How To Convert My Partition Back To NTFS From ExtFS ?

Nov 7, 2009

I had a Windows 7 installation, x64 and recently I installed windows XP, quit Windows 7 for a while. I have a big problem, I have a 160GB SATA2 Maxtor HDD, I first formatted/part'ed when I had installed windows7, and now being back to my xp I cannot browse the partition, the driver letter appears but I cannot access the information, i put the drive in another computer running Windows 7 and all the data was accessible. I tried like a ton of part. managers and no luck so far.

My question is how can I convert my partition back to NTFS from extFS or WinFS?

Google didn't helped me at all, it's been 2 days since I am looking for a solution to this, no result on google (or this forum or other forums for that matter) will give me a compatible partition manager/tool or I am unable to find the keywords for it.

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Can't Convert FAT32 To NTFS?

Apr 29, 2012

I keep trying chdsk f: /f and it says its clean and fixes errors and then I go to Convert F: /FS:NTFS and it says I need to do chdsk

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Cannot Get Permissions To Convert A Drive To NTFS

Aug 29, 2012

Im trying to convert a drive on my laptop from FAT32 to NTFS as recommended by Microsoft baseline security analyzer. When I type in convert E: /fs:ntfs command in the cmd prompt I get a message that I dont have permissions to do so. How, on my own machine do I get permissions or what do I type in to get to root? I know that on Linux machines you type in su to enter password to get to root user but Im not sure how on my own windows machine. I am a 1st year IT student and am learning. I thought I had all the permissions since I am logged into my machine as administrator.

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Convert Mac Hard Drive To NTFS?

May 18, 2011

Dose anyone know how to convert an external drive that was used for a mac to NTFS so it can be used with windows.

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Convert Kingston Flash 8gp From Rwa To Ntfs?

Sep 1, 2011

i have a kingston flash 8gp >> i need to convert it to NTFS But I Can't >>can't convert rwa driver

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Convert FAT Or FAT32 Volume To NTFS

Nov 20, 2009

How to Convert a FAT or FAT32 Volume to NTFS in Windows 7 ?

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How To Convert A Fat32 To NTFS To Upgrade To Windows 7

Feb 21, 2011

How do I convert with command prompt comes up CDocumenand Settings/charlie> and not just C:?

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Format A Thumb Drive Back To NTFS?

Aug 30, 2012

I had to use my thumb drive to upload files to a Mac, so I reformatted the drive to FAT32. Now I'm trying to get it back to NTFS so I can use again on my Win 7 machine, but the drive is not even showing up in My Computer.

The Drive shows in Device Manager and in Disk Management, but offers me no option to format.

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How To Format NTFS Partition

Mar 23, 2012

on my netbook there is C drive which is FAT 32 and D drive which is NTFS. the thing is i have windows xp dualbooting windows xp (i know its weird). i am only using C drive so i want to format the D drive and merge it with C drive so i can have more space. the thing is it doesnt let me delete it. i tried using Easus Partition manager, but there was no delete option or anything like that. i cant use the CD because mine is a netbook. also booting from USB does not work because my computer is old and it doesnt support booting from usb in BIOS.

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Recover RAW Partition To NTFS?

Dec 14, 2012

used gparted to copy partition from windows7 laptop to usb ext HD as ntfs partition. iam am able to view files and evrything ok. when i reboot into win7 it sees partition as RAW. its says i need to format it.

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Convert To Windows 7 But Do Not Want To Loose Back Up

Jan 27, 2012

i am using win fax pro 10 on XP professional.i need to convert to window 7 but i do not want to loose my back up

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Convert My Programs Back To Their Original State?

Nov 26, 2011

How can I convert my programs back to their original state. They are coming up in word pad but they won't open and it says in word p[ad that this program cannot be run in DOS mode

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How To Convert Website File Back To Internet Shortcut

Jan 24, 2012

I have some files which were internet shortcuts, for some reason they are now "Website" files. I cannot open the website from them.

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Unable To Format NTFS Partition With Allocation Unit Size Of 512B

Sep 23, 2012

This is an issue with trying to use the Windows Backup utility with an external hard drive (Seagate GoFlex Desk) with more than 2TB of storage (in this case 3TB). I have looked into this and found that this is a common problem related to the backup utility being unable to deal with drives that have a 4kb allocation unit size. The typical advice is to reformat with an allocation size of 512B, which it will be able to work with.

The problem is that Windows will not let me reformat with that size. The smallest unit it allows is 4kb, which is exactly the problem. If I initiate the format dialog on other NTFS drives I have, 512B shows up as an option. Just not on my external. And yet, this solution appears all over the place and people have claimed it solved their problem. I have even (twice) tried creating a second partition on the external (1.5TB and then 1TB), neither has allowed an allocation unit size less than 4k, even though my 1TB internal drive did allow this.

I am not really interested in third party backup or imaging programs. With my old 500GB external, I used the Windows Backup utility to make a few system images and there have been at least two situations where a bad driver or something has resulted in having to go back to a restore point, but finding no suitable ones available, and thus restoring to the backup image. This has been the simplest way of recovering from these disasters and it has worked every time. For normal file backups, I have a number of cloud storage systems and I can use the software Seagate included with the drive. However, the one and only reason I got a hard drive this large is that it would allow me to make a lot of Windows system images, and that is the one thing I am unable to do. I do not understand why I cannot use the one fix everyone online recommends. I have emailed Seagate tech support about this but they have not responded.

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Convert Windows 7 Boot Partition Into A Dynamic Disk?

Aug 24, 2009

I want to setup a Raid 1 mirror from one drive to another using Windows software raid. I know in XP you could not do this on the boot partition (C drive). Is it possible to do this in Windows 7?

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Convert Windows 7 Boot Partition Into A Dynamic Disk

Oct 12, 2012

my hard disk converted to it is not booting, it have 300 gb data .i need convert in to basic and working normally.

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Delete Dual Boot Ubuntu Partition And Convert To Primary Hard Drive C:?

Mar 14, 2012

I installed Ubuntu on a older Toshiba laptop. When I boot up it asks me to select either Windows 7 or Ubuntu. I want to get rid of the Ubuntu disk partition and give that 2.9 GB space to my primary hard drive. I go into compmgmt.msc but I can't execute any commands on that disk partition.

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"Windows 7 Cannot Be Installed On This Partition Because The Format Is Not NTFS"

Mar 15, 2011

just got a new laptop.From thw store where he bought it,the OS of the laptop was an Ubuntu.I tried to install windows 7,but won't let me.I can't access "Format" from the installation process.Down on the windows that is opened when installing windows 7,it says "Windows 7 cannot be installed on this partition because the format is not NTFS,and is not enough space on the disk"The laptop got only 2 partitions 0 and 1,and both of them are out of free space.

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Convert Dynamic Disc Back To Basic On The Only System Disc?

Apr 22, 2012

I wanted to make a new partition on my hp laptop on the only disc it as.Unfortunately,because it came with already 4 partitions I accidentally turned the disk into a dynamic disk.Now its booting normally but I cant load the system Image that I have created before the partition.Other than that the pc is running smoothly.As I said this is the only disk on the system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic?After a lot of googling I found some exmples but all of them assumed you had a second disk on your system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic without having to reinstall windows?(I have no windows cd

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XP NTFS Versus Windows 7 NTFS?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a triple boot system: XP 32 bit, XP 64 bit, Win7 Pro 64 bit, each on a separate partition on separate hard drives. I can backup each of the XP OS partitions with a program I wrote that basically does a file and folder copy to a folder in a spare partition on one of the hard drives. The copy program I wrote tries to preserve time stamp and short file name info, otherwise, it's just a file and folder copy program. I use windiff to verify after a backup (or restore). For a restore, I can quick format a partition and copy the files back (using the program I wrote).

I tried doing the same with the Win 7 OS partition, backup, quick format, restore, but some of the information (metadata?) is lost. All of the actual data is there, and windiff doesn't show any differences, and Win 7 boots up, but then there are issues. ATI video driver catalyst control center fails to run (don't recall error message). The publisher information for many (or most or all) of the programs is lost, causing User Acess Control dialog box to appear anytime I tried to run a program,which should be Microsoft, but shows up as unknown. Internet Explorer 8 will state that a program has corrupted the default search provider repeatedly (even after selecting one).

So something is different between Win 7 NTFS and Win XP NTFS, or I need to enhance my copy program to copy addtional file information when doing the copies. If I get the time, I'll try a drag and drop from windows explorer in XP to see if that makes any difference.So currently I'm stuck using Win 7 system image backup for the Win 7 OS partition (it also images the C partition which contains the boot files like bootmgr).

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Back Up My Data Using HD Partition?

Dec 2, 2012

I'm doing a clean install of windows, I want to know if it's possible to back up my data using a HD partition

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OEM - Partition Back To Factory

May 24, 2011

I have a pc and recently it just kept throwing up BSOD with error "8E" after a factory reset with OEM partiton 30 seconds into loading windows and BSOD again. so I deleted vista and reinstalled 7 ultimate N. but left the OEM partition intact, which now runs smooth and all grand. what I was seeing was how or can I now go back into the OEM partiton and load the original OS back to vista to see if it blue screens again. do I have to install vista off a CD and then 'repair' after I have reinstalled to get to the OEM boot menu . when I loaded and put back to factory first time below 'command prompt' in "system recovery options" I had a Packard bell option to go to factory settings?

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How To Get Back Recovery Partition

Feb 25, 2011

I lost the recovery partition and i had win vista home pre. and i upgrade it to win 7 so now i want to create a image recovery dvd to my windows so that i can recovery windows when ever i need it again ....but i can't because of this massage ...."windows couldn't find the recovery partition"

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Use The Recovery ISO In A USB Flash Drive So Get Partition Back?

Jan 18, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu and my Windows 7 partition converted itself to SFS. I want to know if/how I can use the recovery ISO in a USB flash drive so get my partition back?

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Creating F10 Option Recovery Partition To Restore Back?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a computer with the F10 option when I first turn on the computer. The hard drive failed so I have replaced it and installed windows 7. I am wondering if I can create a recovery partition when I turn on the computer and use the F10 option to restore back to when I first installed windows 7?

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Hard Drive Partition: Adding Free Space Back To C Drive?

Sep 7, 2012

I installed Ubuntu on my computer a few months ago and created another partition for it on my 1TB hard drive. I didn't really care for Ubuntu so I decided to delete the partition it was on. That might have been a mistake. Well, now there's 87.68GB of free space on my hard disk that I can't use and I don't know how to add it back to my c: partition.

There was another post about this a couple years ago, but I don't understand the instructions and am not actually sure if it worked. Can someone explain how to do this, please? I'm not completely computer illiterate, but I'm not familiar with partitioning disks. It was just the one time with Ubuntu.

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Hard Drive Partition: Adding Free Space Back To C: Drive

Jan 15, 2013

I installed Ubuntu on my computer a few months ago and created another partition for it on my 1TB hard drive.

I didn't really care for Ubuntu so I decided to delete the partition it was on. That might have been a mistake. Well, now there's 87.68GB of free space on my hard disk that I can't use and I don't know how to add it back to my c: partition.

There was another post about this a couple years ago, but I don't understand the instructions and am not actually sure if it worked.

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Any Other Way To Get Your Systems Time Back Up For 2-3 Days Back?

Dec 14, 2011

I accidentally deleted some important files/folders which caused the whole downloaded videos/games get lost in a few minutes,i didnt even notice that it was deleting.I tried system restore but it didnt work,is there any other way to get your systems time back up for 2-3 days back?

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Can't Format FAT32 HD With NTFS

May 9, 2011

I have a second hard drive that is formatted FAT32 and I need to reformat it to NTFS so I can install Windows XP as a dual boot option. It shows 146GB of 148GB free space; however, when I open the drive it says "This folder is empty". I once had Ubuntu installed and reformatted the drive, but it may be hidden somewhere on the drive. I have tried to reformat by right clicking the drive letter and using the format command, but I get an error message "Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.". When I check the drive for contents using CMD it says "Volume in drive is New Volume Directory of D: File Not Found". When I try to format D: from the C: prompt, it says "Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode." I am logged on as Administrator

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Corrupt Ntfs.sys File?

Jun 13, 2012

My computer crashed and then crashed again during the restart. Windows tried the start-up repair, did its self diagnosis and said I have a corrupt ntfs.sys file.How do I fix this? I have looked on the Win7 installation disk but did not find any drivers.

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Windows 7 BSOD Ntfs.sys

Jan 12, 2012

We have. Computer its 2.8ghz 2gb ram 1x2 dimmand 500gb hdd it has BSOD and hasnt worked for a month. NOTHING at all works tried every single way to get in it just says ntfs.sys page fault in nonpaged area i cand download amything do anything it loads to a bsod

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