Turn On 'drop Down Box'?

Nov 30, 2012

I had to turn it off to access Geek squad once and now I can't find the button to turn it back on

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Turn Drag Drop Into Cut Instead Of Copy

Aug 27, 2009

I'm not sure if this is the right section but anyway, I'm wondering if its possible to turn drag/drop into cut.For example: when I have to folders open next to each other, and I select a bunch of files from the left folder, and I drag / drop them to the right folder, it copies the files.

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How To Drop And Drag

Feb 4, 2012

i have files that are out of order and i want to put them back it will not let me drag them i'm in windows explorer

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Drag And Drop Captchas

Sep 4, 2011

several sites i TRY and visit, have drag and drop captchas. I used to be able to move the desired item, but for several weeks now, I can get em to drag, so I can't get into the web site.

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Drop Down Menu Flashing On Its Own?

Sep 19, 2011

I have this weird thing going on in my laptop. On any program a drop down menu will appear and then starts scrolling down. It's like flashing cursor and not letting me type anything. It happens for all programs, whether I try to save a file or try to type a command in run. Even when I try to open a small sized notepad and try to scroll it down, it goes back up automatically and not coming to the end. Is there some kind of virus or an intruder/trojan hunter?Already tried running MS virus scanner. alkaparikh has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Random Drop Down Menus?

Sep 10, 2011

While typing, and it happens mostly in Word but occurs in any Office program, a random drop down menue appears. In addition, a letter will get highlighted like I did a search on it, also lines of text in the middle of a paragraph will shift and center for no reason. I have Norton so no problems there but feel like my laptop is possessed. Using Windows 7 and Office 2010.

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Using IE9 - Missing Drop Down Menus?

Jan 5, 2012

I am struggling to come to terms with both Windows 7 and IE9. Call me a ludite, but I still prefer XP. Never mind. More importantly, I do miss the drop down menues that were a feature of previous versions - where, in particular can I now manage my toolbars, ensure everything is locked etc. And finally, is it possible to convert the 'Tools' button into a toolbar?

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FPS Drop While Record Game?

Jul 30, 2012

I recently bought a Intel SSD 112Gb drive and install my window 7 ult. OS on it. I also have a 500Gb HHD that i install most of my game on.The program i use to record call "Fraps" i install it on the SSD drive, and the game on the HHD drive.I try to record a game play while i play and my FPS went from 60fps to 20 or so, which make it kinda spike lag a bit. The video file i save on the HHD drive, but i notice when i save it to the SSD drive is recored smoothly. I only have 112Gb that not alot for recording?

my pc spect are

Intel Core I7 920 @ 2.67Ghz
Ram 19GB
NVIDA GeForce GTX 560 Ti

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Can't Drag And Drop With Mouse

Jul 27, 2012

When I try to drag and drop to my desktop, it's says "save to desktop" but it doesn't. I also can't close firefox using the "x". I'd have to right click and close. Also, when I'm in excel, it highlights all the cells I hover over. Tried the following:

restarting esc and ctrl keys are not stuck clicklock is not checked in control panel no vmware installed dropbox, evernote but uninstalled it just in case

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Drop Down Menu Location?

Apr 30, 2010

A day or two ago, I noticed that the drop down menus (like for any program, File, Edit, whatever) are suddenly all shoved to the far left side of my screen, unless they're about 3 - 4 inches in on my screen. Instead of starting on the left edge of the menu you click on, such as favorites, and having a slight gap between the edge of the menu and the edge of the screen, it shoves it flush to the edge of the screen.

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Sudden Drop In GPU Memory

Jul 19, 2012

a couple of month ago, my computer had a sudden drop in GPU memory, I've looked around on the web for possible reasons but I've come up with nothing. Before this sudden drop I had about 2800MB's of GPU memory, but now it's down to 727MB's.

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Can Drag But Can't Drop Files

Feb 1, 2012

I was unable to move files around in Windows by dragging and dropping. I am fully capable of dragging the files, but as soon as I drop them, they just go right back to where they were. No moving, no copying, no error message, just a lack of anything past me dragging an icon and it resuming its original position.

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Windows 7 FPS Drop On Games

Jun 21, 2012

I'm having some trouble (it started about 3 days ago, playing Diablo III) with FPS drops on games. I was playing D3, alt-tabing be cause of a skype chat (adding and removing ppl) and after lot of alt-tabing the FPS dropped to 10. I restarted the client, still FPS 10. Restarted the PC, it works fine. I thought it might have been a bug on the alt-tabing thing, until the next day where I had this same problem with Skyrim two times, once after playing for about 2 hours and another after playing for about 1 hours, then exiting the game and reloading because of a internal Skyrim bug. There seem to be no temperature problems on my CPU or GPU, I'm monitoring and unfortunately I cant emulate the problem for now...

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Drop And Drag Not Working On Laptop?

Dec 2, 2012

Has anyone had any recent issues with Drop and Drag. I cannot drag anything anymore and was thinking it was due to a system update or something like that. I dont think it has anything to do with my laptop.

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Drop Down Menus Won't Stay Open?

Oct 23, 2011

I have Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 but when I click on the drop down menus they will pop up but go away really fast and then sometimes they will stay

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Drop Down Boxes Close Too Quickly

Mar 19, 2012

Drop down menus and windlows close before I can make a selection. This started after I stayed in a hotel with 1 gb/sec connect speed. The house computers always defaulted to switch user. After I check out I discovered that my lap top did also. I cannot even delete a progam using control panel. The window immediately scrolls to the top each try.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft� Windows Vista� Home Premium, Service Pack 2, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 14


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Drag And Drop Files Into Programs?

May 20, 2011

I am trying to drag and drop files into programs and it wont let me. I tryed re installing W7 but it didnt fix the problem. I dont know what to do it worked fine on my old computer.

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Drag And Drop In Windows 7 Does Not Function

Jun 15, 2011

I have a Dell Studio laptop which has 4GB ram and a core 2 duo processor with a Windows 7 OS.. The problem with this laptop is that, I am not able to drag and drop icons on the desktop nor in the folders... Drag and Drop never functions.. I feel convinient using Drag and drop and now this is a big nuisance for me as I am not able to freely move my desktop icons nor drag and drop the files into folders as and when required.. I also unchecked the auto arrange Desktop in the context menu.. I tried in Safe Mode.. I used a bunch of Registry cleaners, C Cleaners and what not everything.. But I am not able to solve this problem.. Can you please let me know how I should solve this problem...

Also I also have another problem during the Startup of my computer.Once I start my computer and once all Icons and taskbar come, I try to open any application or any program like IE or Firefox and when I open it, the windows freezes and says not responding.I try opening "Task Manager " from the Task Bar and and even right click does'nt function.I feel as if everything freezes up and so I need to hit "Alt+Ctlrl+Del" for opening Taskmanager.. This sounds very wierd for me as I have to do this same operation every time..My configuration is above mentioned and I also share this little info with you.My hard Disk memory usage is about 268Gb of 280Gb with a single partiotion.

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Drag And Drop Files Onto Scripts

Aug 31, 2010

So i've come across an interesting "issue" recently. Here at work we are beta testing our Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit. There's something that is very quirky about the way items are dragged onto a script files.

Some background into the issue. We use a custom script to submit data in the form of an excel sheet into a database. The script is a .hta file. Under Windows XP and Windows 7 32bit, we were able to just drag and drop the excel file onto the .hta, and it would run the .hta script and format/submit the excel file to our database. Under Windows 7 64bit, when you drag it over the .hta file, it just gives you a red x, and won't allow you to drop it.

Anybody knows if there's a security setting, or an option/registry setting to regain this functionality?

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Drag And Drop In Windows 7 Does Not Function

Jun 15, 2011

I have a Dell Studio laptop which has 4GB ram and a core 2 duo processor with a Windows 7 OS.. The problem with this laptop is that, I am not able to drag and drop icons on the desktop nor in the folders... Drag and Drop never functions.. I feel convinient using Drag and drop and now this is a big nuisance for me as I am not able to freely move my desktop icons nor drag and drop the files into folders as and when required.. I also unchecked the auto arrange Desktop in the context menu.. I tried in Safe Mode.. I used a bunch of Registry cleaners, C Cleaners and what not everything..Also I also have another problem during the Startup of my computer.. Once I start my computer and once all Icons and taskbar come , I try to open any application or any program like IE or Firefox and when I open it, the windows freezes and says not responding.. I try opening "Task Manager " from the Task Bar and and even right click does'nt function... Hence , I feel as if everything freezes up and so I need to hit "Alt+Ctlrl+Del" for opening Taskmanager.. This sounds very wierd for me as I have to do this same operation every time..My configuration is above mentioned and I also share this little info with you.. My hard Disk memory usage is about 268Gb of 280Gb with a single partiotion.

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Continue Download After Connection Drop?

May 31, 2012

I was busy downloading some software using the standard Firefox downloader when my connection was dropped 3MB shy of finishing. I don't want to go through the whole process again but when I press the retry button thats exactly what it does. Is there no way to get it to continue where it left off?

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Favorites Drop Down Menu Not Working?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm talking about the favorites meny that you see on the left side when you open windows explorer. The favorites bar had my favorite folder and most recent places, that used to quickly open folders. Now when I click on the arrow to see the drop down, nothing happens, the arrows goes away...the favorites is just there.

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Drop-Down Menus Won't Stay Open

Dec 4, 2011

I have a weird problem on my PC in that on many (but not all) drop-down menus, when I click the arrow to drop a menu it drops but then immediately closes again before I can even get my mouse moving into the options available - and this happens repeatedly. I may be able to get it to open once in every five or six attempts if I am lucky. This is mainly on dialogue boxes where most drop-down menus are found although not all. For example Word dialogues I have no problems at all.

I've done some searching around and found details of the MS System File Checker and done a scan. This seemingly found corrupt files and repaired them AND produced a 12.5MB log file. However, I still have the problem.

More searching found it could be due to multiple mice found in Device Manager (DM). Looking in my DM I found six entries under Human Interface Devices labelled "HID-compliant device" with no explanation of what they relate to. As far as I am aware I should not expect to find any more two at most, these being a mouse (Logitech optical mouse) and a Wacom Bamboo tablet. I uninstalled the tablet leaving just the mouse and rebooted but I still have five such entries. I also have two unexplained entries under "Mice and other pointing devices" labelled "USB Input Device" - a third such entry is labelled "USB Input Device (Logitech Download Assistant)"

Whilst my tablet was uninstalled and indeed disconnected, I did some further checks using just the mouse. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to make any difference - I still cannot guarantee that a drop-down box will remain open. However, I have noticed that it does not seem to affect the drive drop-down. Only the filename and file type drop-downs - at least in saving and opening dialogues but I'm sure I've had other drop-down menu types where this has also happened.

My first question therefore is: is it safe to remove the excess HID device entries in my DM and do I have to boot into Safe Mode to do it?

PS I should add that my mouse has a switch on it enabling me to switch it off when not in use. It is therefore switched off most of the time. Also, prior to reinstalling Windows 7 on 12 October I didn't have this problem and I had exactly the same system hardware config and the same software installed.

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Start Menu, Can't Drag And Drop

Nov 25, 2011

Basically what happens is when I try to rearrange the pinned icons on the Start Menu by drag and drop it doesn't work properly. Like I try to move something to the top and it goes to the middle, from the middle to the bottom and it goes somewhere in between. It's ridiculously frustrating. I have tried unpinning and re-pinning everything, still no luck.

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PERMANENTLY Disable Drop Shadow?

Sep 27, 2011

Disabled the drop shadow but every time reboots the drop shadow reappears. Is the a Win 7 problem as in Win XP it can be done.

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Changes On Drop Down List Not Staying Permanent

Oct 9, 2011

I'm having a problem when I try to make changes, computer will not let me save or apply the changes.Ex-I try to change the volume and bounces back to the same position it was in as soon as I move the mouse.I try to use any drop down list and and whatever I click on it does not stay

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Razer Imperator, Can't Drag And Drop

Sep 16, 2012

I am having some weird issues with my mouse I can't drag and drop for the love of god, when I do it double click the application or something drop it and choose a new anchor point.I have reinstall drivers, plug it out delete the driver and plug it on another usb port

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Packet Drop After Every 5 Minutes When Firewall Disabled

Dec 5, 2012

I have:
Laptop: Acer TravelMate 5744
CPU: Intel Core i3 M380
OS: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64 bit
Network Card: Broadcom NetLink
Antivirus: McAfee

From time to time (an average of 5 minutes) I experience a packet drop, whatever host I connect to or I ping. The problem is not related to any network device because the problem does not occur on another PC connected to the same switch. And, more interestingly, the problem does not occur on a Linux virtual machine (VMware) installed on my laptop. The problem occurs even if I disable the firewall or the real time check of the antivirus. So, every clue brings to Windows 7 or the network device driver (that is up to date, though). It's important for me because I have to connect to other machines remotely (and the connection drops).

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Programs Flicker When Drop Down Menu Is Opened

Apr 2, 2011

It mostly happens in Lightwave 9.6 and Photoshop CS2. So the problem is that when I open a drop down menu in those programs the program either flickers a lot or it goes in the background and I have to alt+tab to get it back every time. It is really annoying because I can't do almost all important things in Lightwave and I can't save images in other formats in Photoshop beacuse of the drop down menu, and in other programs it flickers a lot and is just annoying.

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Drop Down Disappears When Move The Mouse Pointer Over It?

May 24, 2012

I have an issue where the Drop Down menu to select meeting times in Outlook is not working. I'm unable to select meeting times via the mouse and must type them in. I have tested this and found that the drop down disappears when you move the mouse pointer over it. I have only been able to get it to work by left clicking and holding the mouse button down while I hover over the drop down list.Note: This does not appear to be an Outlook issue as I also have the same problem with the Windows system Tray. The system tray icons disappear when I move the mouse pointer over them.

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Can't Drag And Drop Using Windows 7 Media Player?

Dec 25, 2012

I'm trying to load some instructional Spanish language CDs into my PC, to transfer to my Samsung Galaxy S II. However, when I select the tracks in Microsoft Media Player to drag to the right of the interface, the tracks won't "drop".I've somehow managed to load some French CDs into my phone, yet I cannot remember the methodology.

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