Windows 7 Taskbar Disappears - Auto Hide Unchecked

Dec 12, 2012

My windows taskbar is no longer visible whenever I open up a site on the internet. The taskbar is locked and auto hide is unchecked. I'm using Internet Explorer 9 and windows 7 lite. The toolbar just suddenly stopped appearing at the bottom of webpages. It still appears on the main screen but not on any webpage!

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Auto-hide Taskbar Fails To Auto-hide?

Mar 4, 2012

I set the Taskbar tab (in Taskbar & Start menu Properties) to Auto-hide the Taskbar.When I select Apply, the taskbar dips and disappears for a second and then comes right back and stays there.

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Stop Auto-hide Taskbar From Being Auto-ticked?

May 20, 2012

I bought a Asus U36J laptop back in April of last year and ever since then I have been beating around an issue that I dont seem to be able to resolve one way or the other. When ever the laptop is on battery and in battery saving mode it has my taskbar on autohide. If I turn that off, then it stays off right until it is put back into battery saving mode at which point it is "magically" ticked on again.

Is there no way to simply disable that feature, as its annoying me greatly. I know its tied into the battery saving desktop, and I want to keep the battery saving desktop but want a full taskbar all the time. I found a supposed fix to make that happen, and while it actually makes the taskbar appear all the time, it still is a bad hack as any windows I have open wont "attach" to the taskbar but attaches to the buttom of the screen.

So for the love of god is there no sane way for me to keep the battery saving desktop but get rid of the autohiding taskbar. Otherwise I know Asus most likely wont be my laptop of choice next time aroumd.

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Windows Taskbar Won't Auto-hide?

Dec 26, 2012

Windows taskbar is often really pesky and won't hide even if I checked the "auto hide the taskbar" in the taskbar properties.

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How To Auto-hide Taskbar + Always Stay On Top

Sep 20, 2011

I was just wondering if there is anyway that I could set my windows 7 task bar to auto hide all the time, plus always stay on top. It already auto hides fine but sometimes I open a maximized window and it covers the small task bar thing at the bottom when it auto hides. So when I need open the task bar by hovering over it, I can't and have to minimize the window I had open, and that gets very annoying

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Taskbar Auto-Hide Feature?

Jan 12, 2011

For some reason, the auto hide feature does not work. If I select it and apply, the bar drops down and comes back up. I have tried several times. It is annoying as media controls and web page buttons are hidden behind the task bar.

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Taskbar Auto-hide - Turn On Or Off

Nov 9, 2009

How to Show or Hide the Windows 7 Taskbar with Auto-hide ?

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Windows 7's Auto-hide Taskbar Function Defeated By Maximizing Firefox

Nov 2, 2011

On occasion, when FF7 has been maximize, the Windows 7 taskbar (locked and set to autohide) can not be brought up with a hovering cursor. To get it back while in max screen, I have to fiddle around with minimizing and maximizing while bringing up the taskbar when it is visible...a real PITA, eh? Although I have researched this problem and have found out it goes back at least 5 years, I have yet to see a solution?

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Taskbar Auto Hide Appears Over Programs?

Oct 29, 2011

in XP you could select Always on top and Auto hide and the Taskbar would be on top of the Desktop but NOT intrude over Full screen programs, In 7 the Taskbar pops up OVER full screen programs whenever the mouse nears the bottom of the screen, making it very difficult to use graphics programs like Photoshop.

I'm told that several people have written fixes for it, but that Microsoft keeps unfixing the fixes...

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Disable Auto-hide Taskbar Mouseover Popup?

Jun 19, 2011

Is there any way to disable the taskbar popup when you hover your mouse over the edge of the screen with auto-hide on? I still want to have it appear when I press the Windows key, but have that hotspot area somehow disabled. I've tried the app by Prisoner, but that disables the whole taskbar, leaving only the orb.I need this for a Tablet PC i'm customising - I find that when I want to press controls near the edged of the screen, I hit that bloody hotspot area and get the taskbar instead of what I've been aming for. Also, disabling the taskbar completely would not work, since I need the notification icons (battery meter etc.). The tablet has a dedicated Windows button... and nothing else in the way of physical controls.

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Change The Sensitivity Of The Auto-hide Feature On The Taskbar?

Feb 14, 2012

i want to make my taskbar take longer to reaper after hidden because it gets annoying every time i try to scroll down it pops up. I have done it before but i forget how now

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Auto-Hide Will Not Take Effect In Taskbar Properties When Apply Button Is Used

Sep 10, 2012

Auto-Hide will not take effect in Taskbar Properties when Apply button is used - even though Apply button grays out indicating change has been made. If Auto-Hide is set ON in Taskbar Properties and RESTART is performed, Auto-Hide may work one time but then TASKBAR will not hide again. This is on an HP Dv6 Notebook that came with Windows 7 installed. Auto-Hide feature used to work most of the time?

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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Windows 7 - Auto Hide Task Bar?

Jun 9, 2012

I am looking for a one click shortcut to turn on / off the Auto Hide Task Bar setting.currently I right click the task bar and choose properties. Then check or uncheck the box for auto hide the task bar.

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How To Hide Taskbar In Windows 7 Permanently

Apr 7, 2012

How to hide taskbar in windows 7 permanently

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The Program That Controls The Auto-hide?

Mar 12, 2012

I like to black out my desktop completely at night listen to some relaxation music. I switch my desktop to solid black and auto hide the task bar.Of course every-time I want to auto hide the taskbar, I need to go in and change the personalisation propertiesOk so my question is this.When I check that little box, to auto hide the taskbar, which program, or applet, or whatever is being fired/activated

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Folder Icon On The Taskbar Disappears?

Mar 22, 2010

I guess I have a long way to go to get used to win 7 !Whenever I open any folder, the folder icon on the taskbar disappears ? And if I need to open another folder within my folder, I need to go thru all programs - documents - my documents - finally to the folder I there any way around it ?

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Toolbar/taskbar Completely Disappears?

Oct 16, 2010

This problem has been constant recently, and it only seems to happen when I go AFK for a period of time (maybe when my screensaver comes up).And my toolbar/taskbar completely disappears and is basically not there.If I right click in that area it's like I'm clicking on my desktop. But my start button is still there.To bring it back I usually have to log off, but it's annoying.Here's a screenshot.

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Hide / Silence Auto-Java Updates?

Apr 20, 2012

I have Java installed (I need it because I use OpenOffice). Some people are annoyed with Java's auto updates and want to disable them. I have a different problem: I want Java to automatically download and install updates. But I want it to SHUT UP about it and not bother me. I don't need it to pop up and tell me that there's an update available, I don't need to click "Ok" and "Next" etc. In the words of Nike, just do it! I've looked through all the Java update settings and there is no option to automatically update silently in the background without bothering me.

Does anyone know how to configure Java to automatically and silently update itself in the background without bothering me? The way all my other pieces of software do?

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Custom Toolbars In Taskbar Disappears After Reboot?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a mysterious glitch of sorts where I am unable to add a custom toolbar in the taskbar because whenever I restart my computer the custom toolbar disappears. I want to add two: Quick Launch and Games toolbars in Windows 7.I am suspecting the fault is with this program I just got called Advanced System Optimizer 3.

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Mhotkey Appears On Taskbar For About 20 Seconds Then Disappears

May 3, 2012

When I first boot up my computer and log in, Mhotkey appears on my taskbar for about 20 seconds and then disappears. This has been going on for about two weeks.

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Completely Hide Taskbar?

Sep 13, 2010

Is it possible to completely hide the taskbar? So it is never visible at all (unless you hit the Start button to open the start menu, for example)?This is for HTPC use. I'm using an application called MediaPortal which runs in fullscreen and hides the task bar, so it's fine while MediaPortal is running. But whenever I launch external applications or start/shut down the computer, the taskbar is visible for a few seconds?

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Programs Opening Minimized - Taskbar Window Flashes And Disappears

Aug 2, 2010

I installed Windows 7 on new computer. Some programs start up minimized most of the time - but not always. At least Mozilla Thunderbird and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 keep doing that to name a few. The shortcut properties have "Run" as "Normal window" for both programs. I think I've also tried closing them with Ctrl pressed as suggested somewhere.

As for other similar problems, I get occasional problems with opening windows from the taskbar groups. The window shows up nicely when hovering over the thumbnail picture of the taskbar group, but when I select it, it just flashes on the top and then disappears / goes back behind other windows. Alt-tabbing seems to work flawlessly, but it'd be nice to be able to use the taskbar too.

I've noticed later that Alt-Tabbing doesn't work always either. They suggested me to try and pin software to taskbar at bleeping computer. Both Thunderbird and Premiere have started normally when launched with the pinned icon instead of the desktop shortcuts. That's not the real solution though and the problem remains at least with Windows Media Player. It goes often minimized when launched by double clicking a video file on explorer.

I did a search on your site and found Toasty's post (Programs start Minimized, will *NOT* maximize.). Also it said in some post that you should press Alt when closing. I'll try that next time the problem occurs, but I doubt it's the solution as the programs sometimes open normally and sometimes don't. Either way there's also the problem with the taskbar...

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Hide Or Remove Corners In Taskbar?

Jan 23, 2012

i want to ask is if possible to hide the corners or part of the Windows 7 taskbar?'m talking about thisand to make it something like this but hidding the start orb and the clock and date at the side and just leaving the middle part, if this is possible or i'm total screw?

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Hide The ITunes Icon On The Taskbar?

Apr 10, 2011

When I listen to music on iTunes I'd like to hide the iTunes icon on the taskbar... Move it to the system Tray or somthing?

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Hide Programs In Taskbar (Cascade)

Sep 21, 2009

Does anyone know if I can pin my programs in the task bar but hide them until I require them and click on the arrow as you can in Vista?

You can do this on the right hand side of the task bar but I can't seem to make it work on the left.

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Deskspace Hide Icons From Taskbar?

Feb 8, 2012

I have just downloaded the trial version of DeskSpace which shows multiple what happened here i have so many programs opened and were displaying on taskbar.But i dont know suddenly what happened and my programs get disappeared.Those program are showing in the Task manager 's process tab. those are running but icons anr missing in the task manager.

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Hide Icons Button Is Missing On Bottom Taskbar?

Sep 4, 2011

The hide icons button is missing on bottom taskbar & icons are smaller

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Stop Auto Minimizing In Taskbar When Multiple Windows Open

Jul 9, 2011

When I have multiple windows open [i.e. outlook is open with 4 emails open as well] and I hover over the Outlook folder in the toolbar which then shows previews of all the emails, I want the ability to close a single email and keep the others previewed. Right now, if I close one, the other open ones "auto minimize" I know this is an option as I've seen it operated the way I want it.

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Program Necessary To Boot Unchecked In Ms Config

Dec 6, 2012

I unchecked programs in ms-config following instructions on how to rid a computer of a virus. Had me uncheck all but files using "system". I must've unchecked a necessary file because now it won't boot at all. We don't have the cash to go to a professional around here.

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Hide/Un-hide Button In Notification Area?

Aug 22, 2011

The hide/unhide arrows on my taskbar have disappeared and I can't figure out how to get them back. I went to properties and clicked on unhide inactive icons, but I still have the same 3 showing and none of my other ones.

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