How To Restore Windows 7 Premium Default Startup Icons

Jun 7, 2011

I just got rid of that stupid Windows Restore virus and now my startup menu->all programs show the folders but non of the shortcuts inside them. I was wondering if someone knows a fast way to restore default windows 7 start up icons like Windows media, microsoft word, calculator? Or better yet if they know how I can get all my startup menu program folders to be restored, rather than show up as (empty)? I've tried an unhide program after the virus was removed and it fixed my documents, but it says to turn off firewalls etc. to restore startup menu which ive tried many times.

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Restore Default Icons After Applying Zeusosx Mac Theme

Oct 15, 2011

the problem is after applyin the zeusosx mac theme then i applyed other one the default folders is still in blue the system package came with the theme

imageres.dll----> restored
shell32-----> restored
explorerframe.dll-----> restored
explorer.exe----> restored

i have restarted my pc but still the same

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Desktop Icons Keep Reverting Back To Default Icons?

Jan 8, 2013

At start up the icons are back on the grid and pushed to the left.

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All Icons Changed To Default In Windows 7?

Dec 19, 2012

I am using windows 7 professional for over a year now, two days ago most of my icons (all microsoft office icons, and some other softwares) have been changed to default. They all function properly, just the icon is changed to default. Its irritating.

I tried searching on this forum for similar issues, most of them have been corrected by changing shell icon folder from regedit. I can locate that on my system.

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Windows 7 X64 ICONs For Applications Getting Changed To Default

Jan 31, 2012

My System OS: Win 7 x64.All ICONs for MS apps, Snagit, UltraEdit/Compare , Adobe got wacked when I installed Solarwinds Advanced Subnet Calculator v9.0.6.I have a request out to them to see if they have any knowledge.How do I get the original icons back?I had this happen a short while back but did not know when it happened and after trying the myriad ideas that I came across on the web and thru this form learned that this seems to be a known issues and has been since Vista but no fixes surfaced.As it has been some time since my last post perhaps someone has uncovered a fix.I just tried using the restore point back to before the Solarwinds App was installed and no change so it seems that whatever files got smacked by the application install did not get changed back by the restore point operation.

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Revert Folder Icons Back To The Windows 7 Default?

Mar 6, 2012

I tried srf/scannow imagres.dll and icon cache already, and I still get this: from a pack I installed I just want to get rid of these ugly Icons

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Windows 7 Home Premium Startup Repair?

Dec 11, 2011

i keep getting a frozen screen when i start my computer i turn it off and back on a window open that said re lauch i press enter then it starts to scan next window said startup repair failed do u want to restore i press yes and the computer is fine until the day and it starts all over again how can i fix this

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Restore Windows 7 To Default Factory?

May 10, 2011

anyone here have done the restore windows 7 to default factory??? i want to know after the reset is it required product key again for activation?

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Windows 7 Home Premium - System Restore Cannot Be Opened

Mar 20, 2012

Because a previous virus had changed my registry in a diffrerent PC where I could no longer do a restore (deleted restore points), I made this registry change to this new PC. I changed the permissions in the SystemRestore folder for users to Deny on Full Control and Read. I also made a registry backup in case something went wrong. Well something did go wrong and now I cannot do any restores even after I imported my registry backup.

I get the following error: SystemRestore cannot be opened. An error is preventing this key from being opened. Details: Access is denied. How can I undo the mess I made. Using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.Is there a way to reset the permissions back to default. You will need to run 'Subinacl Tool' to reset the permission to normal. To reset system permissions, follow the steps:

1. Download subinacl.msi from link, and save it on the desktop. [URL]
2. On the desktop, double-click subinacl.msi to install the tool.
3. Select C:WindowsSystem32 as the destination folder. Note This step assumes that Windows is installed in C:Windows. If Windows is installed elsewhere, select the appropriate path to .System32.
4. Open Notepad.
5. Copy the following commands and then paste them into the opened Notepad window.

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f

6. In Notepad click File, Save As, and then type: reset.cmd
7. In Notepad click Save as type, and then select All Files (*.*).
8. Save the reset.cmdfile to your desktop, and close Notepad.
9. Double-click the reset.cmdfile to reset the Windows Update permissions. Note This step may take several minutes, so please be patient. When the permissions have been reset, you will be prompted with "Finished, press any key to continue."
10. Press any key to complete the installation.

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Very Slow To Startup With Windows 7 Home Premium (HP TouchSmart)?

Jan 15, 2013

I bought 2 new computers, both HP windows 7 home premium, TouchSmart all in 1 computers.1 works perfectly and the other takes about 10 minutes to get past the black screen that says "Starting Windows",once it does, the computer seems to run fine. It is still under factory warranty until Sept. 2013.

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Restore Default Font Settings In Windows 7 64-bit?

Dec 17, 2011

I have hundreds and hundreds of fonts I have added to my Windows 7 OS 64 system font folder but it is really slowing things down. I tried 'restore default font settings' in the system fonts folder but the same fonts remain? How to I take it back to just the original fonts that came with Windows 7?

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How To Restore Application Fonts To Default In Windows 7

Feb 25, 2012

i do not know how to change fonts to default. it looks horrible. defaults were good. i tried couple of things but nothing is worked. sample font. sometimes in browser, half fonts are visible and even in scaled video player, too. check above images of Internet video player.

also check below font size in cpuz. in cpuz, i was not facing this problem before. i am facing after something happened/changed. i think i had changed default theme to windows classic and back to default. then, after i am facing this issue but i am not pretty sure.

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Windows Firewall - Restore Default Settings

Nov 29, 2012

How to Restore the Default Windows Firewall Settings in Windows 7 ?

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No System Restore Point In Windows 7 Home Edition Premium?

Feb 18, 2011

cannot create a system restore point, get message system restore could not be created restore point Ox80042308

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How To Restore Default Location Of Windows 7 User Folders

Aug 6, 2010

In my user folder, I think I right-clicked the Favorites folder and changed the location to C: in an attempt to get rid of it. Now it seems my C:Windows folder has renamed itself to Favorites.

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No Icons Just Wallpaper Displaying On Windows 7 Startup

Jul 22, 2010

From time to time when my PC boots it displays just the wallpaper and no icons. I am there stuck at I have to switch off and bootup via Safe Mode. What is causing this problem and how to stop it happening.

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Factory Restore Requiring Username And Password Windows 7 64 Home Premium?

Jan 22, 2012

Performed system restore to factory point when I first recieved the computer. When windows starts, it states that it is rpeparing the system for first time use, however it will get to the welcome screen and prompt for a user name and passwordSystem restore never asked for a user name and password. I tried using the account information from when I setup the computer originally but it does not recognize the username. Also tried to type in administrator for the user name and it says the account has been disabledI have tried to setup user through the command prompt and through the registry using the windows recovery disk. When all this failed I contacted Dell and they said I disabled the admin account during restore (I would like to know how) and I would need the windows installation disk which were not included.

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Disable Windows Startup Repair As Default Option?

May 27, 2009

My PC, EVERY time I cold boot, I get a blue screen on or before the Starting Windows screen. I have taken a wild guess that this is my video card or my mainboard because I remember seeing an "nv" in one of the errors a long time ago and I have dual 9600 vid cards and an NForce mainboard. This has happened since the PC was brand new, running Vista 64, but I never cared because after letting the box literally warm up, I can boot and reboot fine and everything. I am totally OK with this problem even though I have tried to fix it unsuccessfully without putting too much effort into it because I don't want to work on this all day ever as long as I can boot. It's cool. That has very little to do with my question though, but I am just presenting it as the cause, but I require any suggestions on fixing it the bluescreen. Its part of my life now, and I would probably feel weird without it at this point.

The actual problem is that i usually turn the PC on, walk away, come back in a few min to a bluescreen and then reboot, walk away again adn and Vista would come right up and be ready when I got back. Windows 7, after a failed boot, will kindly and with the best intentions assume that i want to fix that problem and will select Windows Startup Repair as the default boot option. I need to physically wait for this prompt and pick Start Normally. If I don't my PC is yelling at me for trying to cancel Windows Startup Repair because I know it can't find the solution to my problem, nor do I require it to fix that problem. I often forget to wait for this prompt and it slows down my normal workflow and cuts into my routine.

How can I select Start Normally as the default option after a failed boot? If I need to run Startup Repair, i will most likely make myself available to select it from the prompt. I don't see anything in Startup options and haven't had to manually configure a boot option via text file since Windows 98 so I'm not even 100% sure where to begin where to look.

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Windows 7 Desktop Icons Freeze After Startup Has Completed

Jul 28, 2011

3 month old HP Dv6 Laptop with Windows 7 Problem Windows 7 desktop icons freeze after startup has completed. I have gone through all 106 posts about Windows 7 freezing at startup but I have not as yet found one that fits my problem exactly. The following problem is intermittent at switch on, and when it happens the only way out of it is to power down then switch back on again, maybe once or maybe 3 or 4 times before it is O.K. In the past couple of weeks, after switching on Windows 7 it boots up as normal to the desktop, but the first icon you try to open whether it be a desktop Icon which will highlight or a toolbar button at the bottom or even the 'Start' button which will depress the computer will not open these items. The mouse pointer can still be moved about the screen so the computer has not actually frozen. I have checked the startup folder which is empty

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ALT+TAB - Use Classic Icons Or Default Thumbnails

Feb 2, 2010

How to Use Classic Icons or Thumbnail Previews with ALT+TAB Keyboard Shortcut ?

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Windows 7 64bit, Network And Battery Options Revert To Default On Startup

Jul 29, 2012

i have a 7 series samsung laptop, I can make my own "custom" power plan, or even set it on balanced or anything, and when i shut computer down(doing it properly), and start it up, the power plan is back on "Samsung Eco Mode". I'm not sure if THIS eco mode is what is then turning off the network card, but also when i start, the internet is connected for about 5 seconds, then disconnected....adding another piece to the puzzle there is a program installed from the factory called "Easy Settings" and when i open that, network card is in "off" position, i turn it on and instantly have internet again. This easy settings program is on my list of programs i can uninstall, but im not sure if its whats reverting settings or not, getting to be verrry annoyed with opening 6 menus everytime i start-up to get everything the way i want it again. actually also i have heard these samsung laptops come w.lots of fluff programs that arent needed, if anyone knows MORE of these i can uninstall thatd be amazing.

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Notification Area Icons Revert To Default

Jan 23, 2012

My notification area will not stay customized. I have set 5 icons to always show, but after a windows update, scan by MSE or even after a reboot, the area changes back to the default of only showing the volume and action center flag.Is there a setting anywhere to "keep" the customize settings?

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Change Default User Folder Icons?

Jul 22, 2010

how to change the default user folder icons if they get changed

As you can see I know have a picture of Jason Derulo as my Downloads icon because i had an mp3 in there.

I knew how to do it for vista but I can't find anything for this.

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Control Panel - Change Default Icons

Sep 2, 2009

How to Change Windows 7 Default Control Panel Icons ?

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Icons Not Loading After Changing Default Installion Location

Nov 16, 2012

A few months ago I upgraded my PC and reformatted my main HDD (C Partition) to Win 7. After the reformat, I changed the default installation location to the larger partition (E) via adjustments in the registry through regedit.exe.

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How To Restore To Default Fonts

Apr 25, 2012

I accidentally downloaded chines and other asian fonts. I cannot delete them.

What I want is to remove ALL my fonts and only keep the ones that are Windows & default. So a minimum.

It seems I don;t have foreign keyboards installed or something like that.

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Restore To Factory Default?

Jan 25, 2012

My computer has been slowly deteriorating the last few days. It first ran a system repair every time I started the computer and would then boot to the desktop, then it would just loop through the system repair screen over and over. I am thinking that my last option is to restore the computer to it's factory default since I have everything backed up on an external hard drive.

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Libraries - Restore Default

Oct 5, 2009

How to Restore the Default Libraries in Windows 7 ?

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Restore The Default Mail?

May 21, 2012

i have somehow lost default mail client?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Icons Are Corrupted How To Restore Them?

May 9, 2012

my icons are corrupted. i would like to restore them.

Deleting the iconcache.db in appdata/local did not work i am using windows 7

cleaning drive c did not work restarting my pc 100 times did not work.

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