Ethernet Connection Is Not Being Detected In Windows 7

Jan 12, 2013

I have faced a problem just a few hours ago for the first time that my Ethernet Connection is not being detected.I have a Lenovo essentials b570-e laptop, with a core i5 processor and 2 GB Ram.I have never before experianced this problem. I have already tried via another cable, connecting it from the other way and stuff like that. It works on my Brother's Laptop. I also know for certain that is it not a hardware issue as I have tested it on a live boot from Ubuntu 11.10 that I had lying around and the internet worked perfectly fine. So I know that the problem is with windows.

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Ethernet Cable Not Detected

May 26, 2011

One of my Windows 7 computer has been getting an error for 24 hours that the ethernet cable is not detected and it can not connect to the internet. Other Windows 7 computers on the same router/internet connection work fine.I have already tried the following all of which were not successful.

-Plug in a different cable.
-Reboot the computer.
-Disable and then re-enable the connection.
-Restore to a previous system point.
-Inspect the connector for a problem with the pins.
-Look at the device manager for problems.
-Work through the windows troubleshooter.

The device is described as a Broadcom Netlink Gigabit Ethernet, although it does not appear to be a separate card and looks to be built into the motherboard. The Motherboard is Alienware 04VFW2 version A02.

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Laptop: No Ethernet Card Detected?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite a135-s4527. It has a Realtek 10/100 ethernet card in it, and an Atheros wireless card.

My ethernet card doesn't show up in device manager, but the wireless card does.

I went to and downloaded the appropriate drivers for Windows 7 and my model of computer and installed them, but the ethernet card still doesn't show up in device manager and I'm limited to wireless connections.

how to get my wired connection up and running?

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Nvidia NForce 680i SLI MB Ethernet Port Not Detected?

Nov 11, 2009

I just formatted/installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64. I have, as the topicsuggests:Nvidia nForce 680i SLI motherboardI downloaded the drivers from Nvidia's web site for the Win_7_64 drivers for this motherboard, but it will not allow me to install the Ethernet drivers when installing the WHQL download.Has anyone else had this problem? Any idea of how to get my PC back on the intarwebz?t: After looking through the .exe with all of the motherboard drivers, I've found that they do include an Ethernet driver, but during the installation, I only have the option of installing the 'Nvidia Storage Driver', none of the other components are even available to be installed.

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Realtek Ethernet Controller Not Detected - Deep Sleep Error

Aug 4, 2010

I did a fresh Windows 7 64 bit installation and everything was going fine (besides the BSOD problems about the graphics card which I fixed by renaming nvlddmkm.sys which was the cause of the BSOD) until I tried installing the Ethernet drivers.

Gigabyte GA-MA69G-S3H Motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 6000+ CPU
4GB 800 DDR2 Memory
585 Watt Power supply
2 Seagate Hard drives : 250 GB & 160GB

Windows doesn't even detect the adapter even though its onboard. I've tried installing the drivers from the original dvd (and in compatible and as administrator) with no luck. I also tried downloading the latest lan drivers from [URL] but it still didn't work. I got a deep sleep error or something. (Which I couldn't resolve cause there's nothing in network connections, not even the 1394 connection which is also turned on in the bios)

No it does not show in device manager under Network adapters. Actually there isn't even a network adapter subcategory unless I click show hidden devices(which has multiple devices then but no network controller). The only driver with a question mark is the graphics card driver which I will try to install after I get the Ethernet adapter working. Microsoft did say its 64 bit compatible [URL] so I don't know what to do. I did check the settings in the bios to see if everything with network was enabled and whatnot.. I also tried resetting everything in the bios to default settings with no luck.

Out of desperation tried adding the device manually through device manager (action>add Legacy hardware>manually>network adapters>have disk..) I tried this with the latest drivers I got from gigabytes website but it didn't even show a device, so I tried the original drivers from the mobo dvd which gave 3 devices.. I tried them all.. each time reinstalling the latest drivers and whatnot to no avail. I'm Thinking of trying to use the windows 64 bit repair disk seeing as it might be software related seeing as it doesn't even show the firewire adapter.

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Ethernet Connection Not Recognized On Windows 7?

Oct 17, 2012

I just installed a copy of Windows & Ultimate but when it finished my ethernet cable was not recognized. I tryed to restart my computer and modem but it didn't work.

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Windows 7 Ethernet Cable Connection Not Working?

Aug 19, 2012

For the past half a year I have had my PC, I've always had some problems with my internet connection and Windows 7. I've always thought that it's a case of bad hardware and such but it's starting to look like it's Win7 that's giving me the finger.I've mainly been using a WLAN USB-interface and from the very beginning problems have been occurring. At first, the connection would be really unstable. It might stay up for 2 minutes or for a week. Rather annoying. I tracked down the problem and thought I had found a solution. Apple's Time Capsule has also a WLAN feature and it was Time Capsule's network I was using. I found out that Windows 7 and Time Capsule weren't all that compatible so I had to find another solution. Luckily enough, there's another WLAN in our household. It's much farther away than the other so I was afraid I might have some connection issues. And I did. The signal was weak at times and I just couldn't establish a connection. So, I moved my PC to another room and it started working properly. The distance from the router was cut down from maybe 8 meters to 2 meters or so.However, I couldn't keep my PC in that room forever and it seemed odd that when I moved the PC a few meters away from the router, the signal disappeared. So, that in mind, I went and took the USB-interface to the place I bought it from. I figured it was the interface because all the other of my devices connected to the Internet worked fine. The room is no Faraday cage. They still have the interface and I didn't get a replacement for the time being so I had to connect the PC to the Internet with a cable. At first, the MOBO wouldn't recognize the network. Then I rebooted and replugged all the cables and the ethernet LEDs started blinking. I was happy - I even checked that the lights indicated that there was data activity and that there was a 100 Mbps connection. But still - I oouldn't connect to the Internet. Windows 7 would only say that there're no connections available. I started realizing that it might be Win7. So I booted the PC up with Ubuntu since I have it on dual-boot and surprise, surprise - the Internet connection works perfectly. And here I am writing this post. The cable connection has worked with this PC before and it works now with other PCs, too.

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Cannot Use Wired Ethernet Connection

Jul 23, 2012

Recently the power went out in my house. Ever since the power has come back on, I haven't been able to use my wired internet connection. When I look at my devices, my Intel 82566 Gigabit Network Connection has the status "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device." I've tried re-installing and updating the driver, but I can't tell whether I've done this successfully. In any event, it still doesn't work.

I have a Dell XPS 410. Let me know if you need any other information.

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Wired Ethernet Connection Constantly Dropping

Mar 19, 2012

I have an HP computer, with Windows 7 64-bit, about 4 days ago, my desktop's internet connection will continually drop out and come in ever 30 seconds or less.I have ran norton constantly and ran malawarbyte twice with full scan. My connection allows me to get online, but with the connection constantly dropping, i cant watch any videos because the connection will cut out and when online internet explorer will come up saying cannot display web page. Ive tried google chrome and media firefox and both have the same problem so i know its my connection and can see it dropping at the bottom right of my screen. My router is NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet.

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2 Computers Crossover Ethernet Connection Not Shown

Jun 29, 2011

Got Two Pc On one table and I always saw both PC's and I was able to transfer files and share a printer.Now I can only see my PC on the Network.

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Can't Use Ethernet Network Connection And USB Wireless At Same Time

Nov 2, 2011

In our office we have our PC's connected to our inter-office network server via the Ethernet ports (Local Area Connection) with a hard wire to a hub, that in turn runs to our server. We also each have a wireless internet connection on our PC's via a USB wireless adapter. When we were using XP this was not a problem to have access to the server AND the internet at the same time.

When my PC died last year I bought a Dell Inspiron 560 slim tower with Windows 7 to replace my XP machine. The first problem I ran into was that I could no longer use the wireless internet connection AND the hard wired connection to our server operating at the same time. If I stayed connected to our server, I will not have a wireless connection. If I go into the "Local Area Connection" properties and "disable" the connection, I almost instantly get my wireless connection back. The big issue when doing this is if I leave our database program (ACT!) open while the server connection is disabled, I have to shut down ACT!, then restart it before I can connect it to the server. If I try to without closing and reopening it I get all kinds of errors.

So, in the mean time, I have just put a shortcut on my desktop that allows me to enable and disable the Local Area Connection when I need internet access.

A couple days ago, my boss's PC grabbed a virus that slipped past McAfee (that program is now gone!!) and really hosed up his PC. He bought the Windows 7 upgrade software and wiped the hard drive and installed Windows 7. He is now having the same issue as I am.

For what it's worth, he is using a Belkin Wireless-G USB wireless adapter, and mine is a Netgear Wireless-N USB adapter.

Is there any way we can have the two connections operate at the same time like they did in XP? It really becomes a pain sometimes when we are on the phone with a client and we need to jump back and forth between info that is online, and info that is on our server that we access through ACT!.

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Wired Ethernet Connection Constantly Dropping?

Mar 20, 2012

I have an HP computer, with Windows 7 64-bit, about 4 days ago, my desktop's internet connection will continually drop out and come in ever 30 seconds or less.I have tried to reset my router and modem and it did not help. I have ran norton constantly and ran malawarbyte twice with full scan. My connection allows me to get online, but with the connection constantly dropping, i cant watch any videos because the connection will cut out and when online internet explorer will come up saying cannot display web page. Ive tried google chrome and media firefox and both have the same problem so i know its my connection and can see it dropping at the bottom right of my screen. My router is NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet.

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Wired Ethernet Connection Unstable, Dropping Every 5 Sec And Reconnects

Mar 27, 2012

I have had my computer for 3 years and it has worked great, i got a new router bout 4 months ago and it works great. about 2 weeks ago my desktop's connection which is wired, basically stopped working. It lets me get online, but the connection either keeps dropping or just doesnt work. Ive watched my connection and it will disconnect alot and instantly reconnect. I can get online but my page takes half a minute to load, and sometimes it just wont load and say it cannot connect to the web page. I have tried google chrome and media firefox and they dont work either. I have reset modem and router many times and that didnt help even a bit. I have switched routers and that didnt help either. In networking safe mode, my connection is completely stable and it runs fast and loads everything. I have ran norton and malawarebytes many times and my connection is still unstable. I have stwitched ethernet cords too and that didnt help either. I have two labtops and a ps3 and their connection works completely fine so it would just be my computer. Since it runs great in networking mode, it might be hardware but i dont know what. It might not be hardware though because i am nowhere near a computer knowledgable.

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Computer Doesn't Detect Wired Ethernet Connection

May 6, 2012

I've been having internet connection problems for the last couple weeks, i moved my entire setup closer to my router, and i still had bad internet. I searched around my house a little bit and found ethernet cables, i connected them and everything but, windows doesn't seem to detect them (well it does but it doesn't use it as the connection)

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Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection: Media State Disconnected?

Jun 6, 2011

Im trying to get my Ethernet adapter local area media connection working but i dont no how?here is what the cmd text box for it says,Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Media State . . . . . : Media disconnected Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :and thats all that box says.

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Local Home Network Via Ethernet Hard Connection Through Wireless Router

Aug 12, 2011

I have Brother MFC7340 printer connected to my HP home premium Windows 7 64 via a USB port. There is no ethernet connection. I want my Windows XP computer, connected to the local home network via ethernet hard connection through my wireless router to be able to print either with a hard connect or wirelessly to this printer. I am having trouble figuring out what to do and have tried various strategies to no avail.

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Windows 7 "Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Connection"

Sep 5, 2011

I am getting the above message after troubleshooting. I have just switched to a new computer with windows 7 pre-installed.

All fine on old computer running XP Getting unidentified network + above error message. enabling/disabling card, checking for Bonjour service string and the like but no luck.

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DNS Not Responding / Connection Specific DNS Suffix Under 'Tunnel Adapter Local Area Connection'

Aug 19, 2012

I started getting a "DNS not responding"? on my desktop. All my wireless devices work fine, and when I turn off my laptop's WiFi card and plug it into the same router it works as well.I've done some Googleing on the issue and none of what I found has helped.When I do an ipconfig on each maching, the thing I notice is that on the working laptop I have an entry for the "Connection specific DNS suffix under the "Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection", where on the desktop that's not working the suffix is blank.

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Internet Connection Over An Electrical Powerline Instead Of A Wireless Connection?

Mar 23, 2011

Internet connection over an electrical Powerline instead of a wireless connection?is it easy to setup, reliable, fast,..?More in particular a D-Link device:DHP-307AV PowerLine Homeplug AV Kit

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Make VPN Connection Over Multiple Internet Connection?

Oct 29, 2011

is it possible to make a VPN connection over multiple internet connection ? if this is possible then you can make multiple connection transparent to other applications running on ur pc.

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Nokia E66 Connection Internet Connection Problems

Dec 1, 2009

I am using a nokia E66 to connect to the internet at home. My pc at home is running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I am currently using nokia pc suite All the software installed without any problems. The problem that I am having is that after I connect to the internet, I can only roughly download / upload about 5MB of data and the connection will time out. I do not get any error messages that is did timeout. The only way I know this is that I stop seeing data being transferred in Network properties.

I then open my e-mail client to see If I can connect with a POP account and then I get an error saying it could not connect to the e-mail account. I then have to disconnect and reconnect and try again. This does not seem to affect web browsing though, only when I am downloading files. Like Steam will start update and stop, windows updates will start download and stop and so on.

I initially thought it was a problem with the network operator, but when I boot back in xp (my pc is set up to dual boot between xp and 7) every thing works fine. No download time outs. Is it the nokia software that is not supporting 7 100% yet or am I missing something else?

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Modem Not Detected In Windows 7 64 Bit OS?

Mar 13, 2011

i have two OS install in my PC. one is win xp in c: drive and another is win 7 ultimate 64 bit OS in e: modem is teracom. from my windows xp i could successfully set up broadband connection and could connect internet but when i try to establish internet connection from win 7 then i am getting error like modem not recognize.

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Iphone 4 Not Being Detected By The Windows 7?

Aug 18, 2011

i just recentely buy Iphone 4 and when i try to connect it to the pc it being detect by Itunes but not being dectec by the pc itself (means that if i go to "Computer" i can't see the Iphone icon there being detcted as camera... )

the pc do detect the "Apple Iphone something" (sorry not remeber the name) but not show me the icon so i can use it....

and when i disconnect the Iphone off the Devices mangaer pop up from nowhere and tell me that it failed to install USB MT (i just hope i not mistake and it really "MT" because i not sure if i remeber the name right..) and it only happen to me when i dissconect the iphone... ,when it connected to pc the Devices mangaer do nothing till i disconnect it

i try to play a bit with the Devices mangaer but nothing not happening no matter what i done, i try to delete every apple program from the pc, restart ,and delete every reg file and leftover of apple programs... (done clean uninstall in other words) and when i connect the iphone then it was detected : D ( ARRRYYY!! (*0*)/ ) but when i reinstall apple programs it become undetected again! (ouch *-*....?) the iphone do have pics on it, and working great in other pcs.

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Hardware Are Not Detected In Windows 7?

Mar 14, 2011

why can't my hardware had not been detected? Is it because of I am using a wrong earpiece, as i am using it now. How am i suppose to know if i am using the wrong one

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Cowon O2 Not Detected On One Windows 7 ?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a Cowon O2PMP that works like a champ in all aspects except one. Windows 7 on my home PC will not detect the device. It tries to then gives me the "cannot connect USB" message. Therefore I cannot add/remove any of the data on the device. I've tried searching for Win7 drivers for it but they're non-existent.I have brought the device to my work and it picks up just fine on my work PC. Both machines are running win7 Pro.

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New Windows 7 Installation - No Disk Detected

Jun 11, 2010

I tried to reformat my dads hard drive to reinstall windows 7. It was in 2 partitions, so I ran the windows 7 disc and it ran through the motions, I formatted the c to re-install windows and it wouldn't let me. I went into dos under diskpart to try and format it that way, still no luck. I connected it to my computer then under disk management deleted the 2 partitions so there was only 1 now which had the size i.e, 600GB Unallocated. I connected it back into my dads computer and ran the set-up again. Now the computer wont even detect the drive. I need to re-format the drive to like factory default, is this possible, also do I have to do it in dos.

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Windows 7 Has Detected An Ip Address Conflict?

Aug 9, 2012

I am using a verizon uml290 usb modem on a Lenovo desktop computer and every time I connect to the internet I get the message of IP address conflict. I am able to connect and use the internet fine but I keep getting the message. When I check the event log there ate approximately 1800 entries and this computer is only a month old.

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Windows 7 - HP Optical Drive Not Being Detected

Oct 25, 2010

My friend has an HP Pavilion DV6 Entertainment Notebook with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit installed. It's only about 3 months old. I rebuilt the unit with a fresh copy of Win 7 HP 64bit as I did not want all the bloat-ware that came with the machine. The issue is that the unit is unable to see the optical drive (no optical drive icon). In the device manager, there is an exclamation mark next to the optical drive. It was working originally. Windows 7 normall takes care of the drivers for this drive doesn't it? Is the optical drive faulty. I've tried un-installing and re-installing but still hasn't corrected itself.

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CDRW Not Detected By Windows LG CED-8080B

May 25, 2011

I Have a internal CDRW CED-8080B it appears as CD ROM Drive in the my Computer Section. Why is it not appearing as CDRW Drive?

It does Function Opens CD etc but when i try to burn i get an error. i did use a Windows 7 Trouble shooter and i said i could not burn with the drive i was then told that the Drive did not have Burning Capabilities. I Have Burn a CD In Win XP before i upgraded to Windows 7 i dont know why Windows 7 is not detecting it and only classes it as CDROM.

Driver Name: CDROM.SYS

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Windows Has Detected Performance Is Slow?

Jul 1, 2012

I started getting a message saying windows has detected my performance is slow and then asks to change my color scheme

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No Serial Devises Detected Windows 7?

Mar 13, 2011

I build a PC that's about a couple months old. All of the sudden one day I booted up and once the windows 7 boot logo shows up, the number lock light on my key board goes off and doesn't go back on. Once windows fully boots I move the mouse and nothing happens same goes for the keyboard. Also the Ethernet icon on the start bar shows there is no connection. It also indicates that there are no speakers hooked up, which there are. It seems like a driver issue, but all the drivers were installed and have been working fine for the few months that I've been using the system. Lso in device manager there are yellow triangles next to my Ethernet, sound card, and usb devises. And a message will show up at the bottom of the screen saying "installing devise drivers" then "devise drivers failed to install' or something like that.Maybe its a virus. The last thing I was doing was jail breaking an iPod.Asus Sabertooth x58 motherboardCore i7 950Gigabyte HD 5770Wstern Digital Caviar Black 1TB sata IIIOCZ 3x6gb ddr3 1600mhzOZC Stealth x stream 700w PSUcooler master Hyper 212 plus Heat sinkCooler Master Storm Scout Case

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