How To Turn Off Getting Mouseover Tooltips

Dec 14, 2011

How to make it stop, when you put your mouse over an item it eventually pops up with a little box that tells you what it is? Like you put your mouse over the back button and it eventually tells you "Back". Well, mine doesn't wait. It pops up right away most of the time, especially in my favorites and on items on my taskbar. They're called tooltips. I found how to disable it in the regedit, but it didn't change anything. I'm still getting the tooltips. However, I just logged off and back on (which has worked fine in the past for other regedit changed)... it says to reboot. Do I really need to? Deleted the value in the regedit entirely. Rebooted. No change.

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Way To Disable Tooltips Entirely?

Oct 13, 2012

I know its probably the most asked Windows question there is, but has any one found a way to disable tooltips entirely? I've done the easily found registry edit ShowTipInfo for Explorer - doesnt change anything for me, ANYWHERE. I still get tooltips in IE.They're driving me nuts and are now appearing in the weirdest locations sometimes - namely the TOP of my screen. - for no apparent reason, I certainly didnt (knowingly) change anything.

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Removing/Delaying Tooltips?

Oct 12, 2010

Is there anyway to remove or delay these annoying tooltips when hovering over anything in windows 7?They are seriously annoying and useless. I remember i had the same problem in win xp and never found a way to disable all of them. I was hoping this would change in Windows 7 but seems like it didn't.

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How To Get Rid Of Windows 7 Tooltips And Infotips

Dec 20, 2011

I can't find any current guide (that works) in terms of how to get rid of the tooltips and infotips for Windows 7 (e.g. When you hover over Start, a small box appears that says "Start" or when you hover over the top right X, a small box appears that says "Close".). I find the tips highly annoying and was wondering if there was a way to get rid of all Windows 7 tooltips and infotips on my computer. If so, how do you do it?

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Search Programs And Files (from Start Menu), Tooltips

Sep 20, 2009

Please correct me if im wrong but im sure the last time i used the search bit on the start button the i could see the location (path) of folders/files on the tooltip, but now i cant?

Did i imagine it or has something changed?

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Taskbar Mouseover

Jul 31, 2009

i was wondering how i could turn off the list that shows up when you mouse over the taskbar.


Edit 7/31/09: I've already turned off aero peek and thumbnail preview.

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Mouseover Annoyance

Mar 1, 2009

Don't know if this is just me or if it's a specific Windows 7 issue.

Navigating through Explorer sometimes you need to find out some information about a file. Hover your mouse over the file and you get information. I was looking to see if any of the tracks on an album were larger than expected thus containing a secret track at the end.

Why is it the mouse over works sometimes and not others with no seeming pattern. You hover over some files and you get info, some not and some will eventually if you move away and back and away and back.

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Speeding Up Taskbar Mouseover Display

Aug 14, 2009

When I first started to use Windows 7 I loved everything except what I thought was quite a slow way of navigating on the superbar. If you had lots of tabs open you had to first hover over/click the application button (and wait) then select the tab you wanted.

I don't know if anyone else thought this was a problem, but I found a way to make the hover over preview display much quicker, just in case you do not know what I am referring to here is an example.

Simple Walkthrough

Step 1

Firstly open regedit (just type regedit into the search bar)

*Note a UAC window will pop up, just click yes. Just don't go changing any other values than the one I say!

Step 2

Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse"

Step 3

Find the "MouseHoverTime", which default value is 400 (400ms)

Step 4

You can now change the value to whatever you want; obviously you could set it to something extremely low (NOT 0!) to make it appear instantly, but bare in mind Recent Item lists in the start menu (as shown below) are also affected by this change; so a very low value could get annoying.

I personally found a value of 100 works very well, and makes everything seem a lot snappier and responds quicker!

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Disabling The Taskbar Mouseover Autofocus

Aug 9, 2009

When I mouseover the preview image of an application provided by the taskbar it autofocuses to that application. Is there anyway to disable this feature?

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Mouseover Won't Display File Information In Windows 7

Aug 24, 2011

When in Windows Explorer of WinXP, the mouseover info displayed the file's summery information. In Windows 7, it does not.

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Mouseover URL Link Info Fades Too Quickly To Read

May 1, 2011

When I move my mouse over some link, the url identifier info fades too quickly to read. I filled in my System specs in my profile as best as possible.

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Disable Auto-hide Taskbar Mouseover Popup?

Jun 19, 2011

Is there any way to disable the taskbar popup when you hover your mouse over the edge of the screen with auto-hide on? I still want to have it appear when I press the Windows key, but have that hotspot area somehow disabled. I've tried the app by Prisoner, but that disables the whole taskbar, leaving only the orb.I need this for a Tablet PC i'm customising - I find that when I want to press controls near the edged of the screen, I hit that bloody hotspot area and get the taskbar instead of what I've been aming for. Also, disabling the taskbar completely would not work, since I need the notification icons (battery meter etc.). The tablet has a dedicated Windows button... and nothing else in the way of physical controls.

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"A Printer Error Has Occurred, Turn Off The Printer, Then Press On Button To Turn On. See Your Documentation"

Jan 18, 2013

My printer keeps giving me the error message "A printer error has occurred, turn off the printer, then press on button to turn on. See your documentation" I have unistalled it held down the on button and cancel button at the same time to print a test paper, but still can't get anything to print.

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How To Tell PC To Turn On At A Certain Time

Nov 25, 2011

was just wondering if this is possible? can i set my PC to hibernate and then tell it to come out of hibernation at a certain time - like say, an hour later?

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How To Turn Windows 7 To 16 Bit

Jul 10, 2012

How to turn windows to 16 bit?

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Turn On 'drop Down Box'?

Nov 30, 2012

I had to turn it off to access Geek squad once and now I can't find the button to turn it back on

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Computer Won't Turn On

Aug 12, 2012

I had only used it for a day and then the next day it wouldn't even turn on. I have tried everything that I can think of to fix it. From unplugging it and plugging it back in, changing out the power cord with a different one, trying to plug it into a different location in the house, turning the surge protector on and off, etc. I opened the side up and everything seemed to be in place and nothing was obviously unplugged. We do have a warranty but when we called we got put on hold for an hour + and gave up. We will probably call them again Monday I just wondered if there was something else that I should try before calling it quits and switching the computer out completely.

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Is There Some Way Can Also Turn Off All ACL Stuff

Sep 8, 2010

I just got a new system with Win 7.I've been using XP since 2002 and I first used Windows in 1989 (version 2.11). The new computer is for my sole personal use.Because I dont need a nanny operating system I have turned UAC off. Being an adult I'll take full responsibility if I break something.Is there some way I can also turn off all this ACL stuff. I don't need it - its my computer, its my data, and I am the only person who uses the computer.If that means a reinstall then I can do that - I bought a Win 7 Pro 64bit licence. The only reasons I got 7 were symbolic links and libraries, but I'm wasting so much time jumping over needless security hurdles that I've yet to even look into them.I know all this stuff is relevant in a corporate environment - but this is my personal computer, its probably the last one I'll have - I dont need the hassle.

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Message When Turn Off The PC?

Sep 8, 2010

After a Windows update today I noticed when I went to turn off my PC that there was some sort of Message pop up on the Desktop just before it shut Down. I was unable to read it so I did another restart and shut down and again got something that pop up on the Desktop again just as it shut down and I dont have a clue what it is

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New PC Starts 1 Second After Turn It On?

Jul 20, 2012

nobody will take it like this, or i will get less for it. Why is this happening , how can i fix it? Everything else works fine

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When Turn PC Off, It Turns On By Himself?

Jul 30, 2012

When I turn my PC off, it turns on by himself. Only when I remove cable from electricity I can solve this problem. This problem started to show up after I changed video card. What reason could it be for this problem and how can I solve it?

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Computer Turn On And Off Itself?

Nov 20, 2012

i'm also currently have an issues where, when i switch on the main switch, the computer turn on itself, i didnt even press the power button! And after a few second, maybe 2 to 3 or 4, it turn off itself again. When i press the power button myself, there is no more power. I cant turn it on.So, i do the same thing again. This time I switch off the main switch and turn it back on and the same thing happen again, the computer turn on and off again, and i also cannot switch on the computer after that.The same thing happen the next few time, so i assume there is something wrong with the hardware, or something loose

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Monitor Can't Turn Off

Nov 9, 2009

my Laptop monitor can't turn off even i had change the power plan setting "when to turn of the LCD" and also download software to turn of my Laptop screen manually, the screen just turn off and it on again. I have tried many way and this problem never occur when i am using Windows Vista Home Premium.

My Laptop model is NEC Versa P9110. Anyone knoe how to solve this problem ? I have tried googling about this topic but yet still can't found any solution to solve this problem. Note : my aim is to turn off my laptop display.

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Screensaver Cannot Turn On

Jul 24, 2010

For the longest time now, I'd say about 4 months, my screensaver has not been able to turn on for whatever reason. I did my research online and found that my wireless mouse (Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3000 is what I have) could very well be the problem. I found, through research that 2 Windows Updates ("Microsoft - Other hardware - Microsoft Hardware wireless mouse driver", and "Microsoft - Other hardware - HID Non-User Input Data Filter (KB 911895)") could resolve it. While it had already said they were installed on my computer, I ended up uninstalling both updates in order to reinstall them but once I did, the screensaver still didn't come on.

I also went through Microsoft Help and they said there were other alternatives such as installing Intellipoint for my Wireless mouse (Which I did) and ending some "PowerDVD service" thing which I don't have. And now my screensaver STILL doesn't work when I have it set. Anyone else have any ideas or tips on what I should do? I also went to CRTL+ALT+DLT to bring up processes and went to the "services" tab and I don't know if there is any service I should END in order for my screensaver to work again.

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Monitor Does Not Turn On

Jan 11, 2013

A week ago a friend gave me a generic tower with: [code] Power supply says made in 2002, so I'll have to guess the computer was made around that time and has windows XP installed.When I got it, it would not turn on (power connections to all drives were disconnected), now she turns on (all drives, fans (2) and mouse light up) but it won't turn on the monitor (monitor works on my other tower). I hear a few beeps when powered up (three I believe), could the graphics card be bad or do you think it's something else. Just want to use it to surf the net maybe burn cd/dvd's unless what's in there is useless, then I'll gut it out and use it for something else. but for now I would like to see it turn on the monitor and show the set up screen.

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How To Turn On Webcam

Apr 17, 2011

i have just got windows 7 and i need help on how to turn on my webcam. i want to seee if my webcam works and i need my webcam application to see it it works properly o i can adjust the brightnes and etc.

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Turn An External HDD Into An OS?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a 100GB internal HDD. I have two external drives which are a 160GB, and a 2TB. I don't know what I'm doing to swap out the drives to give me a larger space. I don't have a screw driver, or tools either, and my PC is very small, so I would have a difficult time swapping out the drives. I don't know how to word my questions. Would it be possible to blank out my internal drive, and then use my external drive for what I would normally an internal for, but in this case it would be external? Or another way to look at is could I trick my external by thinking it's internal even though it's not? Or what are some other ways that I might be able to get that larger drive? I have to admit I'm not good at all with opening up my PC. I saw the inside when someone took off the cover, and where the drive goes it compact which is really small area to work, and tight.

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Two Windows 7's When Turn Pc On?

May 24, 2010

I have had windows 7 installed for a while now and thought i would reinstall it using a new copy to wipe my pc.When the new version loaded the screen was out of focus (like it is when the screen resolution is set incorrectly)However the old version of windows 7 was still present and when i turn on the pc i am given the option to chose from two windows 7s.Is it possible to remove one?Why would the new version not be installed correctly ( i have played around with screen settings etc but cannot fix it)

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How To Turn On Firewall Log

Jun 26, 2011

This is about the firewall which comes with Windows 7. I notice that the log file is empty. The reason appears to be that it is turned off by default. How can it be turned on?

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Nothing Shows Up When Turn On

Sep 11, 2010

I tried to overclock my AMD Phemom II X4 955 about 5 minutes ago. I changed the multiplier to 19x and voltage to 1.5 like I saw in one of PCWizKid's videos. Now when I turn my computer on, nothing shows up on my monitor, and my keyboard and mouse don't come on. How can I fix this?

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How To Turn Off CHKDSK

Oct 23, 2009

When i turn on my PC Windows always checking my harddrive.

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