How To Restore Outlook.pst Files In Win 7

Nov 8, 2009

I have just installed Windows 7 and am having trouble working around in Windows Explorer. I have 3 .pst files used in Microsoft Outlook from my XP computer that I want to install on the new Windows 7 computer to use in Microsoft Outlook.

Files are:

Archive.pst 265 kb

Outlook Backup.pst 3,977,937 kb

Outlook.pst 3,977,937 kb

Can someone proved detailed instructions on how to install these files on the windows 7 computer. I have Office 2003 on both computers.

Windows Explorer in Windows 7 is really a challenge, I guess I need to find a book to study. Any suggestions?

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Archived Outlook Files Will Not Open On Outlook 2010?

Nov 28, 2011

I have a new Dell Inspiron 14Z running windows 7 pro 64bit and i'm using Microsoft office 2010. I'm trying to retrieve archived emails that i backed up on an external hard drive from a previous computer, the files are .pst which is an outlook format but i keep on getting an error message saying the file is not an Outlook data file (.pst). i dont have any other way to retrieve these emails since they were deleted from the server and its about 1.5 years of work emails. Not sure what to do? should i move the files from the external driver to a different location on the computer and open them, or are they corrupted and need to be fixed?

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Restore A User Account In Windows 7 And Restore Lost Files And Folders?

Oct 27, 2012

I have lost my user account and folders and files, music and pictures . I have tried system restore but no success.

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Restore Personal Files After System Restore?

May 19, 2012

my Windows 7 after restoring it to factory configurations. I installed Ubuntu 12.04, the installation smooth as butter, but after a few days of usage, the GRUB system screwed up. After a LOT of problems I managed to restore my Laptop to its default configuration. Then, I tried to restore my personal files with the DVDs I made, but when the manager finished, it only showed a folder with all my files in it! And it didn't give me any option to restore these files or something!

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Using Windows 'backup And Restore' To...restore Some Files?

Jul 17, 2012

I have an old HD that I used to use for backups in a different PC setup, and though I deleted those backups when I moved on to a different HD, the backups were recoverable using Pandora and I believe intact since I never used the drive in question after that time. So specifically, I now have a folder called "Backup Set 2011-02-13 190024" that contains a 84 zipped folders worth 13.1GB that comprise that backup, and I want to restore them in some automatic fashion to see what's actually worth salvaging. (I assume this doesn't have to be done one-folder-at-a-time, drilling down through five layers of branches in the folder-tree, and almost immediately forgetting where I am...) But when I look at "Backup and Restore," I can't bring up this or any target folders - the link "Select another backup to restore files from" produces a blank set of choices, and there doesn't appear to be any way to 'load' a particular folder to restore, as I would have expected.

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How To Restore Outlook Express Accounts ?

Oct 23, 2009

Installed Win 7 in a dual boot mode with Xp yesterday.

I also downloaded the Windows Live software and thsi came with a mail program.

Before I did the install I saved a copy of all the files/folders/favourites/accounts etc from Outlook Express.

How do I get these saved files back into the Win 7 e-mail program. I do not have a hotmail address etc and want to keep my existing user accounts with

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Change Eml Files To Mht Files In Microsoft Outlook?

Dec 20, 2011

how to change eml files to mht files in microsoft outlook

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Restore Outlook Contacts And Email, Contents Never Saved

Aug 6, 2012

a serious disruption caused me to have to reinstall windows 7 again, but the old windows 7 copy(windows.old) was saved. however, the outlook 2007 contacts and e-mails were never saved, so now, how can i retrieve the e-mails and contacts?

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How To Backup / Restore (Address Book And Emails) Outlook Express

Aug 12, 2011

Assume I want to backup the current address book (and/or msgs) of my Outlook and restore it later (possibly to another version). How can I do this ?

I don't want to care about the current version
- Outlook vs OutlookExpress
- Outlook 2003 vs Outlook 2007
- Outlook 32bit vs Outlook 64bit

I would like to have a convenient transparent way of interchanging the address books? Is there a 3rd party tool for that?

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Restore Files After System Restore?

Sep 30, 2012

I recently did a system restore and when I started it up some of the documents are gone from the desktop. retrieve them they where word files .

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How To Open Eml Files In Outlook 2010

Mar 1, 2012

Our clients are Windows 7, 64bit, with IE9. We have a SharePoint 2007 farm (Windows 2003 Servers) and we would like to store EML files inside Document Libraries. When a user clicks on an EML file we would like to open the file in Outlook 2010. We have set the file association to open the EML files through Outlook in Windows but the files when a user clicks on an eml file are opened through IE9.

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Deleted And Corrupted Outlook 2010 Pst Files?

Jan 17, 2012

Twice in as many weeks I have had a machine come to me missing the Outlook 2010 pst file needed to run. I have run GetDataBack for NTFS on both and recovered a string of pst files that look to be the appropriate size but I have had to run scanpst on them to get Outlook to use the files. Only a small percentage of the files can be repaired and of the repaired files only a small amount of email (messages) information is actually returned to Outlook. Is this the result of some type of new and very malicious infection?

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Open Recovered Outlook Express Dbx Files?

Sep 28, 2011

I'm going to provide too much info because those of us who are computer knuckleheads think everything is important since it's all a mystery to us.

My main computer crashed and data has been retrieved from the hard drive including all my Outlook Express dbx files. There are four years of e-mails in these files and critical that I be able to open them.

My only working computer runs XP. It has Outlook Express installed on it and was once used for e-mail, but no longer and not set up with my provider to send or receive if that matters at all. Other than sending and receiving all other OE program functions seem operational.

I have read many explanations on how to open dbx files on various sites - every one is completely different and most seem far beyond my skill level.

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Need To Reinstall Outlook, But Can't Access It To Save Pst Files

Nov 17, 2012

My primary user profile is corrupted and I am going to have to reinstall Windows 7. Because I cannot access my old user profile, I cannot start Outlook 2010 and access my email files. However, I have located the Outlook.pst files and have saved copies of them. What I am wondering is, once I have Outlook 2010 installed on the fresh OS install, how can I restore my email and email settings? I suspect that it is far too much to expect that I can just copy the pst files to the proper location. However, without being able to start Outlook, I can't follow the recommended procedures for backing up the mail data.

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Outlook SCANPST.EXE Unable To Access Files For Repair

Nov 8, 2010

running Win7 X64 having recently (2 months) transferred from XP. My Outlook pst files are in need or repair. I have used SCANPST.EXE on previous machines so am familiar with it. The problem is that the .pst files are stored, as it is the default location, within "/Users/Uername/Local Settings". This directory gives me the message "Access is Denied". I am logged in as adminstrator but am unable to see a way round this.

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Lost User Files Including Outlook Messages?

Feb 6, 2013

I am running Windows 7 and had problems where user profile service would not load. I followed instructions saying to open in safe mode and delete profile files ending .bak via the regeditor.Now it boots up but all the user information is gone, desktop icons etc. The worst is all my microsoft outlook messages which contained hundreds of important messages. I can't seem to find the pst file.I'm assuming it's on the computer somewhere? I've done a search of the computer for *.pst and haven't found anything

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Search And Deleted Items Folders In Outlook 2010 Pst Files?

Oct 6, 2011

Is is possible to either delete or hide the "search folders" and "deleted iems" folders that appear in each pst file created?

We use individual pst files to file our emails per current job. But the folders above take up a lot of visual space in the toolbaro it would be preffered to hide or delete them.

We do not use either to "file" emails so the compact now option in the data file managment dialog box does not really apply since I believe this is really a benefit when the file is archived.

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Outlook 2010 Not Allowing Links To Files On Internal Network

Mar 8, 2012

I'm the net admin for a small network. One of my users has a problem that has just started today, apparently. When emailed a link to a file on the internal network, from another user on this same network, clicking on the link simply gives an error about it not being allowed. (This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. contact your system administrator.)

All users are admins on their own local boxes. This user could perform this function prior to today. There is no problem with the structure of the link, nor with security for the file in question. (I first verified that the user has access to the file, and he does, he can navigate via Windows Explorer to the location, open the file, even has write access to that location)

Even when creating an email, and not using a masked link, but a full UNC path, the 'Crtl click' to go to the location results in the same error.

I tried removing spaces from the file name, same error. I tried typing out a link to a share (not a file), one that has no spaces and I know he has access to, same error.

This represents a significant problem. My users need to be able to send links to internal locations and files, and not attachments (for multiple reasons).

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Outlook 2000 Installed But Not Showing Up On Program Files In Windows 7

Aug 20, 2011

I have just purchased an HP with Windows 7 and am trying to install Outlook 2000 but have a problem --Outlook installs OK but does not show up on the Program files so I can make it my default email program. I have removed Windows Mail. Also having problem in creating a personal folder. I receive two messages,

1. Outlook can not open the folder that has the files for opening, sending or receiving email.
2. Outlook can not find the personal folder to send information to.

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System Restore And Keep A Few Files?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a HP desktop with Windows 7 Home I believe. I have spent the last 3 months or so downloading files from the internet, sadly to say that I just noticed that my anti-virus software had expired. I have around 30 GB of files I would like to keep, but would like to do a system restore back to brand new. I have tried SugarSync to upload those files, and have been watching the upload screen for about 2 weeks now with 800 files still to upload. How can I keep my files and restore my system internally? I'm basically computer illiterate and don't want to spend the money for a program to help or for a flash drive or dvd's.

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Restore CD And Saving Files?

Jan 27, 2011

My Mother has forgotten her pw to log into her pc. She has taken it to the store she bought it from and they told her that she is going to have to buy, I guess a recovery cd in able to restore her pc so that she can use it. I understand this and know it will work.If she uses the restore cd, will she lose all her files?

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Factory Restore, But Keep Some Files?

Jul 30, 2012

Okay, my computer is very clogged at the moment and I would like to do a complete restore, but I have some files that I need to keep. Is there a way I can do a complete restore but keep some of the files (no external hard drive).

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How To Restore Files Back

May 23, 2012

i just did a Easy Transfer from Laptop to Desktop and now i want to restore those files back to my laptop.

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How To Restore Dll Files Windows 7

Sep 14, 2011

missing d3dx9_43.dll from my computer how do i restore it?

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Restoring Old Files With System Restore?

Dec 16, 2011

I recently lost some files, so I did a system restore to a date that the files were intact to retrieve them. However, while the programs on the computer are now correctly set back to the system restore date, the files in question are still missing (at least partially). I'm curious is there exists a way to restore not the applications and system settings, but simply to restore old files, or if it's too late at this point. I suspect if I went to a professional they would be able to work some magic to restore the actual files, but it wouldn't be a standard procedure, and I don't have the funds right now to do so.

In more detail: I had XAMPP installed so I could do local testing before putting websites I was working on online. As such, the folder in which I kept all my local data for web development work was within XAMPP's 'htdocs' folder, which is where the local files needed to be stored so that apache and php could utilize them. However, since the install of XAMPP, i'd been having issues getting Apache to run - it worked occasionally, but would usually quit after a second of running each time I started it (that's a whole other issue though). In any case, because I couldn't figure out why Apache wasn't working in my XAMPP install, I decided, 'screw it, I'll give WampServer a try instead, and proceeded to uninstall XAMPP then restart the computer to get a clean slate before installing WAMP. Of course, I foolishly spaced the fact that all my local web development files were stored in the XAMPP files, and they were all deleted during the uninstall. So I proceeded to do a system restore to about 24 hours ago (the most recent system restore point). It seemed fine at first, until I tried to get my old web dev files back: I went to the htdocs folder in my now-restored XAMPP folder, but the old files were not intact! It seems that while XAMPP is back on my computer, all the files that were deleted during the initial uninstall were not restored. Specifically, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this would be, but the only parts that remained were the file structure (all the old folders where there, but not many of the files within them), Javascript files, and favicon image files. Everything else is still missing.

is there a way, within windows, to actually restore all those old files? Or due to the sequence in which the uninstall of XAMPP then the restore went, is it too late?

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Can't Restore Files From Vista To Windows 7

Nov 25, 2009

Can't restore my files from 7...have them on external drive i know they are there...used to restore this new dell laptop and it worked fine....installed 7

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How T Restore Defect Files To Previous

Apr 2, 2011

Somehow all the documents I saved in word are now identified as "defect" files. I don't know how this may have happened but now, all the information on my saved files is lost. My OS is Windows 7 64 bit

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Where Are Restore Point Files Stored

Jul 19, 2009

i want to exclude the restore point files from defragmentation (Defraggler has that option). Where are the restore points stored? I found a tool to make hidden files visible. There is some information on Google where XP stores the files, but it seems to be different in Windows 7.My reason for excluding that from defragging (and excluding my download and temp folders) is to speed up defragmentation. Those files ae in flux anyway and fast access is not needed.BTW: how can I add a picture to my name in this forum??? I didn't find it in my account

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Error When Trying To Restore All Original Files Using SFC

Sep 3, 2011

While trying to restore all the original files using SFC, I just encountered this error: SFC /scannow Found but could not fix some Corrupt files. I am trying to restore all my default files from theme modifications. I restored already all the back up files that was used by the theme patcher all the .dll's and .cpl etc. Then I run SFC just to make sure everything was restored, then that error occurs.

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Cannot Find Files After System Restore

Dec 28, 2011

I had a bootcd error that was fixed with system repair disk however all documents files cannot be found

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How To Restore Format Files From Leptop

Dec 17, 2012

can i restore formatted files from my laptop?

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