Lost Access To External HDD - Locked Up When Setting Permissions

Mar 6, 2011

I was trying to lock off my external hard disk to everyone aside from my administrator account on my own PC. It seems that in the process I ended up locking it off completely. It now shows up simply as Local Disk - Unlabeled Volume 7, without displaying any information about it, and when I check its properties it shows no information about it,and the Security tab is missing. I tried to take ownership of it using take own from cmd, with administrative privileges enabled and UAC disabled. That gave me an access denied message. How I could access it, or reset the permissions? I'm using Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

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Setting Permissions To Access Old Drive

Dec 5, 2009

With my Windows 7 residing on it's own on a new SSD drive, now I want to be able to fully access my 2nd drive, my old XP drive from the default Admin acct. created on Windows 7 initial install.

I can read from the 2nd HDD, copy to the new drive, but can't read / write, it just says I don't have permission.

My research so far reveals this TrustedInstaller does not give full blown permissions to a 2nd drive in a situation like this. I am thinking there has to be a way around this without having to be logged in as the built-in Admin always. I just haven't found it yet. It's rather confusing this security and file permissions. I ran into this problem with XP before when I took and switched out disks, and I just had to reset the permissions globally for the entire disk somehow.

I might log in again as the built-in admin and see if it gives me options to change settings for the acct. I think that is the way...

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Guest Account Restrictions - Setting Programs And Folder Access Permissions

Oct 4, 2011

I have turned on the Guest account, and I need to set program and folder access permissions. I have google'ed the way to set file and folder permissions, but I am having some difficulty with some of the things that I need.

For instance I need to:
-deny access (just deny listing the directory structure; can read & write so apps can work) to C:* , Control Panel, and a few other locations

If I try to deny dir listing for Guest on root C: , it gives me a couple warnings and will not set permissions for "program files, program files x86, windows" folders even though I am the admin. After those initial issues, it continues to set the permissions for all the rest of the files. If I log into the guest now, goto Computer and double click on C: , it now says "access denied", which is good but if I type in the address bar up top "C:users", it will goto that location; not display the access denied message. I am using the Home Premium edition so I cannot use the Group Policy Editor..

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[MEMORY] External HDD Locked Access

Jan 29, 2012

Basically i tried to secure several files in my Western Digital HDD by right clicking and selecting the option "share with ....nobody". this allowed me to still enter the file afterwards. Next time i log on my drive shows no details and when i click on it says access denied and i cannot enter the drive at all.i have tried many times to unlock to no avail.When i plug my HDD into my older windows xp pc it shows the correct details of the drive and i can access it though not the 3 files i locked but still this does not help.

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Access Denied To External Drive - Documents And Settings Folder Locked

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my Documents & Settings folder to copy into my external drive for backup purposes. The external drive already has this folder in place and the proper files and folders within D/S as I have been routinely backing it up for the last few years. However, now when I try to Copy Folder To the external drive, I get the error message that access to the J drive (external drive) is denied. As you can see from the pic below, the D/S folder on my hard drive is apparently locked. I don't recall locking it and how do I unlock it so that I can copy to to the external drive?

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Folder Locked; Cannot Change Permissions

Apr 5, 2011

I probably did a dump thing (only the 100,000th in my lifetime!). I backed up my working folders on my XP desktop into a zip file where the options were set to save the relative path of each file. I then extracted the backup zip file to my Win 7 laptop, not remembering that Win 7's folder structure is different than XP's. So I wound up with a new folder on the laptop "Documents and Settings", with all the stuff that was under it. So I was going to open it, move the files from (XP's) My Documents to (Win 7's) Documents. . . but there's just a weeeeeee problem: The Documents and Settings folder is LOCKED!!I have gone to the Security tab under properties and changed the permissions to allow EVERYONE full access, and it still denies me access. I downloaded Unlocker, but it doesn't show up in the menu when I right click the folder, so I have no idea what it's good for/how to use it. I can't delete it because that's not a choice on the menu when you right-click it.BTW, yesterday it had a padlock icon overlay on it. Today it has a shortcut arrow. I also have no idea why it's showing as a shortcut.

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Setting Printer Permissions In Windows 7?

Jan 27, 2011

Sharing doesn't do it. There are complicated check boxes in setting the permissions. Keeps me from sharing my printer on my network

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Setting Up Permissions On NTFS Formatted USB Drive?

Apr 11, 2011

I have had no trouble in the past setting up permissions on a NTFS formatted USB drive using XP. I am able to set everyone to have only read access and myself to have full rights. The process is as follows:

- Remove all from the list except everyone.
- add myself as a user with full control.
- Go to advanced options for everyone and disable write access, and enable read access.
- Deny takes over allow, so that's all good.
- Eject USB everyone's happy .

In Windows 7 this is not the case, after formatting the USB to NTFS and going to permissions, that is where the problems start. At first the only group that has permissions as default is everyone, if I change any of these permissions I get access denied even though I am the owner because I formatted the drive. So I ignore and continue to add myself as full control. I get access denied! I then move on to making it so that everyone has read access but no write access. again access denied! What is the same process ins XP is not the same in 7, why?

It seems every time I make an amend to a permission in 7 is says access denied even though I am the admin and the owner. Tried this also on the hidden admin account and I still have the same problem. My guess is in windows 7 everyone actually means everyone, including admin and myself, so even though adding myself as an additional user it still wont allow, unlike XP where adding a user seems to overwrite everyone.

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Lost Of Drive C Permissions And Admin Features?

Jul 26, 2011

I was on the permissions for drive C, because I didn't want standard user changing setting on there and when I clicked OK windows came up with an error and then when I tried to go back on to the permission change window it said " access denied" and I Now can't Change it back, I Can't do anything with admin features and I can't system restore.

Computer info:

Acer Aspire 5536
Windows 7 Home Premium

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Desktop Images Are Lost / Start Bottom Is Locked

May 2, 2012


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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Locked WD External Hard Drive?

Mar 31, 2011

bought a new computer, shifted the external hard drive over, and it is locked - the take ownership trick doesn't work - who designed this POS system?

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Strange Permissions On External Drive

Jan 26, 2011

I have a WD myBook that I have been using to store files on. It is connected via a USB to my wireless router. In explorer I can see it in my network section as well as map a drive to it. However, intermittently, it does not allow me to write or delete files on it. I know computers aren't suppose to do intermittently, but that is what it is.There are brief times when I can add and delete items. I just added one file about 20 minutes ago. For several hours before that, it was locked, and it is now again locked.I can go for days without any issues, and then I get a night like tonight where I can't get anywhere.

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Messed Up With Permissions On External Drive

Nov 9, 2009

I was trying out the admin permissions for my external drive and I messed up. It took all of my privileges away and I wasn't able to access it at all. I was able to get some of it back, but I am still having problems getting full control of the drive. I am seeing a pad lock on the first tier of folders. How do I remove that padlock showing?

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Permissions To Delete Windows 7 Folder From External HD?

Sep 5, 2012

I am using a 500GB HDD in a ext hard drive enclosure. The drive had Windows 7 installed when it was the primary drive in my computer and the folder is still present and taking a lot of space. When I try to delete it even as a Administrator, it says I need "permission from trustedInstaller..." I've never even heard of TrustedInstaller before - how do I get permission?

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[PERMISSIONS] Access Is Denied

Sep 10, 2011

My husband and I have been trying to get pictures from our camera (Fuji FinePix S3400) to the computer with the supplied USB lead. WE have been able to do so by taking the SD card and shoving it into the computer but we can't do so with the lead which we prefer to do. It seems wrong that we can't do that! With lots of going into all jigging around into files and setting we keep getting the message, "Access is Denied". We have even got into security of the folder and put in "Authenticated Users". We have an Acer that was bought with Vista and then converted to Win 7.

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Cannot Access File Due To Permissions

Aug 20, 2012

Dell Desktop Windows XP 32 bit IE7 no free memory to download anything. Can't remove programs, no security tab. No windows installer in safe mode. I've confused myself now. Cannot access any file due to permissions. Need to know how to remove programs, then reset permissions. I've been trying to work on this for two days. Can't seem to make sense of any of the great information and tools available, because I don't know which to address first.

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Lost Admin Account After Reboot, After Changing Setting In Lusrmgr?

Aug 18, 2012

I lost my main user account, after rebooting machine, I did change a setting while in lusrmgr...[netplwiz]. now the lost account shows the name but no full name and/or description in snapin. I am left with just a guest account in Homegroup Users.

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How To Open Locked Folders - No Access

Nov 17, 2011

I have recently had to reinstall Windows 7 Pro x64 after a problem with trying to reinstall Rollback Rx. Now when I try to access some folders I see a small padlock icon on the folder and am unable to access it. I am the only user of this pc and previously I had full access. What have I done this time? I normally crash my computer about once a month but the last 5 days I have had to reinstall 4 times. I am registered as the Administrator.

Info on my system:-
System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12286 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 152524 MB, Free - 120039 MB; D: Total - 99 MB, Free - 84 MB; E: Total - 134073 MB, Free - 132258 MB; F: Total - 152627 MB, Free - 148604 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., X58A-UD7
Antivirus: Internet Security Anti-Virus, Updated and Enabled

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Bit Locked Drive Access Denied

Jun 27, 2012


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Setup Folder Access Permissions?

Jul 5, 2011

trying to set-up some specific folder permissions here at work.on this one folder i would like a specific user to only be able to create files, read them but not be able to modify any existing files.how do i set-up the folder permissions for this? >advanced security settings would it be selecting the following:

-traverse folder/execute file
-list folder/read data
-create files/write data

and then applying it to 'this folder' only?

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Access/Permissions Denied Messages?

Mar 10, 2012

I am trying to transfer all my old Windows XP based folders, files, music (itunes), pics etc etc stored on an external hard drive (buffalo mini station usb 3.0) to my new laptop that uses Windows 7. Only I am confronted time and again with these "access denied", "no permission" messages. I have adjusted security settings on some of the folders (on the external drive) to take ownership (which works) but surely you don't have to do this for every folder and all it's sub folders? This would take forever particularly on music folders as I have a lot i.e. each albumn is a folder. I just want to drag and drop my old folders from the external hard drive onto my new laptop using Explorer. I have even adjusted UAC settings down to lowest level, re-booted, but this does nothing.

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Set Access Permissions SSD(Windows 7 Pro64) To HDD (XP SP3)?

May 18, 2012

I have just added a SSD with a clean install of Windows 7 Pro 64 to my Dell XPS 630i.I designated the SSD as my C drive and kept the original 500GB HDD as a slave under XP Pro SP3 (as drive E) for use as data storage. The issue I am having is accessing those data files. I have administrator access (sole user) but I get an incorrect permissions message when I attempt to access any of the HDD files.

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Black Screen With Cursor - No Appropriate Access Permissions

Apr 3, 2011

I have a standard HP Pavilion w/Windows 7 Home Premium . Boots to black screen with cursor only right after Welcome screen appears. The CTL/ALT/Del will bring up screen with Task Manager, etc. System will boot to Safe Mode but will not allow me to access Control Panel or any other items on the right side of Start window with the message "Windows cannot access.....You may not have appropriate permission to access this item"

Have been researching this for two days and have tried Repair Your Computer options offered in Windows 7 and restating from numerous prior restore points with the same result. Before I go through a full system restore. Most of the possible solutions I came across in my research are not possible to try because of no access to Control Panel.

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Cannot Access Word Files - No Sufficient Permissions

Sep 1, 2010

I can't access my word files or word itself, I've uninstalled it and now I can't install a new version as I get messages saying I don't have sufficient permission. I'm not sure how to configure my user permissions. How I do this?

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Can't Access Many Administrator Tools / Permissions Error

Jun 6, 2011

I'm logged on as Administrator; it is only account on the computer.Recently I found I could not access many system admin tools and when I try I get error of you may not "have the appropriate permissions"This applies to "Services" "Component Services" "Computer Management" Also get same error when I click on Desktop Computer Icon and select "Manage"Running Win 7 Home with all latest updates.

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Permissions And Denied Access When Playing Games

Jun 20, 2011

Constantly having to "play games" with Permissions and Security and "denied access". First of all, I don't understand why Windows 7 Home Version is NOT designed for home use but apparently for some large corporation the size of...uh..maybe...MICROSOFT? Why isn't a HOME version created for use in a home where we don't have an "Administrator" and we aren't dealing with CIA files or hiding from our spouses.(usually).

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External HDD Master Or Slave Setting?

May 8, 2011

I just received my external enclosure which I will use my FAT32 drive, do I set It to master or slave Setting? Just want to save a little time and be sure I'm not fighting with Win 7 Settings.

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No Permissions To Access Computer Running Windows 7 On Same HomeGroup

Jun 2, 2012

I have two computers running Windows 7 and both belong to a Homegroup. From one computer I can access both computers and from the other I can't access the other. It say's I don't have permission but I gave it everyone permission when I shared it. I can't figure out why?

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Setting Commands For An External Tool In Maxthon?

Aug 27, 2011

I want to put CCleaner into my plugin bar of my browser (Maxthon2.5.18.1000) via Tools>External Tools. But, here's the problem. Normally, when opening CCleaner from a shortcut, one then has to give permission before it opens. I have followed Brink's protocol to elevate a shortcut [URL]. So, now when clicking on the pinned shortcut, CCleaner opens without having to give permission. Its path is C:WindowsSystem32schtasks.exe /run /tn CCleaner. The problem arises when trying to place CCleaner into the plugin bar as I just can't get it to work.

When setting the external tool's Utilities dropdown Command field to C:WindowsSystem32schtasks.exe /run /tn CCleaner (and nothing else in any of its other fields), that doesn't work. And, when setting to C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner.exe, it works, but I have to first give permission...which I don't want to have to do.

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Windows Photo Viewer Can't Open Picture Because / Don't Have Correct Permissions To Access File Location

Jun 30, 2011

I just reformatted my C: partition running windows 7.All my data is on the D: partition.I took ownership of all the files in D: Their is one folder I still don't have permission to open the files inside which are graphics for a website I am creating..The error message I get is "Windows photo viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access this file location".so I ran the command prompt as administrator located the folder in question are ran "takeown /R /D Y /F *"It has given me full control of the files and made me the owner but still the error message comes up.

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