Erasing Duplicate Documents And Photos?

Feb 20, 2012

my dad got a new pc and so I rand a back up from his old one to the new with a seagate network hard drive and he returned the old one the problem is that now there are multiple duplicates of his documents and pictures is there a non-risk painless way of getting rid of those duplicates as there are thousands of duplicates?

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Finding And Deleting Duplicate Photos ?

Dec 21, 2012

I have "many" Folders with perhaps 50-100 photos in each. Would like to clean things up a bit. What is the most practical way of doing a Search (and a Delete) of duplicate photos ?

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Duplicate Instances Of My Documents Folder?

Mar 29, 2011

Somehow (pilot error, I'm sure) I have what appears to be duplicate instances of my Documents Folder, one instance in my Documents folder, the other as a subfolder in my Pictures folder.

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Photos And Documents In Random Locations

Dec 20, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42


I'm working on Family Tree Maker, collecting photos from family, scanning them, saving, putting in FTM as I have time. Only, I'm missing some photos (and other documents) that I know I had.

I did a full back-up of my hard drive months ago, and I've been going through each back-up file looking for the photos and documents and slowly finding them in random locations, one at a time, but this is very time-consuming.

Before the problem I bought a new laptop and just hard the hard drive copied from my tower to the laptop. (Love the laptop, BTW!) I took the laptop back to the store to get my new wireless printer working. When I brought the laptop home I found a lot of games and programs were missing. Fortunately I was able to restore them from disks or if downloaded the sites allowed me to download them again. I called the store and told them the problem, suggesting maybe someone besides their tech has access to the computers in for repair, and they denied it and gave me the brush off. (BTW, I'm not going to do anymore business with them!)

I also use Picasa to add captions and descriptor words and I've been using that to look for items, but when something is found each one has to be checked against my laptops current folders to see if it's missing or not.

Is there an easier way to do find my missing stuff? How did my photos and documents get moved randomly?

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Getting Media Center To Display Photos Showing The Individual Photos Contents Of Each Folder?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a problem getting Media Center to display my Photos showing the individual photos contents of each folder.I am running Windows 7 HP 64 bit with all updates. My MEDIA (movies, music & photos) are on a separate hdd (M). Each of the media formats has it's own folder on the M drive, Movies, Music & Photos. I have no problem with the movies or the music. However, when I choose "pictures" in Windows Media Center only the individual photos folders are photos are shown in these folders. I see the individual folders but no contents. I have set up "Libraries" on the C: drive; Music, Video & Photos. When I click on photos in the "Libraries" all the photos folders are show each with it's own photos. I have "Shared" these libraries as well as each folder on the Media drive M. The format of the individual photos is jpg. I have run SFC/Scannow.

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Mouse Is Erasing Stuff?

Feb 7, 2012

I dont click on it but it erases stuff like moving objects or videos.. you just move it around and it erases white . what is causeing that....this is a mouse that I use with my laptop?

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Erasing Data By Location On Hdd?

Feb 16, 2012

so i have a job coming up that requires carefull erasing of data, i can't scrub the whole hard drive but need to be able to write over the data areas of one single user account location.

now i am wondering is there a way to find out the sector locations for all data on a hard drive for a given user so i can write over those areas to make them as unrecoverable as possible?

i am aware that i am probably asking for something that isn't possible but figured why not ask anyway someone might know of some software that does this.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Erasing An Old HD?

Jan 15, 2013

I have a dell dimension 9100. I have two drives on it, a ~160gb drive that came with it with xp, and a 500gb drive with Windows 7. I put the Windows 7 in myself and had been using that. Finally, I decided to erase the old drive with xp on to install linux on it. After erasing the old drive, my computer won't start up. It says it cant find sata 1 or 3. I've tried switching the cables hooking up to it but that f I push continue after it tells me how it can't find them, it says 'loading pbr for descriptor 2...done' and stays there. I did not erase windows 7, I checked. Whats wrong? I erased the old drive so I could install ubuntu on it... I'm guessing since thats the drive the computer came with, I deleted the mbr... I have an external drive with ubuntu I can use to fix this. Before you say to use the windows install disk to fix it, I've already tried that. The repair utility doesn't scan and thus doesn't see my install.

The more I think about it, the more that it seems like its NOT an mbr thing. I think this because of the fact that the windows repair disk doesn't see any installation of windows.The hard drive is not dead. I can read it via ubuntu. Sorry if this thread is hard to understand, I've copied and pasted on multiple forumsHeres the latest: Disabled all other sata's in the bios except the one the drive is plugged to. Now I no longer see sata3 not found or anything.

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Recover A HDD After Erasing The First Sector?

Oct 4, 2012

HDD: ST30005 28AS. Failing. I have to recover some data and throw it away. With Seatools dos cd, I accidentally the first sector. I also set it at that time at 33 gb. Now I can't see any partitions in it. I tried everything in HIREN's boot cd. The drive was failing, 15 minutes at windows loading, SMART messages to backup it, etc. I low level formatted it when it was 33 GB. My data is a few GB beyond anyway. However I played with it I can't read anything from it. Help.OK, so the drive is my third, a storage drive. I disconnected the other drives, inserted the Windows 7 recovery disk, but it didn't do anything. I couldn't find the ol' cmd menu I knew from other times. (Info or help -> a series of commands, including fixmbr.) It found the drive, but couldn't say anything about it. So no access, no identity, no status of it, nothing. Windows keeps telling me to replace the drive, but sees no volume informations. How the hell can a drive become invisible at any kind of content mode? I just used the menu from seatools and it vanished. How can it offer a delete for first sector but no fresh write of it?

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Install Windows After Erasing?

Sep 20, 2012

If I erase my hard drive can I reinstallWindows on that drive.

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Wireless Mouse Is Erasing Webpages?

Jul 30, 2012

I have window 7 laptop ie 8 and my wirless mouse is eraseing pages like a blackboard.

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Erasing Hard Drives (without Third Party)?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a desktop and have 2 hard drives 1 is running Windows 7 and 1 is running Windows Vista. I would like to completely erase the hard drive so there is no operating system on it (the Vista drive). I would still like to store files on it. I have looked out there on google but I would not like to use third-party software.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Erasing Chrome?

Nov 16, 2011

I installed Windows 7 ultimate 64bits and since I use Google chrome, I installed that, with the toolbar, but every time I reboot PC, CHrome is goneOn the toolbar is only IE8...What is going on? On XP this never happened??Can I safely get rid off IE and "keep" Chrome? I am afraid to delete it, or uninstall it cause I might not have a IE at all.

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Install 64 Bit Windows 7 Ultimate Without Erasing Entire Operating System?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a processor that is capable of handling a 64 bit operating system. Right now I am currently running a 32 bit operating system. Is there any way I could install 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate without erasing my entire operating system?

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Converting ClarisWorks Documents To Word Documents?

Dec 1, 2011

Does anybody know of any file converters out there (free if possible) that can convert ClarisWorks files to Office Word files? I have a lot of old documents that I wish to convert.

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Padlocks On Photos On Old Login, New Login Cannot View Photos At All

May 16, 2012

I've been using my parents computer for the last few months and decided to make my own user/log-in the other day. After doing so, I cut/pasted my photos folder into my new user directory (or whatever, I'm not very techie..). I have thousands of photos, my BF is a photographer, and I can view most of them. However, in one particular folder 90% of them aren't viewable! Says I don't have permission... When I log back into parents windows, I can see the photos in my directory (as they are no longer located in theirs) but there are little gold padlocks on the ones I cannot see on my log-in. I've tried changing permissions, ownership, you name it.. I've looked for help on line and tried everything. The only thing that seems to work is if I right click on each individual photo and change things that way.

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Duplicate Everything On HD?

Oct 27, 2011

I've had a good look around google but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for - I'm kind of having trouble describing it. What I basically want to do is copy my entire installation of windows (all my files, settings, everything) onto my external hard drive so I can then install a fresh copy of windows on my build in HD, but I still want to be able to access the copy of windows I have put on my hard drive, as I can now. I'm kind of wanting to make two separate computers in a sense. Like when I start up my laptop I can choose if I want to boot from my fresh copy of windows or go to the copy of windows on my external HD.It's just my current copy of windows is filling up my hard drive and has just turned into an unorganised mess and I've got stuff in there that I need but I can't be bothered to sift through it all; there's too much

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Duplicate Folders In Homegroup?

Apr 24, 2011

I have duplicate, identical folders that are appearing in my Homegroup screen on my laptop. They refer to actual directories on my desktop. How do I remove the copies?

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Duplicate Files Finder?

Jan 15, 2011

I need the easiest {or best} method of finding duplicate files..I have a few years of stuff accumulated and know I have some duplicatesJust something simple that will perhaps let me check certain folders and subfolders would be great but if I have to check the entire drive thats fine too.I need to clean up an external for duplicates...It has an OS on it but I have a folder I created that I copy user files to..that folder has subfolders and those folders have some sub folders

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No Way To Duplicate A File In Windows 7?

Jan 27, 2011

In xp you could press ctrl and alt and drag a file or folder and it would duplicate it, I used to do this a lot. Now this suddenly doesnt work? Its now "move file" which to me is useless. Is there no shortcut to duplicate a file anymore? It seems annoying they just completely removed something. This feature also is in say photoshop for photoshop layers so its not exactly unheard of to justify just removing it!

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Getting Screen Duplicate Issue

Nov 28, 2009

I've just recently installed Windows 7 and have been getting random issues with my screen sometimes duplicating.

I've managed to get rid of it in the past few days with disabling a few things (I read elsewhere it was Windows gadgets causing the problem).

So I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue or had it and if so how did you fix it?

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Duplicate Program Files

Nov 30, 2009

I performed a clean install of windows 7 ultimate x64 on a new hard drive and used windows easy transfer to carry along data such as photos and important documents from my previous 32-bit windows XP machine.

I used the Easy Transfer defaults for the file transfer, and transferred via a recently-reformatted external hard drive.

Here's the problem: I somehow ended up with an extra "Program Files" folder on my computer. The extra has some programs from the old machine in it and despite the merits (didn't have to reinstall world of warcraft as it runs fine from the old one), it's really beginning to irritate me! It contains non-working versions of office and a couple other games so I'd really like to clear it out.

Despite taking ownership, granting full control with the permissions, etc., I still get the message that I need permission to delete it. Only difference is now I need permission from myself instead of TrustedInstaller, despite the security tab saying that I have full control. I made sure the permissions were inherited to all the contents and even tried deleting individual components with no luck.

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Duplicate Folders In Network

Nov 22, 2009

I have a problem with my network folders for my dad's pc. His pc is what I primarily use to download software and such so I just network his folder so that I can gain access to downloaded files w/o going through other medias such as a flash drive etc.

Problem is that when a file is recently downloaded a lock appears on the file and is not accessible to other computers in the network, while my other computers have no problem similar to this . Also my dad's network folder has only 2 main folders that I have shared: My Documents and Downloads. But in the network folder there are around 7 copies of each folder, i.e. Downloads~1 - Downloads~7 all with the same contents and such and its cluttering the network folder . What do I do to repair this? I have tried unsharing the folder and sharing it again with no luck.

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Duplicate Processes Outlook?

Aug 5, 2011

We have installed new computers quad processors with windows 7 (Dont know if 32 or 64 bit)Anyhow, Microsoft 2010 came with these machines and we are having real problems with Outlook. in the Task Manager the process is duplicating maybe 3 or more times and sometimes the process is showing over 300,000kNow when I end the processeses from the task manager two of them will end and always one that will not and says access denied! this is usually the largest process. This is happening on two different machines.

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Cannot Duplicate In Sounds And Hardware

Dec 1, 2011

I connected my computer to my projector using hdmi to hdmi, I have no problem with "extend", "monitor only" except I cannot get "duplicate" in the sounds and hardware using windows 7.All I get is a distorted green screen.

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Duplicate Email Messages?

Sep 5, 2012

We have a new computer and now our email messages from two of our addresses are duplicated. The third address seems OK. We receive emails on gmail, read them on Windows Live Mail. We need to see all accounts at one time and on two devices.

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Duplicate Desktop Shortcuts And Icons?

Jun 3, 2012

I was pinning some shortcuts to the task bar and removing these shortcuts from the desktop. Somehow I ended up with duplicate shortcuts and icons for each one that was originally on the computer desktop (even those I was not moving). These duplicates are not useable - they cannot be right clicked; they do not highlight when hovered over.

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What Duplicate Files Are Safe To Be Removed

May 19, 2012

To put it shortly, I have that utility called advanced system optimizer and I performed a scan to find duplictaes on my partitions. It resulted a cluster of 10000 files. Ther are all kind of files and many are founded on several locations. I dont know if its safe to remove them and which exaclty should I remove( one from each group all etc). What put me on doubt even more is thati saw files bot located in c program data and in c users so I want to ask if its normal to have them simultaneusly in thse locations?

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Duplicate Words Typed When Lagging

Sep 9, 2011

Sometimes when I lag and Im typing my words Im typing will type out twice and overlap in sentences. In the screenshot I have included you can see this. I tried typing "I know theres ppl who work for little pay", and it overlapped. This issue used to happen on my old computer which was Windows XP but it only had 1 gb of RAM I know have 2gb and I thought I wouldnt be dealing with lag issues as often.

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Duplicate Desktop Icons That Can't Be Deleted

Jun 3, 2012

I have numerous desktop icons (shortcuts, recycle bin, my documents folder) that I cannot delete. These icons are duplicates of the normal active icons that are either on my desktop or in the taskbar. The "unusable" icons aren't even recognized as being icons (so that if I right click on the desktop and select view and uncheck "show desktop icons", these icons remain). The icons cannot be selected (either right or left clicked), they cannot be moved, they do not highlight when moused over. Any suggestions on how to remove these? I've tried refreshing the desktop, rebooting several times, etc. They do not show up in the desktop folder within c:\users\<your user name>\desktop folder or the public desktop folder either.

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Duplicate Icon When Playing Slideshow?

Jun 18, 2012

When I open a picture and start a slideshow, there are two icons that appear on the taskbar. One says �Windows Photo Viewer,� and the other says, �Photo View Slide Show.� The taskbar is set to always combine icons and I am unable to �Pin� a photo to the taskbar.

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