Is There A Way To Show More Details By Default When Copying Files.

Jun 8, 2010

When copying files in Windows 7, the box that shows the copying process has the "more details" button that shows more information. I really like to look at that info and would really like to not have to click the "more details" button for each copying process. Is there a way to tweak the registry to make the default show the more detail view instead of the less details view?

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Make Details Of FLV Files Show In Windows Explorer?

Jul 2, 2011

Is there any way to make the details of a FLV file, especially resolution and runtime, show up in the details view of Windows explorer? I have the Shark007 codec pack, and can see thumbnails just fine, but no information about the FLV files, other than their file size, shows up in the details view, or the file properties.I need to clean out some of my older saved videos, rather than buy a new hard drive, and I would like to start by getting rid of the low res and short runtime stuff.

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Get Explorer Details View To Show Kb Mb Gb As Appropriate?

Mar 5, 2012

Just wondering if anyone has discovered a registry hack to get Windows Explorer to show file size in details view as KB, MB, GB as appropriate? FreeCommander has had this option for years.

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Show File Details In Search?

Feb 14, 2012

Why are certain details, such as Frame Height, allowed in Windows Explorer when looking in a specific folder, but are missing when searching the contents of the same folder?For example, I'm inside a folder (in details view) of video files and ask Explorer to show details of Frame Height. It will show that for certain file types. But when I search for one of the files by name, the Frame Height will be blank for the same file it just showed me the info for.

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Backup Files Will Only Show Up If Click Show Hidden Files And Folder?

Sep 24, 2012

I was using my desktop like normal then an error came up saying that there was a hdd failure, and that i needed to scan for errors. all my files disappeared and only this error would come up. There would be hundreds of the same msg spamed on my screen. I scaned my hdd for errors using my Bios/Advanced options and no errors came up. I decided to take out the hdd and put it into my External Hdd bay to hook up to my laptop to extract the data off it.When i hooked it up to my laptop it showed up empty. I went into folder options and clicked on show hidden files and folders. Everything came up but it was grey/transparent. I then copied the files to another hdd for backup.

Then i formatted the hdd and put on a fresh new OS. Id like to mention i have a second internal drive that i use for backups but it wasnt backed up recently when this issue happen so i had to take out the main drive and use it as an external to back up onto another external then when i click on my second internal drive after the reinstall of the new OS it shows empty i have to go in and show hidden files and folders.. now they show again transparent. also i plug in my external to get the recent back up and all those files are still transparent when i move them to my desktop that is freshly OS installed they are still grey/transparent and i have to keep the show hidden files and folders to view them.. so its all my music, pics, documents etc they are all greyed out..i tried to copy my backup IE favs into my new IE browser and they wont show up because they are hiden it shows it copied to the favs folder but in ie i cannot view them if that makes any sense.

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"Windows Cannot Be Installed To Disk 1 Partition 1. (Show Details)"

Nov 25, 2012

I am currently attempting to install windows 7 pro on my computer. I have successfully done so before but I wanted to clean up my hard drive so i decided to re install it. Now I only see Disk 1 Partition 1 and I can't install windows 7 on it. I get a message "Windows cannot be installed to Disk 1 Partition 1. (Show details)".

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System Details The Domain Was Show The Message " Not Available"?

Jan 21, 2013

my system is in domain. past four days, am able to login in domain user, but in system details the domain was show the message " Not Available". how to solve this problem.

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Moving Files From HDD To USB HDD, No Details

Oct 27, 2009

I was moving files around to save data so I can repartition my HDD. I noticed that the Moving status window did not have the details button.

But I had the details before, but it when I was copying files. Is this normal for Windows 7?

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Can't Edit Video Files Details

Jan 17, 2009

i've notices windows 7 add all sort of new meta data for it's video files.which is cool, but for some reason i cant edit those details. they seems to be locked.How can i Edit video details??

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Music Files Not Accepting Details Changes?

Feb 25, 2012

When I reformatted my computer I backed up my music onto a separate hard drive, after the format it all got put back onto my computer again but after the move some music files refuse to accept changes to their file details i.e. changes to genre, track title, album artist etc. I have full permissions to modify files and it will allow me to make changes either in WMP or in file properties, but as soon as I set the new details it will snap back to the previous version like I'd never touched them.

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Copying Files To Mydocs Or Program Files

Feb 3, 2009

I tried doing this. Example, game files/data from my XPdocs on C: to my Windows 7 docs on D: couldnt do it, just gave me a chime, no dialogue box or anything. Also tried to move a file from my desktop to either mydocs or to program files folder, same thing. After that, even took ownership of all affected folders/files, ones being moved and destination folder. Still the same.

Question: is there some type of security setting i am missing? anyone else test this? I have moved files to mydocs before, and now i cant move anything to there, has me confused now. Nothing special about a file or folder i am trying to move, permissions ect.

Tried both cut and paste, and copy, same problem either way. No protected files/folders involved

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Copying Exe Files From Server To Pc?

Dec 18, 2010

We update our client's software *.exe programs by storing the update code in a blob record in a server based MySQL database.

When the user logs on to the main program on his PC, if there are updates, a dialog message displays and the updates are written from the server to the local directory -- the same directory as the main program resides.

This has worked very well on XP (where we used *program files* as the directory).
It has also worked fine in vista and 32bit windows 7 (where we use the user's app data oaming directory.

On Windows 7 64-bit however, the update fails. It opens the file name of the updated program with zero bytes and then displays the message:

"Could not write to... c:Users[user]AppDataRoaming.. etc."

I've tried running the main program as administrator. I've turned off UAC. I suspect this is a security issue, but is there any workaround?

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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My External HDD Not Copying Certain Files

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to copy some files to my external hard disk but some certain files doesn't want to move or copy at all no matter how many times I have tried. I also formatted my HDD to NTFS but no result.

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Copying Files Across The Network?

May 5, 2012

I have windows 7 pro 64 bit running on my box. One of the devices on my network is a media reader and a local drive connected to it. Whenever I try to transfer large files (350 mb and above) the transfer speed never displays and the copy animation runs until I get an error message telling me that Windows 7 can no longer access my media reader. Smaller files copy without issue. I've seen other posts with a similar problem but they don't appear to be exactly the same as this.

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Freezes When Copying Files

Apr 1, 2009

Got a weird problem that happens when I try to copy files over my network to other PCs. It just freezes when I copy large files!

For example, I tried to copy the Windows beta ISO over to my 2nd computer and the computer just froze. I waited a few minutes but nothing happened so I had to press the reset button.

Is there anything I can do?

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Copying Windows 7 Files Onto USB Stick?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a brand new windows 7 home premium package and I would like to install on it on my laptop (windows xp). The cd drive however does not work and I was wondering if I could load the contents of the disc on my desktop and save them onto my USB stick, which would then go into my laptop?

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BSOD Copying Bulk Files From HDD

May 3, 2012

I have a 1TB external HDD attached to my laptop.Whenever I attempt to copy multiple files to another HDD I am confronted with a BSOD.

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Computer Freezes With Copying Some Files From DVD To HD

Aug 2, 2010

my system is

ram: 8G
cpu: i3
system: windows 7

the files are small like 500mb

but the whole computer freezes when i m copying it to my harddrive

it's just too laggy that i couldnt even perform ctrl + alt + del.

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XP - 7 Upgrade Copying Files Problems

Jun 6, 2009

I run my system on two partitions, one had XP and one 7 Beta. When i installed 7 RC1 i upgraded the XP install. This put all my files into a "windows.old" folder. All very well so far. All the files in this i can happily copy/cut and paste anywhere.

Except the files in My Music. This is a problem as i have a few 100 folders in there(each artist has a folder). The only way i can move (or even look in) them is to take ownership, which involves quite a lengthy clicking through dialogues. Fine for 1 folder, not for 300. I have tried running explorer in admin mode, in safe mode, whilst logged in as administrator (can i be admin any more times?!) to no avail. I get the dialogue:

"You need permission to perform this action.

You require permission from Jamie-PCJamie to make changes to this folder."

Oddly, Jamie-PCJamie is the user im using...

Im way too lazy to spend 2 hours doing each file individually so please come up with another way Thanks, Jamie


Whilst writing this i had a brainwave - the user on my beta install had the same name. So i booted into the beta instead, and happily copied all my files over. As there's no feedback button any more im not sure how to report this quite large flaw, so feel free to suggest a way to do that. It's clearly not right as is, what if i had wiped my old install, as you usually would after installing a new OS...

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Copying 220 MB Of Files From One Folder To Two Others On Desktop?

Jan 8, 2012

Advanced user new to Windows 7 - I need to copy about 220 MB of files from one folder to two other folders, all on the desktop. In XP, opening the source folder and doing SELECT ALL would give the COPY, MOVE, DELETE options on the left hand of the folder. How best to do in Windows 7? Use the Copy to Clipboard, then Paste to the two other folders? If so, is the Clipboard big enough to handle the copying of up to 1.5 GB in files?

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Copying Files To External HDD Freezes?

Sep 30, 2012

A few months ago,I bought an External Toshiba E.Store 3.5" 1.5 TB.I use it on Acer Aspire One-Netbook Processor Intel Atom1.66GHZ,2gb ram When I wanted to copy some files,regardless the amount of the files,or their capacitive,the copy just ended well.I use Teracopy.A bit after,my copy is just freezing.Netbooks is working well,ram was not at high percents,neither cpu.I had to open Task manager to close teracopy.Other times, the -file copying- was ended well,other times not.I did a format to my netbook,because I have searched and I found that maybe on my operating system was the problem.After the format nothing changed.
After a lot of search again,I found that chkdsk may help on the solution of this problem.3 days ago,I pluged my hdd and the *disk checker*(sorry if this is not the name)appeared.AutoCorrect file system errors 2)detection and recovery of bad sectors on the disk?This check was going well,but hangs a lot of hours at a sertain number of file.I stopped the check,restarted windows,and opened Safe Mode to run check here.Same problem appears.Check hangs at the certain number of files.But my hdd seams to be working,like the blue light is blinking.I saw on a forum that one person had a complete full 2TB external hdd and he took 47 hours to made check done.I am desperate for help,I can't copy a file bigger than 700mb-1gb.

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Only Getting Just Under 4 MB/second Copying Files From Hard Disc

Apr 17, 2012

For some reason, the transfer rate on my 2TB Western Digital internal hard drive has dropped through the floor. I'm not sure what has happened but when when I try to copy files on HD I'm only getting a maximum transfer speed of 4MB/second, which is abysmal. For example, as I write I'm doing a test copy of a folder (to another folder on the same drive) containing 90 gig of misc. files. Windows is reporting that this transfer will take around one day to complete!

I error checked the drive and it came up healthy, and in all other areas, it seems to be working fine. All these problems seem to have started since I decided to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Window, a job which I've done on this particular setup at least a couple of dozen times before with no problems at all. I must say though that installing Windows was SLOOOW this time though, a lot slower than normal, and I'd say it took about 3 times as long to do as normal.

My setup:

Hard Drive: Western Digital WD20EVDS-63T3B0
Motherboard: ASUS P6TD Deluxe BIOS rev. 0608 (latest)
GFX card Nvidia Quadro 3800
CPU: Intel i7 975
12 gb RAM
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

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Copying / Moving Files Why So Slow

Nov 18, 2011

Since I got Windows 7 I have learned it is the same as Windows Vista not much difference, well except the new boot loading screen. Anyway why does it take so long for this to copy or move files?I am copying moving 4GB of data from my USB to my external hard drive and it takes forever, it says 1 hour remaining, it;s all ready been here for good 40 minutes now.Why is windows 7 so slow and copying/moving files?

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TeraCopy Slower + Not Copying All The Files?

Oct 13, 2011

I've just purchased a Seagate FreeAgent goflex ultra portable drive 1 TB usb 3.0 which I'm using it on my usb 2.0 port on the back of the computer. I've a front usb ports but its not giving it enough power so it's only working on the back side.I'm trying to copy some files using TeraCopy from my old transcend 500gb drive into this new seagate goflex 1TB drive. But its only giving me speed between 15-22 mb/sec on usb 2.0, without TeraCopy its even much slower. Both drives are connected on usb 2.0 on windows 7. Why is it not giving me atleast 30 mb/sec ? Should I return this drive and buy some other brand like Western digital or transcend ? Which external hdd get atleast 30-35 mb/sec on usb 2.0 ?Another problem is that the folders which I dragged and dropped into TeraCopy originally has 106,301 files inside them but TeraCopy says it is copying only 106,277 files. Why would it not copy all the files ?

My system specs:

Intel core 2 cpu 4400 @ 2.00ghz
windows 7 SP1 32 bit home premium
4gb ram

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Another BSOD After Copying Files From Hard Drive?

Feb 15, 2012

its been a long time since i last posted about my bsod and after i fixed them i began to get more of these. the only way i can replicate the problem is when i move or copy+paste files in the computer, mostly if it is from my computer to a external hardrive or usb... i attached the latest minidump file i got

Edit: Go another bsod... if it helps i uploaded the minidump from that crash

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Restricting Users From Moving / Copying Files

Sep 23, 2011

I am the equipment manager for a DJ service. I recently talked my boss into letting me build windows based systems for our DJ's to use instead of a prebuilt DJ console that would cost more than twice what my design would. One of the biggest concerns we have is the ease of one of our DJ's to simply bring an external HDD with them and copy our music library while they are at a gig. Licensing and legal use of music is a top priority to us. All of my searches online have not yielded any useful information. I need to find a way to restrict a user from copying and moving files, but still give them access to play the music files. Is there a way to do this without buying an extra security program?

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High CPU Load When Copying Files Over Network

Jul 20, 2009

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC on my lab-pc. It's a 2,4GHz Celeron, 1GB DDR-RAM, everything installed on some old 160GB PATA-HDD. Two hi-speed USB Keys are used for ReadyBoost (love that feature).

Everything works like a charm, except the file transfer from my WXP machine.

I mount the SMB share (which is on my WXP) from the Windows 7 machine and start to copy some big files. Transfer speed is ~1MB/sec on 10MBit, ~5MB/sec on 100MBit and ~11MB/sec on 1GBit. When I start file transfer the CPU load pops up to 50% while 10MBit is active, for 100 and 1000MBit it jumps to 100% and stays there until the transfer is over.

Since I read about IRQ issues I tried some NICs. An onboard SiS-900, an RTL8139 based PCI card and an Intel Pro 1000/MT Desktop adapter. I thought that - at last - the Intel NIC should stop my problems as it comes with IRQ moderation and TCP/UDP checksum offload.

None of these 3 NICs solved my problem.

All these NICs run on the driver Windows 7 has found for them. None of the vendors had a special driver for me.

What I tried to do in addition:

- disable Windows 7 firewall

- disable IPv6

- disable QoS

- tried another CAT5e cable

- restart the switch (Netgear GS108)

- hit the whole machine

Note of the above worked.

I just hope you just have an idea left for me. Just ask if I missed out some details.

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Copying Files From Windows 7 64 To WD Live Hub Reboots PC

Oct 13, 2012

I have two laptops on my network both wireless, I also have a WD Live Hub on it too but that's hard wired into the router.

When I copy over large files to the WD box from either PC, sometimes more often than not (randomly) it will at some stage just reboot the PC, no warning nothing, Just windows restarts. I can then start the copy off again and it might work it might not.

There is no set pattern to this and its annoying that if you walk away while copying then you don't know if the copy is 100% successful because you come back and the machine is stilling there with nothing on the desktop and quite happy. Has the copy finished or has the machine restarted!?! I have to leave another window open to be 100% sure.

The second laptop is slightly different to the first in that does a BSOD memory dump when it happens and then reboots once its dumped 100% of the memory, where as the first just restarts instantly.

I don't know if anyone else is having or had this type of issue, is it because its the 64bit OS? I'm sure before when I had XP on both machines this never happened so its only since I upgraded them to 7 64bit but that was a long time ago.

I only get this issue when copying files to my WD box, the rest of the time - playing games, browsing the net, watching movies, the laptops are fine...

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Windows 7 Is Very Slow At Copying Files Compared To XP

Mar 2, 2010

Yesterday I needed to copy some data stored on a DVD and it took more than ONE hour to transfer the files (11250 files and 151 folders for 625MB) to the hard drive.

I booted on my WinXP partition (so the very same hardware was used) and it took 20 minutes for it to complete the same task.

The data I needed to transfer were full of very small files and although I could hear my DVD player spinning at full speed on WinXP, it was very choppy on Windows 7 as if it was constantly seeking the files on the disc.

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Copying Files To USB - You Need Permission To Perform This Action

Jul 12, 2012

When I copy files to usb then i get message "You need permission to perform this action", can u tell me how can I copy files to usb?

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