How To Reformat A Dell Hard-rive And Install Windows 7

May 12, 2012

how to reformat a dell hardrive and install windows 7

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Dell Vostro 3450 Connect To A Maxtor External Hard Rive With A 1394 Firewire Connection?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a Dell Vostro 3450 and want to connect to a Maxtor external hard drive with a 1394 firewire connection. What kind of adapter should I be looking for?

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Install Windows 7 Upgrade On New Hard Rive Without Deactivating Windows?

Dec 29, 2012

I would like to install my Windows 7 upgrade on a new hard drive in my machine without first deactivating or uninstalling it on my current hard drive. I'd then like the new hard drive to be my primary, and I would like to slowly migrate programs and data over from my current hard drive (i.e. itunes music, "my documents" files).

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Reformat Dell N7010 Windows 7 64-bit

Jan 13, 2013

I am having difficulty reformatting my dell n7010 windows 7 64 bit os. when I get to the disk management it wont allow me to select format C: drive, it will only allow me to format the recovery drive.

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Mac Formatted Hard Drive To Reformat To Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a problem for a Mac formatted WD My Passport external drive. PC recognizes the WD Smartware part of the disk but not the data. I want to reformat the whole drive to Windows 7, but I can't see any options to do that.

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How To Reformat Hard Drive After Transferring Windows 7 License

Jun 21, 2012

I've ordered new parts for a new computer and I read that I could transfer the license being used on this (current) computer to the new one because I have the full version of Windows not the OEM. I plan on (if possible) transfering my windows 7 license to the new computer/SSD and use this old hard drive for storage/backup. But I'm a little confused/unsure about a few things: 1. Do I install Windows 7 and activate it on the new computer/SSD first and then remove Windows 7 from the old hard drive? Or do I have to remove it from the old computer before attempting to install on the new one, 2. How do I remove Windows from the old drive? I haven't reformatted before but from what I've read from guides, I use the windows CD to reformat, but it reinstalls a clean version of Windows. How would I clean the old drive without reinstalling Windows?

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Way To Create A REFORMAT Disc On A Dell Windows 7 Desktop?

Jan 20, 2013

have a new Dell XPS desktop with Win7, and coming from XP I am somewhat confused about how to go about making a disc to reformat if necessary. There is this thing called "dell datasafe" on my computer, but it seems like some kind of stupid service that stores your pictures and such online, amongst some other things that aren't so clear. Anyway, I made a "recovery media disk" (took 2 dvd-R's) but I am not certain if this is what I really need. It claims to reset the computer to "factory conditions" whatever that is supposed to mean. Bottom line is, what I would like to be able to do in the event of a catastrophic virus, etc, is to COMPLETELY 100% REFORMAT my computer, similar to the way you delete the partition, create a new partition, and reinstall Win XP. I do not care one bit about saving files, pictures, and all that sort of thing - I just want to be able to do a clean sweep in the event that I need to.

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How To Reformat / Windows 7 Install

May 1, 2011

Does anyone know a good website to lead me through reformatting my C drive? I ran a registry scan that came up with 640 errors. I think all the problems I had with my defective RAM contributed to that? How do I make sure I have all the drivers I need and everything will work with a fresh install of Win7? All my media and documents are on the D drive, so I don't need to worry about that

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How Do I Reformat The External Hard Drive ?

Nov 28, 2009

Should i flash my bios to get rid of infection

how do i reformat the external hard drive

or what tools can i use.

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Windows 7 Reformat From Install Disk?

Jan 10, 2013

So I'm trying to reformat my HD, and I'm having quite the time doing so. I have borrowed and Windows 7 disk from a buddy of mine and was going to reformat my HD and then buy a key online, but here is my problem:

I put the disk into my DVD Drive and restart, I immediately go into BIOS and make sure that my DVD-RW drive is first choice in boot order, it is. Upon restarting, it just does a normal boot process, it doesn't give me the option to boot from disk.

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How To Cleanly Reformat And Install Windows 7 PC

May 26, 2012

Anyways I have computer that I owned for a year now and have decided to reformat the computer due to some difficulties with it such as sluggish processes getting stuck etc. and I have way to many programs to find out the root of the cause, but with the lack of experience on reformatting computers I may end up with errors in the end, I've searched up some forums like these as well on how to properly reformat a computer with windows 7 OS but just so I don't miss anything I would like to request if anyone has a Step by Step guide on how to do this. Also if you must know here are my PC specs and the software CDs drivers etc that I had when I was first setting up the pc.[CODE]

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Reformat And Install Windows 7 On A Dynabook?

Nov 11, 2012

can i instal windows 7 on a dynabook? if so how do it do it ?

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Unable To Reformat Dell Studio 1737

Aug 6, 2012

I have a dell 1737 running windows 7 ultimate and I can not reformat the hard drive. I've tried F8 function clicked on "repair your computer" and once I press enter it start windows normally like its skipping past the repair option screen that is suppose to come after that screen. whats wrong with this pc and why won't it reformat?

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Clean Install Windows 7 - Cannot Reformat Drive

Aug 23, 2012

I'm trying to do a clean reinstall, but I can't reformat the drive. I don't get very far, menu 'where do you want to install window', which is supposed to have a Format option, it doesn't!

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Dell Duo With Crashed Hard Drive / OS Install

Sep 25, 2012

Since there is no cd/dvd drive in a Dell Inspiron Duo1090, how is the OS reinstalled. Can it be done from a USB Drive? An external CD/DVD reader? Does the new drive need to be set up via USB from another computer? Does the DUO have to go back to Dell?

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Reformat External Hard Drive With Operating System

Nov 13, 2011

I have a hard drive I recovered from my old Dell laptop when the motherboard gave out. Originally, I just put it in an external hard case and have been using it as external storage. Now it is getting filled up, so I would like to reformat it to remove the OS partition (Vista) to give me access to the entire drive. I have removed and baked up all my files, but cannot find a way to repartition the drive to remove the OS volume. Disk manager will not let me access that volume to delete it - nor will diskpart. In fact, only the non-OS volume even shows up with a drive letter in diskpart.

I have searched the web but have only been able to find info on how to reformat the main hard drive...and this is definitely NOT what I want to do.

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How To Open Files From External Hard Drive After Reformat

Sep 16, 2012

Just recently i had to reformat my computer, i had some pretty personal documents where i placed in a password protected folder. I forgot exactly how i password protected it but to access the file i would click on a file called locker, and a black screen would open up, i would type in the password push enter and the file would appear, then to lock it i just open locker again and push "y".

I had to reformat my computer so copied all the contents that was inside the folder (and not the locker) onto a hard drive and reformmated my computer, however, now i cannot access these files. I can see them but they all say access denied due to permission rights.

I've followed all the security changes ive found and made myself the owner, set security settings to full control etc however, still cannot access these files. They are really important and was wondering if there was a way i can access them again or is there any programs that can unlock them? Ive tried all the programs similar to |unlocker"

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Persistant BSOD Even After HDD Reformat And Fresh Windows 7 Install?

Jun 12, 2012

I have been getting frequent BSOD's on my 18 month old Dell XPS 17 L701x laptop, so I completely wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows 7 on it. However the BSOD still persists. The error message given states, 'STOP Error0x000000D1:DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL'. I am running Windows 7 home premium 64bit OEM. I will attach the dump files to this post.

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Windows 7 Install Disc Fails To See Hard Disk After Ubuntu Install?

Apr 6, 2012

After I tried to make a dual boot with Ubuntu and Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit), Windows now does not boot. I have tried to reinstall and repair the HDD but the disc fails to recognize my HDD (Western Digital Scorpio Black 500 GB). My HDD is Basic, has 3 primary partitions and 1 extended (3 logical). Ubuntu 11.10 can boot fine.

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Hard-drives Apparently Corrupted After Attempted To Install A Second Hard Drive?

Oct 8, 2011

make a dualboot comp by adding windows XP to a new partition. I created the new partition with 20gb. (From the 500 of my actual harddrive)But before I actually installed on that, I got distracted with a second harddrive that my dad got(for no reason). It had a full copy of Windows XP backed up on it from another computer, so I figured I would just use that for the dualboot. I plugged it in (wired the same way as my old harddrive, but different data slot), restarted, checked the harddrive in explorer - all the data was there / reading correctly / etc, and I used 'easyBCD' to add the new harddrive to the boot list.(Which, of course, crashes if I try to start it. I just wanted to see what it would do). For a reason I can't remember, I unplugged the second harddrive for a bit, started the computer on accident (I don't know if anything loaded before I shut it off), and then when I plugged it back in.Windows 7 would not launch. It goes to a DOS-like window, except it's just a flashing _ and it never does anything even after a few minutes. XP didn't work still.. so I decided to reinstall XP (as I couldn't tell which harddrive was which on the list, I unplugged the main harddrive while installing onto the new).. and when I did this.. it formatted and installed fully... then restarted.. then restarted.. and restarted.. and just kept restarting, never showing any thing past the manufacturer logo/BIOS load-button-message-thing. So, I then try to use my 3-disk Windows7Recovery disk(burned myself with a program apparently included by the manufacturer.) It installed fully, appearing to work.. but when I launched it, it said "Invalid Partition Table" and wouldn't boot past that. When I insert my driver installer disk, it gives me a basic DOS window thing. dir A: shows the files in the disk. dir B: for some reason shows the same. C: says "Error reading from drive C: DOS area: general failure". All other letter:'s just say "invalid drive". (I'm doing this with both harddrives in.) I attempted connecting the harddrives to an old computer, but it gave an error for both. (It detected the harddrives, but said it had an error reading from it. Windows Explorer asked me to format it... {i'm willing to format one of the drives if anybody thinks it will help, but the old harddrive has data I'd prefer not to lose.} ) Looking on google, I saw several problems that all have similar problems (less overdescripptive than I am though) but none of the fixes suggested worked for me. Also - as I have two different with different errors, I only need to make one of them work.)Also - my other available computer has a CD burner / floppy drive if either are required. I also have several USB's. The computer can boot from USB's and CD's (tested), and I could easily take the floppy thingy and connect it to the computer.also - this computer is probably still under warranty unless unscrewing the hard drive voids it. .. does that count as modification of the computer?

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Dell Hard Drive Drivers For Windows 7?

Apr 15, 2011

when im trying 2 install operating system in my laptop itwants me 2 install drive drivers

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Dell Bios Doesn't See IDE Hard Disks But Windows 7 Does?

Dec 7, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed on a Dell Optiplex GX620 P4 hyperthread, approx 6 years old. Bios is most current Phoenix ROM Bios Plus 1.10 A11. I have 2 sata drives and 2 IDE drives installed. Boot is from SATA 0. SATA drives 2&3 are not present. All is well with this part of the equation.I had been running a Seagate 250GB IDE drive (ST3250824A) as BIOS drive 4, master drive, jumper selected. I just installed a second 120gb Seagate IDE (ST3120026A) as a slave, BIOS drive 5. That was when things got interesting. When I rebooted BIOS took a long time to load, and then reported that neither IDE drive was present. I then did all the obvious things: Disconnected one drive at a time - BIOS would recognize the connected drive. Switched master & slave drive positions. Changed jumpering from master/slave to cable select. Installed a new ribbon cable. Checked that BIOS drive recognition was set to 'Auto' for both drives. Results are always the same: either drive is recognized when only one is connected but BIOS does not recognize them when both are installed. On boot I receive a warning that IDE Drives 4 & 5 are not present and have to press F1 to continue. When I enter Setup BIOS reports the drives as unknown drive type. When only one is connected BIOS accurately reports the drive model # & capacity.After going through all this,I decided to bring WIn 7 up and see what would happen. To my surprise, Windows 7 showed both drives and worked fine. Device Manager properly reported drive model & capacity. I have used the system in this configuration for several days and everything has worked fine.This is not a problem, per se, since other than slow booting and having to press F1 every time I boot to bypass the BIOS "error" notice the system works fine but I am curious if anyone else has had this problem, and if they found a solution. I have considered forcing a reinstall of the BIOS but since it isn't really broken I don't want to try to fix it and make things worse. I googled this problem before coming here and could not find anyone with an identical situation on any tech site. Can I be the only one who's ever had this happen?

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Windows 7 Reformat Without A Cd Key

Aug 16, 2010

So my friend wants to reformat his computer because he is planning to return it to Costco. He has a HP netbook with windows start. I'm guessing that his computer comes with a program that lets him make a windows cd. But if there isn't, does anyone know another way to reformat his computer

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How To Reformat Windows 7

Jul 5, 2010

Windows 7 keeps crashing for me and I'm wanting to completely reformat my C: but I take it it's more or less the same as what I did to install Windows 7. Ie, boot up the install disk when I switch my laptop on and then just following the instructions again?

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Reformat Windows 7 Without CD?

Aug 30, 2010

Reformat Windows 7 without CD?

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Can't Reformat The Windows 7

Mar 18, 2011

I already have windows 7 x64 edition installed on this computer. I'm trying to do a full reformat and delete everything and start fresh. When the computer starts, I hit F12 and try to boot from the disc. All it does is just go straight to the login screen and I'm back where I was before...with the old operating system.Tried switching the BIOS to boot from disc...nothing is working? It's just an endless loop I'm getting.Restart->F12->Boot from CD-> just continues to login there something different with windows 7? How to I reformat this thing?

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How To Reformat Windows 7 From Usb

Nov 28, 2012

I have Windows 7 and no cd drive. Due to driver issues, I need to reformat.How do I do this using USB? Also, what about back-ups? Could I make a back up of my files and programs, how exactly does that work, I don't exactly want to defeat the purpose of the reformat though. I don't want to have to re-install everything, but there's nothing sensitive on this computer, so losing everything would be more of an inconvenience than a problem.

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How To Reformat Windows 7 Without Cd

Feb 18, 2013

How to reformat windows 7 without cd

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Cannot Reformat Windows 7

Feb 21, 2013

I try to reformat win 7 in pc but after i select the language time and so on and click next....nothing happen...cannot repair startup cannot boot into Windows....

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Windows 7 Upgrade After Reformat?

Jul 24, 2011

I have been working with another tech in the spyware/malware forum to try and rid my computer of viruses and spyware/malware. We found that the main culprit was TDL 3 and have been able to successfully remove that, however the technician feels that my computer security has been comprimised and is recommending that I reformat the computer. I cannot find the Windows XP disc that I need to use to put Windows XP back on, but I have already purchased the Windows 7 upgrade. That was done before all the virus stuff and I was trying to fix all of that before I upgraded. I want to reformat my computer and Install Windows 7 but am worried it isn't going to work since I only have the upgrade purchase. I'm assuming from feedback from the other tech, the only way to completely rid the system of infections is to reformat.

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Reformat And Reinstall Of Windows 7?

May 25, 2012

I just did a reformat and reinstall of Windows 7. During the installation process I noticed that there are two partitions other than the primary one: a recovery and an OEM partition. I already have a general idea of what both of these are used for. My question is: are these partitions vulnerable to infection?

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