How To Remove Bonjour ?

Dec 13, 2009

I just went crazy as how strange issues my computer produced after I installed a program that uses Bonjour service by Apple (usually Adobe CS3 or iTunes). I tried to remove it following the posts I found around the net, but it just totally broke my system. So after a reinstall and some struggle I think I found what to do in what sequence to get Bonjour removed and the networking system fixed.

Some of the issues which happened frequently for me were:

No internet connection if you turn on your computer until you manually disable and enable your adapter. Strange behaviour during internet browsing: you have to refresh pages sometimes as they just not load for the first time, or click on a link twice as nothing happens for the first time. You have to connect multiple times to a FTP server, as nothing is happening for the first time. First you should download two programs and save or print this guide as your internet connection can go down after the first restart.

Download and run TurnOffBonjour.exe Rename Program FilesBonjour folder to Bonjour.bak Download and run LSPFix.exe from You just need to click "Finish" and "OK" Restart your computer Write "netsh winsock reset" in the Start Menu/Run.. prompt. You might need to do it as admin. Restart your computer again. Now everything should work as it was originally, before Apple's evil Bonjour service turned everything upside down. You can delete or leave the Bonjour.bak folder if you like.

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Cannot Delete Bonjour Created Printers

Nov 5, 2009

I have thoroughly deleted Apple's "Bonjour For Windows" application from my Windows 7 Home Premium PC because it simply would not work. It would not allow me to access or use my Canon MP530 printer which uses a USB connection to our desktop iMac. I tried to delete the "printers" created by Bonjour prior to uninstalling the software. That did not work. Now I cannot delete the printers after the software is thoroughly how I can get rid of these Bonjour-created printers from my Devices and Printers container? I suspect they are interfering with my ability to access and use the printer using a strictly Windows 7 configuration / setup (Which is NOT easy to establish. Contrary to Microsoft advertising, working through a network setup like we have is unclear, the printer is not discovered or discoverable, and the network administrator I'm supposed to check with is ME.)

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Which Programs Really Needed - Bonjour / ITunes

Nov 30, 2011

Doing some house cleaning. Before I delete some of these programs, which ones do I really need? Bonjour. I have iTunes, but no Mac. Don't think I knowingly ever used this program. Which of these MS Redistributables do I need?

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How To Delete Bonjour File To Get Wireless Internet Proper Working

Aug 15, 2012

How to delete bonjour file and fix the network problems? Whenever I turn on my pc, I have to wait 1 minute then I have to pull out the Ethernet cable and then put it back in again for the internet to work, I think this is due to bonjour. Also, I think I got it from Photoshop cs3, and bonjour is not in the form of a program but a folder.

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Office 2010 Unable To Remove It From Add/Remove Programs?

Jul 25, 2011

I am attempting to uninstall (and then reinstall) Office 2010 Prof Plus. I am not able to remove it from Add/Remove programs, have read through some help info and attempted to use the Windows Fixit, Revo & Ripoutoffice2007, none of which have removed it (Revo didn't take it out and then pulled up a million 'left over' files, none of which I deleted).

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Remove Flash Memory Without Removing Safely Remove?

May 23, 2011

can i remove my flash memory without removing safely remove

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Remove Safely Remove Hardware Icon

Mar 3, 2009

Does anyone know how to remove the "safely remove hardware" icon in the taskbar? I do not mean hide it. I have my icons always show in the notification area because I don't like the arrow icon either.

Any ideas?

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How To Remove Safely Remove Device

Dec 9, 2012

I have a laptop HP PAVILION tx2550er. After installing AMD AHCI driver in the system tray shows the Safely Remove Hardware icon (my hard drive). How to remove (not hide!) the icon?

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Remove Hardware From Safely Remove Hardware

Nov 17, 2009

Alright. So I finally got my new computer and slapped Windows 7 Pro x64 on it. Since my case has a slot to plug in an external drive, I used AHCI-mode to support hot-swapping. (And yes, I actually will use it)

Unfortunately, this has caused the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon to appear continuously in the system tray - giving me the option to eject my system drive. Being the minimalist I am, this useless icon annoys me to no end. Is there any way to tell windows not to add the HDD to the safely remove hardware menu (and thus make the menu disappear when there's no other devices)? I've been looking around and can't find any solutions.

I am NOT looking to disable the safely remove hardware entirely - I still want it to show up for other devices, just not the system drive. Also, I don't want to just hide it with the expand/collapse menu - call me picky.

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Remove Program From Add/Remove Program List?

Jul 26, 2011

How can i remove JUST the program from the list, without actually uninstalling it?Ive tried going toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall but i cannot find the program i want to do this to.

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How To Remove Ads

Oct 22, 2012

i use internet explorer now cause someone told me its the best one, but i get a lot of annoying ads in general, whenever i browse Internet, facebook. how do i remove ads, what browser shall i use, what programs shall i download for the browser, what settings.

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Cant Remove Programs?

Oct 16, 2011

I am wanting to remove programs that have already been uninstalled from my add/remove programs list. I have tried uninstalling them in safe mode. I have tried to restore to an earlier time(which just compounded the problem). It used to give me the option of removing programs with a message like "error occured during uninstall would you like to remove program anyway?" but now I just get install.log not found over and over again. My program list is super huge and 80%(approx) is not even there. It is driving me insane.

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Remove Windows XP From C:?

Feb 27, 2010

I need to remove xp from my C: i installed XP in C: (primary partition) and Win7 in D:I need to remove the XP. I cant format that drive...what should i do to remove that?In Run->msconfig->Boot tab it shows 1ly win7...i cant delete xp....

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How To Remove A Partition

Aug 8, 2011

Since I intalled Win 7 on my computer, I have nouse for the partion that came with the computeroriginally. I have already deleted all the files inthe partition, so there is nothing I have to worryabout.What I want to know is what is the correct wayto remove the partition safely so I can recoverthat space.

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How To Remove A Partition

May 13, 2012

When Microsoft first allowed a peek at Windows 8, I created a 50gb partition on my C: drive so I could take a look at it. Now, after reading about some horror stories about Microsoft's removal of support for several functions I find quite useful in Windows 7 especially its downgrading of support for DVDs, I would like to remove the partition I allocated to Windows 8 and reclaim the space on my C: drive for Windows 7. Can this be done easily without reformatting? I think I'll hang around with Windows 7 until I know more about Microsoft's intentions.

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How To Remove User From Pc

Jun 30, 2012

My computer is telling me that there are two users on my system, but I'm the only one using the computer. It also shows that the second user ID is the same as mine. How do I remove one of these to eliminate the conflict?

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How To Remove Name From Network

Sep 28, 2012

Just installed windows 7. On setup I gave the computer a name. e.g. My-PC "my-PC" was part of a homegroup which I thought I had to set up.I already had a network called homenet that I thought this might allow me to join. Instead, homegroup became a new network. I removed the home group and all was OK.Under "network" in windows explorer, all XP computers, NAS box, and attched printers showed up, along with the new win7 pc, "My-pc" so all seems to be OK.I did not like "My-PC" as the name of the win 7 computer so I renamed it. e.g. "My-New-PC".I rebooted and when the network list came up, both "My-PC" and "My-New-PC" BOTH showed up in the list, but "My-PC" in not accessible.Since it no longer exists withthat name, how can I remove the name from the network? So to summarizing this I have a renamed computer where the old name AND the new name for the same computer exisits on the network, but the old name is unaccessible and I want to remove it fromthe network(list).

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How To Remove The Disabling Add-ons Pop-up

Nov 30, 2011

IE has a system pop-up that tells the user that disabling toolbars will speed up IE. It appears at the bottom of the window. I want to know how to disable this from IE9.lsewhere in these forums are the instructions for using the Group Policy Editor to do this; but� gpedit.msc is not available in Windows 7 HomePremium edition. The post I saw says that HomePremium users have to edit the registry manually.I'm happy to do a registry edit but which entries do I have to edit and what values do I have to use, please?Other forums suggest setting the time delay to some seconds but this merely affects the time it takes for the pop-up to appear.

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How To Remove Ultravnc

Jul 30, 2010

Everyone I would like know,how to remove ultravnc from the system. I treid to remove from control panel,still it remains in task bar.

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How To Remove Columns

Sep 22, 2010

When i right click to remove Date Modified,Type and Size it always comes back

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Possible To Entirely Remove All Permission?

Dec 21, 2010

One thingthats just killing me with Windows 7 is the rights issues. I supposedly have full admin rights and this is my home PC and the only other account is guest. I have run that reg file that gives you the take control option on the right click menu. But there is just no end to prompts telling me i can't do this or that or shouldn't etc etc.

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Add Remove Not Working?

Mar 13, 2011

I downloaded a program that I don't want. I don't think it downloaded properly, and it's empty on the add/remove column. but, I can't remove it from the list with add/remove. Also, i cannot open the program. It's just on the list.

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How To Remove The Words

May 13, 2011

how to remove the words

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How To Remove Searches

Jul 6, 2011

How can i remove the searches from eg C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows SidebarGadgets

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Remove The Taskbar?

Jun 19, 2012

I am using Rainmeter to customize my desktop and I really need to remove my taskbar.I've searched google but cannot find a simple way to do it

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Can't Use Add/Remove Programs

Oct 12, 2012

Some Time I Need Add/Remove More Revo Uninstall

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How To Remove Win 7 Hotkeys ?

Oct 24, 2009

Is it possible?

My fn button is broken so i always used 'sound volume hotkeys' program to change the volume by using the win button + up/down arrow key to change the volume on my laptop with xp. But now when i click the win + arrow button it just minimises/maximises whatever window im looking at.

In a perfect world id like to remove the windows hotkeys so i can get that program to work, so just wondering if its possible.

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How Can I Remove Everything That Is In The Harddrive?

Nov 1, 2009

I installed Windows 7 3days ago and I did not feel comfortable about it. It kept bugging out with almost everything and the performance on my games just became weaker than when I had Vista installed. Well, I tried to uninstall Windows 7 and get back to Windows Vista while using this guide here: How to restore a Windows 7-based computer to a previous Windows installation by using the Windows.old folder I used that command program in the "repair your computer" section in Windows 7 boot menu but I accidentally typed in wrong commands in there so I closed the command program and restarted my computer.

When I did that I actually thought that everything would be fine when I suddenly saw that I had Windows Vista and Windows 7 installed? I runned Windows Vista and hoped that I would work but only a blank screen came up after I clicked on it. Windows 7 did not worked eather because I had already moved my system files when I tried to switch back to Vista. Now I have reinstalled Windows 7 and the old programs that I had are on Windows folders, I now have folders that I should not have a such.

Its really really messy right now and I just want to clean my harddrive and download Windows 7 from scratch. I really need help with deleting everything in my harddrive and I want to know if the "Acer" screen after I start the computer will pop-up if I clean my harddrive because thats the only place I can boot Windows 7 from if I deleted everything in my harddrive.

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Remove Desktop From Alt+tab?

Jul 5, 2010

Whenever i have 2 fullscreen apps running and i want to switch back and forth between them, i like to use alt+tab (works good on windows xp)But when doing this on my new windows 7 machine, every second or third time i end up on the desktop, since - for some to me unknown reason - the desktop itself is placed in the list of active programms.

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Remove Bad Sector From HDD?

May 29, 2011

I have a 500 gb weston digital portable hdd. I use a casing to use it in my pc. I recently checked that there are many bad sectors in my hdd. Is it possible to remove that bad sectors by self. Or as it's in warranty, send it to the company and they'll take care of.

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How To Remove DVD ROM From Computer

Aug 7, 2011

I am using LG DVD ROM on my desktop computer. Unfortunately Now there are some problem with it.too large to explain here hardware problem. But the real problem arising at start up of windows 7. In normal cases as i press CPU button to start computer light on DVD ROM glow for 5 times , a beep sound and after that there is screen asking for which OS you wan to use(Xubuntu 11.04,windows 7).But if that light glow unexpected way then different start up screen appear. A white screen appear with large word CONSISTENT with on it. I think this is due to problem of DVD ROM. If i remove that then this issue should solved. So finally the thing i want to ask that is Does it require to make any change in setting of BIOS or computer to remove DVD ROM if no then i am going to unplug it. I just want to remove this from CPU so that it start up properly. My plan is to remove all cables inserted in DVD ROM and leave it there as it is(don't open bolts). As i have seen there are two cables that connects computer to DVD ROM i will unplug both of them.

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