Error 0x80070570 When Booting Windows 7 Installation From Flash Drive?

Aug 25, 2012

i am receiving error 0x80070570 at "expanding files" in the windows 7 installation at around 30% into it. Its an attempt to install windows 7 via boot-able usb flash something i should mention is that this is a completely new built computer, i built it a couple of days ago[CODE]

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Windows 7 Installation Not Booting Through Flash Drive Or DVD

Sep 14, 2012

I'm trying to install a Windows 7 Profession 64 bit version over a Windows 7 Home Edition 32 bit version.

I know this isn't possible without a clean install, but my problem is, the installation won't boot whatsoever.

Two days ago I installed a fresh copy of W7 32 bit over a vista 32 bit with a flash drive on a laptop with no problem, so I know how you make a bootable USB.

This time however, using the Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool didn't cut it for me as, even though it was prioritzed in BIOS, nothing would happen and W7 32 bit would just boot like normal.

So I tried to manually set up the bootable flash drive, which also didn't work.

After a lot of searching on google, I learned the problem might have something to do with the bootsector not able to be run on a 32 bit OS. [URL] I used the W7 32 bit version I used on the laptop 2 days ago, and put the bootsector of that version on the flash drive.

Again, this didn't work as the computer would just boot windows 7 32 bit like usual (and again, I adjusted the priority in BIOS) Now I got enough of trying the flash drive to work, I tried burning the ISO file on a DVD using Imgburn.

Burning the DVD went smoothly and I quickly had a DVD with the W7 64 bit installation files. This however, didn't solve anything as (again, prioritzing the DVD) W7 would boot up as usual.

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 3063 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560, 1023 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 132797 MB; E: Total - 234627 MB, Free - 205990 MB; F: Total - 234316 MB, Free - 233246 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P7P55D PRO
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free, Updated and Enabled

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Windows 7 Installation Not Booting Through Flash Drive Or DVD?

Sep 14, 2012

I'm trying to install a Windows 7 Profession 64 bit version over a Windows 7 Home Edition 32 bit version.I know this isn't possible without a clean install, but my problem is, the installation won't boot whatsoever. Two days ago I installed a fresh copy of W7 32 bit over a vista 32 bit with a flash drive on a laptop with no problem, so I know how you make a bootable USB. This time however, using the Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool didn't cut it for me as, even though it was prioritzed in BIOS, nothing would happen and W7 32 bit would just boot like normal.So I tried to manually set up the bootable flash drive, which also didn't work. After a lot of searching on google, I learned the problem might have something to do with the bootsector not able to be run on a 32 bit OS. I used the W7 32 bit version I used on the laptop 2 days ago, and put the bootsector of that version on the flash drive. Again, this didn't work as the computer would just boot windows 7 32 bit like usual (and again, I adjusted the priority in BIOS)Now I got enough of trying the flash drive to work, I tried burning the ISO file on a DVD using Imgburn. Burning the DVD went smoothly and I quickly had a DVD with the W7 64 bit installation files. This however, didn't solve anything as (again, prioritzing the DVD) W7 would boot up as usual.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Installation Error Code 0x80070570

May 22, 2012

I have this problem with my Toshiba laptop: Several days ago my com crashed, when I started my computer on the very beginning on start up screen when it says windows is starting I get a 1 second blue screen with some saying and my laptop restarts by it self. So, ok I have Windows 7 Ultimate installation dvd and i tried to install it,everything goes well untill on the second line of the very beginning of windows installation 98% I get this message Error Code: 0x80070570.

I've read some forums people were saying that this could be a RAM problem,so,ok my toshiba have 2 RAMS x 2 i taken out 1 tried to install-same error, put in another slot-same error,replaced and putted my other Ram Memory in the slots same again. So,is there any solution how to fix this?i can see in bios that bios is reading my HDD,not sure if its working,does that mean that if BIOS is recognizing my Laptops HDD that works 100%?

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Windows 7 Clean Installation Error-code: 0x80070570

Jun 18, 2012

i have built my computer with new parts and the installation stalls returning the errror code: 0x80070570

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Installation Error 0x80070570

Oct 31, 2009

At the time of installation, an error # 0x80070570 occurs on the expanding files stage. This error states that the files are corrupted or missing.

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Error Installation 0x80070570

Oct 31, 2009

I am building a 64bit system from scratch. At the time of windows 7 installation, after 9% completion, it is giving error# 0x80070570

Any advice will be much appreciable?

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Error Code: 0x80070570 During Installation 7100 X86

Apr 26, 2009

Error code: 0x80070570 during installation 7100 x86

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Booting Windows 7 From USB Flash Drive?

Jun 13, 2012

In order to be able to Boot from a flash drive , I understand this ability must be enabled in ones system .I have a desktop and a new laptop in neither of which do I see this choice .I presume this is a choice originally installed on the m/b and it would not , therefore , be possible to use software to enable it ?

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Making And Booting From A USB Flash Drive?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm using an HP laptop and made a bootable flash key with the Microsoft utility (which I downloaded from Microsoft) to make a Windows 7 installation. I (supposedly) changed the boot order in the bIOS to look first at the key. Didn't work - booted directly into Windows 7 (seemingly bypassed the bootable key).

1. How do I tell if the USB key is bootable?

2. What might be the reason(s) why my laptop won't boot from the USB key?

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Using A Flash Drive For Clean Windows 7 Installation

May 17, 2011

i was just wondering how i extract the files from an installation disc onto a flash drive, so i can use the flash drive to perform a clean install.Extract Files from Windows 7 Installation DVD.i already looked at this but it wasn't specific to my uses.

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Error 0X80070570 In Windows 7 Pro Install?

Mar 28, 2011

I am getting the error code 0x80070570 Everytime I try and install Windows 7. I am trying to do a custom install so it cleans out the computer. I have Windows 7 Pro OEM 32bit. I have the requirements it takes to put Windows 7 on a computer. I have tried two different discs same results. System is custom built, with Gigabit GA-H55M-S2H motherboar, Intel core i3, 4gb Memory, 500gb hdd. It gets past the part of coping files and then comes up with the Error code of 0X80070570. I have tried to install several times using two different discs and allways the same result.

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Windows 7 0x80070570 Install Error?

Jul 26, 2011

Been getting this error for the past few days. I have tried just about every recommendation I've seen on this error; Ive gone through 8 sticks of RAM, multiple ISO's and burns, USB install, different DVD drives, removing all extra USB devices, 2 video cards, multiple HDD's, canceling the install before it errors out and then restarting, all without luck. Anybody have any other ideas? Using a Maximus IV Extreme Z, no overclock.

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Windows 7 Install Error 0x80070570

Mar 14, 2009

At the file expansion stage, error code 0x80070570 appears and my installation fails. I installed 7048 from a DVD burned image 2 weeks ago and it worked fine. Downloaded 7057 and durned the .iso to DVD and when trying to install to formatted partition this error appeared. Since then I can't re-install 7048 either! This is driving me crazy, I've tried different DVD drives, re-burned the .iso's at slow speed, but no luck.

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Windows 7 / Error Code 0x80070570

Nov 12, 2011

I have a dell 1525 laptop...and i was tryin to install windows 7 ..but at the file extraction point a blue screen appears with the following error code 0x80070570 ..

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Getting Error Message When Try To Eject Flash Drive On Windows 7

Oct 12, 2012

My flash drive on windows 7. Says a program is using it. I've tried to see what programs but I don't see anything. Does this happen often or is it just my computer or usb port?

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Error Booting From External Hard Drive

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to wipe my current XP installation clean and move on to Windows 7.

I first tried to install the setup.exe (Custom install option of course) from within the XP OS, but soon discovered you cannot do that and wipe out my only partition on C: at the same time.

I don't have a DVD-RW drive to write a boot disk, so instead I am trying to install through my external hard drive. I meticulously followed this tutorial from PC World yet when I instruct the PC in BIOS to boot from the external hard drive, I keep getting an "invalid system disk, press any key" error when the computer boots and looks for the setup files. This is despite the fact that setup seems to work perfectly from within the XP OS.

PC World tutorial:
Install Windows 7 From an External Hard Drive - PC World

Can anyone please offer me any helpful advice to get the external hard drive setup to work or help me find a way to install 7 from within XP?

Anyone know exactly why I keep getting the "invalid disk" error each time when I try to boot from my external hard drive? As mentioned in the PC World tutorial, I marked the external hard drive as an active partition and the setup files seem to work fine from within XP. If it helps, in the external hard drive root folder is both the Windows 7 ISO and all the files contained (which I extracted using PowerISO).

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Error: 0x80070570

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 32-bit RC on a desktop PC. I have previously used this disk successfully to install the OS on a laptop.

I keep getting an error message to the effect that Windows cannot install required files.

Error code: 0x80070570 Initially I thought that this was due to a flaky DVD drive but I have now installed a different drive and am still getting the same message. I also tried a SATA DVD drive but it seems that the Windows 7 installation process didn't like (have drivers for) this interface

edit:I have previosuly managed to load Windows 7 64-bit RC on this PC but had some problems with stability so thought I would give the 32-bit version a go.

I notice that some people have got around this problem by burning the DVD at slow speeds and by using a USB drive to boot from; since I have successfully installed using this DVD, the former doesn't seem relevant and I don't have an 8GB USB drive available. I will try running MemTest86+ on the system on the off-chance.Any explanations / other suggestions .

ps - I have just downloaded a new copy of Windows 7 32-bit RC, burned it at 1x and have got the same unhelpful error message

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0x80070570 Error

Oct 23, 2009

I get 0x80070570 error when setup is unpacking

I have read something about it and found some things that can be solutions:No USB plugged in (just tested - doesn't work) No recovery partition (not tested, going to test) 2 GB memory instead of 3 GB

For the latest point I don't know if it will work, because I have 1GB+2GB memory and not 3x1GB. Does it work with 1x2GB? I'm running clean install from upgrade dvd.

Does anyone have other solutions to this problem?

And do the points mentioned above work?

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Error 0x80070570?

May 27, 2010

I successfully installed the 32-bit windows 7 on my computer, upgrading it from windows XP. I spent an hour realizing how awesome the new OS is before deciding i needed to reformat to be sure i was rid of all spyware/malware. After trying to do the clean install, I keep getting the "Windows cannot install required files" error right when the install starts "expanding". It goes to 1% and then stops. I am installing this from an ISO off of a 4GB flash drive.Here's what I have tried so far:Redownloading and rewritting the flash drive (several times)Updating the BIOS driversRestarting the installation without a rebootRunning chkdsk on the flash driveNone of these things have worked for me. I know that it has been suggested to set the hard drive (i think..) to SATA or AHCI, but this goes right over my head

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Error Code 0x80070570?

Feb 20, 2011

Was in the process of backing-up my computer and received the error code that back-up stopped. Details showed error code 0x80070570 was the reason.I did a Google search and came-up with this forum site and I saw a post re the error code but it was referencing it during an install. I was not trying to install anything (even though I have not been able to reinstall Roxio Creator sinceDec) and was wondering if the link (to Uniblue registry software)

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Common Error (0x80070570)

Apr 11, 2011

When installing windows 7 Home Edition 64bit, my computer finishes the "Copying Windows files" in 1 second, and then goes off to the "Expanding Windows files" part. Once it is at 50%(every time), my computer says an error code and a message about corrupt files ect(Error code: 0x80070570). I have been struggling after trying to format my desktop for a clean install of Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit. changing modes from SATA to AHCI, cancelling the install and without rebooting restart the install, and putting down the graphics to 640x480. It has been quite a pain and ruined my weekend and I was hoping that someone else could propose a new solution since nothing has worked. Instead of using a cd, I am using a USB(changing boot priority in the bios to USB, changing the USB to NTFS format ect...), since I currently do not have a SATA CD reader. P.S: The specs of my computer if needed will be posted below:Intel Core i3 540@3.07Ghz eVGA P55v SLI 2x2GB OCZ Platinum DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24 1.35V Dual Channel Palit Sonic GTX 260 Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB 7200RPM 32MB Dual Proc SATA BIOS v02.67?

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0x80070570 Error While Installing?

Dec 21, 2010

I always get this error while installing Windows 7 Professional x64 OEM on a system I just built. It always occurs when about 16% done expanding files.

Specs of this system:

Intel Core i3-540
PNY 1333MHz DDR3 2x2gb
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 250GB
LiteOn SATA 24x internal CD/DVD writer
CoolerMaster Elite 300 Case
CoolerMaster Elite 460W PSU

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USB Flash Drive Formatting Permanent Error?

Oct 10, 2010

I was doing some programming for school and then the IDE stopped working and so did Windows, itself, but I had to get somewhere, so i forced myself to pull my 1 GB usb drive out without safely removing it. Still it was acting weird, so I just shut it down. Now I put the usb back in, and apparently I have to format it. I don't want to because I didn't back up recent work but eventually I had to choose to format it.

Initially when I went to format it, the format size was still at "0.98 GB" but now, it changed to "8 MB"
even if I try to format it at 8 MB.
Quick format provides a "Windows was unable to complete the format".
Normal format provides a similar error.
Diskmgmt formatting provides a similar error.

I never had a problem like this before (even when pulling out drives at time when it failed to respond) but I would still like to utilize the usb. Is there a way that i can retrieve the 1 GB back?

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Error 0x80070570 95% Loaded And Fails?

Feb 1, 2012

We have new HP 635 Laptops that had Win7 64 bit Ultimate loaded on them. With our Volume License agreement we load Win7 Enterprise 64 bit. I downloaded the software from the Microsoft site several times. Have tried to burn the disks at slower speeds. The Laptop Bios will not let me change the settings for the Sata drive so that is not a choice. It get 95% into the Expanding Windows files and stops. I have checked the memory and the hard disk with the Win7 dvd and they were fine. Don't know what to try.

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Error: 0x80070570 But Can Still Watch The Video?

Aug 1, 2011

Well, I think it's my computer. Basically, I video'd something the other day on my panasonic camera, and when I went to turn it off, it said something like "Could not save file as speed of SD card is not available" or something like that.. But when I went to put the rest of my videos on my computer that file was on the SD Card, so I tried to add it to my computer... This was when the error code 0X80070570 and it said "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable... But I tried to play it on Windows Media Player and it plays fine... THe only thing different is on the seek bar thingy it comes up with 00:00 so you can't go forward or backward, but it still plays fine... If possible I would really like to fix the error, because the corrupted video is something that I'd ideally like to have.

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Cannot System Restore Error: 0x80070570

Mar 13, 2011

I bought my HP Pavilion dm4 about a month ago and until recently, it had been working great and really fast while on the internet. Then lately, it started to load normal pages at half its speed, taking time to even load google. When playing MMOs like World of Warcraft, I was a lot laggier than i normally am, dropping framerates by 30-40 per second, even though my task manager said nothing else was running in the background. I thought something was wrong and my suspicions were correct after i found my WoW account to be hacked. I managed to recover my account and change the user/pass but my computer was still slow so i suspected that it was a virus.I uninstalled Norton Antivirus because it couldnt pick up on anything and got Sunbelt Vipre to try and solve the issue. Unfortunately, Vipre didn't pick up on anything either. I wanted to try to System Restore to remove any sort of keylogger or virus that was causing my computer to be so slow and hack my accounts. But when I tried to do the restore, picking the nearest restore point, it was stuck at "Initializing System Restore..." for nearly 3 hours. I had to hard reset the computer and try again at a different restore point, but I got the error message, "System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's systems files settings were not changed. The file or directory is corrupted and undreadable (0x80070570)." Then after clicking Run System Restore it gives me the error message "There was an unexpected error: Catastropic failure (0x8000FFFF)" I've also tried the following:-CheckDisk in safe mode, using command prompt as admin, and checkdisk at startup (this one took the longest, nearly 4 hours, and when i woke up the next morning i hadnt seen any changes)-Defrag in safe mode and normal (either way it would get stuck on 79% Analysis and then freeze), I managed to get defrag to work after a few resets and after disabling my antivirus/firewall. Still it did not make a difference and I was still unable to System Restore.-SFC using command prompt as adminPlease help as I really cannot afford to buy another computer and other than the fact that it is running at half its speed and cannot system restore, the computer is able to function normally.

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Backup Failes With Error 0x80070570

Nov 6, 2009

i try to backup my data to an external usb-disk. as soon as the backup software wants to write to the disk an error 0x80070570 is displayed.

i can access this disk without problem and i also use it for storing the system images. the strange thing is that i managed to do a single backup to this drive yesterday. btw the same error is shown when i want to backup to a dvd-ram.

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Upgrade Error Code: 0x80070570

Dec 1, 2009

I got a original windows 7 ultimate CD and during the upgrade it gives below error code

Windows cannot install required files. The file may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation. Error code: 0x80070570

How do i complete to installation.

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Disable Message That Come While Booting Smart Hard Drive Detect Error

Feb 14, 2012

how do I disable message that come while booting s m a r t hard drive detect error!

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System Restore Isn't Functioning - Error 0x80070570

Jul 15, 2012

I have tried to do a system restore to a point previously with another problem, but get the message 'Can't system restore, file or directory is corrupted and unreadable (0x80070570).'

This applies to all restore points available. I have tried System Repair, but that found nothing.

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