Icons On Desktop Mysteriously Modified

Mar 1, 2011

The icons on my desktop suddenly were modifed with a tiny little rectangle that looks like a miniature desktop with little red, green and blue characters added to them.The recycle bin and my computer icons don't have this modification.

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Desktop Icons And Taskbar Revert Mysteriously To Previous Arrangement

Mar 28, 2011

Using x64 Ultimate SP1 here. Just tidying up my desktop and taskbar to the way I like them. Nothing too tricky here, just minimizing clutter and placing shortcuts to Adobe CS5 apps on the task bar after upgrading from CS4 to CS5. My prior desktop was a bit more cluttered with shortcuts, and the taskbar held only CS4 shortcuts pinned to the bar. After setting everything to the way I want it, saving my desktop theme, and even rebooting a few times, the desktop configuration seems static. I also created a restore point with the new desktop and taskbar arrangement included.

But, come back the next day and it's all back to the old cluttered desktop and CS4 icons pinned to the taskbar! It doesn't seem to affect my desktop wallpaper settings, though --only the dtop icons and pinned taskbar icons. Not using any 3rd party desktop managers or the like. It always seems to happen sometime during the night. When I check to see whether a Windows update has taken place, most times there hasn't been one. This has been going on now for over a week. Sure getting tired of the system restore routine just to get back to my current desktop config.

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Desktop And Start Icons All Changed To Paint Icons?

Aug 9, 2012

All my desktop and start icons have changed to paint icons on my other laptop. When I click on any of them they try to open in paint program.

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All Icons On Desktop And Computer Have Turned To Notepad Icons

Dec 26, 2012

all my icons on desktop and computer have turned to notepad icons... and they open with some text on notepad... looking for a solution to go back to normal settings...

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Desktop Icons Keep Reverting Back To Default Icons?

Jan 8, 2013

At start up the icons are back on the grid and pushed to the left.

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Program Icons Are Missing (NOT Desktop Icons)

Jan 5, 2013

Some of the icons normally showing what a program type is are missing now. I HAVE all the DESKTOP icons and those in the system tray. But in Windows Explorer lists or in Word Perfect and Word lists of file names, many of the small icons that normally appear next to a program's name, or showing what type of document or file it is, are now missing. Not all, just some. I have mostly open square boxes. It doesn't matter whether I'm looking at a list of files I've created, or looking at the items in various system folders: most are just empty open squares instead of the individual icons. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS , both Mozilla 17 and IE9 browsers.

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All Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 15, 2011

all my desktop icons turned into vlc icons,

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 23, 2011

all icons changed to vlc(google talk,picasa,recycle bin etc when i was downloading a video from Internet i need a help

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons

Jul 30, 2011

All my desktop icons changed into vlc icons

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Hiding Desktop Icons If Not Viewing Desktop?

Apr 23, 2012

I've been looking around for something that can hide my desktop icons (or basically anything except my background & bottom navigation bar) if I'm not viewing the desktop.In other words, when I have a (not full screen) window open, I want to be able to see my desktop background but not the icons on it. When I "view" the desktop, or don't have anything on top of it, I want the icons back.

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Why All Desktop Icons Appear In The Desktop Folder But Not On The Desktop Itself

Dec 19, 2012

Why all desktop icons appear in the Desktop folder but not on the desktop itself?I set my desktop to show the Recicle Bin icon only, but if I open the Desktop folder in Explorer they are all there: Computer, Control Panel, Libraries, Network, User's Files, and Recycle Bin.

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Unwanted Desktop Icons - How To Get Them Off The Desktop

Nov 1, 2012

I recently upgraded a Win-XP home system to Win-7 Home Premium. Everything went fine. But I have four system icons on the desktop, two of which I want to keep and two that I'd like to get rid of. The two keepers are the My Computer and Network icons, the two I don't wan to see are the Home Group and Library icons. This machine is the only Win-7 box on the network so Home Group is moot, and I do not expect to explicitly use Libraries any time soon. So the associated icons are just clutter on the desktop. For whatever reason, the two keepers include a "delete" option in their right click menus but the two I actually want to delete don't. So, how do I get them off the desktop? I don't think any of the four were present on the desktop when I completed the installation, and I don't remember what I did to get them to show up.

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Desktop Icons Disappear On Desktop

Feb 4, 2013

my desktop icon disappear on desktop a tried all i seen in this but i cant get?

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Red "x" On Disk Icons, Desktop Icons Changed?

Mar 12, 2010

Finally I have found the place where my problem might get solved.Thing is: 1.There is a big "X" on 3 out of 4 disks I got(except "C" disk) as shown in the picture below: 2.Desktop icons are changed as well but not all of them.This is the second time this kind of crap happens to me. Last time it happened was after I clicked system backup. I couldn't stand the problem so I reinstalled my windows 7 pro 32bit and at first it was all ok. It came back after I rebooted which I couldn't figure out why. The only diffrence is last time all the desktop icons were changed, but this time as you can see some of the icons aren't changed.

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Hard Drives Mysteriously Renamed?

Jul 30, 2010

i am running 2 external hard drives and a Codemeter Ignition Key. All were somehow assigned their own identification letter (example: Local Disk E:, F: and so forth upon install. I had gotten used to the drives by those letters. Yesterday they all changed for some unknown reason. I tried "start - "computer" and right clicked on each drive and clicked on "rename." I was allowed to rename a drive with its original letter, but when I exited the original was there with the freshly changed previous one beside it. Eg; "Local Disk E: F:." I even tried system restore but the problem remains.Would anyone have some suggestions as to why this has occurred and how I can correct it?

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Files Mysteriously Being Duplicated On Machine?

Jun 1, 2011

I use win7. I sometimes find that duplicates of my files and folders are being made without my knowledge. Nothing nefarious, just plain weird. I'm the only one on me puter (home, no network) and I discovered this one day by a search result showing four copies of the same files with the same creation date, but in different places.

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Files Mysteriously Being Duplicated On Machine?

Nov 29, 2011

i used to save my files on the local disk D then one day i found the exact copies of my files located in the libraries.. i can see the same files on PICTURES, MUSIC, DOCUMENTS folders. all are the same! i tried to delete those files then this was happened.. my original files on local disk D was also deleted. now every time i make changes on D, it also happens on the other said folders.

my hard disk is getting full because of these duplicates

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Files Mysteriously Disappearing From Drive

Feb 1, 2010

I have a Seagate external drive hooked up. I back all my data up to it. The other day I accessed it and to my shock ALL FILES were gone. Poof. We're talking thousands of files. Weird though, the folder structure/tree was still completely in tact!! Every folder is there, it's just the files that are gone. I used Recuva This and got about 60% of it back. The other 40% is gone forever I guess. Very sad as there were about 500 family images that we lost.

Anyway, I add more files to this drive about three days ago to test. Sure enough they TOO are gone now but their folders are still there! Ugh! Important to note these files are NOT going to the recycle bin for some reason. They are just being zapped from the drive somehow.

SOMETHING/SOMEONE is making my files disappear. This drive is NOT being shared on the network. I ran scan disk and no errors were found. I have run numerous anti virus and spyware removal software and only found some spam trojans. Nothing of the malicious variety (that I know of). I also ran SeaTools and the drive seems fine. I have another USB drive and it is also fine and files are NOT disappearing from it.

Here is my HJT log if it helps.

Has anyone ever heard of this before?

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Files Mysteriously Disappearing From Hard Drive?

Mar 24, 2012

A computer has a 1TB drive as the boot drive (C. It had 800GB of files on it. When the user booted recently, most of the files were deleted from the hard drive. I installed the drive in another computer, and the files show up as deleted. The computer passes malware and virus scans without issue.

I'm currently using Recuva to try to recover the available files (about 80% of the deleted files appear to be recoverable, but some critical files are not.) The recovered files are being saved to an external USB drive.

The only time I've had this problem before was corrected with chkdsk. I'm very cautious about doing anything with this drive until I have recovered all that I can manually.

It passed Spinrite with no issues. The computer is Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit.

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No Icons On Desktop

Sep 16, 2011

im new and i was wondering if anyone knows how to make the icons on your desktop appear they are not hidden its just when i restsrted my computer it went through and when the desktop showed up nothing was there now i have to load everything up from my desktop from the explorer folder to do anything.

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Desktop Icons Became Same

Aug 16, 2010

all of a sudden all my icons on my desk top are the same..they are one of my photo programs. When i click on any of them the photo program opens...how can i get all my icons to go back to the program that they really are??

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No Icons On Desktop?

Apr 22, 2012

On a few occasions just recently my win 7 pro system has come out of "screen saver" with nothing but my desktop background displayed. If I then ctrl/alt/delete the screen goes black with just the cursor showing and otherwise unuseable. After a while the background will reappear but the only way that I can get the icons and everything back is to reboot.I have done a very thorough search for malware but none found. The problem never occurs whilst I am actually using the system and it does not always happen when it has been left to go into screen saver.

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Icons Won't Appear On Desktop

Jun 26, 2011

no icons will appear on my desktop, but they will appear in the desktop folder in my personal folder.

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Desktop Icons Won't Respond?

Aug 28, 2012

My desktop icons are messed up. i ran webroot and no malware showed threats. When i click on any desktop icon it goes to my windows media center and shows how to use videos and pictures. Only one icon--southwest airlines lets me go online wnen I click it. So here is what I can;t get when i click my desktop icons---internet explorer, windows live mail, system restore, disk cleanup, windows word, no games. I was hoping to use system restore. I just can't figure out what happened to my computer.

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Icons Not Working On Desktop

Dec 19, 2012

Medion Intel i3 Destop Pc running Windows 7. My post earlier in week generated advice which I appreciated. All followed with no success. Event facility shows Certificate string of numbers about to expire. Then [URL]

Full detail on my earlier post:
A friend appears to have had a similar problem see his comments to me below... I have not been asked for money but to the wording above win/2004/08 a "fix" has been suggested by what looks like a Microsoft copy site. I have downloaded the "fix" but am concerned if I use it I may have greater problems.

"I lost my laptop with the " Security Shield " virus caught from roaming the web. This places 'Windows look-alike' shields over the top of every 'Desktop' icon, and clicking on it anywhere directs you to a website asking for money to remove it. You cannot access anything UNLESS you are set up with additional 'Users', when you can boot into one of them O.K.

This virus continually changes its name, and that is why the anti-virus programs cannot find it, and neither can anyone else for that matter. I had to change my hard drive and laboriously re-install everything which has taken weeks - I did have some backup so that helped. I would like to be able to access the old hard drive but dare not - even connecting up to format it would be a risk."

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Desktop Icons Are Huge?

Jun 7, 2011

The desktop icons are suddenly huge and we can't figure out why it suddenly happened or how to make them smaller. We're using the highest resolution available, 1360 x 768.

I know there is a way to define the size of the icons; but, I can't remember what it is.

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Icons On Desktop Have All Disappeared

Jun 18, 2011

For some strange reason my icon on the desktop have all disappeared. I can find them when I go to Documents and click on desktop but I can't seem to put them back on the desktop.

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All Desktop Icons Disappeared?

Nov 17, 2011

I installed Nero Kwik Media successfully and all the desktop icons disappeared. I cannot drag them from the Start menu. I have WIN7.Any suggestions what I should do to get them back? By the way, I uninstalled the program thinking that maybe the desktop icons would come back. Of course, they didn't..

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How To Hide Some Desktop Icons

Dec 31, 2011

I'm trying to hide some of the desktop icons, i dont want to hide the all, just ones that i chose to hide? is there a way to do this or not?

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Desktop Icons Missing?

Jun 15, 2012

I have Autoruns on my system and trying to speed things up a bit I went in to tweak a little and turn off some start-up items. Apparently I turned off something that I need but don't know what it is to turn it back on.Now when I boot up, I get my wallpaper on my desktop....but no shortcut icons. They come up when I right click the desk top.

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Desktop Icons All Swapped Around?

Jun 19, 2012

this is a problem which I have not been able to research a solution for so far, so seems pretty unusual.All my desktop icons are swapped around so the titles of the programs are correct but the image associated with it is from another application.I have already run an AVG virus scan and found nothing, and restarted the computer aswell. I got nothing else?

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