Hide / Silence Auto-Java Updates?

Apr 20, 2012

I have Java installed (I need it because I use OpenOffice). Some people are annoyed with Java's auto updates and want to disable them. I have a different problem: I want Java to automatically download and install updates. But I want it to SHUT UP about it and not bother me. I don't need it to pop up and tell me that there's an update available, I don't need to click "Ok" and "Next" etc. In the words of Nike, just do it! I've looked through all the Java update settings and there is no option to automatically update silently in the background without bothering me.

Does anyone know how to configure Java to automatically and silently update itself in the background without bothering me? The way all my other pieces of software do?

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Auto-hide Taskbar Fails To Auto-hide?

Mar 4, 2012

I set the Taskbar tab (in Taskbar & Start menu Properties) to Auto-hide the Taskbar.When I select Apply, the taskbar dips and disappears for a second and then comes right back and stays there.

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Stop Auto-hide Taskbar From Being Auto-ticked?

May 20, 2012

I bought a Asus U36J laptop back in April of last year and ever since then I have been beating around an issue that I dont seem to be able to resolve one way or the other. When ever the laptop is on battery and in battery saving mode it has my taskbar on autohide. If I turn that off, then it stays off right until it is put back into battery saving mode at which point it is "magically" ticked on again.

Is there no way to simply disable that feature, as its annoying me greatly. I know its tied into the battery saving desktop, and I want to keep the battery saving desktop but want a full taskbar all the time. I found a supposed fix to make that happen, and while it actually makes the taskbar appear all the time, it still is a bad hack as any windows I have open wont "attach" to the taskbar but attaches to the buttom of the screen.

So for the love of god is there no sane way for me to keep the battery saving desktop but get rid of the autohiding taskbar. Otherwise I know Asus most likely wont be my laptop of choice next time aroumd.

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How To Auto-hide Taskbar + Always Stay On Top

Sep 20, 2011

I was just wondering if there is anyway that I could set my windows 7 task bar to auto hide all the time, plus always stay on top. It already auto hides fine but sometimes I open a maximized window and it covers the small task bar thing at the bottom when it auto hides. So when I need open the task bar by hovering over it, I can't and have to minimize the window I had open, and that gets very annoying

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Windows 7 - Auto Hide Task Bar?

Jun 9, 2012

I am looking for a one click shortcut to turn on / off the Auto Hide Task Bar setting.currently I right click the task bar and choose properties. Then check or uncheck the box for auto hide the task bar.

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Taskbar Auto-Hide Feature?

Jan 12, 2011

For some reason, the auto hide feature does not work. If I select it and apply, the bar drops down and comes back up. I have tried several times. It is annoying as media controls and web page buttons are hidden behind the task bar.

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The Program That Controls The Auto-hide?

Mar 12, 2012

I like to black out my desktop completely at night listen to some relaxation music. I switch my desktop to solid black and auto hide the task bar.Of course every-time I want to auto hide the taskbar, I need to go in and change the personalisation propertiesOk so my question is this.When I check that little box, to auto hide the taskbar, which program, or applet, or whatever is being fired/activated

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Windows Taskbar Won't Auto-hide?

Dec 26, 2012

Windows taskbar is often really pesky and won't hide even if I checked the "auto hide the taskbar" in the taskbar properties.

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Taskbar Auto-hide - Turn On Or Off

Nov 9, 2009

How to Show or Hide the Windows 7 Taskbar with Auto-hide ?

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Taskbar Auto Hide Appears Over Programs?

Oct 29, 2011

in XP you could select Always on top and Auto hide and the Taskbar would be on top of the Desktop but NOT intrude over Full screen programs, In 7 the Taskbar pops up OVER full screen programs whenever the mouse nears the bottom of the screen, making it very difficult to use graphics programs like Photoshop.

I'm told that several people have written fixes for it, but that Microsoft keeps unfixing the fixes...

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How To Hide Updates

Apr 9, 2011

I have W-7. At every start-up, it keeps saying I have two new updates, namely SP1 and IE9. I do not want to install those at this time. In the past, I was able to hide such updates. This time, I cannot find such an option.

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Java Auto Updater - Flashing Box Appears Every Day

Mar 24, 2011

Almost every day a flashing box appears wanting me to let Java update itself. I even went into the control panel, found Java and told it not to look for updates etc. It totally ignored me and still does it every day. "Java Auto Updater".

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Windows 7 Taskbar Disappears - Auto Hide Unchecked

Dec 12, 2012

My windows taskbar is no longer visible whenever I open up a site on the internet. The taskbar is locked and auto hide is unchecked. I'm using Internet Explorer 9 and windows 7 lite. The toolbar just suddenly stopped appearing at the bottom of webpages. It still appears on the main screen but not on any webpage!

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Disable Auto-hide Taskbar Mouseover Popup?

Jun 19, 2011

Is there any way to disable the taskbar popup when you hover your mouse over the edge of the screen with auto-hide on? I still want to have it appear when I press the Windows key, but have that hotspot area somehow disabled. I've tried the app by Prisoner, but that disables the whole taskbar, leaving only the orb.I need this for a Tablet PC i'm customising - I find that when I want to press controls near the edged of the screen, I hit that bloody hotspot area and get the taskbar instead of what I've been aming for. Also, disabling the taskbar completely would not work, since I need the notification icons (battery meter etc.). The tablet has a dedicated Windows button... and nothing else in the way of physical controls.

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Change The Sensitivity Of The Auto-hide Feature On The Taskbar?

Feb 14, 2012

i want to make my taskbar take longer to reaper after hidden because it gets annoying every time i try to scroll down it pops up. I have done it before but i forget how now

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Hide Windows Updates Over And Over?

Nov 12, 2011

Why do you have to hide windows updates more than one time? Some times over and over till it gets it.

PS: And I don't aways even have the program installed in some MS office cases. One I needed to hide five times and that was the last one on the list.

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Auto-Hide Will Not Take Effect In Taskbar Properties When Apply Button Is Used

Sep 10, 2012

Auto-Hide will not take effect in Taskbar Properties when Apply button is used - even though Apply button grays out indicating change has been made. If Auto-Hide is set ON in Taskbar Properties and RESTART is performed, Auto-Hide may work one time but then TASKBAR will not hide again. This is on an HP Dv6 Notebook that came with Windows 7 installed. Auto-Hide feature used to work most of the time?

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Windows 7's Auto-hide Taskbar Function Defeated By Maximizing Firefox

Nov 2, 2011

On occasion, when FF7 has been maximize, the Windows 7 taskbar (locked and set to autohide) can not be brought up with a hovering cursor. To get it back while in max screen, I have to fiddle around with minimizing and maximizing while bringing up the taskbar when it is visible...a real PITA, eh? Although I have researched this problem and have found out it goes back at least 5 years, I have yet to see a solution?

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Users Can't Allow Adobe & Java Updates, Prompts For An Admin Login

Mar 28, 2011

I want my users to allow Adobe & Java updates but it keeps asking for an admin login. How do I set my Windows 7 PCs to allow users this simple task?

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How To Stop Auto-updates

Feb 11, 2010

I just bought a computer with windows 7 64 bit. This is my first experience with 7 and 64 bit. I needed to download java so selected the 64 bit version of 6 update 18. I went to control panel and opened java to turn off automatic updates but there is no update tab. Is this have to do with 64 bit? Do I need the 32 bit? How do I stop auto updates?

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Windows 7 SP1 Not Auto-installed & Old Updates Popup After Manual Install?

Dec 14, 2011

Just found out Win 7 SP1 was not auto-installed in a netbook and a home PC today, even though both machines were set up to auto-update. The SP1 was sitting in the Windows update notification. Is this normal?Also after manually installing SP1 (i.e. click OK in Windows update), some old updates started to pop up and asked to be installed. I suppose they were for the SP1. Is this normal?

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Windows 7 Volume Drops To Silence?

Feb 29, 2012

I've been searching the web for some answer to this. I have an dell optiplex usff 755 with an intel core 2 duo processor that is having an audio issue with windows 7. Anytime I am watching a movie when the audio gets to a low level in the movie it drops out completely and goes to complete silence. It's really annoying because you lose the background ambience of the movie. Occassionally soft music will be playing in the background or birds chirping and then the sound goes to complete silence until someone starts to talk or a loud noise is made. This is not an issue with a certain movie file, it will happen with any movie. Even stuff I have recorded from TV using windows media center. I also don't think it is the player (I use media center a lot) because I have played the files in other players such as windows media player and KM player and the same thing happens.

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Loading Operating System... Then Black Screen Of Silence?

Sep 9, 2011

I left for work this morning, and my computer remained on as per normal. Nothing stressful left running only skype and a browser as far as I can remember. Come home and find that the screen won't move from being black. Restart and it loads up normal until it says "Loading Operating System..." It then moves to a black screen which after a few seconds fades out to an even darker black. Then nothing happens. I have/am trying to run the repair tool via CD boot of my Win7 disk but it is incredibly sluggish. I've been waiting to even see the repair tool for an hour each time before I get frustrated and retry. Also I cannot enter safe mode via spamming F8. It seems that my Win7 went rogue and decided to move out

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Hide/Un-hide Button In Notification Area?

Aug 22, 2011

The hide/unhide arrows on my taskbar have disappeared and I can't figure out how to get them back. I went to properties and clicked on unhide inactive icons, but I still have the same 3 showing and none of my other ones.

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Windows 7 Updates Same For Updates Every Time It Checks For Updates

Jun 19, 2012

For the past day windows wants to install the same 4 updates over and over, I have windows update set to download and let me choose when to install.

I can't understand why I even need them, as I uninstalled net framework. Notice how the update at 8:17 AM., KB2656368, is the same as one of the 4 updates installed at 7:47 PM. Windows wants to install the same four kb files again.How do I stop this?

Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656368)
Installation date: ‎6/‎15/‎2012 7:47 PM
Installation status: Successful


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5 Updates Fail To Install Through Windows Updates Or Manual?

Oct 13, 2011

I have 5 updates that fail to install. I have also tried to manually install them, but they still fail Here are the updates:


The error code I get is "800736B3". I ran MS FIXIT and it said they did not detect any problems.

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Windows-Updates Continues To Re-install Updates?

Jun 16, 2012

Windows Updates continues to re-install five specific updates which are:*Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2604121) -Download size: 38.5 MB.*Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656368) -Download size: 1.8 MB.*Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656405) -Download size: 11.7 MB.*Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2686827) -Download size: 4.3 MB.*Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2600217) -Download size: 32.2 MB.- I purchased my computer 4 to 5 months ago. It is a Windows 7 Home Premium Hewlett-packard HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC (64-bit Operating System).

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Windows 7 Updates Changes Settings To Never Check For Updates?

Oct 9, 2012

For a while now I have been experiencing a strange problem. My laptop keeps changing the Windows Updates without my consent. I know this has been raised in the past but my problem is slightly different.I prefer to choose "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install them", however periodically the settings change without my consent to "Never check for updates".This is very frustrating as I am constantly having to keep an eye on this, and change the settings back to what they were in order to receive critical updates, or indeed any other update.The laptop was bought new just under 12 months ago and came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit pre-installed.Has anyone else experienced this, or can anyone advise on a fix?

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Unable To Connect To MSE To Get Updates Or To Windows 7 To Get Updates?

Feb 3, 2013

My wifes computer has been acting up for about a week now. IE 8 is not loading properly and is crashing. I am unable to connect to MSE to get updates or to Windows to get updates. I have run Malwarebytes and Emsisoft and neither one can find a bug. Chrome works for a while and the she gets the AW SNAP message.

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Auto-check Program Not Found - Skipping Auto-check

May 9, 2012

Auto check comes up 4 times right after windows7 starts up. But will continue to boot normally. BEreg Query comes up with this.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
BootExecute REG_MULTI_SZ autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck autochk *"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck auto_reactivate \\?\Volume{a80f420c-d16d-11de-a2bb-806e6f6e6963}\bootwiz\asrm.bin"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck auto_reactivate \\?\Volume{a80f420c-d16d-11de-a2bb-806e6f6e6963}\bootwiz\asrm.bin"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck lsdelete"""\0autocheck "autocheck ""autocheck


Have 1 SSD drive for OS /C No partions and one HDD/D with 2 partions with acronis backup on one the other is clean.

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