How To Make Ccopy Of Windows 7 System To 2nd Partition

Feb 1, 2012

I'm helping my brother to set up a dual-boot of Windows 7 & Windows 7. The reason for this strange setup is because my brother wants to have his own Windows 7 system, separately from his son who keeps causing trouble with trojans/viruses & online games. I have several questions before I do this. What is the fastest way of installing the OS twice with some basic applications on it? Is it possible to just re-image the first installation to the 2nd partition & make some changes on it to avoid reinstalling everything twice? It would save time a lot. But then, what changes should I make to the system to make it dual-boot? Will that be complicated or even possible?

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Way To Make A Partition NOT A System Partition?

Jul 2, 2010

I recently acquired a 60GB SSD and want to migrate my current system hard drive to the new drive. However, when I go to the Windows Backup manager to create a system image, it wants me to copy ALL of C partition and ALL of D, when it should only be C.D drive is full of a bunch of crap that I do not want included in the system image.If there even are system files on D, by no means is copying the entire partition necessary!Therefore, is there any way to make partition D NOT a system partition?

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How To Make A System Partition ?

May 7, 2009

i have a netbook with 160gb.

Xp is pre installed on this machine.

I made a new partition of 25gb to install Windows 7 on (from a usb-stick).

The installation screen starts up oke, but when i start the install and select the 25gb partition i get the message that it's not a system partition.

So now my question, how do i make it a system partition?

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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Will It Make Difference To Make Partition At Beginning Or End Of HDD

Jul 11, 2012

I have two hdds (500gb 7200rpm) in my laptop and have 260gb of data on the second one. I wanted to create a partition for games at the beggining of the 2nd drive (the left side) as i heard it increased performance to put games in anoher drive and at the beggining of the drive.Will it make difference to make a partition at the beginning or at the end of this drive when it comes to gaming performance?My cousin showed me one game in the same drive installed in the 1st of four partitions of a 500gb 7200rpm (the same i have) performing with 3-5 fps more than that game installed in the 4th partition of that same drive....

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Free Partition Manager For Make Partition From Free Space Of Existing Partition?

Jan 23, 2013

I install Windows 7 64 bit in a 60 gb partition of my HDD (C drive). I have about 200 GB free space in D drive. Now I want to make a 60 GB partition from the free space of D drive.

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Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition

Aug 13, 2012

I have a copy of windows 7 from a friend. (USB, possibly enterprise)It runs well, is official and can be re installed and is verified through the Microsoft site, so the media doesn't seem to be a problem.I was able to install Win7 Ult x64 on my WinVista HomePrem x86, but I went back through to clean the hard drive (it was full, I didn't format before) and after low level formatting I cannot reinstall the OS. The harddrives are completely empty, and I get stuck at "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition," after hitting next when you are selecting the HD partition to install on. I tried a couple of things already:

-Installing on another harddrive
-Formatting using Hiren's bootcd
-Using a hard drive with XP installed to see if it is an upgrade and not a full version (no luck, still wouldn't install)
-diskpart > list disk > select disk 0 > list partition > active \ in cmd..I have three hard drives attached to the computer right now, they can't all be broken. T.T

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How To Make Ssd Boot Drive To Make System Scream

Nov 29, 2012

I wanted to use my 180gb ssd as a boot drive and I do not know what to do. I installed windows and some drivers on the hdd but i want to start over and I need some guidance.I am doing a clean install now. once thats done how do i make the ssd the boot drive to make my system scream! also will i need to put drivers on both hdd and ssd?

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"Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"

Jun 7, 2012

Recently my SSD failed so I tried installing windows 7 from DVD on my HDD but I always get an error message: "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition."I've tried everything I could find here: I gave boot priority to the HDD, I unplugged every other device but nothing seems to work.

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How To Make Windows 7 Partition Bootable

Feb 25, 2010

I have a system with two harddrives, one with Vista and one with Win 7. Vista drive was used to boot the system. Recently Vista drive dies, so I tried to boot from Win 7 drive. Since bootsector isn't there I can't. How do I make the remaining Win 7 drive bootable?

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How To Make A Data Partition With Windows 7 On It

Nov 18, 2010

I already know how to make a data partition but I wanna know how to make a data partition with windows 7 on it so in the case of an emergency i can use the data partition with windows 7 on it to reinstall the os so I wont have to use a disk im asking because my pc did not come with a partition that has a copy of the preinstalled os on it so you can reinstall the os if needed like with most pcs thats you buy from the store. Im currently useing a preinstalled version of windows 7 but I also have a retail disk with windows 7 on it

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Make A Dual-Boot Partition In Windows 7?

Jun 23, 2011

I would like to make my PC dual-boot with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit version & Linux Ubuntu. I know about Wubi to install Ubuntu within Windows, But would like more space than the 30gb limit that Wubi uses. How do I create an partition with Windows that can be used for a dual-boot. doctorwhovian11-24144041650249291689021989539000 has chosen the best answer to his/her question. Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Windows 7 - 0x8004240F Error When Trying To Make New Partition

Dec 2, 2012

0x8004240F. I encounter this error for the very first time and it happens when I try to make a new partition to install Windows 7 on it using Windows 7 installer (not disk management!) The hard disk has a legitimate Recovery partition of HP (which was active and primary) and another data partition. It has 40 gb of free space. Even if I select like 1 or 10 or 20 gb it still gives 0x8004240F error. I made several commands (after installing Windows 7) like bootrec /fixmbr /fixboot /rebuildbcd and they didn't detected the Win 7 I managed to install BUT I made it's partition in Acronis Disk Director suite. After each restart Windows 7 wanted to start chkdsk on drive C (the Win 7 drive) automatically.

Also the system thinks there is an older version of Windows but there isn't. The partition I created with Acronis was reported Primary in acronis, but in Win 7 installer it was reported as logical... Currently it is reported as Extended. Paragon partition manager reported that some partition overlaps another and this must be the key to solving the problem. But why fixboot and fixmbr didn't worked? I even tried them on the other data partition. I haven't modified the Recovery partition only made it hidden and not active. How to check the partition table for errors and fix them so Windows 7 won't get this error?

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Make Partition In Windows 7 Other Than Using Disk Management?

Jan 19, 2013

Though there is 200 GB space available in my C drive I cannot create a disk partition using disk management , i am getting the available shrink space to be zero when I click the shrink volume.. but I do have free space..My system is Dell Vostro 1440.. How should I make the partition now?

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Change The System Partition From XP Partition To Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I currently have a dual boot on my computer with Windows 7 and XP. Unfortunately as my computer is quite old my hard drive is not very big and with it being partitioned I am fast running out of disk space. So I tried to shrink the XP partition to allow me more disk space for Windows 7. Unfortunatley this would only let me shrink it by 83mb for some reason. I decided that since I barely use XP anymore that I would simply reformat the XP drive then try and merge them together. When I tried to format the partition it just gave the error "Windows was unable to complete the format". I then discovered in Disk Management that the Windows XP partition was the system partition which was causing the problem.

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Move System Reserve Partition To System Partition C:

Jun 28, 2012

Through a series of shenanigans involving experiments with mirroring on Windows 7 64 bit using Disk Management, and then subsequently removing the mirror after having recurring errors/problems with the synching, My 100MB System Reserve partition has ended up on a separate partition than my system image. For instance: Disk 1 System C: Healthy (Boot, page...) Disk 0 Healthy (System Reserved...).

In addition, the System Reserved partition has been assigned a drive letter "G:" or "E:" and is now visible in explorer and it won't allow me to remove it and supress from explorer view.

I'd like to

1) move/create the System Reserve partition to Disk 1 (with System C: drive)

2) remove the System Reserve partition from Disk 0 to free it all up as a data drive

Do I use command below to create a System Reserve on Disk 1? bcdboot C:Windows How do I then delete the System Reserve partition on Disk 0. Also a byproduct of all of this, when I reboot now, I have a "Windows 7" option and a "Windows 7 Secondary Plex" option. The "Windows 7" option no longer boots (it's stops while the logo panes are flying in circles to form the logo and goes into a fix loop that never fixes it). I have a feeling it's looking for the old mirrored hardware configuration or something. However, "Window 7 Secondary Plex" option does boot just fine. Do I use MSCONFIG to remove the "Windows 7" boot entry so I don't get this annoying option at boot?

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How To Delete / Format XP Partition And Make Windows 7 Primary

Jun 21, 2011

I am on my grandparents desktop, and they recently had me dual boot Windows 7 onto their Windows XP machine, and they now no longer need XP anymore. The XP partition is listed as a System, Healthy, Active, Primary partition. The 7 partition is listed as a Boot, Active, Healthy, Logical partition. How can I delete/format the XP partition and make the Windows 7 a primary partition? I have tried by using Disk Manager, and Eauseus Partition Manager, but it won't let me convert it to primary, or format the XP partition.

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Make Installation Disk Of Windows 7 Recovery Partition?

Feb 15, 2013

No install disks, no manual just letter telling me to protect customer data entire drive was wiped clean including Recovery partition. Checked disk management it shows all 4 primary partitions used: 200mb (boot), 169gb (C drive), 281gb (D drive), 16.5gb Recovery partition. I tried F9 when booting (nothing) just boots into OS. This setup is completely useless to me. Called Asus ($50.) for install disk they said call Microsoft, call Microsoft ($99. new disk) they said call Asus, I've already paid for Win 7 once and i'll be damned if I pay for it again. Typical corporation bullshit.What I want to do is install Win 7 on 1st part, 2nd (shared NTFS part), Ubuntu on logical partitions.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Ubuntu - How To Make Swap Partition

Jan 16, 2011

I am thinking about dual-booting my system with Windows 7 as the main OS, and linux ubuntu as a secondary. I have a few questions:

1. How much space should I leave for ubuntu's partition?
2. How do I make a swap partition (or whatever it is called, for swapping files between OS's)?
3. Can I set it up to automatically boot into windows unless I am holding down a specific key, or something similar?

BTW, my HDD is ~500gb, but my current (factory) windows partition is 450gb.

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Make A Bootable Flash Drive And Data Partition For Windows 7?

Jan 11, 2013

I currently have a disc copy of windows 7 and I am currently running it as my main OS as well. I was wondering just in case my computer decides to have a few issues is there anyway I can make a data partition to store windows 7 or put it on a flash drive so that in the incident of a hardware failure I would be able to go into my bios and boot the recovery partition or boot it from a flash drive allowing me to reinstall the OS.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Cannot Mirror System Boot Partition On Unallocated Partition

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit installed on DELL desktop (Optiplex 990) i7 Core. I have two HDD: Disk 0 contains the operating system 500GB. and Disk 1 empty 1TB.

I want to make a partition on disk 1 to mirror the operating system partition and keep the remaining for data storage. I tried to do but I had the following error message: "All disks holding extents for a given volume must have the same sector size, and the sector size must be valid."

I tried to attach a screen shot but couldn't.

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How To Make Partition Bootable Again

Aug 19, 2012

i resized my my C: partiton and it is my main partiton usin Partiton manger and since then it is not bootable and windows is not loading although i didnt format

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How To Make Restore Partition

Aug 8, 2012

I was wondering if it's possible to make a restore partition in my HDD? Just like the laptops now that come with the restore already built into the drive, any way of doing this?

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Make Win 7 Primary Partition

May 21, 2009

At the end of each semester, I typically restore my primary laptop (Asus G1S) to the factory default settings. I realize that this isn't technically necessary, but there's something psychologically pleasing about a freshly installed operating system. It's somewhat like returning to a hotel room in the afternoon after the maid has tidied up. The bed is made, the bathroom is stocked with clean towels, and the free water bottles have been replenished.

I'm currently downloading the Windows Seven installation files, and have been reading through various guides. Many writers recommend partitioning one's hard drive to permit a dual boot. However, since I've just restored my system completely, I would rather just turn the entire thing over to Windows 7 without any Vista remnants clogging up the machine. If things go south, I can always unpack the restore disks and revert to the factory default state.

Is this advisable and possible? Can I completely wipe out Windows Vista and turn my machine entirely over to Windows 7?

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Make More Partitions So That Every Partition Has Its Own OS?

Jul 20, 2012

I want to make 3 partitions. The first one will contain Windows 7, the seond one xp, and the third ubuntu.

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Can't Make A Bootable Partition

Oct 31, 2012

I have an HP pavilion dv6 that came with windows 7 64 bit. But I'd like to install Windows 8 on a separate partition. I tested this out on another computer and was able to successfully make a bootable partition and run both windows 7 and windows 8. But when it comes to my dv6 I'm having issues. At first I found online that a dynamic partitions can't install windows and that only 4 partitions max per drive. Did some more searching and found out that I could just delete my hp_tools and recovery partitions after I make a backup. And even though I did that, I still get dynamic partitions. Keeping me from installing any other os.

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How To Make A System Image For A Dual Boot System

May 8, 2012

I want to make a recovery disc to reset my entire 4 partition dual boot hard drive back to its current state. the recovery would reset both xp and win 7 which i have dual booting. can i make one single image to do this without it screwing up my boot loaders etc? what should i use? 3rd party software?

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0x8004240F Error When Trying To Make New Partition

May 30, 2012

0x8004240F I encounter this error for the very first time and it happens when I try to make a new partition to install Windows 7 on it using Windows 7 installer (not disk management!) The harddisk has a legitimate Recovery partition of HP (which was active and primary) and another data partition. It has 40 gb of free space. Even if I select like 1 or 10 or 20 gb it still gives 0x8004240F error. I made several commands (after installing Windows 7) like bootrec /fixmbr /fixboot /rebuildbcd and they didn't detected the Win 7 I managed to install BUT I made it's partition in Acronis Disk Director suite.

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Vista Wont Let Me Make A New Partition

Aug 8, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot to get vista and Windows 7, but my vista won't give me more than 300mb space on my second partition. I saw an old guid to get past it, but it told me to delete all my hibernation files and recovery files and for about 50% of the comments that didnt work. My question is: Is it safe to delete those files or is there a newer and more effective guide or should i just install Windows 7 on the same partition as vista`?

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How Large Sized I Should Make Partition For Win 7 ?

Oct 26, 2009

I am going to install Windows 7 on a Dell computer, that came with Vista preinstalled. The computer has Vista on C: drive, Dell restore to factory specs on D, including Vista System Restore. There is, also, a small drive that contains Dell Diagnosis. I plan to keep all of these drives, when I install Windows 7 on C drive. I plan to make another partition for Windows 7's System Image. Any suggestions how large I should make that partition. Space is not a problem?

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