Memory Diagnostics Tool

Sep 22, 2009

How to Run the Memory Diagnostics Tool in Windows 7 ?

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Windows Network Diagnostics Tool Error

Feb 8, 2012

I tried to run Windows Network Diagnostics and an error occurred. In the details it said the diagnostic file was 'restricted'.I searched around for answers and found a suggestion to run 'sfc/scannow' in an elevated command prompt. The file checker reported no 'integrity violations' but the Windows Network Diagnostics tool suddenly worked! (in the 2 year life of my Sony Vaio I don't recall it ever working before).The problem: when I next turn on my computer after it has been shut down, the Windows Network Diagnostics tool has stopped working again - unless I run 'sfc/scannow' - then it runs fine. [code]

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Windows 7 Low Memory Error - Everything Fine In Diagnostics Test

Jan 23, 2012

recently from past one month i am having low memory problem. i need to restart my laptop and every things ok for sometime. i have kaspersky internet security and also i did a malware check using malware bytes. nothing came up. i also notice that when playing movies in Internet or vlc the computer the video seems to freeze for about two seconds and back to normal. i am adding the dump files and also a screenshot of resource monitor. my laptop seems very slow for the past month as well. i did a windows memory diagnostics and everything was fine.

here are the specs of my laptop:
make: hp pavilion dv-3 2360ee
processor: intel i3 m330 2.13 ghz
ram: 3gb
system: 64 bit

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How To Find What Type Of Windows Memory Diagnostics Test Done

Jul 31, 2012

How to find out what type of Windows memory diagnostics test was chosen. I know that the results are psoted in windows event log but I don't know which number or line corresponds to what type of test was used (standard , default or extended). I don't remember what type I've chosen and I really would like to know how to determine it by files in event log.

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Memory Diagnostic Tool Crash?

Oct 13, 2012

I own a Gateway/Windows 7 pc,64 bit operating system, about 5 yrs old. When I try to run the memory diagnostic tool, system shuts down completely. I have to restart pc. Is there a hidden virus in my system, and, if not, what diagnostic tool can I use to check memory diagnostic program.

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Windows 7 Memory Diagnostic Tool

Jun 16, 2011

I am running windows 7 for long time and I havent came accross this yet , so this is what happend in shorter version, I was using my computer when the screen just went black. I just tought to myself its probably something wrong with my memory so i ran the Memory Diagnostic Tool ,I picked the first choice that it recommended "Save work and restart the system". The computer restarted, and the tool started to work after 15-20 minutes it was nearly done 90 somthing , i just went down stairs to get a drink and when i came backed upstairs i realised that the scanning is at 8% again , I tought maybe thats how it works , scans 2-3 times , i lefted the computer working over the night when i waken up the tool was still working , went to work , came backed and the tool was still working , i just said to myself this has to be wrong , i unpluged the pc left it over the night. Turned it on , the diagnostic tool started itself again , The scan was neraly over when just again i realised that this think goes in infinity. I pressed the " Esc" button as it said to finish but when i press the button the scan just resets and goes from 0% again, It doesnt want to let me run safe mode or anything else , only go to bios set up.

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Memory Diagnostic Tool Keeps Launching On Boot Up Windows 7

Mar 27, 2012

Memory Diagnostic Tool keeps launching on boot up windows 7. How to stop it. I daily kill the process from task manager. I try to search in internet but no result. Is it a bug?

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Tool Or A Command That Free's Up Memory That Isn't Being Used Anymore On Windows 7

Feb 23, 2012

Does anyone know of a tool or a command that free's up memory that isn't being used anymore on Windows 7, similar to the purge command in terminal on a Mac?

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How To Check My Drive For Diagnostics

May 16, 2012

my laptop has a problem staying on, it doesn't get hot at all, i turn it on , it takes alot longer to boot up, then after about 10-15 min it randomly turns off, no shut down screen, just a complete turn off.there's times where it wont get past the windows loading screen.

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PC Freeze Diagnostics Restart

Jan 9, 2013

If a PC freezes, and nothing you do can bring it out of the freeze where all you can do is force it to shut down so you can re-start it is there a log in Windows where you can go to see if there is an error code of some kind that can hopefully provide a clue as to why the system froze up?

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Automatic Boot To Dell Diagnostics

Dec 12, 2009

i just restored to a disk image i recently backed up. When it was done i tried to boot my system and it automatically booted to the dell diagnostics. why is that? i can't seem to find a way to boot to my system.

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My Computer Says Diagnostics Policy Service Is Not Running

Sep 10, 2011

My toshiba laptop has been telling me my anti virus cannot be run when I scroll over the wireless icon it says I am connected but only through limited connection, meaning I can't get onto the internet at all. I didn't shut anything off on my computer so if anyone knows how to get this "diagnostics policy service" to run again

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Hard Drive Diagnostics Report Bad Sectors?

Jan 3, 2012

I am having serious corruption problems with my hard drive. I have reinstalled windows a few times now, but it always ends up being unable to boot. At the moment, my computer cannot even boot up in normal or safe mode, all my restore points have been deleted, and startup repair cannot do anything.After backing up my data and running a test with the Seagate SeaTools diagnostics in DOS, it was reported that there were bad sectors found on my Hard Disk. But I actually can't use this software to repair the bad sectors tough since it's a Western Digital drive. Is there any software that I could download to repair these bad sectors, or am I going to have to replace

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How To Run A Windows 7 Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report ?

Feb 27, 2009

How to Run a Windows 7 Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report ?

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Windows Network Diagnostics - Proxy Settings Not Automatically Detected

Jan 15, 2013

I have recently run a virus scanner from mcaffee stinger. I had several virusus and it removed them. Although there gone I had just booted my laptop and it wont let me connect to the internet. It said limited access on the icon. I troubleshooted the windows network diagnostics and it said this. Problem found windows could not automatically detect this networks proxy settings. Whatever I try to run as administrator it will come up with an error saying

C:/Windows/system32/cmd.exe <-that was an example the name changes for different items.

I basically cant use it at all now. I go to the control panel and click right click properties to disable and it will come up with the same error. It also said windows has encountered an error saving the wireless profile specific error: the data is invalid.

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Videos Disappeared From Archive - Diagnostics Show Nothing Wrong With Storage Drive

Oct 8, 2011

I have noticed that a number of videos in my archive have disappeared. It is not a high percentage of the videos, just one here and there. Diagnostics show nothing wrong with the storage drive, nor anything else that I can think of. At first I thought it must have been due to me accidentally deleting a file, or not really having saved it as I thought that I had, but I now know that is not the case. I'm accustomed to what usually happens when a file becomes corrupted, it just becomes unusable, but still remains visible to the file manager and other programs, but I'm wondering if it might totally disappear?

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Convert A Shared Video Memory Into Dedicated Video Memory And System Video Memory?

Aug 12, 2011

how to convert a shared video memory into dedicated video memory and system video memory? me and my friend have the same specs computers but the same game runs slow in my computer but it runs smoothly in his computer?

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Troubleshooting Excessive Memory Use (Memory Leak) After Playing Video

Oct 6, 2012

i am having a problem with my memory getting tied up / used up and not being able to access it again until i reboot.

machine: dell xps studio 8100
os: win 7,
processor: i7 2.8
ram: 16gb (max it will take)
video: ati radeon 5700 (running 3 monitors)

versions: as far as i know i am running current versions of everything, including video drivers, flash, chrome, etc. (i've tried running chrome with both the build in version of flash and the system version -haven't seen a difference)

browser: i nearly exclusively run chrome / canary with auto-updates so am at the latest builds.what seems to cause me to use up / run out of memory is after i play videos (Internet, netflix, etc.), the memory seems to get used, but is not returned to the system, even if the browser is closed and re-opened.right now for example things are working fine; i rebooted my system a couple hours ago (but have not played any videos). i have adobe lightroom running, picasa, chrome and canary (currently 4 web browser windows open with 52 tabs open). task manager currently shows me using 8.20gb of ram, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

normally my system will keep running properly (if a program is closed, memory is freed up) right up until i start to play any videos (Internet, netflix, etc.) then it will start using up more memory. (of course i expect it to use more memory during playback) however, even if i restart the browser, the memory does not get freed back up. for example, just prior to the reboot, with everything closed, i was using right around 8gb of ram. once i rebooted, i was using 1.something gb of ram prior to opening any programs.however, once i start playing some videos, i never seem to be able to get my ram freed back up again unless i reboot the whole system. this is not just a problem with how much memory the system shows as being available, i frequently actually run out of memory. (task manager will show me as using around 15gb and then everything starts swapping out like crazy).

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)

May 22, 2010

Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)When I starting the Windows (in the first few hours) everything is normal But after 1 day or 2 (sooner or later) the amount of available memory gradually goes down and the physical memory usage increasing. This increasing, continues until the memory usage reaches near the 88% and at that point , there isn't any memory available to operate any software . Also when memory reaches that point, I can't access any drive in the HDD; because everytime I want to open any folder, the following error appears :c: is not accessible.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service At this point, I even can't shutdown or restart Windows normally; I must restart windows manually by pressing the restart button.after restart, everything goes to normal again; but this problem appears again and again ...

my system :
OS : Windows 7 x86
Cpu : Intel P4 3.0GH
Vga : nVidia 6600
MB : Gigabyte GA-8I915G Duo
PSU : Corsair 750W
RAM : 2GB DDR-400 Transcend
(I have these memories for 2 years)
Physical Memory: 2000 mb
Paging File: 2000 mb
Virtual Memory: 6000 mb

0- using some optimizing and freeing softwares like (Memory Booster Gold - RAM Saver Pro - CleanMem)

1- Scanning my computer with antivirus and antispywares

2- Changing antivirus software

3- Updating windows with all updates available via Windows Update

4- Updating drivers of all hardwares

5- Downloading and installing the following hotfixes that are related to memory leak : The memory of the nonpaged pool may leak when you enable IPsec on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2 A memory leak occurs when an ADO Recordset object calls the UpdateBatch method A nonpaged pool memory leak occurs when you use a WFP callout driver in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2

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Increased Memory Usage With Added Memory?

Nov 5, 2011

I just built a new computer and started with 8GB of memory. A few weeks down the line I purchased another set of the same memory because it was on such a good deal and had great reviews (newegg). It also was working well for me, so I figured maybe more could be better.

I haven't noticed any decrease/increase in system performance except Alt-Tabbing has recently got slower. Also, Windows 7 was sitting tight on 1.3gb to 2gb of memory usage prior to the extra 8 (now 16) being added. Even when gaming, it went up to like 3gb. Now that I've added the extra it's going up to 4.5gb or better. Also, is it possible to speed up my alt-tabbing? It seems to have a good 3-4 second pause in it instead of being immediate like it was.

Computer specs:
Windows 7 HP 64-bit
gSkill 16gb 1866 memory (BIOS shows it at 1866, too)
Intel i5-2500k Sandy Bridge (OC'd 4.6 with factory Overclock presets)
ASRock z68 Extreme4 mobo

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Have No Tool Bar On Windows 7

Mar 6, 2011

I want to change my email default. All the infro says go to tools. I have no tools on my upper tool bar.

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Windows 7 Usb Dvd Tool

Aug 27, 2012

Not sure if this is in the right part of the forums? but here we go. I am formating and reinstalling windows 7. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop. Intel 2.3 ghz duel core, cpu. upgraded to 4 gig of ram. done months ago. New 750 gig HDD. New to this install. just bought it. Installed with a dell windows 7 disk. It activated fine. had a few problem with the install. could not install Windows 7 usb dvd tool could not install Office 2010. Did get NOD 32 install and all the windows updates. I figured there was aglitch in the install. I formated and reinstalled windows 7 from a usb drive i created on another computer. that i just installed the windows 7 usb dvd tool on. windows loaded fine, so first thing i tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool would not install. so formated and started again. All went well windows 7 activated fine. tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool again no joy. so I went ahead and installed all the updates. NOD 32. windows office all went well. tried again to install the Win 7 usb dvd tool no joy. I have googled the problem there is no info out there on this problem. I searched the problem in this forum nothing. I had this tool running on the original install before i started this whole thing and it worked fine. Any suggestion would be great! Nothing invested but time!

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RAM Diagnostic Tool

May 10, 2009

I purchased 4GB of RAm a few mnths ago and also got a copy of Vista HP64. From the get go I had all sort of issues in Vista - games would not run, the OS seemed to crash a lot, would get messages like MS Outlooks data file was not closed properly. Windows defender would crash all the time.Tried about 15 different nVidia drivers... gave up. I tried 3 different HDDs too.

So anyway I moved back to XP because I assumed it was simply Vista.

This week I downloaded Win7RC1!! I'd heard nothing but greta things on podcasts, in forums etc. So i installed.

From the start I've had again defender crashing, "windows logon" errors, action centre shows me a LOT of errors that it's detetced and fixed. I get a few "explorer has stopped working" errors too. UGH! Games do not work - they freeze either on loading or after 30 seconds or so of gaming. I've had 4 or so BSODs which I had heard were basically unheard of in Windows 7! They were of varying variety.

All these erros in 3 days worth of running Windows 7? Seems a lot.... and errors on core components of Windows 7 too.

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All In One Cleanup Tool

Jul 9, 2011

I am regarded as the family and friends computer problem solver and in a lot of cases e.g. slowdown/virus etc it is just doing a bit of housekeeping which they don't or can't be bother doing. However this takes a bit of time and I was wondering if there was a good tool out there that you would recommend to save me crawling through their PCs uninstalling unused programs, clearing out .tmp files etc etc - you know the kind of things.

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Memory Says It Has 3.0 GB Of Ram And Runs Until Start Actually Using To New Memory?

Feb 28, 2012

I recently bought 2x1GB Ram Sticks for a Dell DimensionE510It has a Pentium4 2.80Gh Processorand factory 1 GB RAMIt's currently running Windows 7 x64hen I put the new RAM sticks in the system recognizes the new memory says it has 3.0 GB of ram and runs until I start actually using to new memory, as in start running more programs simultaneously and it crashes and I get two BSOD*. As far as I know the sticks match the motherboard, as in that's what I was told.*"Memory Management" and "PFN List Corrupt"As far as I understand it is a driver issue, but I honestly am not sure.

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How To Set Up The Modeling Tool In 3d Maya

Sep 27, 2012

how to set up the modeling tool in 3d maya

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New Registry Backup Tool

Jun 1, 2012

I received Don's permission to tell you about this program. It is for the average user like me who cannot run ERUNT on Win 7 with a schedule and without the hard workarounds.It is being released from Beta Sunday June 3rd '12'.I have system restore and Acronis but sometimes you cannot get to system restore from within windows or for corruption issues and Acronis takes awhile.This can be found @ where the owner, Shane has developed this for the normal user. Read the threads about it, watch the videos etc. It is so ez with three tabs to backup, restore and settings. There are even shots to show you how to restore if youcan't boot up. The last part was too hard for me so he made it easier. I only know him because he replied to my request for an ERUNT replacement -he was the only one of ten people.It is going to have videos, tutorials and prntscns shots to make it ez.I asked around for along time because so many techs swear by ERUNT and I wanted it or a replacement. Unfortunatley the author of ERUNT developed it up to XP but Win 7 users were stuck unless very techy.This is what I was avidly looking for and he said awhile ago he woud do it.So, if you are like me and make errors you would like to erase, add another backup tool to your toolbox.It is freeware and he promises there are no nasties.

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Tool Bar / Right Click Features

Feb 12, 2011

Just learning the ropes on Windows7; used Vista for coupla years: TOOL BAR: What happened to Edit function of for that matter File? RIGHT CLICK: What happened to Copy to and Move to ? The point being, how do I move selected files to another location on my computer?

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How To Use The Windows 7 Snipping Tool

May 27, 2011

how to use the windows 7 snipping tool?

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HP Printer Tool Box Not Compatible?

Oct 30, 2011

When I made the move from Windows XP to Windows 7, I no longer have the HP printer toolbox icon on my desktop. Even tho I had to do a clean install from the original printer CD, I can't find it.

Before posting here I tried looking on the web+I'm thinking the toolbox is not compatible with Windows 7?

It was always nice to be alerted when I was running low on ink,+ now I don't even have the option to clean the print heads. If the program is not going to work with my current system, is it possible for me to manually clean the print heads?

My printer is an HP PSC 1401 All-in-One

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