Laptop Slows Down After Using It For About 1 Hour?

May 6, 2012

I've been lately having some problems with my Alienware m15x gaming laptop. It used to work like a dream and all the games worked very well too. But now I've been expreriencing low fps (5-20) while it used to be 60-80, and the overall performance has been low too. This starts after about 1 hour of playing. I'm pretty sure it started after using wrong power adapter for 2 weeks. Now I'm using the correct one. I can't remember if I had the problem with the wrong adapter but I think it started after switching back to the normal. I've run virus scans (malwarebytes whole computer scan and flash scan, and whole computer scan with Avast) and they haven't found anything.

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Windows 7 64bit - BIOS Hour Not Same As Of Laptop

Apr 20, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. A while ago I started to have problems with the clock time. So I started searching for answers on Google. Every topic referred to Cmos battery but I doubt it to be Cmos battery fault for one reason: My Laptop Emachine eMe442 is for like a month or more plugged in to the wall socket so in my opinion Cmos battery wouldn't be needed in idle mode or when pc is switched off to keep track of time. Right? Anyway, I been reading a topic on this site on same problem and there was proposed to check Bios time. Bios time seems to me is not working, or not even counting. So normally this started new question. Here they are:

1) Does Cmos battery keeps time running when in idle mode or pc is off, even if pc is plugged into the charger?
2) Whats the problem here, why my pc don't keep track of time?
3)How do I fix whatever is wrong with my Bios time?

Even when I switch on my pc, if I don't click on clock it doesn't start counting, and after I click on clock and synchronize with one of default servers after awhile it starts losing time.

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HP Laptop Slows Down - Video And Audio Stuttering

Feb 19, 2012

I have a HP-DV6-6050 laptop, bought it last august. It was running fine up until a month or two ago. I don't recall what I did but I think it was the time I installed Dragon Age: Origins. Either way, I noticed some problems since then. Firstly it became very slow...even deleting files took longer than usual even of size 18 bytes.Programs and folder would take time to launch.

Secondly, which is a big headache, audio and video files now get stuck every 3-5 seconds while playing them. It is there evn in VLC player. I tried defragging, some kind of a memory test through diagnostic startup, and even returned the system to factory settings. Sometimes it seems to get better.. but only for a while. Also, the graphic card switching mechanism seems to be a bit buggy. When I plug in the power source, the dialog box to switch the graphic card doesn't appear.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 4043 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1797 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 461760 MB, Free - 303702 MB; D: Total - 14874 MB, Free - 1828 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1657
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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PC Take Over An Hour To Boot?

Sep 20, 2012

My computer has been taking a while to boot. Over an hour or so. But today i realized when i was surfing the internet it was taking longer than usual. I already searched the internet and tried some on the things like defragging, Services upon start up. Nothing worked. I am assuming a virus might be the cause. I can load safe mode up no problem.

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Reboots Every Hour

Sep 1, 2009

i have had windows 7 64bit version installed for a couple months on my pc, and these 2 days it's kept rebooting. it goes off (no shut down message, it all happens all of a sudden), and after a second or 2 the machine boots up again. before loading the os the pc prompts me to choose if i want to start windows normally. i press enter and windows starts up with no problems at all. when a system error occurs, after rebooting it usually notifies me that the system was recovered from an error. but it displays no message.

now, my question is this. i heard that before the coming out of the windows seven final version, microsoft would have you install an update that reboots your machine every 2 hrs to "suggest" people buying the os... how kind of them, really... whatever, is this possibly the case? if this is, i guess i gonna downgrade to windows vista till i can buy windows 7.

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PC Restarts Every One Hour?

Aug 19, 2012

My PC restarts every one hour without blue screen. My PC System is :Intel DG33BU_Intel Core2Duo E6550 @ 2.33 GHz (2 CPUs)2 GB RAM160 GB HDATI Radeon HD 5450 (1 GB DDR3)Another thing is that whenever i try to shut down it goes to shutdown mode normally but again it restarts automatically...When i see in Event viewer it shows :" The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. [CODE]

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Message I Keep Getting After Away From PC For An Hour

Dec 15, 2009

Whenever I am away from my computer for a while and the switch user screen comes on where you have to click on the user name comes up to get back to my desktop I get the following msg comes up

Here are more details:

Here is a more detailed msg of this issue:

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to ping because a network connection is not available.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network.Ping(String hostNameOrAddress, Int32 timeout)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network.Ping(String hostNameOrAddress)
at MSE_Update_Utility.Startup.tmrConnectionCheck_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:Program FilesVisual Studio 2008ProjectsMSE Virus Signature Update CheckerMSE Virus Signature Update CheckerForm2.vb:line 142
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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Computer Freezing After An Hour Of Use

Dec 29, 2012

So in the past week, my computer has started freezing. After about an hour of use, the screen will freeze. Sound will still play for a while and the mouse still moves. But other than that, it completely freezes.

Ctl+alt+del doesn't do anything and I have to manually shut it down.

Sometimes if it sits for a while and I don't mess with anything it will black screen and tell me to insert bootable media.

My computer is only about a year old and I put it together myself. I have an 64 GB SSD with Windows 7 intel i5 2500k 3.3ghz CPU 8 GB of RAM EVGA GTX 570

My graphics drivers are up to date. My registry seems in order. I have no virus' showing up under my scans. My PSU doesn't seem to be overheating. Memory test in my BIOS shows fine My case has plenty of airflow HD tune pro doesn't show any bad sectors And I've cleaned up with CCleaner

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Internet Disconnects Exactly Every Hour

Feb 9, 2013

Since a day or 4/5 my internet disconnects exactly every hour for a couple of secconds. I don't know how it started but its pretty annoying and i really would like some help with this problem, i searched the internet i've done a full antivirus scan couldnt find anything.

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BSOD Usually Within An Hour Of Booting

Sep 23, 2012

I recently started having problems where my computer will randomly BSOD. After that i get an error saying no boot manager can found and I just have to manually restart my computer. Ill attach the diagnostics .zip

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The Sims 3 Crash Every Hour?

Sep 6, 2012

I can not play the game The Sims 3, I have all the add-on at the moment. After an hour of playing my game, and you receive a black screen and the taskbar. By the middle of the screen the message a crash with a proposal to stop now.After that I see the error logs.Do not understand why the game crashes on my new computer, the other plays the superior Tae Sims 3 run without crashes.Else noticed this feature. When I play in The Sims 3 PC starts to make noise more than when I was just surfing the internet or watch movies.

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General Zero Hour Setup

Mar 30, 2012

it says it contain verus

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Computer Beeping Every Hour

Dec 6, 2012

My issue didn't start till about 4 months ago. Whenever playing an online game such as Team Fortress 2 it would slow down (lag) or be choppy at times. Wouldn't happen everyday, till about a month ago, when the beeping started. It happens every hour, it is a weak beep but it comes from the inside of my computer. Also, I can't run Team Fortress 2 without it crashing every 5-10 minutes of playing. I have also noticed my whole computer has become a lot slower. I'd like to know if this can be fixed or if I should just get rid of this computer and get a new one.

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BSOD After Reformat For An Hour After Booting?

Jan 11, 2012

ive been having these BSOD problems for a couple weeks.. they seem to occur only when i start my computer in the morning and do it a lot for the first hour or so, then seem to quit for the rest of the day.. ive changed all drivers and completely reformatted and reinstalled windows too... no luck?

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BSOD After 1 Hour Of Playing Games?

Mar 19, 2012

I'm having this problem of BSOD ever since I bought this custom built computer in Jan 2010. Once I've played more than 1 hour of game, either online or not, it's very likely to have BSOD sooner or later. Today, I experienced this 3 times!! I've ran Driver Update and it says "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE controller" is not up to date but I couldn't find any update for it, so I tried disable it then I can play more than 6 hours. However, after I left the computer for 3 hours and came back with BSOD again. Before I try the disable, I have error code of "Driver IRQL not less or equal", but for the last BSOD this didn't should up. Here's my computer info:OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz 2.67GHzInstalled memory (RAM): 4.00GB (3.00GB usable)NVIDIA GeforceGT 240 version 296.10

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Computer Restarts Without Any BSOD After Exactly An Hour?

Jun 8, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and my computer restarts exactly after an hour. I have recently changed my PSU so its not a PSU problem and no component is over heating. It happens for a day then take a break for a week then starts happening again.

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Windows 7 Explorer Hang For 1 Hour

Aug 2, 2011

this might seem weird. my dell inspiron 15R (win 7) just started hanging one day for explorer.exe. i searched on net n found that most probably it was the hdd. it was corrupted so explorer would hang when searching the drive. this problem occured only for some parts on the drive, i.e. only some folders. i restarted system n run various diagnostics-all of which were hanging up too. then after exactly an hour i accidently opened a 'damaged' folder and it opened up well. now i hv it up and running well. i still dont know what happend

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System Crash Every Hour - Bewildering?

Aug 9, 2012

A few days ago (8/6/2012) my system started experiencing hourly system crashes to the tee. No matter what I'm doing (gaming, skyping, browsing, idle) the OS siezes. Things I've done so far:

1) Reviewed event logs

2) Updated Motherboard & Video card drivers

3) Disabled all scheduled tasks

4) Reviewed memory.dmp (outdated - no new dumps)

5) Configured performance monitoring

6) Ran CCleaner

7) Disabled/Uninstalled unused applications

8) Watched process explorer around problematic time for any noticeble spikes. (none were found)

9) I've also ensured my antivirus has the latest definitions and ran a full scan. To be safe I also scan'd using trenmicro which came up empty.

By reviewing the event logs I learned that the crashes have been occurring every hour. A small sample shown below:

Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
Date: 8/8/2012 2:40:04 AM
Event ID: 41


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Computer Is Now Randomly Freezing (twice Now In 1 Hour)?

Dec 19, 2012

I had a BSOD overnight, then one again while at work. I've been doing some research with the dump files (which I can upload if requested) but its a CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION ntoskrnl.exe+7efc0 error. I have reinstalled all drivers, and so far no BSOD while active at my PC.I noticed a very strange thing happening though. My computer is now randomly freezing (twice now in 1 hour). I am still able to move my mouse and click some times (such as open new tabs on my chrome) but everything stops responding. The last time it happened I managed to open task manager before it locked up. The performance graphs were still working fine and showed nothing unusual. I have to force my PC off (hold the power button), then when it turns back on the motherboard freezes are splash (makes me thing ram, going to do a memtest overnight tonight.), but it works fine when I turn it off and back on it gets past it fine.

Specs: CPU : i7-920 @2.67GHZ Ram: 3x Corsair vengeance 4gb 1600MHZ PSU: TX Corsair 850W GPU: MSI gtx 560ti 448 core Mobo: Asus P6TD DeluxeI will answer any questions as best I can.Update: Passed memtest over night and also another freeze I will try and explain what happens with the best detail. I was playing SC2 while in a skype call. I only noticed because the skype call went quiet and the timer froze for call duration, then SC2 froze (could still hear the sounds from it).I could open new google chrome tabs fine and click around (they wouldn't load though). I tried opening task manager and it wouldn't open, also start key on keyboard wouldn't open the menu.

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PC Slows When Using Anything That Uses A Lot Of Bandwidth?

Nov 29, 2011

the screen will get very dim at the windows icon where it pulses against a black background..could this indicate I need a bigger power supply? (I read that somewhere recently, hehe)When I use my iphone, xbox, or any torrent program, my computer slows down and my mouse stutters for lack of a better term. It waits a few seconds before jumping to where ever it was that I moved my mouse. This is stopping me from using the computer when I watch netflix or anything else where data is being transfered. I'm not sure what Hijack This found, but here's the log it provides and if there's anything else I need to post, just let me know where to go and I'll post it here ASAP.

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Clock Slows Down About 20 Min Per Day?

Jul 20, 2010

The clock slows down about 20 min per day. It's fine before I upgraded to Windows 7 (along with BIOS update).

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Computer Wont Shutdown And Uses 1 Hour To Start Up

Aug 8, 2012

My computer wont shut down. It freezes at the "Shutting down" screen. Sometimes it helps to unplug all the cables except screen and power, but mostly it has no effect. It uses about 1 hour to start. It has been like this for a couple of weeks, after I tried different software to record audio from my browser. Maybe its a driver problem? This is the second "period" with problems after i tried this, it has had one period where everything worked fine in the meantime, so I thought the problem was solved. But when it went to sleep mode today it wouldnt wake up, and the problems started again after I had to push reset button. Most of the 1 hour it says "Starting Windows". I have uninstalled all of the audio recording software. Before I did that, the computer made a subtle buzz sound every few seconds when I played games.

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BSOD When Playing / Watching Videos After An Hour

Mar 20, 2012

i am having the famous bsod when watching video, using mpc for local and flash (Internet) for online after an hour or so from when i start watching. i noticed that the crash happens more often when i use often the seek-bar and jump to various points of the movie. codecs dont think are the problem for they are regularly updated. this crash sometimes happen when i am playing games an hour or so after the start.

another dump.rar

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Can't Play A High-resolution Game For More Than An Hour Or Two

Nov 18, 2011

I have been having the worst time with my custom built PC since it was built. I am getting random BSOD's here and there, but there does seem to be a correlation between a greater occurence when playing games. Often I can't play a high-resolution game for more than an hour or two before I crash.I heard a recommendation to try Prime95, and I get an insta-BSOD when doing the Blend test.I unfortunately am under the suspicion that this is a CPU hardware error and the CPU will have to be replaced, but I do need some form of help or confirmation before I take the next step RMA'ing it. [code]

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Regular Random Reboots Every Hour After 60 And 70 Minutes

Jun 24, 2012

I experience random reboots since a day or two, they happen every hour between 60 and 70 minutes of the last reboot. I already checked the event log and it only says a critical error but no reason identified. I haven't changed anything in the hardware the last couple of months.

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Can't Install C&C Generals And Zero Hour Expansion Pack

Sep 14, 2011

whenever i try to install my command and conquer generals and command and conquer generals zero hour games, i just get the error message " ***MISSING MESSAGES***IDS_AUTORUN_TITLE and IDS_CANT_FIND" can anybody help? both these games worked fine on my old laptop, once i tried them on this toshiba this happened. i am running windows 7.

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D: Drive Disappearing After An Hour Past Bootup

May 22, 2011

Problem Description: I boot up my PC, everything works fine, after an hour or so, my D (Secondary internal drive) disappears and the system has to be rebooted to find it again. Note, this happens whether or not the drive is currently being used.

Note: The drive always appears in the BIOS.
Drive: Seagate Barricuda 7200.11 750GB
Serial number: 9QK1GAKJ
Disk model: ST3750330AS

Steps I've taken to try and solve the problem: Initially I thought the drive was simply being unmounted, so i attempted to mount it again using disk management. However the drive won't appear there either, nor will it appear in system information or Seatools. A disk rescan won't reveal it either. I later, tried to use SeaTools to find out whether or not there was something physically wrong with the drive, but the drive passed all the tests. Peculiarly enough, when the D: drive disappears it also disappears in Seatools. Thirdly, I checked my power settings to make sure i hadn't had some timer for the hard drive to shut off. Fourthly, I checked the bios settings to make sure there wasn't some sort of power policy conflict there as-well. Lastly, I scanned the disk for errors with the windows (with both options to recover bad sectors and fix errors checked) and rebooted. (The problem still occurs) I will be trying to turn off the bios's plug and play settings next, and see if it will work better if i should let windows handle the device detection.

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Icl50 Keeps Shorting Out After Roughly Half An Hour?

Jan 1, 2012

there my icl50 keeps shorting out after roughly half an hour what could this be and what could i do about it

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How To Install Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour

Nov 13, 2012

ow to install command and conquer generals zero hour

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Computer Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Every Hour Event Log

Nov 19, 2012

i thought was a hardware issue but its not everytime i put my computer to sleep it wakes up after an hour or so, i have disabled all network adapters from waking up the computer i have disabled all programs and my mouse from waking up the pc i have checked over and over on the task scheduler to see if anything wakes the the computer up from sleep and have yet to find anything .

now the strange part is here when i click on the cmd and type in powercfg lastwake nothing shows up like it wont tell me what woke up my computer

but when i go to to event viewer the same program keeps loging on my pc no matter what itll look something like this logoff, then logon logon Special logon and then it will turn on i will past the information from the even viewer below

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />


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Cursor Slows Down Randomly

Feb 16, 2013

I have a little problem with my mouse for about a month now. I've tried looking around the internet but found no solution. During normal usage the mouse cursor would randomly slow down to a crawl then a split second later the cursor would twitch back in to "position" to where it was suppose to be. (I've noticed this is more likely to happen if the processor is busy ie: click on a link, loading page etc) I've tried everything I could think of, changing mouses, re-installing the drivers, resetting and even reformatting. But the issue always seems to come back. I am currently using my logitech G500, however this issue is present with the razer deathadder that I borrowed from a friend.

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