Media Center Not Recording - Scheduler Service Running

Jul 1, 2011

I have added the library for recorded tv and verified that the scheduler service is running. When I select a show for recording, it seems to accept it and shows the red dot in the guide, but when the show time begins - it doesn't record. Record worked before the recording drive failed and had to be replaced.

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Recording TV With Windows Media Center?

Apr 3, 2012

I recently purchased a Media Centre PC with a Compro E750 Dual Digital PCIe HD TV Tuner. When I record a TV program I get large blocking in the picture and it is difficult to watch. I have a clear picture when normally viewing TV and when viewing TV programs from web sites.

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Task Scheduler Errors - Windows Media Center

May 27, 2011

I have Windows 7 Professional x64. When I start Task Scheduler it presents two warnings; both are related to Windows Media Center:

"Task mcupdate_scheduled: The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with."

I believe this scheduled task runs the %windir%ehomemcupdate command to check for Windows Media Center updates.

"Task DispatchRecoveryTasks: The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with."

I haven't been able to determine what this task does.

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Backup Scheduled Recording / Settings For Media Center

Dec 26, 2008

I'm looking for a method to backup my scheduled recording/settings for media center before performing a clean install of windows 7.

I don't mind manually copying the files and replacing them, but I don't know their locations.

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Windows Media Center 64bit Corrupt Recording

Jul 2, 2012

I am using a Peak dual DVB-T tuner card with Windows Media Center 64bit. I receive my digital TV signal from an attic aerial. My problem is that I get corruption on video and audio while recording with WMC. The video corruption is hard to describe but looks like vertical streaks down the TV screen making programs impossible to watch. The corruption does not happen all the time, but usually starts after 30-40 minutes into a show. I have checked aerial connections etc and have recently reloaded windows 7, but with no improvement. I have no problems whatsoever while veiwing normal TV or internet TV etc on just the TV itself. I haven't filled in system specs in my profile as I have 3 different PC setups and wanted to try get some help asap, (this is my first post). The problem occurs on a HTPC with an Asus HD55M-pro motherboard, an Intel I3-530 processor, 4Gb ram and a Samsung F3 1TB with a partition for system and the rest of drive for storage. This is using Intel intregrated HD graphics on the CPU cabled to a Sony LCD TV via HDMI lead.

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Media Center Service Turned Off

Dec 27, 2009

I am trying to get my XBox 360 to find my PC, or get my Windows Media Center PC to find my 360 as an extender.

For some reason every time Media Center searches(put in the 8 digit code on the PC) I get:

"Media Center Extender Setup failed as the Extender was detected on the network but the UPnP search for the Extender failed (timed out after 20000ms)."

in the event log.

It shuts off my "Media Player Extender" service(stops it and changes it to "disabled"), and unchecks the Windows Firewall box allowing Media Center Extenders through my home network.

I've tried disabling my router's firewall (Linksys WRT54GS) and Windows Firewall, then restarting the Media Center Service and still get the same message and results.

I've enabled uPnP, and disabled "filter multicast". I've tried messing with the Xbox's IP settings, but that wouldn't cause my PC to shut off the services.

I've done just about everything I can find on the internet to fix it and nothing has worked so far, have only seen a couple of threads talking about the service shutting off by itself.

I'm about to the point where I'm going to re-install Windows 7, but I haven't had it for very long at all so I doubt a "fresh" copy will make any difference. Read more at the forums...

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Stop Service In Task Scheduler Hidden?

Jun 25, 2012

Im trying to stop service in task schedual a few minutes after logon. I have a bat file with net stop Superfetch. It opens a cmd window. How do I make this hidden?

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Task Scheduler Not Running?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't install anything on my computer or run disk defragger because I keep getting error messages. Here is one:"Disk Deragmenter cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try again.I tried to mess around with the task scheduler but I still don't understand the problem.

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Task Scheduler Is Not Running?

Oct 18, 2012

my task schedule is not running and y googe chrome s ot working and my internet stooped working all te time

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Task Scheduler And Running Application In Foreground

Feb 8, 2010

My requirement is to start an application (UI based) in the foreground as soon as the PC boots (whether user is logged in or not). I added a task to the task scheduler & configured it to run under the same account as my foreground logon account. I am seeing the task is scheduled but it is running in the background. Also observed that task manager is not showing the process unless I click on the button "Show processes from all users".

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Task Scheduler Fails When Running VB Compile EXE?

Jul 7, 2010

I created an exe with Visual Studio 2010 to automate the execution of a 2nd program.This exe requires 2 command line arguments.When I run this exe from a Short cut with the arguments defined everything works as desired.However, when I make a Scheduled Task to run this exe, the 2nd program does not get run and I get various results in the Last Run Status - most of the time the result is 0x41306.The task is set up as follows:

- run whether user is logged in or not
- run with highest privileges
- configure for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 although using Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 does not work either
- the schedule is set up and enabled
- the actions point to the exe create by VB
- the only conditions set is to wake computer to run
- settings are allow task to be run on demand / stop task if running more than 3 days / if task does not end when requested force it to stop

From the task history I get the following logs:

Task Scheduler successfully completed task "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" , instance "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" , action "C:UsersSunday ServicesDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsWireCastLauncherWireCastLauncherinReleaseWireCastLauncher.exe" with return code 3762504530.

Task Scheduler successfully finished "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" instance of the "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" task for user "HBCMP3RECORDERSunday Services".

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Windows Media Center - Change Media Browser Icon

Jan 18, 2011

How to Change the Default Windows 7 Media Center Media Browser Icon ?

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Disk Defragmentation Cannot Start - Task Scheduler Not Running

May 29, 2011

When I try to run Disk Defrag I get this error message, "Disk Defragmentation cannot start because the Task Scheduler service is not running. Start the Task Scheduler service and try again." How can I correct this problem?

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Use 64bit Media Center With 32bit Media Player?

Jul 25, 2011

I'm in grave problem here. I just installed windows 7 x64 a few days back. And initially I installed the 32bit version of k-lite codec pack for my windows media player. The media center worked fine then. It was loading my ffdshow and ac3filter along as I checked it.But then yesterday I noticed that the same pop-up od recommended/express install of WMP came again. Initially I thought that it must be some bug or something, but then when my MKV and AVI files didn't work in WMC, I realized that somehow WMP x64 got triggered, and now it is using the x64 bit of WMP in WMC. And I just wanna revert back to 32-bit WMP in WMC.

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DVD Playback Stops In Media Center And Media Player

Jan 15, 2009

I have checked two seperate DVD movies and they stop after the splash screens, FBI warning and Corporate logos, and never make it to the DVD menu.

This DVD player is an external player and I have no problem with playback on my Dual boot with Vista Home Premium.

Any suggestions?

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Task Scheduler & Windows Media Player Quit Working Together?

Oct 20, 2011

I used to run a nature sound file in Media Player, to help me sleep, with Task Scheduler set to wake me up with an online radio program. First task stops, "wakeup" task starts immediately after; worked great for almost a year.Suddenly, doesn't work. Running task doesn't stop, and either wakeup task never starts, or, if it does, it runs as some sort of "ghost" instance: no window showing in the Taskbar, nothing showing in Task Manager (neither as application or as process). I have to restart the whole computer to get it to stop!Checked all the settings in Task Scheduler, tried drawing up new tasks; no change.Too bad I bought this PC with Windows 7 preinstalled--no disks to rebuild from.

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Media Player And Media Center Cannot Play DVD

Dec 20, 2009

I can't get eithe WMP or MC to play a DVD. I've set the region code. WMP acts like it will play, but then just goes blank, and MC says it cannot play the DVD. These are original discs, not burned copies. I have a custom built system, with 2 graphics cards (GTX 260 and a GT 220) 6 GB of RAM, and an i7 processor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started?

Mar 20, 2011

after i managed to remove a virus on my computer (system defender) i get this message to turn on the windows security center service, but when i try to do that i get the message "the windows security center service can't be started".. the security center properties is on automatic... but the message is still on.. i tried to do a system restore but it doesn't give me an option date before the virus attack. i have windows 7 home edition..

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Window Security Center Service Cannot Turn On

Aug 10, 2011

Currently I am having problem to turn on my window security center. Solution that I have tried is:

1- By going to services>>properties>>automatic /automatic (delayed start) - failed
2- Already scan with malwarebytes anti-malware and removed affected files - failed

Because of this, I cannot install or update my windows update and antivirus.

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Windows Security Service Center Won't Turn On?

Mar 30, 2011

Yesterday I noticed the red flag stating that the Windows Security Services Center was off. When I tried ti turn it on I got an error message saying that it can't be started. I searched some posts that said to access the services.msc file but when I tried that I get another message saying that "One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either..

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Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started

Oct 20, 2011

When I try to start Windows Security Centre a message appears:" The Windows Security Center service can't be started."

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Windows 7 64 Bit Security Center Service Can't Start

Apr 12, 2011

A flag is appearing in the bottom right corner on my laptop running windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit version. On opening the action center by clicking on flag the message appears "Windows Security Center Service (Important) - The windows Security Center service is turned off" Next to this message is a button "Turn on now". When I click on the button gets an error message "windows security service can't be started". no details. checked my laptop for any virus, torjan, malware etc. using 3 different tools: McAfee, Windows malicious software removal tool, Malwarebytes No virus or suspecious programs try to start the security services manually using services.

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Windows Security Center Service Turned Off?

Dec 31, 2012

I am running Win 7 on a Dell Inspiron 1525, and have noticed recently that the Security Center Service is not running, when I click the button to turn it on, I get a 'Cannot be started' message.

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How To Turn On Windows 7 Security Center Service

Jan 22, 2011

my windows security center will not work properly.then i followed the following steps. when i am open the service.msc then it shows your current security systems prohibit running active x control in this page or you have blocked a publisher of one of the controls. it causes my windows gadjet does not work properly and i can't restore my system to an earlier point.

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The Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started

Feb 29, 2012

when i turn on Windows Security Center Service it says The Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started.

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How To Turn On Windows 7 Security Center Service

Dec 17, 2012

cant download any updates on my laptop running on windows 7 keeps coming up with error 80246008

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Windows 7 Security Center - Specified Service Does Not Exist As Installed

Apr 20, 2011

I was trying to remove some malware "Win 7 Home Security 2011 - Unregistered Version" and I noticed that I cannot turn on Windows Security Center Service. When I click "Turn on Now" button I get an error box "The Windows Security Center service can't be started." I am running McAfee & Malwarebytes. When I execute "sc qc wscsvc" from the command prompt I get "The specified service does not exist as an installed service" .OpenService Failed 1060. Can I reinstall Windows Security Center?

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How To Turn On Security Center Service For Windows 7 On Laptop

Dec 27, 2011

How to turn on security center service for windows7 on my laptop I have tried running all the possible anti virus but still my problem is not getting fixed,

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Windows Media Center Set Up

May 9, 2010

When I open Windows Media Center - Internet TV is listed.On the windows website it shows that I should have that option.So, I assume I don't have something set up right.I have a TV tuner and I can record and watch TV just can't get to see the Internet TV channels.

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No Internet TV In Media Center?

Jan 19, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a new computer with no TV tuner. I am unable to see Internet TV or Netflix in Windows Media Center. When I try the automatic download (Download Now) option, I get an error message that the Guide cannot be downloaded.After looking at these message boards, I have tried turning off my firewall before downloading and tried adding the Media Center programs to the allowed programs in my firewall application, but I still get the same errors.

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Building A Media Center PC: Q&A?

May 9, 2011

I am building a Media Center PC. I have two questions relating to Windows Media Center:

1) I can watch TV via TV card, but can I watch TV from another source such as HDMI or AV from my satalite reciever or PS3?

2) Can WMC work with a dual monitor graphics card? I would like to transmit the media center screen via AV to monitors & speakers, while being able to use the PC for other use via VGA connection.

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