How To Configure LocalHost FQDN Networking

Mar 5, 2012

How can I configure the localhost Fqdn property?

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Help!! Windows 7 Can Ping IP But Not FQDN

Jul 28, 2011

I have a problem setting up one of my office users with an exchange account. I bought two new laptops with windows 7. Joined them to our domain ok which is one DC windows server2003. Setup two domain accounts for the users and a mailbox exchange account. One of the laptops had no problem setting up a Outlook 2010 account. But the other laptop cannot find my mailserver i get error message "the action cannot be completed.

The connection to Micro exchange is unavailiable etc etc. How can this be if ive just setup the other laptop with an Outlook 2010 account. Also when i ping the server by IP on the problem laptop i get a reply no loss packets. BUT when i ping the server by name(FQDN)
I get a timed out reply. Also if i ping by any FQDN on the laptop in question same time out. The laptop that i sucsessfully setup has no problem pinging FQDN

Tried with firewalls off still no sucsess
I really stumped here as the two laptops are the same setup.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this issue, as the user is waiting to work with this laptop. Is there a windows 7 setting i need to change for it to work in my 2003 server domain.

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Redirecting External IP To Localhost?

Apr 25, 2011

I would like to know how you can redirect an external IP to localhost. Im trying to emulate the server for a simple program one of my friends coded in C++ (or something). It is basicly a login and register system, upon registering the program sends a HTTP request to the server (it requests a PHP file) with username & password parameters, if the username is not taken the server replies "1", if it is taken it replies "0".I made a PHP file on my server with the same name, though it would only return "0".So here is the deal, the program connects to a server that i dont have access to, nor do i have access to the program's source code and i can't change what IP the program connects to, so i will have to somehow forward the IP it connects to to my server's IP.

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Localhost Blocked LAN Connected?

Feb 15, 2013

Hope posted in correct area. The other day I FTP pc backup files to hosting account. Now IE 9, Firefox and Chrome do not work but IE9 (64-bit) and Maxthon Cloud do. No malware and have internet connection. Filezilla comes up 
Connection attempt failed with "EAI_FAIL - Nonrecoverable failure in name resolution".

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ODBC Cannot Connect To Localhost?

Feb 25, 2012

On a Win7Pro-32 system running in XP mode, I'm trying to use ODBC (v5.1.9) to connect to a MySQL db on localhost. Interestingly, when using a username with remote host privileges I am able to connect to a remote db - this tells me ODBC is installed and working properly. Yet when I try to connect to localhost with a user DSN using a login that works on the XP mode host I get a Connection failed errorSo there's clearly something about ODBC to localhost. Any solution available?[Why ODBC in XP Mode you might ask? I'm trying to develop an Excel macro in XL2003 for a client. This is my attempt to replicate their environment without creating a mess of conflicts in my own working environment.]

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How To Enable Localhost In Windows 7

Aug 20, 2012

I am using xampp and I cannot get localhost how do i get it.

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How To Change 127 0 0 1 To Read Localhost

Oct 15, 2012

my wampserver 2.0 used to show localhost in the browser but when i upgraded to 2.2 it changed to in the browser. Though they mean the same, i would want it to show "localhost" in the browser.

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Can't Ping Localhost Over IPv4 Only IPv6

Apr 14, 2011

I have a QNAP NAS and several devices (mostly Windows 7 and iOS devices)The vast majority of my networking setup seems OK - however on one Windows 7 laptop I am having problems. The Laptop can 'see' remote shares, access the Internet and ping other devices on the network - however remote devices cannot ping the laptop. Whilst trying to ascertain what could be the cause I thought that I would ping 'localhost' on the laptop - after all, it should be able to see itself!


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Sharing Localhost Sites On A Network?

Apr 23, 2012

I need to ask something: I have Xampp installed on my desktop pc and I would like can access my local websites from other computers within network, such as my notebook. Is it possible? Do I have to make some additional configurations on my router? I have tried to access the address on my notebook but I didn't have success.

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Reconfigure The Localhost Command On A Windows 7?

Jul 1, 2012

I am trying to reconfigure the localhost command on a Windows 7 Pro PC.m Currently, the locahost command gives bad web site command. This is part of my overall efforts to install Joomla locally on my PC, and the installation routine needs the locahost to be working.

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Checked Hosts File: Found Localhost?

Feb 7, 2012

Windows 7 64 bitI went to the Microsoft website and reset the hosts file. (I just copied the text on the page that said it was for the Windows 7 hosts) Prior to the hosts reset, the only text in there was localhost. Anyone know what this means? This happened one other time before, so it has to be something.

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SP1 Won't Configure?

Mar 11, 2011

I bought my laptop with Vista as the original OS (August 2010). Upgraded to 7. I've had no problem whatsoever with downloading, installing and configuring updates. Until now. I have 1 important update Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (KB976932).I am getting this error: 0x800f0826. No other updates available.

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How To Configure ITap VNC

Jul 1, 2011

I just got iTap VNC on my iPhone 4, and I'm not really sure how to get it started. I put a password on the server, and typed in my computers name on my phone and tried to connect. I have Windows 7 (64-bit), and have TCP ports 5800-6000 open on Windows Firewall. Also, I have a McAfee Security Center. When I tap on the bookmark in the app, I type in the password only (since I'm not asked for a username) and it tries to connect for about 5-10 seconds before saying "failed to establish TCP connection." What do I do now?

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How To Configure VGA To Increase Fps

Apr 20, 2012

I wanna set optimal setting for my VGA with catalyst control center version 8.861.My VGA is Asus EAH5670 and this is my computer's configuration Operating system: Windows 7 ultimate 32bit.

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Configure The MBR After New HDD Installed

Oct 2, 2009

The situation is simple, just got a new HDD and installed a fresh copy of Win 7 on it - now when i try to remove the previous HDD (with the previous version of 7 on it) it won't boot. Is there any way windows can configure the MBR or am i forced to reinstall ?

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How To Configure Windows 7 For SSD

Feb 25, 2011

how do I configure win 7 for the RevoDrive x2?

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How To Configure A Switch

May 26, 2011

how do i link about 4 switchs on a network

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Configure Amp Winoff 5 0 1

Feb 28, 2012

Every time my PC boots and Amp WinOff starts I need to click on "Activate". Is there a way to set it up and not need to do this?

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Configure NT In Windows 7?

May 8, 2012

i havw 2 computer buth running under window 7 i have suscesfuly changed confil,nt so that it accept files = 200 but excatly the same command is not acceptet on the second computer when starting and msdos program that requires 39 files to be oppend at the same time the answer is tha only 32 files can be opende at the same time ?

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XP To 7 Networking

Jun 30, 2009

I set up my 7 machine on an XP network. The 7 machine sees the shared folders, and I can get to them with no problem. When I try to look at the 7 machine from the XP side, it asks for a user name and password. I never set one up, because I would like to run an open network. (I live a mile down a limerock road with no close neighbors.) Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Why in the world did Microsoft change the default network name?

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Mac Networking

Jul 16, 2009

I have a new PC running Windows 7 RC, but I can't get it to find the shared folders on my Macs, nor can my Macs see the shared folders on the PC. Any ideas how to get at least one way working?

I'm running 10.5.7 on the Mac, and if I "Connect to Server" and dial in smb:// and the PCs IP address, I get a login window, but it won't let me log in. It says I have incorrect user name or password. But I have no password on the PC.

Also, I followed the advice in another post, Accessing Mac and windows 7 on same network - Mac Forums), but it didn't make any difference.

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Networking Win 7 And XP Pro

Sep 21, 2009

Windows 7 on Notebook

Network - wired

Network and Sharing lists the following under "Network"

Buffalo_NAS, can access

Computer "Home" (XP Pro), can access

Computer "Acer-2" (this machine - Win 7)

Computer "Work" (XP Pro) this gets the following message when I try to access:-


Network Error

Windows cannot access WORK

You do not have permission to access WORK.

Contact your network administrator to request access

Windows "help and support" does not appear to be very helpfull.


Internet access is working, this over the network via a router.

I am NOT a networking expert of any sort and this has be baffled, can anyone suggest what might be the problem please?

The "Home" computer can access "Work" OK

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Why Is W7 Networking So Different ?

Apr 6, 2009

Right. First off i admit to not knowing a lot about networks but im sure this isnt right. I have a wired network at home and on it i have a Popcornhour media streamer.

With XP as soon as the OS has loaded i can go to the Network browser on the PCH and it sees my work group and the PC and i can access my shared folders. Same thing the other way around. If the PCH needs a re boot its all up and running agin within a min or so.

With Windows 7 7068 i have to wait anything up to half hour before my PCH can see my work group.

Same router, static IP addresses and DHCP server turned off.

Any ideas guys?

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Configure Windows Explorer To Look Like XP?

Nov 20, 2011

Does Windows 7 offer a way to configure Windows Explorer to look like and function like it did in Windows XP? If so, how?

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Keep Getting A Windows 7 Configure When Boot?

Nov 28, 2011

every time i boot up before it lets me sign on, a windows configuring comes on every single time for about to weeks now, and its taking about five minutes to boot up after. i do music and my editing programs and video programs and wmplayer now freeze and skip about every 7 to 10 seconds, making my work impossible.ive tired system restore but it wont let me create a earlier date, or go past the date of the nov 18 2011.before it was showing a black screen when i would boot up and would say" corrupt file sytem ntfs, said their was a corrupt file do to a recent update fail or installed, so i have went to windows and installed every update i could, now the black screen doesnt come on , but the freeze in my programs and media continues as well the boot up. but here whats wierd cuz if i watch videos online or listen to music online there is no freeze? just on when offline?

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Failure To Configure Windows

May 17, 2012

I have the problem of failure to configure windows, i have seen a few posts on here about people solving this problem but i am a bit of a noob so was hoping i could get some 1 on 1 help.I was stuck in a loop for a while in that i would get to the failure to configure windows screen and it would either restart or would just stay on that screen for hours. i have now somehow got onto my laptop (don't ask me how! just luck i guess) but i was wondering if there was something i could do to stop it happening again. until that time i will be trying to leave my laptop turned on.

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Updates Fail To Configure?

Apr 29, 2011

I recently downloaded and installed a set of Windows Updates that came out on 4/26. I had about 8 of them. 4 of them installed successfully but 4 of them were downloaded and installed(on shutdown) but fail to configure on startup. The four I'm having issues with are:


Each of these are updates for Windows 64-bit. I was wondering if anyone else was having issues with these as well. I plan on waiting a day or two and try again. I've tried twice today with no success.For future reference, what can cause an update to fail to configure?

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Can't Configure Windows Firewall?

Dec 4, 2011

My computer got infected by Win 7 Security 2012 rogue virus. I removed the virus with the instruction on bleepingcomputer. I think I removed the virus, but I cannot go onto the firewall. When I go to windows firewall, everything is disabled and thus not able to enable the firewall. So when I click 'Use recommended settings' it says that Windows firewall can't change some of your settings, Errorcode 0x80070424.

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Configure IE To Use Webmail As Default?

Jul 13, 2011

Is it possible to configure IE to use a webmail application as the default email app? We use a webmail application that is not one of the standard ones like Hotmail, GMail or Yahoo Mail.

What I want is to open the webmail application whenever I click on a MailTo linke on a webpage.

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Configure SATA As IDE Or AHCI

Jun 7, 2009

In the BIOS on a laptop the disk choice can enable SATA as IDE or AHCI.

If I chose IDE do I actually lose any disk performance -- having IDE makes it easier to have Windows XP as a dual boot system without having to hunt down all the SATA drivers and slip stream an XP disk.

Remember this is a LAPTOP not a desktop so disk performance won't be that great in any case.

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Configure AHCI In Bios?

May 31, 2010

Anyone who knows how to configure AHCI in bios? I'm confused I must say. I want to have eSATA with a sata slot from my motherboard.

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