MSConfig And Services.msc Are Missing?

Mar 29, 2012

this morning I noticed an exclamation in my taskbar that services were not running.I looked for services.msc in the search in the start button, but nothing came up. I also typed in MSConfig in the search in the start button search, and again, nothing came up. I also cannot find anything that resembles "administrative tools" anywhere, The exclamation point has since disappeared, but...why am I not seeing these items in my start button?

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MSConfig And Services.msc Are Missing?

Mar 29, 2012

Not sure if this is the correct place for this but...this morning I noticed an exclamation in my taskbar that services were not running. I looked for services.msc in the search in the start button, but nothing came up. I also typed in MSConfig in the search in the start button search, and again, nothing came up. I also cannot find anything that resembles "administrative tools" anywhere, The exclamation point has since disappeared and in the taskmanager, it appears to be working, but...why am I not seeing these items in my start button? Exactly what does services.msc do? I'm running the 64-bit Windows 7.

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Remove Unchecked Services Completely (DELETING) From The Services Tab In Msconfig?

Dec 24, 2011

how to remove unchecked services completely (DELETING) from the services tab in msconfig? Like Google update service and so on.

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Resetting Services In Msconfig?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm resetting (from disabled) in msconfig. I had a glitch after installing sp1 that caused BSOD after login. After disabling startup and services i was able to login in normal (selective)startup. My question is whether the entire list of ms corp services need to be enabled or should i select a core set . I have been starting the ones I recognize and what not , but is there a windows 7 setup suggestion list or possible list of core services to enable.

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Windows 7 - Get Msconfig From Dos With A Boot.ini Missing Error

Jan 7, 2012

How do you get msconfig from dos with a boot.ini missing error. Normal Windows 7 / safe mode seems not to be the answer.

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WZC Missing From Services?

Feb 7, 2011

when I look through services.msc Wireless Zero Configuration is missing, how do you go about reinstalling this service in Windows 7 or can't it be done.

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Missing System Services?

Apr 2, 2011

Don't have the specified path to Bluetooth Media Service and Bluetooth Device Monitor in system services...It appears the programs are missing. Any Ideas how or where to get them back?NEW Dell xps 15 laptopWindows 7 Home Ulitmate 64 bit

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Remote Desktop Services Missing?

Nov 21, 2011

I have been unable to rdp into my windows 7 professional machine for the last couple of days. I have noticed that "Remote Desktop Services" is missing from services.msc and presume this is my problem.Would anyone know how to get this service back up and running ?I'm unable to do system restore as I'm getting errors on my restore points and I've already tried sfc /scannow with no success.

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Clipbook Is Missing From Local Services!

Aug 31, 2012

I am running Windows 7 ultimate 32bit service pack 1 on an HP Pav. I use the latest Chrome Browser.

I run that normally (no virtual machine) Recently Copy/Paste function from the right-click context menu suddenly stopped working in ANY program, browser, circumstance.

I cannot even get the keyboard shortcuts to work for copy/paste (Control/C Control/V). Tried a few things; updated Java, ran windows update, etc.

Then I checked to see if the clipbook was started in Local services. To my utter surprize its GONE!

No clipbook would explain my problem without a doubt. What can I do about it? Can I download the file somewhere or will it take a restore or repair?

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Update Error And BITS Missing From Services?

Feb 10, 2013

I had a nasty virus a while ago (I think I managed to get it all cleaned out) but it played hell with my updates, and recently I think I discovered why.[URL]In other words, I receive an error whenever I try to use Updates and BITS is not present in my services list.

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Removed ComboFix Log Attachment / Not Germane To Missing Windows Services

Apr 28, 2012

Vds.exe is missing completely from service.mcs. I made the terrible mistake of actually deleting this service. Now several functions do not work on my computer. I have ran combofix in hopes that it will repair/replace missing files. I did keep the log file if anyone is interested in helping solve the dilemma.Mod Edit: Removed ComboFix log attachment, not germane to missing Windows services and CF is a malware tool which is not used in this particular forum while no information has been provided to indicate malware.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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What Start-up In MSCONFIG

Feb 9, 2013

Which start up should be selected in MSCONFIG Normal or Selective?

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Msconfig Is Not Loading?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm using Windows 7 home prem.And I want to launch msconfig.But once It loads, it suddenly turns off.Why?What to do , how to lauch that.

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Changes In Msconfig Now BSOD?

Jul 20, 2011

i changed the amount of boot ram in msconfig now it bsod and i know why but the problem is when i boot into safe mode then go into msconfig i can see any lettering and can just get into the options where the ram is changed and i can click ok but after i hit ok i can not hit the apply button because i can not see it. i can not see almost anything in msconfig but i can see all of the desktop and the

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What Is Dca In The Startup (msconfig) On Windows 7

Jul 16, 2012

What is Dca in the startup (msconfig) on Windows 7?

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MSCONFIG Entry In Registry?

Feb 20, 2012

clean up my disabled entries in MSCONFIG BUT there is no entry for it in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftShared ToolsMSConfig on my desktop.there is on my laptop.When is MSCONFIG hiding these things?How do i get it back?

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Msconfig Program Won't Load?

Sep 20, 2010

I am having problem with my HP Multimedia Keyboard, all the drivers are installed for Windows 7 (SP44446) kbd.exe is in starup in msconfig, but when I start windows, this process won't starts as before.I uninstall and reinstall but the problem still there, and I need to start it manually.

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Processor Settings In Msconfig?

Aug 23, 2012

I have a quad-core AMD Athlon II 640 Processor. I always figured I have all 4 cores running at the same time, but today I noticed in msconfig>boot>advanced>number of processors that the default number of processors is one. I've recently had a number of freezes, and wondered if i were to increase the number of processors, would my computer's behavior change at all?

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Starting Up File Is Not On Msconfig?

Nov 16, 2012

I have a file (spider.exe) is starting up when pc is started, I want to disable this file from startup, it is not shown on msconfig neither startup delayer.

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What Is Msconfig Command For Windows 7

Jan 9, 2012

What is msconfig command for windows 7

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Possible Changing Msconfig Without Windows

Aug 16, 2010

I have an ASUS notebook running windows7 and 4g memory. I changed the msconfig boot.ini /MAXMEM from its default (an uncheked box, but I presume 4096) to 256 while trying to get a program to load. Saved and rebooted, now all I get is a BSOD with a stop error. since I cant get back into windows , would anyone know how to change this parameter back to its default? restore points dont work, automatic repairs dont work either.

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Lost Explorer.exe, Msconfig,adm Privileges

Sep 27, 2012

last 7 days can not use msconfig or explorer.exe also my computer icon does not responds, actually when I tried to use anyone of these commands the program "load" but only for milliseconds and back to the desktop; I tried many things like AVG and malaware both report no infections I use safe boot and run sfc/scannow and no solution?

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Get To Msconfig From Command Prompt In Windows 7?

Sep 6, 2011

I have startup recovery virus/malware on my windows 7 machine. Can't access safe mode, can only get to startup recovery and command prompt. Tried a Windows repair disk. My windows install is saved on the disk, damn toshiba. Is there a way to remove this from the command prompt and boot cleanly into windows 7 so I can run malware bytes and av?

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No Listing In Boot Windows Msconfig

Dec 9, 2011

I was installing the Verizon Internet Security Suite and I think I have a virus. A tech from Mcafee came on and "helped" by putting my computer into endless Safe mode. When I go to config.sys there is no listing under the boot window. I did a system restore and still nothing.I originally wanted to install this software because I found System Fix on my computer. I followed the instructions from to remove them.

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Wrecked A System With Msconfig>startup?

Feb 22, 2012

start and crawling along at startup. So I adviced he disable all programs except the antivirus at msconfig > startup. Next day he told me this at first worked right, but after another system start, he said the system got unstable with error dialog boxes showing up. My friend says he enabled all those programs back in msconfig > staI've learned a lesson: no matter how insignificant a change to a system, do a system backup, but...isn't it surprising that simply disabling a few programs not to start with windows can create such trouble?.

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Safemode Continual Reboot - Never Start - Set In Msconfig?

Nov 7, 2012

I was instructed to remove my antivirus software and reinstall it by avast. They said to run their tool in safe mode. Try to start computer in safe mode and it gets just so far and reboots. I set MSConfig to boot as safemode/minimal. Do that and restart. Endlessly restarts - safe mode will not load, it just gets so far and then reboot.My computer will not start now at all. Can not get a command prompt, safe mode, and could not do a restore for some unknown reason.

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How To Delete Disabled Startup Items In MSConfig

Oct 30, 2012

I have been doing some cleaning recently, and in the startup section of msconfig, startup options for programs that I deleted are still there. They're disabled, but how do I get rid of them from the list completely?.

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Changed My Msconfig To Selective And Can't Get Back To Normal ?

Nov 2, 2011

I tried to disable a couple of startup programs by checking Selective startup and disables some programs on startup. Now my computer is running funny. When I tried to go back into msconfig and check normal (under general tab) and click apply, it won't save and automatically goes back to selective. I've tried running as admin...still can't change it.Tired restore to an early point....what happened? I'm running Windows 7

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Cannot Change Windows 7 Startup Through MSConfig - Access Denied

Jan 5, 2013

Running windows 7 and attempted to change startup through msconfig and received an access denied you are not a security admin message , but I am a security admin.

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How To Disable Base Video Mode Boot In Msconfig

Dec 20, 2012

My OS is Windows 7 32 bits. I checked base video in boot option in msconfig and also checked make all boot settings permanent. So my window always boots with low resolution mode. Therefore I rechecked base video, checked all boot settings permanent, applied, ok and then restarted the windows. OK. Windows is starting, that's ok yet. My screen resolution is normal. And then My startup programs started, after a few seconds, My screen resolution changed to low immediately. I think I can't disable base video mode in msconfig.

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