Duplicate Folders In Network

Nov 22, 2009

I have a problem with my network folders for my dad's pc. His pc is what I primarily use to download software and such so I just network his folder so that I can gain access to downloaded files w/o going through other medias such as a flash drive etc.

Problem is that when a file is recently downloaded a lock appears on the file and is not accessible to other computers in the network, while my other computers have no problem similar to this . Also my dad's network folder has only 2 main folders that I have shared: My Documents and Downloads. But in the network folder there are around 7 copies of each folder, i.e. Downloads~1 - Downloads~7 all with the same contents and such and its cluttering the network folder . What do I do to repair this? I have tried unsharing the folder and sharing it again with no luck.

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Duplicate Folders In Homegroup?

Apr 24, 2011

I have duplicate, identical folders that are appearing in my Homegroup screen on my laptop. They refer to actual directories on my desktop. How do I remove the copies?

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Duplicate Identical Icons In Personal Folders?

Jan 30, 2012

I have split my user profile onto a larger mirrored drive using a junction link. This works perfectly. However when viewing my personal folders I see multiple identical icons for favourites, links, my music etc. When I navigate to the actual area everything appears as it should be.If I try to delete one of these identical icons then both icons go to the recycle bin along with the files inside the relevant folder.Please see screen shot. I could recreate my profile and point the new profile at the relevant folders but setting up all my applications again will be a bit of a nightmare that I would like to avoid if possible.

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Outlook 2007 Duplicate Personal And Sub Folders

Sep 22, 2011

I created a .pst export so that I could copy my outlook information from my main computer to a new laptop. It was successful but made a duplicate personal and sub folders on the main computer only. Also on the outlook today page it doesn't make any counts for incoming messages or other countable folders. I can save the sub folder titles to it but it doesn't recognized and put a count in even though I check both areas or just one etc... If I go to the folder from the outlook today page the folder is empty but if I go to the folder from the navigation list I can see the messages and also a count. The notebook Outlook is working properly

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Delete Many Duplicate Virtual Network Adapters?

Sep 9, 2012

I have over 50 virtual networking adapters in device manager, I have posted this question in many forums, and still cannot get rid of these pesky unused extra adapters. I know they have been created by using Virtualbox, and by creating many virtual machines and updating virtualbox. Unfortunately, I have tried uninstalling virtualbox and the drivers all remain in devicemanager. DeviceMgmt also does not allow me to uninstall or delete the adapters, (When I do they just stay there, even after rebooting.)I most likely have to go into the registry and delete them, but they are in so many different places there, I need to know the correct place to delete them. I have a bet that this is the forum where I will get the answer for this even though I have posted in virtualbox forums, technet, MSDN, superuser, serverfault, and stackoverflow.

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Can't Get To Shared Folders Without Going Through Network

May 10, 2011

I have no problem networking the two operating systems and sharing folders and printers (use work not home on Windows 7). BUT, the minute I open network and/or network sharing on the windows 7 computer I lose my internetconnection on both computers and have to go through a shut down of the Windows 7 computer and unplug the cable modem and the router and restart everything.You can't get to shared folders without going through network. If you do you have to restart everything to get back internet connection.

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Shared Folders Over The Network

Feb 1, 2009

Windows 7 is running flawlessly except I have this one problem. When I go to install ANY anti-virus software it kills my ability to access the shared files and folders from my Windows 7 machine. I uninstall the AV and all is back to normal.

Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?

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Personal Folders Visible On Network?

Nov 18, 2010

I am having a weird issue.I have a network with 3 PC's and 2 PS3's.1. My PC-Win 72. Roommate's-Vista Home Premium 3. His girlfriend's- Vista Home PremiumI have enabled sharing on all the external HDD's that are connected to my Win 7 machine.ll sharing and security has been set accordingly, and works perfect......except for some reason, my USER folder "Jay", is completely visible to both Vista machines.hen I access the Network folder on my Win 7 machine, only the Public folders are visible on the two Vista machines.The strange thing is that when I look at the properties of "Jay" folder, it shows it as being shared, yet in the Advanced sharing window, "Jay" is NOT shared. "users" folder is shared, so I am assuming this is why "Jay" is shared as it is a sub-folder of "users".

And when I look at the permission settings for "Jay", only myself and SYSTEM had permissions.Now, I managed to workaround this by adding another permission rule to the "Jay" folder. I added NETWORK and set it to DENY straight across the board. So now, my roommates can still see my USERS folder, but cannot access it.This, however, is NOT ideal, as this also blocks them from seeing/accessing my PUBLIC folder. I only set the NETWORK deny permissions on "Jay" folder, yet ALL network sub-folders of USERS are blocked.

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Another Way To Lock Folders From Being Shared On Network

May 18, 2012

I have folders in My Documents which I have chosen to lock so they are not shared on the network, but when I browse to my computer from another computer on the network, the locked files are present and accessible.I'm pretty sure there's another way to lock folders from being shared on the network, but I don't know what it is.How can I truly lock these folders so they're not accessible on the network?

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Public Folders On Network Become Inaccessible

Jul 1, 2012

Since xp the same ol' same ol'. Why after trouble shooting and getting access to my network folders does windows ALWAYS revert back to inaccessibility? You get it working for a short time and then it goes back to not being able to transfer simple files. This has been driving me nuts for years.

Two os's Windows 7 64 to and from 32bit could transfer files for about a week.

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Copying From External HD For Network Folders

Sep 13, 2009

I am new here and new to Windows 7 which I installed on the weekend in order to run my media through the Windows 7 MC.

I ran into a problem when I try to copy from external HD (USB external drives) or shared network folder.

Every time I try to copy something, and it doesn’t matter how I do it whether it is CTRL+C or right click and then Copy, Windows Explorer crashes.

This is very annoying since I have to then switch to Vista (dual boot) and do it from there.

Is this a known problem?

Are there any workarounds or solutions to this?

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Can Windows 7 See XP Shared Folders On Network ?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a new HP8710W laptop that originally had Windows XP Professional installed from the factory. I just received my Windows 7 Professional 32 bit upgrade kit and have installed it on my computer

I also have a Desktop PC that is running Windows XP Professional.

Prior to installing Windows 7 on my laptop I was able to see the shared folders on HP8710W laptop while running the Windows XP Professional operating system. I would like to be able to access the shared files on my Desktop computer that is running Windows XP Professional with the HP8710W laptop that is running Windows 7 Professional 32 bit. I am a novice when it comes to networks and would appreciate any suggestions on what to do to get this to work.

I anticipate installing Windows 7 on my desktop in the near future but have not done the conversion as of this date.

I would appreciate some step by step instructions if they are available and not too much trouble to pass on to me.

I am running a TRENDNET TEW-432BRP wireless router H/W:vDl.OR

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Multiple Redundant Network Folders

Jun 10, 2012

I fear I've made a complete mess of things in trying to get this Windows 7 to share media with my devices.When I click on Start/Computer the left pane shows among other things Network and below that the name of my computer and that breaks out into a bunch of redundant folders. There is no opportunity to delete these folders.

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New Subfolders In A Network Shared Folders Not Showing Up?

May 16, 2011

So basically new folders added by uTorrent to my "Download" folder which is shared to everyone on my network don't show up when I access the older from any computer on the network. (except the one where the files are located)I have to say they do eventually show up... I guess when I restart the host or something maybe?

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Creating A Home Network For Shared Folders?

Jan 16, 2012

I've been wracking my brains, but cannot make this work in windows 7. It was super easy in xp. How can I set up 2 computers to share folders? I've created a homegroup, on both computers, but still they aren't communicating.

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Setting Shell Folders To Network Locations

Oct 16, 2009

I have a number of PCs connecting to a server where we house our personal folders. The server also houses music, basketball games, our photos, applications (like drivers and updates etc). On XP and vista I could update shell folders in registry to point each of the various locations (Like My Videos, My Documents, My Pictures etc), to a location on the server.

I updated the shell folder locations in registry only to find that it says location is unsupported because the network locations are not indexed

I have turned indexing off because it is a total waste of resources. We have everything stored on separate drives by category of item. For us, sedarching is not required, stuff is easy to find.

So how can I point the shell folders to a network location without turning on indexing?

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User Folders Located On Network Share

Dec 2, 2009

When using WinXP - I changed the location of the my documents folder to a shared location, which would automatically enable off-line files for the local my documents folder.

I'm trying to do the same thing with Windows 7. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

I tried changing the location of the my docs folder in Windows 7 but a duplicate folder which cannot be deleted shows up.

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Access Private Folders Network Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2013

I have been searching the 'Net to no avail - is there any way I can access a private folder over a home network? I have a private folder on my desktop that I would like to access over my network, but don't want others to be able to access it. All of our computers (desktop, laptop, netbook) are all on the same homegroup.

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Setting Up Small Office Network With NAS - Mapping Folders?

Feb 21, 2011

I have 2 lenovo h320 desktop running 7 pro 64 and a dell laptop running 7 pro 32. I have a seagate blackarmor 220 nas as well as a netgear srxn3205 wireless vpn firewall router. My first issue is setting up homegroup. I can create one on any pc and see it to join on the other 2 but when I enter the password it tells me I have a network problem. I can ping each pc's ip address from the others. I have checked all the typical fixes, ipv6 enabled...

Secondly, I need understanding the network layout and how the NAS plays a role in the mapping. When I map the network it shows the 3 pcs all connected to the router and to the internet but it shows the NAS as other devices at the bottom. I have mapped a few folders from the NAS to each pc and can see as well as use them but not sure why it is not part of the map.

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Browsing Win7 Shared Folders In Home Network - How ?

Dec 5, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 on a new PC and been playing around with it for a couple of days.

I have added it to my home workgroup and shared out some folders. I have turned off Windows firewall, however if I try to view the shared folders from other machines (XP) on the home network I get asked for a login and password.

Yet if I browse the other XP machines from the Windows 7 machine I can see all their folders. I can't find a setting anywhere that would seem to address this!

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Selective Sharing On Network - Read Access To Specific Folders

Sep 4, 2011

I have main PC [office_PC]. On that PC is basically everything. music, pics, videos etc. It is the primary computer but I also have a laptop and a tablet that access that data too. I need/want full access to everything on the office-PC read/write. no problem easily done and I have had no issues currently until today. (64 bit win 7 system)

My daughter saved up and purchased a netbook [Morgan-Netbook] (OS:win 7 starter). I got her on the network and when connected it asked about homegroup so I said yes and now I see her and she sees me. BUT she has full read/write access to everything on the PC. I can access everything I would expect via the homegroup but then under the "network" icon I can see all my shared folders and she has way more access.

I would like her to have read access to pics, videos and specific folders but not necessarily everything else. I have tried adding her as a user in the sharing permissions but my Office PC only wants to see Location as "office-PC" so I cannot choose her from a list to restrict her access specifically. If I limit the access globally then I lose it for me as well. How do I limit access to just her so that she can see the folders we want but she only has READ access?

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Restricting Access To Shared Network Folders For Specific Windows 7 Pc's?

Dec 4, 2011

i have multiple family members in the household, along with two Windows 7 desktops and three Windows 7 laptops. All pc's are on the same workgroup with file and folder sharing working faultlessly - we do not use Homegroups.I have a large amount of important data on my desktop that serves as a data backup for all work I do on my laptop. On top of this it contains a large amount of media files that get shared to all pc's too. All communication is done over the network. However, as the other family members are far less tech savvy, shall we say, than I, I am growing concerned with how easy it would be for someone else to access my laptop backup work, as it is all business related, and do something disastrous to it.I would like to have it so that my laptop is the only machine allowed to access this backup data from my desktop. The rest of the shared folders on this desktop would have to remain accessible to 'everyone'.

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XBox Connected To Home Network - Shared Folders And Files Locked

Nov 21, 2011

I decided to connect the xbox to my home network, but when I did so all of the shared files and folders got locked. Being locked I cannot watch the videos or play the music with manually unlocking them first. So is there a way to revert them back to their unlocked state? There has to be an easier way than manually doing it... because I have around 50GB of music... that would take an eternity. Here's a screenshot for reference: [URL].

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Access Complete Network Drives Without Sharing Individual Folders And And Using Passwords?

Jan 29, 2011

I have windows 7 pro on two computers, how do I access complete network drives without sharing individual folders and and using passwords, I hate using passwords, and I don't have anything on my computers worth protecting, I wish windows 7 would just let me turn off all that security crap. I never had a problem with XP.

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Duplicate Everything On HD?

Oct 27, 2011

I've had a good look around google but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for - I'm kind of having trouble describing it. What I basically want to do is copy my entire installation of windows (all my files, settings, everything) onto my external hard drive so I can then install a fresh copy of windows on my build in HD, but I still want to be able to access the copy of windows I have put on my hard drive, as I can now. I'm kind of wanting to make two separate computers in a sense. Like when I start up my laptop I can choose if I want to boot from my fresh copy of windows or go to the copy of windows on my external HD.It's just my current copy of windows is filling up my hard drive and has just turned into an unorganised mess and I've got stuff in there that I need but I can't be bothered to sift through it all; there's too much

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Duplicate Files Finder?

Jan 15, 2011

I need the easiest {or best} method of finding duplicate files..I have a few years of stuff accumulated and know I have some duplicatesJust something simple that will perhaps let me check certain folders and subfolders would be great but if I have to check the entire drive thats fine too.I need to clean up an external for duplicates...It has an OS on it but I have a folder I created that I copy user files to..that folder has subfolders and those folders have some sub folders

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No Way To Duplicate A File In Windows 7?

Jan 27, 2011

In xp you could press ctrl and alt and drag a file or folder and it would duplicate it, I used to do this a lot. Now this suddenly doesnt work? Its now "move file" which to me is useless. Is there no shortcut to duplicate a file anymore? It seems annoying they just completely removed something. This feature also is in say photoshop for photoshop layers so its not exactly unheard of to justify just removing it!

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Getting Screen Duplicate Issue

Nov 28, 2009

I've just recently installed Windows 7 and have been getting random issues with my screen sometimes duplicating.

I've managed to get rid of it in the past few days with disabling a few things (I read elsewhere it was Windows gadgets causing the problem).

So I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue or had it and if so how did you fix it?

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Duplicate Program Files

Nov 30, 2009

I performed a clean install of windows 7 ultimate x64 on a new hard drive and used windows easy transfer to carry along data such as photos and important documents from my previous 32-bit windows XP machine.

I used the Easy Transfer defaults for the file transfer, and transferred via a recently-reformatted external hard drive.

Here's the problem: I somehow ended up with an extra "Program Files" folder on my computer. The extra has some programs from the old machine in it and despite the merits (didn't have to reinstall world of warcraft as it runs fine from the old one), it's really beginning to irritate me! It contains non-working versions of office and a couple other games so I'd really like to clear it out.

Despite taking ownership, granting full control with the permissions, etc., I still get the message that I need permission to delete it. Only difference is now I need permission from myself instead of TrustedInstaller, despite the security tab saying that I have full control. I made sure the permissions were inherited to all the contents and even tried deleting individual components with no luck.

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Duplicate Processes Outlook?

Aug 5, 2011

We have installed new computers quad processors with windows 7 (Dont know if 32 or 64 bit)Anyhow, Microsoft 2010 came with these machines and we are having real problems with Outlook. in the Task Manager the process is duplicating maybe 3 or more times and sometimes the process is showing over 300,000kNow when I end the processeses from the task manager two of them will end and always one that will not and says access denied! this is usually the largest process. This is happening on two different machines.

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Cannot Duplicate In Sounds And Hardware

Dec 1, 2011

I connected my computer to my projector using hdmi to hdmi, I have no problem with "extend", "monitor only" except I cannot get "duplicate" in the sounds and hardware using windows 7.All I get is a distorted green screen.

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