "recognised" the drive but will not display it in the computer browser window. it displays it in device manager with no errors, but i just cannot access the drive. I noticed in the disk management window, it is also displayed but does not recognize any file system for the drive (what should be a NTFS file system). I need to access some files on this HD and do not want to mess with the partition or file system on this drive because I want to keep this drive "in tact" for when I get a new motherboard for my new computer. How do i go about accessing this drive from my USB without risk of loosing the "structially fine" data already on it?

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Boot Manager Is Not Displaying

Sep 21, 2009

I have Dell laptop which having Xp sp3 already in C drive. I tried to install windows 7 on D partition which is again a primary partition.

Installation goes fine. and i have scene windwos 7 bootloader in the mid of installation of windows 7 . after successfull installation it restart my system and then windows 7 boot loader option is not displayed althorugh it displays the Xp bootloader instead of windows 7 bootloader. So now i m not able to load windows 7 although it is installed successfully.

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Icons Not Displaying Properly

Jan 27, 2011

Some application icons and files that are use them to open aren't displaying their proper icon and are displaying a default windows icon.

This is happening in the taskbar, the desktop and the start menu. I've tried deleting the iconcache.db file which didn't work.I've attached some photos illustrating the problem.

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Hp Pavilion Dv2500 Is Not Displaying

Oct 29, 2011

My laptop hp pavilion dv 2500 is not display but only start so you suggest .

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Removable DiskIis Not Displaying

Apr 7, 2012

removable disk is not displaying in my computer. In notification area also it doesn't appear.

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