Laptop Can't Access Wireless

Apr 22, 2012

Already reset tcpip as admin, reset the modem, disabled bonjour, set Internet protocols to auto. Can connect on itouch, other laptops can as well. Only me and my friends laptop can't.

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Wireless Connection Limited Access Only On Laptop?

Mar 1, 2012

I can connect to wifi access here in our house but the problem is there are times that it connection shows LIMITED ACCESS.

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Wireless Limited Access For Windows 7 Laptop?

Dec 7, 2012

I recently changed my router and it worked okay not bad. But the internet connection cut off too much like once in 20 minutes and I feel like my internet is too slow. When the internet is cut off, it says limited access with yellow sign on the wireless bar.

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Toshiba Laptop Connected Wireless / Keeps Showing Connected However No Internet Access

Feb 22, 2011

i have a brand new toshiba laptop connected wirelessly. however it keeps showing connected however no internet access.i have a notebook as well that is brand new and it connects no problems what so using windows 7 home premium and 64 bit os.

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Convert A Spare Wireless Router To A Wireless Access Point

Jan 23, 2012

In a few days time I will be changing my ISP in the UK from Sky to BT.

BT are providing me with their newest wireless router free of charge as part of the deal and I'll be using that to set up my wireless network, which will consist of an HP Pavilion desktop, a Toshiba laptop, a Sony Vaio laptop, an HP wireless printer and a Samsung HDTV.

This means my Sky wireless router is surplus to requirements, so I was wondering if I could convert it to a wireless access point to improve the range of my BT wireless network.

I've read a couple of supposedly easy-to-understand articles on Google and have to say they left me more confused than ever.

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Access A Cable Modem Via Wireless Access Point?

Feb 19, 2012

This question may not be what you think it is. I am trying to fix an intermittent issue in my home environment. The issue is I am having to use wireless. Our Xfinity Cable/WAP modem sits on the top floor of our house. I am located in the basement. The wireless signal I get most of the time is very good, and by very good i mean at least 15+ mb/s on [URL]

I am taking the Cisco Network Academy classes and am familiar with network terminology and concepts. However, what I'm trying to do is take a router/WAP (using it downstairs where I'm located) and configure it to access our xfinity modem upstairs, so that I can plug in to it downstairs using a RJ-45.

Let me know what yall think. By the way the router/wap i would be using is a netgear model unknown at this moment but could easily find out.

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Laptop Won't Recognize Wireless Usb Cos Sierra Wireless Is Preventing

Apr 12, 2012

my new laptop will not recognise telstra broadband usb wireless! i have gone into device manager and then network adaptorsand it has an explanation mark on sierra wireless!!

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Laptop Will Access Homegrop But Will Not Allow Access To Mapped Folder?

Apr 23, 2012

i have my (main) desktop hooked up with mapped folders which my two other computers (laptop wireless and wired and desktop wired) can access and do what i intended them to with sharing restrictions, etc.However, my 2nd laptop that after a struggle connecting it to the homegroup will not allow access to any mapper folders keeps popping up with a login screen for THAT laptop, and my others will not connect to it properly.

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Cant Access Internet With New Laptop, Only Limited Access?

Oct 2, 2012

laptop so I reformatted his laptop and when I try to to connect to the internet via WiFi I could connect but I would have limited access. I can connect to the internet with my old laptop, iphone and xbox. But I cant connect to my newly reformatted laptop

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No Wireless/wired Net Access?

Jun 22, 2010

I've been using wireless internet for months with my new computer which has Windows 7 64-bit. Today I disabled the wireless security for a bit, then tried to enable it, now I can't connect to anything. The problems are: 'The DNS server isn't responding' and 'Local Area Connection doesn't have a valid IP config'. My wireless icon keeps switching between a yellow exclamation point icon and a circular blue loading icon. It says it's connected but I cannot browse the net, I can access my router information though. My router/modem are definitely on and connected. I've done many power cycles on those and my computer. My modem is Comcast and my router is a Netgear WPN824 V2. The router has the most recent firmware.

Here is my ipconfig data:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration


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Cannot Access The Web Either By Cable Or Wireless

Oct 1, 2012

I cannot access the web either by cable or wireless. I tried to uninstall all of my network devices software but the WAN would not uninstall and would not update.

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Wireless Laptop Can See Other Wireless PCs But Not Wired Ones?

Aug 11, 2011

I have three PCs that connect to my home network wireless and two others that connect wired through a hub. Periodically one of the wireless PCs will see the other wireless devices but not the wired ones. This morning I installed some Win 7 updates and after the restart my laptop can't see the wired devices. My wife's Win 7 laptop sees everything. So the problem is intermittent. I have fiddled with Advanced Settings in Network Sharing, such as turning Network Discovery off and back on again. I can't seem to find the silver bullet that will cure this problem when it occurs.

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Unable To Access Wireless Internet?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a wireless router "Belkin", and when I am try and access the internet I receive an error message "Server not found" this only occurred occasionally an once I would connect directly it would solve the problem. And I would again be able to go wireless. However, the problem has occurred and now persists. My IT guy at work suggested that I remove my wireless driver and reinstall I did that and I am still experiencing the same problem. Here is my "ipconfig/all":

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : MININT-1GU3A0D
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : Belkin


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Connected To Wireless But Limitted Access?

Apr 17, 2011

Basically ive bought a new DELL XPS 7100, everything was going perfect untill i tried connecting to my interent, ive tried everything it says im connected but with limitted access its really frustrating when ive paid good money for somthing and it doesnt work.

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No Internet Access On Wireless Network

Aug 10, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, Up until 2 days ago I had absolutely no problem using its wifi and/or staying connected to the Internet. Two days ago, however, while being on Skype, my Internet connection got disconnected unexpectedly. �With windows Network Diagnostics,I sometimes get "The DNS server isn't responding", and sometimes "Local Area Connection/Wireless Network Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration"OR "computer is trying to use a DNS server that is incorrect or doesn't exist."Even with the cable I am not able to connect to the internet so I can't update the network adapter or fix the problem online. Looking at the 'Basic network information and set up connections' (in Control Panel - �Network and Sharing Center) I see my laptop (sometimes connected, sometimes however the line between the laptop and the 'unidentified network' has a yellow triangle on it) �and I can see the 'internet' with a red X on the connection line between that and the 'unidentified network.�When checking the 'Wireless Network Connection Status' it's showing �that it's connected, activity's showing 'sent and received bytes' but says 'no Internet access' to both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.I read lots of blogs and advice and tried many of those 'fixes' that were recommended, some of which were the following (shorter versions):�

- unplugging and replugging the power cable to the modem
- resetting the wireless router
-rolling back driver
- �obtaining IP address and DNS server address automatically for Internet Protocol V4 and V6


None of the above worked. Right now under 'status' it's showing:

IPv4 connectivity: no Internet access

PIv6 connectivity: no network access

�I've used this network for a while and this is the first time this problem has occurred.�Be it network driver issue or a patch of some sort i may need to download, until i can connect to the internet, I can't fix this problem on my own. In the meanwhile no other computer or phone with wifi in the house has any problem connecting to the Internet.�I took it to a computer technician who said I need to reinstall Windows 7.

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Keep Losing Wireless Internet Access

Feb 11, 2012

I have an ADSL modem connected to a Cisco E-1000 wifi router. I have two laptops (Windows Vista and 7), an iPad and two smart phones. The iPad and the phones connect without any problems at all and stay connected without interuption. But the two laptops keep losing internet access! They stay connected 10-15 minutes, then invariably lose internet access. I have to manually disconnect and reconnect again to get back on the net - but again, only for 10-15 minutes.I've tried many things - changing the channel, playing with all sorts of parameters (as suggested by the online chat guy) - but to no avail.

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Wireless Network Won't Allow Internet Access

Nov 24, 2010

I have recently purchased two new notebooks both running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and I have a 400 Billion Telkom Router with wireless internet capabilities. During the first few days the wireless connection between the router and the laptops worked perfectly and both had internet but then all of a sudden all internet access was lost.

The network was still running and the laptops could connect without any problem but nothing I do will allow me internet access. The same thing happened with a wireless network adapter i purchased for my pc also running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit edition. I should note that the pc using the router is running windows xp and I wonder if it has something to do with a compatibility issue between the two operating systems. I have already tried changing the DNS server and ip adress but nothing seems to work.

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Wireless Connection But No Internet Access?

May 12, 2011

Great connection but no internet access. The wireless internet works fine on other lap tops and I have rebooted.

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Limited Access To Wireless Connection

Dec 25, 2010

I am getting a limited access to my SMC8014WG wireless router from my new netbook with windows 7? is there a router upgrade required?

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Wireless Is Conected, But No Network Access?

Aug 23, 2010

Two weeks ago I bought a DELL Inspiron 1545 - T4500, and I had no problems with it. It connected to my Wireless Internet, and my parents' one without a hitch. However, at the weekend, one minute it was connected to the wireless, and the next minute it lost the signal. I tried to re-connect it, but no luck. It sees the network, says that it is connected to it with full strength, however in the 'Currently connected to:' section at the top of the pop-up, it says 'Unidentified Network, No Internet Access'. And when I try to go onto the internet, it says 'Server not found'.I have tried the diagnostic test, and it gives the error that 'The Default Gateway is not available'. I have tried turning off the modem and router, and unplugging everything, but it still isnt working. Interestingly, my old laptop (XP, about 4yrs old) IS working. Also, I have tried to link to my parents wireless and a friend's and neither are working on the new PC.

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No Internet Access On Wireless Network?

Sep 20, 2010

I've been battling this problem for a few months now. On my lenovo x100e laptop with windows 7 I can connect to my wifi network and sometimes go to a website before it says "no internet access" while still being connected to the network. Any other laptop or phone connects and has internet just fine except for mine. Just one day out of the blue this started and I cannot find what's wrong and this is only with my laptop. The strange thing is that my laptop connects just fine with other wifi networks and has internet. What I have tried is re installing my wireless router countless times and also I re formated my laptop and re-installed windows twice. Problem is still re accuring.

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Wireless Keeps Losing Access To The Internet?

Oct 3, 2010

I'm using an ASUS Pro31F laptop with Windows 7 Professional 32it.We recently moved house and got the internet set up. For everyone else in the house the wireless works fine. However for me and my laptop, it is constantly disconnecting and will say "limited access" with a yellow exclamation point over the wireless icon in the system tray. So in other words, it appears as if it has a connection, yet my internet will stop working. I have to disconnect from that same icon and reconnect which usually fixes the problem. But it's so annoying I'm finding myself often having to do it at least every 5 minutes while I'm surfing the net.

Now other members of my family with laptops have mentioned to me occassionally it will disconnect for them, yet rarely - more so nowhere near as much as me. The main difference between my computer and everyone else's is that I'm the only one using Windows 7 while the rest of them all have XP. I've even tried going to other ends of the house where they use it but have the same problem, leading me to believe it is a problem with my computer and not the wireless or router itself. I'm also thinking it is most likely an issue to do with windows 7 as I searched the net and found many people with similar issues. I never had a problem with the wireless on the same laptop at my old house however.

It appears to happen intermittently, however one thing I have noticed that it will usually increase the chance of happening if I am performing a lot of activity on the net. For e.g. if I am looking at wikipedia and open several tabs from links within that page in a short period of time, it will usually not like that, and disconnect again. Same as if I am multi-tasking switching between a few tabs and loading a few pages at once.

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Can't Access Wireless / Air Card Or LAN Connection

Oct 5, 2011

I have a Dell D620. When i connect to my docking station. I can not access my my wireless, air card or lan connection.

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Wireless Keep Losing Access To Internet

Jan 3, 2013

so recently these few days i've been having some problems with wireless connection in my laptop. whenever i'm browsing the internet or using Internet etc., i'll suddenly lose access to internet even though i'll have full bar connection.

i'm using a hp g62-358 with windows 7 home premium 64-bit.

i've been using it since 2010 until now and this problem only just came up recently. there are 5 laptops including mine that are in the house using the same wireless network. however, only my laptop has this issue.

this problem only happens when i'm on the net. when this happens, i had to either disconnect from the network or turn off the wireless lan adapter and wait for a few minutes. when i reconnect or turn on lan, i'll have access to internet again, however not for long.

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Wireless Limited Access Windows 7?

Dec 9, 2012

i am try in connect for the first time to wireless network, it says wireless limited access

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Win Can Access Xp Laptop But Xp Can't Access Win7

Jun 9, 2009

Why is it that I can do anything to my Xp laptop shares from Windows 7 but Xp asks for a username and password to access Win?

Am I supposed to know what this username and password is? Did I create a username and password while not paying attention?

I've turned off password protected sharing in advanced sharing settings, turned on file and print sharing, both computers are joined to WORKGROUP. I went through the file sharing setup wizard on Windows 7 which spat out a password at the end but like so what? There's no username to go with it and it doesn't work if you enter that password from Xp anyway.

Can someone please put me on the right track here?

I hope that MS realise that there's an ocean of idiots like me that just want to copy a file from PC A to PC B at home and that the wizard should set all this up for us and not make us google around for half an hour just to find out how to copy a file from box to box. Unless it's intentionally not backward compatible?

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Want To Access Some Files From Other Computers Using Wireless Connection

Nov 17, 2012

I use wireless network in school, and i want to access some files from other computers using the wireless connection.i use by toshiba c675 windows 7i have no clue on special tricks other than common knowledge of computer.

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Unidentified Wireless Network - No Internet Access

May 22, 2011

I have my ip config below:

Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter new:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::ddc2:bdfa:e412:c367%12
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ............

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Can't Connect To Home Wireless / Limited Access

May 12, 2012

A few hours ago I installed a Windows update, so my ACER Aspire 5733 restarted. I shut it down after the restart, not paying attention to the wireless. When I went to turn it back on, I couldn't get online because my home wireless connection has "Limited access."The icon signifying signal strength on the taskbar has a small yellow star-shaped dot on it. When I click on it, it pops up and says "Not connected. Connections are available. It then says my wireless network name and says "Limited access" next to it. The signal strength is excellent.When I disconnect and then reconnect it says the connection was unsuccessful because the computer has limited connectivity.The same network is working on my other laptop and on my iPod, but not on my Aspire 5733.

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BSOD - Limited Access On Wireless Network

Mar 29, 2012

A few days ago I booted up my HP Pavilion dv4-2049wm laptop. Windows update needed to reboot, due to my postponing it for a few days, so I let it reboot and I started getting blue screens. After a few restarts (getting the BSOD every time), I booted into the last known good configuration. It booted up fine, but now I can no longer connect to my network (wired and wireless). It sees my wireless connection, but states "Limited Access."

Things I have tried:
- Uninstalled/Updated network drivers from HP's site, specific to my laptop model.
- Uninstalled all windows updates that were installed before BSOD
- Flushed, registered, renewed dns via command prompt
- Reset Winsock via command prompt
- Tried a "clean" boot
- Ran Windows Check Disk
- Ran Windows Memory Tester (Unsure of exact name)

On the day of the crash I attempted to do a restore, but the earliest restore I could do was at the time of the windows update (same time as BSOD). One thing I did notice is that the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo_Interface" listed under network adapters is no longer there. Not sure what that might have to do with anything. I ran this tool (Who Crashed/Crashdump) and here is my log:

System Information (local)
computer name: DECARO
windows version: Windows 7 , 6.1, build: 7600
windows dir: C:Windows
CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Turion™ II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M620 AMD586, level: 16
2 logical processors, active mask: 3
RAM: 4022542336 total
VM: 2147352576, free: 1925451776
Crash Dump Analysis .........
[Code] ....

On your computer a total of 26 crash dumps have been found. Only 21 could be analyzed. Only 15 are included in this report. 2 third party drivers have been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers:

atikmpag.sys (AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
athrx.sys (Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver, Atheros Communications, Inc.)

If no updates for these drivers are available, try searching with Google on the names of these drivers in combination the errors that have been reported for these drivers and include the brand and model name of your computer as well in the query.

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Disabling LAN Internet Access And Using Wireless Router?

May 23, 2011

I am on a cabled LAN network with internet access. I can also access the internet through a different wireless router. When I am connected to the LAN by internet access is also through it. I would like to stay connected to the LAN network but at the same time have the internet access through the wireless. Is there a way to set this up?

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