Internet Explorer SmartScreen Filter - Turn On Or Off

May 24, 2011

How to Turn Internet Explorer SmartScreen Filter On or Off in Windows 7 ?

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SmartScreen Filter - Warning

Apr 9, 2009

Anyone else notice this warning? The first time I see it. It is gone now.

Just wondering!

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker - Turn On Or Off

Sep 30, 2012

How to Turn Windows 7 Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker On or Off ?

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Internet Explorer Compatibility View - Turn On Or Off

Dec 30, 2008

How to Turn Windows 7 Internet Explorer Compatibility View On or Off ?

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Internet Explorer InPrivate Browsing - Turn On

Mar 5, 2012

How to Open a Internet Explorer InPrivate Browsing window in Windows 7 ?

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Internet Explorer InPrivate Filtering - Turn On Or Off

Mar 22, 2009

How to Turn Windows 7 InPrivate Filtering On or Off ?

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Internet Explorer Protected Mode - Turn On Or Off

Oct 5, 2010

How to Turn Internet Explorer 8 Protected Mode On or Off ?

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Internet Explorer Accelerator Button - Turn On Or Off

Apr 10, 2010

Turn On or Off Internet Explorer 8 Display Accelerator Button on Selection.

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Disable Internet Explorer Opening When Turn On Laptop?

Feb 25, 2012

When I turn on my laptop after loading all the antivirus, charger , volume, and other i dont know programs, internet explorer automatically opens a website My problem= no problemBUT Im mad because it feels not organize or, not as like before, turn on load all the programs and go.

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Disable Internet Explorer Opening When Turn On Laptop?

Feb 13, 2013

i have mozilla firefox and internet explorer on my computer. when i turn on my computer or log in everytime the internet explorer opens automatically.. how do i get that to stop happening?

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How To Add A Search Filter To Windows Explorer

Jul 29, 2010

When I'm browsing local/network drives in Windows 7, the Search box (upper right in any Explorer window) only offers two filters "Date Modified" and "Size".

The "Add a Search Filter" is grayed out.

Here's some info on search filters that are available to be added-- but I haven''t figured out how to add them yet:

Date Created: Searches according to when the file was created. You can select the date (or a range of dates) from a mini-calendar that appears.

Kind: Search for files of a specific type as selected from the drop-down list that appears when you click the Kind option.

Type: Searches based on certain file types by extension, such as .pdf, .jpg, or .docx.

Name: Searches by filename. You can enter all or part of the filename in the search text box after the Name filter.

Tags: This filter lets you search for a file by the tags assigned to it. Enter one or more tags after the Tags filter in the Search text box.

Authors: Search for file by a particular author. Enter an author name after the Authors filter in the Search text box or select the name from the drop-down list that appears. (This filter is called Artists when searching audio files.)

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Amd Usb Audio Filter Driver And Usb Wireless Internet

May 7, 2011

I have installed amd usb audio filter sp46291 downloaded from the HP website for Windows 7 x32.I seem to have problems with the usb wireless Internet.The usb internet times out when pinging after few hours and the internet becomes unstable. Although my usb mouse and usb sound works fine. I have to then reinstall the usb composite devices in the device manager to fix the internet problem.

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Can Windows 7 Explorer "Filter By" Feature Be Disabled

May 24, 2012

Since I haven't been able to find anything that directly refers to this, I'm taking a shot in the wild blue here, in case maybe someone here knows at least enough to point me in the right direction.

I am a long-time Windows XP user. But I have a couple of newer computers (including a laptop) that came with Windows 7 installed; the manufacturer does not support XP on these newer computers. Without drivers for the newer hardware, XP is not an option.

There are many things I don't like about Windows 7, but I've been able to overcome most of them, either by settings changes, or with "Classic Shell" (Welcome to Classic Shell) which allows users to change the Windows 7 UI to be much more like XP.

But there is one problem I haven't been able to overcome, which is the thing circled in red below:

I think it is called a "filter" popup, but I'm not sure.

The problem I have is, I never use this, but it sure gets in the way of what I do use, specifically resizing the column widths or moving the columns. In WinXP, there is a lot more leeway when you select the right side of a column. In Windows 7 (due to this infernal thing) you have to select it much more precisely, otherwise that filter thing pops up instead.

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Change Internet Explorer 8 Icon To Internet Explorer 9?

May 22, 2012

how to change internet explorer 8 icon to internet explorer 9

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Turn Off Windows 7 Explorer Auto-Suggest?

Oct 23, 2012

Is there any way to turn off the windows explorer auto suggestions (and scrub the current data it shows)

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Internet Explorer Unable To Connect To Internet?

Jul 7, 2012

I have been having problems with my new computer running Win7 Ultimate and have had to do an upgrade install. Now IE8 and Incredimail are unable to connect to the internet although Norton, Windows, System Mechanic, etc.,can all download updates

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The Names Of Deleted Files Continue To Turn Up In Explorer Resources?

Nov 3, 2011

About 3 weeks ago I deleted two .avi files from the video folder on my PC, and for a few days afterwards they continued to reappear there. They still turn up occasionally in Explorer Resources, but when I try to delete them again, I am told that they cannot be found, so they actually have been deleted. Is there any way to get rid of these entries completely? I cannot use standard removal tools since I cannot eliminate a file that 'no longer exists' (!) on the computer.

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How To Turn On Workstation Over Internet

Apr 8, 2011

I can turn on a pc from another machine on the same home network, but can not from the Internet.I am doing this Wake-On-WAN experiment at home by using two machines each connected to the Internet through different ISP.The problem must be somewhere in the BIOS or the router setting for the machine to be turned on.I reviewed the BIOS and found the relevant option was enabled by default. As for the router(D-Link DIR 655), I set the portforwarding for the machine with a arbitrary port number(I picked 9) assigned. I did not see anything else relevant but I might have missed something.To send the magic packet, I am using depicus GUI. I also tried one at dslreports website.So far no luck yet. By using packet analysis utility of Wireshark, I could confirmed that the magic packet is hitting the router for the target PC but for some reason, the router does not forward the packet to the target PC's NIC. Instead, it broadcasts ARP to get the MACID of the NIC. Note that the magic packet contains the MAC ID and this is confirmed by intercepting this packet at the sending end PC.

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Turn On Internet Connection Sharing Is Missing?

Jun 1, 2011

Basically I'm creating an ad hoc for my other laptop to connect to a 'main' laptop that is of course connected to the modem. So can anyone explain to me why is the 'turn on internet connection sharing' is missing. I can find my created ad hoc but since internet connection is not turned on I can't have access.

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How To Use Internet Explorer

Aug 21, 2011

Where in the world is IE hiding? It doesn't show up under "Programs." When I search for it, up come sub-titles.I allowed Windows Updates to install IE 9 just a couple days ago. Is this the problem?

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How To Get Internet Explorer

May 2, 2012

I run a comp with vista on but my wife as windows 7 she likes to do jigsaws to relax but when she goes to her favourit site only the adds come on the rest is blank. I logged on with vista it said do you want explorer to allow this site clicked yes everthing was ok but I could not get windows 7 to do the same how can I get her internet explorer to allow this site she as used it for years and had no problems but she was using vista then.

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Why 2 Internet Explorer On 7 64 Bit

Feb 26, 2011

why in windows 7 64bit there are 2 internet explorer a 32bit & a 64 bit.

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How To Get Rid Of Internet Explorer

Jul 24, 2010

how to navigate yourself to the trick because there is no explanation needed.

1.Click the Start button.

2.Go to Control Panel.

3.Click on Programs.

4.Click on Program's and Features.

5.On the left side of the screen click on the "Turn windows features on or off".

6.In that box untick the Internet Explorer 8 box.

Internet Explorer should be gone in a few restart's.

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What Is 34 Bit Or 64 Internet Explorer

Dec 30, 2012

I want to know what is a 34 bit and what is 64 bit Internet explorer and how are they different. Also what different functions do they have.

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Keyboard Filter

Nov 18, 2009

I just got my Windows 7 upgrade kit in the mail today. When I got to the Compatibility Report, it told me this:

"These devices might not work properly after the upgrade. Before upgrading, we recommend updating the drivers for these devices. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel and search for "update device drivers", or go to the device manufacturer's website to search for updated drivers." Keyboard Filter And

"These programs might not work properly after the upgrade. We recommend uninstalling these programs before upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel, and search for "uninstall a program". (Note: Programs marked as * can be safely reinstalled after the upgrade.)" HP MediaSmart Music/Photo/Video * iTunes (Please deauthorize computer prior to upgrade) Agatha Christie - Death on the Nile * Bejeweled 2 Deluxe * Chuzzle Deluxe * Slingo Deluxe * Wedding Dash * Zuma Deluxe *

I'm afraid to continue the upgrade because I don't know what's going to happen or how it's going to affect the programs and devices. Should I just go ahead and uninstall everything listed in the second message? And how do I update the driver for the Keyboard Filter? I don't really know what I'm doing.

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Internet Explorer Does Not Start

Mar 3, 2011

I normally use Mozilla Firefox but an upgrade programme I recently downloaded needs IE to install. IE couldn't display the webpage so I downloaded and installed IE9 On running there was a script error. Line 1, Char 1, Error 'Components is undefined', Code 0 and URL chrome://simppulltoolbar/content/lib/external.js. I selected Yes to continue running scripts. Then came this error. IE cannot display the webpage. I selected Diagnose Connection Problems but Troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem.

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Internet Explorer Very Slow?

Aug 8, 2011

The internet explorer in my laptop is too slow to open. I was browsing the google and came across this site. I have MacFee installed on my lappy. Ran it and found no issues. Downloaded Hijackthis as recommended by this forum admin and here is the log file.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 1:18:26 PM, on 8/8/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Windows 7 Internet Explorer

Nov 29, 2011

Got a problem with IE. I get a window saying that IE has a problem and gives an option to let the internet find a solution. This does not seem to help any. I can get out of it and keep going , but the same window will keep reappearing.

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Windows 7 No Internet Explorer

Jan 7, 2013

Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit. Windows Explorer issue, not Internet Explorer.In my folder tree, there was a folder named "Documents" which contained no information at all. Note: I am not referring to the Libraries folder named "Documents!"All of my files are in custom-named folders, each of which is preceded by my 3-letter, initials caps.But, after deleting that redundant, empty folder named "Documents," Windows added a new bizzarre folder which I cannot get rid of. It has no information in it; it has no other right-click options except "Expand," and clicking that option doesn't do anything at all. There is no information in that folder.

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Internet Explorer 9 Keeps Crashing?

Sep 22, 2012

It was running fine before, but now it keeps freezing up and I get an error box at the bottom of the screen and I have to click "Recover Webpage" or something to that effect. The problem is that barely works and the tab ends up closing completely or the whole browser freezes. I don't know if this is an issue with the actual browser or with Windows itself cause as I said before, it was working fine until recently. I know the Windows updates have kinda screwed me up in the past though.

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