Computer Wont Shutdown And Uses 1 Hour To Start Up

Aug 8, 2012

My computer wont shut down. It freezes at the "Shutting down" screen. Sometimes it helps to unplug all the cables except screen and power, but mostly it has no effect. It uses about 1 hour to start. It has been like this for a couple of weeks, after I tried different software to record audio from my browser. Maybe its a driver problem? This is the second "period" with problems after i tried this, it has had one period where everything worked fine in the meantime, so I thought the problem was solved. But when it went to sleep mode today it wouldnt wake up, and the problems started again after I had to push reset button. Most of the 1 hour it says "Starting Windows". I have uninstalled all of the audio recording software. Before I did that, the computer made a subtle buzz sound every few seconds when I played games.

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Computer Won't Start For Hours After Shutdown

Dec 14, 2011

When I shut down my computer it takes a couple of hours before it will restart it's just like dead nothing will light up the fans wont spin but a couple of hours of being left alone it starts right up so ive been having to leave it on for days at a time.

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Start And Shutdown Computer Automatically Several Times Per Day?

Jan 17, 2013

What I need to do is turn on a Windows 7 computer every hour for about five minutes and then turn it off again automatically; while the computer is on I have to run a macro. The cycle described before has to be repeated 24 hours, so, the computer is automatically turned on, it automatically runs the macro and when the macro ends, it goes off again 24 times per day. When I say �turn off� I mean, either turn off the computer or send it to a low energy consumption state like hibernation or sleep� Basically I know how to automatically turn off the computer and turn it on once per day using the BIOS setup, but I don�t know how to do this several times in a day automatically and then call the macro every time�

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Computer Freezing After An Hour Of Use

Dec 29, 2012

So in the past week, my computer has started freezing. After about an hour of use, the screen will freeze. Sound will still play for a while and the mouse still moves. But other than that, it completely freezes.

Ctl+alt+del doesn't do anything and I have to manually shut it down.

Sometimes if it sits for a while and I don't mess with anything it will black screen and tell me to insert bootable media.

My computer is only about a year old and I put it together myself. I have an 64 GB SSD with Windows 7 intel i5 2500k 3.3ghz CPU 8 GB of RAM EVGA GTX 570

My graphics drivers are up to date. My registry seems in order. I have no virus' showing up under my scans. My PSU doesn't seem to be overheating. Memory test in my BIOS shows fine My case has plenty of airflow HD tune pro doesn't show any bad sectors And I've cleaned up with CCleaner

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Computer Beeping Every Hour

Dec 6, 2012

My issue didn't start till about 4 months ago. Whenever playing an online game such as Team Fortress 2 it would slow down (lag) or be choppy at times. Wouldn't happen everyday, till about a month ago, when the beeping started. It happens every hour, it is a weak beep but it comes from the inside of my computer. Also, I can't run Team Fortress 2 without it crashing every 5-10 minutes of playing. I have also noticed my whole computer has become a lot slower. I'd like to know if this can be fixed or if I should just get rid of this computer and get a new one.

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Computer Restarts Without Any BSOD After Exactly An Hour?

Jun 8, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and my computer restarts exactly after an hour. I have recently changed my PSU so its not a PSU problem and no component is over heating. It happens for a day then take a break for a week then starts happening again.

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Computer Is Now Randomly Freezing (twice Now In 1 Hour)?

Dec 19, 2012

I had a BSOD overnight, then one again while at work. I've been doing some research with the dump files (which I can upload if requested) but its a CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION ntoskrnl.exe+7efc0 error. I have reinstalled all drivers, and so far no BSOD while active at my PC.I noticed a very strange thing happening though. My computer is now randomly freezing (twice now in 1 hour). I am still able to move my mouse and click some times (such as open new tabs on my chrome) but everything stops responding. The last time it happened I managed to open task manager before it locked up. The performance graphs were still working fine and showed nothing unusual. I have to force my PC off (hold the power button), then when it turns back on the motherboard freezes are splash (makes me thing ram, going to do a memtest overnight tonight.), but it works fine when I turn it off and back on it gets past it fine.

Specs: CPU : i7-920 @2.67GHZ Ram: 3x Corsair vengeance 4gb 1600MHZ PSU: TX Corsair 850W GPU: MSI gtx 560ti 448 core Mobo: Asus P6TD DeluxeI will answer any questions as best I can.Update: Passed memtest over night and also another freeze I will try and explain what happens with the best detail. I was playing SC2 while in a skype call. I only noticed because the skype call went quiet and the timer froze for call duration, then SC2 froze (could still hear the sounds from it).I could open new google chrome tabs fine and click around (they wouldn't load though). I tried opening task manager and it wouldn't open, also start key on keyboard wouldn't open the menu.

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Computer Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Every Hour Event Log

Nov 19, 2012

i thought was a hardware issue but its not everytime i put my computer to sleep it wakes up after an hour or so, i have disabled all network adapters from waking up the computer i have disabled all programs and my mouse from waking up the pc i have checked over and over on the task scheduler to see if anything wakes the the computer up from sleep and have yet to find anything .

now the strange part is here when i click on the cmd and type in powercfg lastwake nothing shows up like it wont tell me what woke up my computer

but when i go to to event viewer the same program keeps loging on my pc no matter what itll look something like this logoff, then logon logon Special logon and then it will turn on i will past the information from the even viewer below

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />


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Computer It Loaded In 20 Seconds, Now It Takes Half An Hour?

Feb 11, 2011

At this point i knew exactly what had gone wrong and had a major panic attack, i thought i had lost all my precious files, which i had no backup of. Then i remembered when i first got the computer i had to burn something called Acer eRecovery manager to 3 CDs. I then loaded the CD via the Boot Menu, and from there chose to restore my system but still retain user data (rather than restore to factory settings). the 2 and a half hour procedure, i found that all of my documents had been saved. I immedietly rushed to the store and bought a external hard drive and backed up all of my documents.

Now, moving on to the problem. Well it actually a very easy problem to describe. My new computer is now 50x slower than what it used to be, and im not even exaggerating. When i first got the Computer it loaded in 20 seconds, now it takes half an hour. Before this happened, when i used to click on internet explorer it came up instantly, now when i click on it it takes a minute or so. The problem is that i literally just bought this computer, and it cost me alot of money. It worked brilliantly fast when i first got it, now after this my old laptop is even better than it.[CODE]

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When Go To Shutdown Computer / Always Have An Update Icon Attached To Shutdown Key

Apr 16, 2012

I have two windows updates that keep failing. When i go to shutdown my computer I always have an update icon attached to the shutdown key. The download is always 1of1. Then when i reboot, the update icon is still there. I'm thinking since the two updates are failing, it has something to do with the 1of1 update not downloading properly. I went to windows update to check for new updates, and the only one is the two that keep failing. My computer just blue screened on shutdown today, winch got me thinking i really need to fix this.

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Laptop Is Slow On Start Up And Shutdown

Nov 17, 2012

considerably slow on start up, shut down, loading and commands. scanned avg antivirus, malwarebytes & superantispyware which showed no threats; also ran ccleaner & defrag.

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Cannot Shutdown Also Long Start Up When Booting

Jul 6, 2011

- Running windows 7 home premium
- Latest windows 7 updates

Some extra information - when my wireless signal for the wireless keyboard goes out (randomly), the usb port (usb extension) stops working for that port, however if you take it out and replug, still doesn't work.
only way to "fix" this is by force restarting by turning it off with the power button (I can't even shutdown because it hangs there anyways).

I'm not sure what it could be, whether its new windows update, or new applications I installed (well, I don't really install many new apps, and i have roughly the same things I did when I first got my laptop). Its literally impossible to shutdown it successfully (well i never decide to wait ages, but if the laptop doesn't shut down in a few mins, something has to be wrong) - same applies to the restart, both doesn't work unless I force it with the power button.

Here's an example below:
Windows has shutdown:
Shutdown Duration : 19478ms
IsDegradation : false
Incident Time (UTC) : 05T16:35:07.937364300Z

Some of the applications I use are trivial (like trillian, skype, steam, etc) and i've had all these programs before and it was fine, able to shut down and so on.

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Windows 7 Very Slow To Start AND To Shutdown?

Oct 2, 2012

I went to restart after installing updates, and system was very slow to shut down, and very slow to start. I did run house call, and came up clean, also ran this one you download, but I can't find the shortcut to it, it was about 100 MB, the name was Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, but came up clean as well.I did not time the shutdown yet, but did time the start up. If it matters it was broken down like this. It said "press escape for start up screen" for 40 seconds. Then "starting Windows" for 3 minuets.Then it said "welcome" for 40 seconds, Then a Black screen for 3 minuets. Then I got my desktop and start up sound. I was reading on line, where after a up date, something sometimes gets changed in the registry, where you have to change the Value from "1" back to "0" But that was OK. It was already at "0".I am trying to find the name of it, but of course I can not right now. Think it was "clear page file "I just now went to msconfig and the only thing new that was added was McAfee to start up, but I took it out of start up. I also have it disabled in my add ons (Firefox).Don't know if that could have been an issue, have not tried to shut down/restart yet. I have not installed any new hardware. I did put new batteries in my wireless mouse, that I don't use often. I am going to try and run CC cleaner next I guess.

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Windows 7 Won't Start After Black Shutdown

Dec 30, 2012

My HP Artist Edition / Windows 7 won't start after black shutdown

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Opening Start Menu For No Reason And It Won't Shutdown

Jul 22, 2011

Lately, Iv'e been a bit curious as to why my Start Menu keeps popping up for no reason. If I click on a certain button, to stop IE for instance, start menu comes up, and I can only get rid of it by clicking on the start menu button. OR, I have a program called Deskwin, It changes the desktop to make it looks as if there is no programs, or certain programs running at a time when you press a key or click on a certain window. It is handy to stop a cluttered taskbar. When I press my key (`), It will sometimes open the start menu!Occasionally, I can only open the start menu by pressing the button on the keyboard.AND most days, The computer won't shut down when I click on the shut down button, So I have been hibernating it.Oh, and I use Safari. It has been REALLY slow to boot up lately.I am worried that I have a virus, But everything comes up clear as crystal, except I have an infection Avira calls APPL/KillApp.A in the HP/Bin folder. I have been Ignoring this, but should I be?

These are my PC specs:

It is a HP Pavilion dv6 3132tx notebook, about 9 months old. It has had a HDD malfunction.
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8


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Blue Screen On Start Up Then Shutdown - Sometimes Restarts Automatically

May 1, 2011

Yesterday I got this virus, I went and bought trend micro titanium and cleaned it up (was using a free30 day trial of something else) but I'm still having a problem. Whenever I go to shut down or restart my computer, it starts doing it like normal, but right at the end I get this blue screen with a bunch of messages written, it last about 5 seconds while a countdown happens at the bottom of the screen, then it restarts (even if I went Shutdown).

Sometimes minutes after I log back into the user, the blue screen comes up out of nowhere, does it's 5 second odd countdown and restarts. I should get minidump files. The countdown at the bottom of the blue screen is called "crash dump" or something like that. With the virus whenever I tried to open an internet explorer or google chrome window, all that would come up was "win 7 home security", I'm not getting that anymore though after doing the full scan with trend.

Additional info: I have windows 7, my pc is a HP Pavilion laptop, model number is DV6 - 2144TX

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Windows 7 Won't Start - Caused By Forced Shutdown With I / O Error

Nov 19, 2012

I was transferring about 150gb of files into my external hard drive, and left it alone as I went on with my day. I came home to an error, I should've paid more attention but it said something about an I/O error, and the files stopped transferring (or seemed to have stopped). Everything was really slow, I couldn't even open task manager (It actually opened up a long while after I hit ctrl+shift+esc) I couldn't close any of my programs (I have visual paradigm, which took about 400k of memory, skype [70k], chrome [200k], and some other stuff.

I noticed svchost was 150k, but i don't know what that means. I finally closed all processes except for the file transfer screen, which said it was transferring but no numbers were changing. I hit cancel, waited. Could not safely remove hardware, it would not load the options. After about a half hour I gave up and force shut down my computer by holding the power button. I tried turning it back on immediately, with the external harddrive still attached. It froze at the windows start up screen, where it said Windows is Starting...

But there was no swirly balls moving around if you know what I mean, it just had the text. Tried restarting again, same thing. Tried restarting and opening ubuntu, and it froze at the purple screen. Tried restarting again with the harddrive recovery, and it froze at a black screen, but I could still see my mouse and move it around. Restarted it again and now it brings up some text with PXE, media not plugged in insert a device and hit a key, something like that. I'm afraid of turning it on again, so I'm leaving it off for a while.

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The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly (0xc0000142), Occurs During Shutdown

Aug 16, 2011

I have a problem that occurs only during shut down only. When I select Shut Down I soon get a pop up that says....the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) Click OK to close the application. the label on the window is cmd.exe. Whether I click on the window or not, the shut down proceeds and eventually after say 30 seconds the alert disapears and the laptop shuts down. clicking on the alert simply brings up another alert. All this only occurs during shut down only. Also, I have no problem running cmd.exe during normal operation, or any other program run from the command window. I have read a number of posts but do not see anything exactly like this, that is happening during shut down.

Here is the TSG SysInfo

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9600 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 8088 Mb


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Computer Doesn't Start Can't Get Into Bios Or Advanced Start Up Setting

Sep 17, 2012

When i got home today didn't my computer work, my girlfriend has been the last one using it. So don't know how things were just before the shutdown or anything.when i turn on the computer i get to the screen where "touch bios" is and where i can see the options like Bios settings, boot menu, xpress recovery.but i cant press anything, and after about two seconds on that screen the PC shuts down again.The keyword lights up so there is a responds on it, but just doesn't work to press anything before it shuts down.I've got BSOD upto several times a day for a few months time.believe that my computer is affected by some virus or something is delaying my computer. might be an combination of several things.I got no external things hugged up to the stationeer computer right is a windows 7 x64 machine.
usually when i get issues i can access advanced boot up or bios, but can neither in this case..I wonder if it might be a hardware issue.

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Computer Shutdown When AFK?

Oct 29, 2012

Im running on windows 7 professional, i5 cpu, 8gb ramcomputer is fine when i am using it, but when i leave it for long periods time such that it goes into sleep, it automatically shuts down, and when i turn it on again it says my computer did not shut downproperly and i get to chose whether to normal start up or go into safe mode

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How To Shutdown Computer Via Keyboard

Mar 18, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my computer. Generally in order to shut down the computer you have to click Start and "shut down". Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut for shutting down the computer?

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Computer Starts On Its Own After Shutdown

Mar 4, 2012

I tried new battery and that did not work Windows 7.

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Cannot Turn On Computer After Shutdown

Jun 7, 2011

P4 - 3.00GHz - Windows 7 Pro - 2MB Ram.Everytime I need to turn on the computer, I have to unplug the power cord and then reconnect it. If I don't unplug the power cord and hit the power button, nothing happens.

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Windows 7 Does Not Shutdown Computer

May 31, 2011

When I click Shutdown button on start menu, Windows shutsdown but leaves the computer running. Fresh install, updates installed, chipset drivers upto date. Never experienced this with WinXP on same computer. Check all other messages about same problem but no reply witsolution was posted.

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Guests Can Shutdown Computer

May 7, 2011

I just noticed when I was in a guest account that it is possible to shutdown the computer. Is this something that Microsoft did intentionally or is there a switch that disables this capability?

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New Computer Resets When Shutdown?

Apr 8, 2012

I am in the process of completing a new build and when I try to shutdown it just reboots.

- Turned off all "wake" features in the bios

- The only front panel connections I'm using are reset and power on buttons. Neither of which are sticking on

- Motherboard is out of case so there are no dropped screws shorting anything out

Win 7 Pro installed on Crucial 128mb SSD
Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3 motherbrd
I7-2700K processor
G.Skill 2x 8Gb (2x4gb) DDR3 memory
old IBM PS/2 keybrd
old Micrsft USB mouse
onboard video
Coolermaster 1000W powersupply

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Computer Freezes And Shutdown

Jul 25, 2012

I'm currently stuck in a hell hole, because I really have no idea what is wrong with my machine at this time. Several things I have noticed is that the crashes never happens when I'm playing video games, even high demanding ones. It's weird because it does happen when browsing the internet, and mostly happens when I'm rendering a video.
When the freezing process starts, slowly applications, one by one becomes not responding. I currently have Realtemp, and while the freezing happens, the temp was around 55F, while my TJ max is 105. In my task manager > performance, my cpu usage drops down all the way down to 1% when the freezing happens. And finally even the mouse won't move, forcing me to force shutdown. I think the computer shuts itself down after a while since when coming back home, it's in a POST situations, giving errors like no bootable device, or system fan failure.

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Computer Freezes In Shutdown Screen

Dec 14, 2012

I recently acquired a SC101 network hard drive and installed the program for it. Now, my computer keeps stalling at the shutting down screen (after the desk top closes, just the blue screen).

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During Restart Computer Stalls At Shutdown

Feb 16, 2012

When I do a "restart", on the computer screen I could see "log out", a few seconds later, "shutdown." At this point, the system stalls at "shutdown." I waiting for over 5 minutes, and it was still stalled at "shutdown." To continue working with my computer, at the ""Shut down stall", I remove the power cord from my computer. About a minute later, I reconnect my power cord and click the power button. After that there is no problem. Except when I do a "Restart."

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Computer Says Unexpected Shutdown After Rebooting

Dec 1, 2012

my computer says unexpected shutdown after rebooting...the problem occurs only after the opening interval of 3-4 hrs otherwise once OS runs there is no problem in restart or any other system operation.

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Unexpected Shutdown When Restarting Computer

Jul 25, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 with 4 gig RAM and 64 bit system. When I restart my computer, it tends to take it around 5 to 10 minutes to actually shut down. It sits at the screen saying shutting down, and eventually does but when it starts up, it also tends to take a bit longer than normal and then windows browser gives me an error and restarts itself and then tells me that there was an unexpected shutdown. I've tried glancing for issues to no avail. I've also noticed that sometimes my USB ports stop recognizing devices but usually comes back upon restart. I've tried updating drivers but everything seems to be up to date from what I've seen. I use McAfee antivirus software which hasn't picked up any viruses as well.

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