Files Mysteriously Being Duplicated On Machine?

Jun 1, 2011

I use win7. I sometimes find that duplicates of my files and folders are being made without my knowledge. Nothing nefarious, just plain weird. I'm the only one on me puter (home, no network) and I discovered this one day by a search result showing four copies of the same files with the same creation date, but in different places.

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Files Mysteriously Being Duplicated On Machine?

Nov 29, 2011

i used to save my files on the local disk D then one day i found the exact copies of my files located in the libraries.. i can see the same files on PICTURES, MUSIC, DOCUMENTS folders. all are the same! i tried to delete those files then this was happened.. my original files on local disk D was also deleted. now every time i make changes on D, it also happens on the other said folders.

my hard disk is getting full because of these duplicates

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Files Mysteriously Disappearing From Drive

Feb 1, 2010

I have a Seagate external drive hooked up. I back all my data up to it. The other day I accessed it and to my shock ALL FILES were gone. Poof. We're talking thousands of files. Weird though, the folder structure/tree was still completely in tact!! Every folder is there, it's just the files that are gone. I used Recuva This and got about 60% of it back. The other 40% is gone forever I guess. Very sad as there were about 500 family images that we lost.

Anyway, I add more files to this drive about three days ago to test. Sure enough they TOO are gone now but their folders are still there! Ugh! Important to note these files are NOT going to the recycle bin for some reason. They are just being zapped from the drive somehow.

SOMETHING/SOMEONE is making my files disappear. This drive is NOT being shared on the network. I ran scan disk and no errors were found. I have run numerous anti virus and spyware removal software and only found some spam trojans. Nothing of the malicious variety (that I know of). I also ran SeaTools and the drive seems fine. I have another USB drive and it is also fine and files are NOT disappearing from it.

Here is my HJT log if it helps.

Has anyone ever heard of this before?

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Files Mysteriously Disappearing From Hard Drive?

Mar 24, 2012

A computer has a 1TB drive as the boot drive (C. It had 800GB of files on it. When the user booted recently, most of the files were deleted from the hard drive. I installed the drive in another computer, and the files show up as deleted. The computer passes malware and virus scans without issue.

I'm currently using Recuva to try to recover the available files (about 80% of the deleted files appear to be recoverable, but some critical files are not.) The recovered files are being saved to an external USB drive.

The only time I've had this problem before was corrected with chkdsk. I'm very cautious about doing anything with this drive until I have recovered all that I can manually.

It passed Spinrite with no issues. The computer is Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit.

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Music Files Being Duplicated?

Oct 4, 2011

Recently I was doing some tweaks with my Windows Media Player library settings and since then my some of my music files are duplicated.I have two two folders in my Music Library folder, 'Sample Songs' & 'Personal Tracks'. In 'Personal Tracks' I have many folders, including 'Downloads' and 'Concert Songs'.My WMP library wasn't showing the tracks from 'Downloads and 'Concert Songs', so I tried adding them. Somehow the songs got added to my WMP library, but the tracks from those two folders got duplicated in my Music Library folder. Now if I delete the duplicated tracks, even the original ones are deleted. I'm pretty sure that they aren't shortcuts as there is no arrow icon below them.Also the size of the Music Library folder is 3.49GB, but the size of the two folders inside it is 3.25GB, which pretty much clears it up that the duplicated songs are occupying lots of space, so they certainly cannot be shortcuts.

Music Library Folder = The directory named as 'Music' under libraries.WMP Library = Songs visible under the 'Music' tab of Windows Media Player?

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Deleted Duplicated Icons - All Files And Folders Disappeared From Desktop

Jul 9, 2012

This morning I was arranging my desktop files and folders. As I clicked the command to sort by item type, suddenly I had duplicates of every file and folder as listed on my desktop. I even had two icons for the recycle bin! I started moving one of each of the duplicated files and folders into one of the duplicated recycle bins.

I rearranged the files and folders. I then emptied one of the recycle bins. I then clicked on the desktop to rearrange the files and folders. Suddenly almost everything else on my desktop disappeared! There were many files and folder on the desktop that are now gone, there are only 7 files and folders left. Is there any way I can recover these missing files and folders.

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32bit Windows 7 Has Duplicated "Program Files" Folders

Aug 14, 2012

how i got duplicated "Program Files" folders in my C: disk, one has space on its name ("Program Files(space)" ).

It takes extra space, how can i get rid off it, unable to delete. That's really weird issue on 32 bit windows 7

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Connecting 1 Windows 7 Machine And 1 Windows Xp Machine To Share Files

Feb 6, 2011

ive got 2 computers hooked up to a router by Ethernet sharing an internet connection, the internet connection works fine for both computers. i would like to share documents also between the computers

-one is a windows xp 32
-one is a windows 7 64

ive set up many networks in the past with a bunch of xp machines without any trouble but now i am having trouble my first step was on the windows 7 machine, i went to control panel -> network and sharing center -> setup a connection or network -> set up a new network this is where i believe i am making a mistake of some kind, it seems that the windows 7 machine is assuming that i want to set up the network wirelessly, when it is connected to the router via Ethernet. it simply brings me to a screen that says choose the wireless router or access point you want to configure, and hangs there with a greyed out next button everything seems to be going fine on the xp machine, i created a new network called "share bear", told it that the computer connects through a residential gateway, enabled file and printer sharing, rebooted the machine, and confirmed that there was a new folder in the network places for shared documents..i went back to the windows 7 machine where it was still hanging, rebooted it, looked for the new network in network and sharing center and it wasn't there, i tried again to "set up a new network" on the windows 7 machine with the same hanging screen

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Icons On Desktop Mysteriously Modified

Mar 1, 2011

The icons on my desktop suddenly were modifed with a tiny little rectangle that looks like a miniature desktop with little red, green and blue characters added to them.The recycle bin and my computer icons don't have this modification.

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Hard Drives Mysteriously Renamed?

Jul 30, 2010

i am running 2 external hard drives and a Codemeter Ignition Key. All were somehow assigned their own identification letter (example: Local Disk E:, F: and so forth upon install. I had gotten used to the drives by those letters. Yesterday they all changed for some unknown reason. I tried "start - "computer" and right clicked on each drive and clicked on "rename." I was allowed to rename a drive with its original letter, but when I exited the original was there with the freshly changed previous one beside it. Eg; "Local Disk E: F:." I even tried system restore but the problem remains.Would anyone have some suggestions as to why this has occurred and how I can correct it?

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Cannot Run Restored .pvm Files On New Windows 7 Machine?

Jan 29, 2012

I restored several PhotoShop files (.pvm) to a new HP computer running Windows 7. After I re installed PhotoShop 4.0, it couldn't read the .pvm files.

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Transferring Files To New Machine On Windows 7 Over Network

Feb 21, 2012

I recently got a new PC and transfered all my old settings/documents to the new machine. First off, thats an awesome feature I wasnt even aware of! However, Im concerned about one thing; on my old PC, my wife used to have a profile that she used for work and had some confidential financial documents on. She deleted her profile some time ago when she got her own PC, but could it possbily have transfered her old/deleted documents onto my new machine? I only ask because I mainly use my new PC for work/presentations (in public places). While its unlikely, I just wanted to make sure no one would have access to those old documents should they gain access to my new machine.

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Transfer Settings, Files And Bookmarks From An XP Machine To A New Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2013

I got the transfer key from the old computer and entered it into the new computer to start the transfer over the network.The transfer started and it says it will take over a day to completer.I was expecting somewhere along the line to be able to select which files and settings to transfer. I never saw anything like that.

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When Customers Extract The Files On Their Windows 7 Machine, Its Blocked?

Aug 30, 2010

I am a software vendor and ship files to customers that are usually zipped. When customers extract the files on their Windows 7 machine, its blocked. I have the flexibility to run a command after the extract; is there a batch command to bulk unblock the files? I tried takeown and icalcs /grant but the unblock still shows up

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Desktop Icons And Taskbar Revert Mysteriously To Previous Arrangement

Mar 28, 2011

Using x64 Ultimate SP1 here. Just tidying up my desktop and taskbar to the way I like them. Nothing too tricky here, just minimizing clutter and placing shortcuts to Adobe CS5 apps on the task bar after upgrading from CS4 to CS5. My prior desktop was a bit more cluttered with shortcuts, and the taskbar held only CS4 shortcuts pinned to the bar. After setting everything to the way I want it, saving my desktop theme, and even rebooting a few times, the desktop configuration seems static. I also created a restore point with the new desktop and taskbar arrangement included.

But, come back the next day and it's all back to the old cluttered desktop and CS4 icons pinned to the taskbar! It doesn't seem to affect my desktop wallpaper settings, though --only the dtop icons and pinned taskbar icons. Not using any 3rd party desktop managers or the like. It always seems to happen sometime during the night. When I check to see whether a Windows update has taken place, most times there hasn't been one. This has been going on now for over a week. Sure getting tired of the system restore routine just to get back to my current desktop config.

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Can User1 Desktop Be Duplicated To User2

Aug 30, 2011

I am setting up 2 users on a fresh windows install. I am setting up the desktop in a specific way, with specific icons in specific locations. Once I set up 1 user, can the desktop be duplicated for the 2nd user so that it looks exactly the same, and thus save me the time of re-laying out the desktop for the second user?

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Duplicated Audio File Thumbnails?

Sep 17, 2011

A couple of days ago i noticed that my music file icons have the same thumbnail as the music file that is supposed to have the thumbnail as seen in this screenshot

I tried Disk Cleanup and CCleaner but both haven't fixed the problem. I had this problem before I upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista.

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Uploaded Video On Yahoo Duplicated

Feb 15, 2013

Just loaded up a yahoo video and it duplicated the video with 2 players in the same screen. I have been doing some system tweaks, is this just me or is that page messed up?

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Restore Windows Backup Image Files From Network Location (XP Machine)

Feb 20, 2012

We are a small office, 5 or 6 computers. Only 3 are every day computers, other 3 are "server", admin and extra computer. The three in use every day are new win7pro x64 machines. Our server is xp pro (32bit) with a shared drive as our "server" drive. We access this for all our job related materials, etc. There is no network setup, just shared folders among our workgroup. we just got the new win7pro machines setup and are using Windows Backup function to create system images to the "server" computer in a shared folder. We've got the images created on 2 computers, and can see the .vhd files and associated folder structure. When testing to see if we could restore from these images, we got the error "Cannot locate backup sets on machine, etc."I moved the backup folder to the root of the drive, and made sure it was WindowsImageBackup or whatever the default is, but still could not find it.

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Stop Duplicated Incoming Emails On Windows Live Mail?

Aug 14, 2012

I have been receiving duplicated e-mails over 50,000. As it never stops the incomings, I can not send e-mails out. Please help me to solve this issuewWithout deleting my original e-mail address.

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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Why Are "amd" Files Installed In Windows 7 X64 Pro On Intel Machine

May 24, 2011

Is there any significance to the "amd" name on most of the files in Win7 install?Does Microsoft anticipate I might boot this disk on different CPU hardware?There sure are a lot of them ... and I'd like to remove the unnecessary ones to conserve space on an SSD drive, and avoid the voluminous Microsoft Updates every couple of days.

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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One Drive Appears To Have Duplicated Itself By Populating Any Drive Letter Thats Free?

Oct 12, 2012

One drive appears to have duplicated itself by populating any drive letter thats free! Tried simply deleting the ones not needed but they reappear?

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It Is Already Open On An XP Machine In Same Network

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine. Permissions on the XP that is hosting the database is set to allow everyone. And all the XP machines can access it at the same time.

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Networking - Machine Can Only See One Another Machine

Aug 18, 2009

I have a small three PC home network. Two PC are running Windows 7 and one running Vista.

All three machines have the same homegroup settings. The ability to view machines on the network is very patchy. One machine can see the others, while another machine can only see one other machine. Sometimes machines cannot see any others on the network.

All machines are connected wirelessly with strong signals through a BT 2700HGV Business Hub router. All of the machines can access the Internet without problems.

All machines run Eset Smart Security with the Windows firewall is turned off.

Any advice to create a stable network would be appreciated.

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File Sharing From A Windows Xp Machine To A Windows 7 Machine?

Aug 7, 2012

well i'm try to copy files from my xp machine to my win 7 machine i can see the xp machine but i get a message that says "make sure that the xp machine allow incoming connections for file sharing" and i have done just that i think but its a no go i've just about everything.

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Send Ctrl+alt+del To Remote Machine From Remote Machine

Sep 23, 2012

I connect to a remote machine C from Machine B which is connected from Machine A, How can I send ctrl+alt+end to remote machine C ? I cannot access m/c C from m/c A, I need to go through B to access C.

m/c A --> Remote destktop to m/c B --> remote desktop con m/c C.

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Installing Windows 7 Using An Old HDD On An Old Machine To Install Windows 7 On A New Machine?

Dec 17, 2012

Installing W7 using an old HDD on an old machine to install W7 on a new SSD to be used on a new machine.I'm currently using this old machine from '09 and its performance levels have died down a lot. I bought all the components to build a new machine except I didn't want to spend extra money on another HDD to install the OS on my new 180GB Intel SSD. So basically, I want to use the HDD from my old computer, install W7 onto the SSD, then transfer the drive to my new computer, and use it on the machine and just reinstall all my other files.

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