Homegroup - Leave

Feb 26, 2012

How to Leave a Windows 7 Homegroup ?

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Cant Leave My Homegroup

Nov 14, 2011

I have tried all suggestions but my machine absolutly refuses to leave the homegoup. It just keeps on saying "windows coudn't remove you frome the homegroup".What can I do to get out as I am absolutly at the end of my wits with this?

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Wont Display Password Or Will Not Let Me Leave Homegroup

Nov 17, 2011

i am in a homegroup but wont display the password or will not let me leave the homegroup. How do you fix this.

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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Maximized Windows Leave Bar On Top?

Jul 30, 2011

When I maximize any window, it never takes up the whole screen. Instead, it stops short about half a centimeter from the top of the screen, where I can see my desktop. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm including a link to the screenshot that I took. The top is outlined with a red box.[URL]

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Desktop Icon Won't Leave

Apr 7, 2010

What i mean is, if i drag or right click a file (picture, folder or film etc) and select delete, the file goes to the recycle bin no problem, but it appears to stay on the desktop too. It is definately in the bin also, if i select the file once in the bin it wont open because windows tells me it doesnt exsist so why is the icon left behind ? its anoying to have to refresh to see it dissapear.

Also emptying the bin of the file doesnt make a difference either. Icon remains.I have ran a virus check, spyware, malware etc... PC is as clean as a whistle.

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Windows 7 Cannot Leave The Home-group

Apr 12, 2010

My desktop PC is running Windows 7 64 bits. I have already created a homegroup on it. But when I try to view password, system does not show anything there and if I try to change the password to a new one it fails to do! Further I can not also leave the homegroup as the system shows the message 'windows cannot leave the homegroup'.

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Uninstalled Programs Refuse To Leave PC?

Nov 19, 2012

I installed Ashapmoo Office Trial Version. I unstalled it but when i right click on my desktop and move my pointer to "New" I get this goddamed Ashampoo Planmaker and Textmaker along with other usual items

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Startup Repair Will Not Leave The Screen

Nov 14, 2012

i start up my laptop and it goes to the startup repair. nothings happening and i cant leave it.

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Word Manage Didn't Leave The Screen?

Jul 11, 2011

When opening Computer Management by right clicking Computer in the start menu the word Manage didn't leave the screen. Please see image below.Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Is It Better To Leave Computer Running All The Time Or Turn It Off

Mar 5, 2011

Is it better to leave your computer running all the time or turn it off?

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Is There A Setting On Windows 7 Whereby Can Have It Defragment Without Having To Leave It On All Time

Jul 6, 2011

Is there a setting on win 7 whereby I can have it defragment without having to leave it on all the time? Also when it defragments while I am using it, it slows down a lot so that's not a good solution for me.

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How To Delete A Folder's Content With CMD But Leave It Empty

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a way to delete a folders content but leave the empty folder when done? I'm making myself a autohotkey script, here is what i got so far.

Run, C:path ochrome.exe -incagnito
WinWait. - Google Chrome
WinWaitClose ; Wait for Google Chrome to close
Run, cmd /c "ipconfig /flushdns"

This is the folder i want to delete its contents. %appdata%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects directory

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Windows 7 Shuts Off Game Leave Running?

Mar 23, 2012

I leave my game running at night when I get up in the morning the computer's still on but the game client is no longer running, what is shutting down the game?

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Keyboard Doesn't Work After Leave The PC For Hours

Feb 12, 2010

I'm running Windows 7, the keyboard works fine as long as I'm using it but when I leave the PC for hours and try to work after that, the keyboard doesn't work and I have to use the on-screen keyboard to login and continue working on the on-screen keyboard only. The only way for the keyboard to work again is if I restart the PC.

Is there an option that I have to check or something? Anyone knows how to resolve this problem ..

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Not To Leave Email Address In Public Places?

Jun 8, 2012

I was told not to leave my email address in public places like forums and the such. My email address is everywhere, what do I do about it now?

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Programs Leave A Radio Button On The Screen When Close

Nov 6, 2009

Latest NVidia drivers (not Beta) on Asus 8800 GT, Apple Cinema Display 23" monitor.

Frequently, when I open a program then close it, it will often leave a radio button on the screen. The button cannot be removed, moved, or clicked. The only way that I've cleared it was to change screen resolution, then revert back.

I am running Aero settings and themes. I have plenty of memory available and the computer runs fast enough with the bells and whistles running.

I'm guessing it's an issue with the driver and a newer driver may address it, but I guess it could be something else.

Anyone seen this or any ideas?

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Screen Wouldn't Leave Power Save Mode Due To Lack Of Communication Between Tower And Screen

Aug 4, 2011

Replaced my VGA cable with and HDMI cable because screen wouldn't leave power save mode due to lack of communication between tower and screen. HDMI solves that. Now I have no internet connection. No signs of life. Cable guy comes over plugs his laptop into the..box thing where the internet comes from... says the internet is working fine must be your computer and he leaves. So now that my screen is working I can trouble shoot - can't find a network adapter. I have no idea what that means, and it is not listed anywhere on my control panel list of drivers and things. Tried to reinstall whatever that is.. which is hard when your just guessing and clicking things. Bottom line is after using the drivers and devices disc and reinstalling everything that said "network" in the title there is still no signs of life. I don't have wireless so the whole adapter thing isn't making sense either.

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Move Program FIles To SSD - Leave Users Files Behind?

Jun 2, 2011

Greetings Again,

My file and storage system is set up like this:
C: Drive - 120 GB SSD This is my Win 7 64-Bit Ultimate Boot drive. It has my most important Microsoft programs on it. Out of the 111GB available, I've used 42GB, leaving me 69GB free space. I want to keep this area open.

My next drive is a 1TB WD Caviar Black segmented into 3 partitions.

E: Drive = Program FIles This has the majority and rest of my programs. It also includes USERs Files. I've use 96GB out of 150GB. Out of that 96GB, 64GB are in USERS files.

F: Drive = Data Files. This stores all of my data except for media. I've used 91GB out of 350. I want to leave this be.

G:| Drive = Medsia FIles This stores all Media = Vids, Music, Graphics, Pictures. I've used 80 GB out of 500GB

I also have a 64GB ~ 55GB actual storage SSD drive that is partitioned but has no data on it or assigned drive letter.

Here is what I want to accomplish. i want to move my actual Program FIles to the 64GB SSD, assign it a drive letter, and keep the USERS files where they now reside on the F: dirve

My main concern is that in moving all these files around and splitting the USERS files from the Program Files that I'll mees up my Registry. Will someone please suggest some links I might read that will best help me acheive these moves.

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Way To Set Up A Homegroup

Jan 5, 2012

i thought it was pretty straight forward. guess its not.i've got the password and whatnot ready from my computer so i want my laptop to connect to it. however it only says 'create a homegroup' rather then 'join homegroup.' i tried troubleshooting but that crap never really does anything. i really don't have a clue how to set this thing up. i tried to follow a Internet video however i just can't see 'join homegroup'. my laptop is on windows 7 home premium and my computer is on windows 7 ultimate. both on service pack 1 and 64bit.

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Unable To Set Up Homegroup?

May 1, 2012

I have a PC running Windows7 on which I have set up Homegroup, complete with password. I also have a laptop running Windows7 on which I tried to run Join Homegroup. I was told in the instructions to go to Start/Computer/ and click on Homegroup in the left hand column the choose Join Now in the window that comes up. There is no "Join Now" box in the window that comes up and I therefore cannot start a Homegroup. I have a Wi-Fi modem which connects me to the net wirelessly and My PC has a wireless card which works fine as far as I can tel

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HomeGroup Printers

Jul 15, 2009

i have a pc (Windows 7 build 7100) that is connected to two printers (of which one prints (HP laserjet CP1215) and one only scans (no ink)) and it shares those printer.

My Windows 7 build 7600 (on my main pc) added the scan-printer without asking me and didn't add the other one (the only one I can print). I then disconnected this one from the other pc and looked again, no install here.

While I used build 7100 with my main pc too, it asked me: "Do you want to install HomeGroup printer?" and it worked like a charm.

Now I tried to manually add this printer and it asked me for a driver.

I installed the HP drivers but still, not working. Then, when it asked me again to point to the .inf file, i selected the one HP-driver-installation installed (to my C:Program files folder) but it said this driver is from a "non-certified" publisher (or something like this, sadly I can't reproduce this so I don't remember the exact words).

I clicked "install nonetheless" because I knew it was the right driver (printer prints perfectly from all other Windows 7 workstations).

Now when I try to connect to the printer (still not showing up in "Devices and printers" it tries to connect, looks for a driver, kinda finds one and then tells me, it can't connect.

I cannot even select a new driver or anything, I can only close the window.

On all my other pcs (I only use Windows 7 since the RC) it works and worked without problems. I miss the "Install Homegroup printer" prompt and well ...

any ideas?

ah well i installed 32bit versions of the driver and now i downloaded 64bit versions, but even after installing it doesn't work and as I've said before, I cannot manually select a driver inf file anymore, so ... I can't install the printer.

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HomeGroup Networking

Oct 18, 2008

Microsoft had tried to get its "Castle" networking scheme into Windows Vista, but the feature will finally appear in Windows 7 as HomeGroup. Essentially a combination of workgroup networking with file and media sharing, HomeGroup makes it easier to create a home network where PCs share pictures, music, videos, documents, printers, and other resources with each other.

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Windows 7 Behind Second Hub Not In Homegroup

Sep 12, 2010

I try to ad my Windows 7 desktop, connected with a second hub (utp cable) to my homegroup but it won't reconise me on the laptops with Windows 7 installed. The laptops are using wireless on my modem-router.

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Cannot Connect To Homegroup

Jul 29, 2011

I have a laptop, HTPC, and a desktop, all connected to my internet wirelessly. All of the systems were connected to the homegroup perfectly last night, but then I started having problem this morning. The HTPC was connected to the homegroup, but unable to detect any of the computers. Same with the rest of them. So I left the homegroup from the HTPC thinking I could just reconnect. Big mistake. After that the only option that was available to me was to "create a new group". After many restarts and settings, I decided to create a new homegroup. I then left the original homegroup from my laptop, so that I could join the new homegroup, but alas, the same thing happens, I could not see the old homegroup from the desktop, or the new homegroup from the HTPC! The only option available to to create another new homegroup! I did the same thing again with my desktop, and now all three machines each on its own homegroup.

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How To Create Homegroup

Jul 4, 2012

I want to create a homegroup. Is it possible without having an internet connection? and after having a homegroup, i would like to play music from other devices through my pc speakers.

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Homegroup On Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2012

I was setting up a Homegroup on my friends Windows 7 network. A printer was connected via USB to one computer, and shared on the Homegroup. Printing was fine from the computer the printer was attached to, but when any of the other 3 computers tried to print to it, the document went into the printer queue, and then never printed, just sat in the queue. I tried for a hour or so, re-installing drivers, the homegroup, etc. I finally deleted the homegroup, shared the printer in the traditional manner, and it worked fine.

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Cant See Other Computer In Homegroup

Oct 19, 2009

I created a homegroup and my girlfriend join it. So far no problem.

She can see my content without any problems.

She also sees me in the explorer under HomeGroup, BUT I dont.

I cant see her under Homegroup, but can access her under Network > Choosing her computer...

Any clews what that could be?

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Cannot Set Up A Homegroup On Computer

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to set up a homegroup for the first time on my Windows 7 Professional computer and it isn't allowing me to. After I select what I would like to share (Pictures, Videos, etc.), and click on the Next button, I get the pop-up error message "Windows cannot set up a homegroup on this computer."

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Homegroup Cannot See Computer

Oct 25, 2009

I've got a really weird problem with the Homegroup feature of 7.

I've got 3 computers - 2 desktops [PC1+PC2] (wired) and 1 laptop [PC3] (wireless) - all setup on the same network, workgroup and homegroup. I setup the homegroup on PC1 and then joined with the other 2. PC1 and PC3 can see all PCs, but PC2 cannot see PC1 (but can see PC3).

So basically PC1 and PC3 can share files between all 3 PCs but PC2 can only share files with PC3 because it can't see PC1.

I've tried using the troubleshooter on all PCs and made sure the homegroup settings are the same on each PC. Is there anything I've missed or done wrong?

Also, I've just noticed that if I go to the Network section in Windows Explorer I can only see PC3 but if I type the address to PC1 (like: "PC1") I can access it. What's going on here?

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