Driver Is Missing Of Corrupted / Windows Not Booting

Nov 11, 2012

I wanted to uninstall zorin os- i am so stupid that i deleted the partitions in windows 7. when i restarted i was unable to boot anything- the error message came. no partitions grub rescue>. I thought i should reinstall Zorin OS to fix the problem- get the grub to load up- but then when i tried to install it there were no partitions to select from as i deleted them while i was in windows. and then i tried to create a partition during the installation process- it was taking so long and i was sick enough to shutdown my computer during that process. after i turned on my computer,trying to install it again but then in the installing process windows 7 was not showing up. i quited the process- shut down my computer.After, i used my windows 7 recovery disk and repaired the windows for issues. when it finished. i restarted my computer. i again faced the error : no partitions and grub rescue>. then i researched for some codes, typed them in but that didnt work either. Then i decided to install zorin os again, this time i done partitions in the installing process. there it selected about 87.91 gb for zorin os and the rest for windows 7. my total memory was 250 now for windows 7 144.76 was left. However, i still had 92.95 gb free where as the used is only 51.80. now after zorin os installed, i restarted the computer.However, now when i try to load windows 7 from the grub menu- (as in when i select the windows 7 option to boot up) i am forwarded with the message- 0xc0000225 driver is missing or corrupted. I can't even boot up in safe modes because they require this driver as well.

Then, when i boot in the recovery disk, it looks for error but cannot fix them. other than this, i tried to rebuild he BCD in the command-as for the first time i didn't really carry out the whole procedure-the second time when i try to rename the BCD it said duplicate file or something similar and and at the end, it still shows 0 installations. However, i am still able to access the hard drive of windows 7 in zorin os.

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Bootmgr.exe Missing... Mpio.sys Missing Or Corrupted. Unable To Boot?

Oct 28, 2011

I just got a computer for free, a Dell Studio 1555. When I got it, it would try to boot, then come to a screen that said that bootmgr.exe was missing. Sometimes I got a message that said something like mpio.sys was corrupted or missing. I have a Win 7 disk, so I put it in and tried to repair the installation. Each time I ran it, it said that the repair had failed. I tried to reinstall windows 7, and It made it to the first restart in the process. It showed the "Starting Windows" screen, but the colors of the windows logo never appeared, then I got the missing bootmgr screen. I decided to install Ubuntu and see if that worked, and it did (I installed it alongside the Windows installation). It was Ubuntu 10.04. I thought, "OK, so i'll just use this as a Linux machine"...and I decided to go back and reinstall so that I could use the entire hard drive. It never worked correctly again. Each subsequent time that I installed Ubuntu, I was told something along the lines of "Gnome Power Manager did not install correctly" and got a slow and choppy Ubuntu installation.Tried to install 11.10, and it failed completely. I opened the Ubuntu live from my usb drive, and opened the disk utility. I now cannot format, reformat, partition, or delete partitions on the drive. Is all of this just a case of a hard drive on its last legs, or is there something else going on here?

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$windows.~btwindowssystem32winload.exe Corrupted Or Missing

Oct 20, 2012

I have begun getting an error message on boot that that the file $windows.~btwindowssystem32winload.exe corrupted or missing. I've done the following:

1) Booted from Win7/64 Install (upgrade) disc and ran Repair System. No system errors found.

2) Booted from Win7/64 Install (upgrade) disc, opened command prompt and ran bootrec.exe /fixmbr, bootrec.exe /fixboot, and bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd.

3) Booted from Win7/64 Install (upgrade) disc, opened command prompt and ran chkdsk /f /r

4) Booted from Win7/64 Install (upgrade) disc, opened command prompt and ran sfc /scannow. For this program I keep getting a message there is a system repair pending which requires a reboot to complete. Reboot Windows and try again.If the Win7 disc is not in the CD/DVD drive there error returns.

This started appearing BEFORE I installed Ubuntu 12.10 on the H: drive (SATA0) while Win7/64 resides on the C: drive (SATA1). I had been running EasyBCD so I could dual boot Win7/32 but have since uninstalled it.

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Lots Of Windows 7 Files Have Been Corrupted Or Are Missing

Apr 15, 2011

I probably got overly ambitious with a disk cleanup utility and now several functions of windows 7 don't work. New updates don't install, other updates that I DID install are missing, I am unable to run certain games, and I can't run SFC /scannow.However virus scan updates appear to be fine.What is the best way to fix this? I have an old backup I did with Norton Ghost on disk but something is wrong with the second disk so I can't use to to reinstall the entire backup but I might be able to extract some old files if I knew which ones to extract. I am running Window Seven Home Premium. It is a legal copy. I got it directly from Microsoft. If I try to run SFC /scannow from Windows I cannot get it to show up or do anything. Its like I never did anything. If I try to run SFC /scannow from the boot CD using this command

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=f: /offwindir=f:windows

I get this error messge:

Windows Resource Protection Could not run the repair service IF I try to run the repair outlined here:[URL]I get an error saying Windows cannot find the file specified.My computer specs are

Drive C: W7 Home Premium 80GB NTFS (IDE)
Drive D: WinXP Pro sp2 80GB NTFS (IDE)
Drive E : Storage 80gb (IDE)
Drive F and G DVDR's


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Windows Startup Fails - Isapnp.sys Missing Or Corrupted

Mar 18, 2012

Laptop configuration:

Windows 7 64 bit Professional
Linux 11.04 (dual boot)
i7, 2Gb RAM.

The computer has been running fine for the last year. I am giving the series of events below:(Please note that linux is still running fine, so this cant be a hardware problem)##Today, when I started my laptop, it failed to start. It showed no error, its just that after the windows logo comes, it froze in a black screen with mouse cursor visible.###I forced restart, and then it gave me the option to repair, because windows was unable to start. ###I chose repair, and the repair program started "detecting problems". Then it gave me the option to either do a system restore or cancel. I chose system restore. ###I let it run for 3 hrs., but it seemed to make no progress, so I forced restart. (It didnt let me cancel also, said that current recovery process cannot be canceled)###I tried to enter safe mode this time, and was successful. I went to system restore, where it showed me an option to restore to an older point where I hadnt uninstalled a game (Assassin's creed Revelations)### For some reason, I didnt restore the system. I thought that maybe all this was a temporary problem. So I restarted normally, and tried starting windows the normal way. It failed. After the windows logo comes, there is a black screen with mouse pointer for a few seconds, then it automatically restarts. (this is what happened then, and also happens now)### I tried entering safe mode, but failed. Same thing started happening in safe mode also. Even though I opened safe mode successfully just a while ago.### I tried many times to start windows in safe mode and all its variants, but to no avail.### I tried many times with the startup repair option, but also to no avail. It always seemed that it would go on forever.

I dont have the windows 7 installation Cd or even the recovery CD. (how bad is that?). So I borrowed a recovery CD from a friend, who also has windows 7 64 bit, and booted from it. It said that the driver windows/system32/driver/isapnp.sys was missing or corrupt. It says that I need the installation CD and select repair. But I dont have the installation CD from which my windows was installed. I have two questions:

1. If I somehow ask around and get someone else's windows 7 64 bit installation disk, will it work? (Someone else's disk, from which my windows was not installed). I dont need to put in the key or something, do I? I dont even know the key. The laptop came with windows installed and everything.

2. Can I simply replace the file isapnp.sys in windows/system32/drivers folder through linux? I asked my friend to give me his isapnp.sys file (which was of the same size as mine, he also ran win7 64 bit). Replaced it, but it doesnt work. Is there some other place I should replace it too, or this method is not supposed to work?

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Winload.exe Missing Or Corrupted

Dec 26, 2012

I'm getting the winload.exe missing or corrupted error, and I can't seem to find a fix for it if you have an oem computer, and thus no installation disk. I cannot go to the startup repair option (pressing f8 while on the screen), it just does nothing.

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Missing/Corrupted Hal.dll File?

Jul 30, 2010

I started up my computer around an hour ago and found the following message; "The file system32/hal.dll is missing or the file." So, at a loss as I'm not a Tech-person in any yway, I turned to the internet and found, after several XP posts, some to do with Windows 7. I'm on 64-bit, and have tried inserting my installation disk as well as the system repair.I've looked at this, but seeing as I'm Windows 7 & not XP I can't see why it would work; Error Message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt I'm following another Microsoft guide that asked to me run a command in a command prompt, Bootrec.exe which in turn gave me 4 options, only I'm not sure which option to choose.

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Drivers Are Corrupted Or Missing (Code 39)

Oct 26, 2011

All my USB drives are gone. I get the message, "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)". One of the solutions I saw was to remove any UpperFilter and LowerFilter keys in two registry values. I did that, disabled and enabled the drives but still no go. I also ran Microsoft Fixit but it was useless.

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XP Boot Error: Missing Or Corrupted File System32driverpci.sys

Dec 2, 2011

I converted an old XP machine to a VHD with disk2vhd. Once imported into virtual pc the machine starts up but fails before booting with the message: missing or corrupted file: system32driverpci.sys

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Error 0x80070241 - File Is Corrupted Or Missing And Installation Cannot Continue

Oct 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64 bit and I'm trying to upgrade to 7. I bought the college copy so I only have the download, no DVD.

When I get to like 10% of installation I get error 0x80070241, and it says that a file is corrupted or missing and installation cannot continue.

I know everyone hates n00bs who ask questions that have already been answered, and I did google this first (and call Microsoft), but the results I found on google went right over my head and Microsoft was not helpful at all (I shot them off an e-mail thinking I might get better service that way, but they haven't responded yet.)

Anyway, what can I do? I really really want Vista off my computer but it like refuses to die lol.

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Missing Modul When Booting Up?

Nov 11, 2012

I just recently got this message upon starting up my computer: The specified modul could not be found:C:UsersSallyAppdataLocalMicrosoft Help Microsoft Gameshebvd.dllThe only program change in the past two months was an update dowload for Java.Any suggestions on what's going on?I've got a Dell Inspiron 580S, Windows 7 Home Premium, 6GB [RAM], 64-bit OS.

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After Booting System Repair Disc, Error 0xc000000d Winload.exe Missing?

Jul 10, 2012

I'm trying to restore my Windows 7 64bit machine to its factory settings at the moment, and I've tried the following but they've all failed.1.) Boot up and hit F8, select Repair computer, but then it just boots Windows normally.2.) Create System Repair Disc, and from BIOS boot-up, choose boot from DVD-RW, but when it does that and loads Windows files, Error 0xc000000d and winload.exe missing comes up.3.) When I tried to insert the installation disc that came with my computer, it's not recognized and nothing happens (during boot from DVD-RW).*Note - Just today when I tried to do a system restore, it said that I had no previous restore points, but I just restored a week ago, so that might add some info.

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Missing Operating System - Booting From Installation Disc Doesn't Work?

May 6, 2012

Firstly I should say that I am primarily a mac user, and it is not my laptop I am posting about. Although I am reasonably knowledgable about Windows, I haven't used it since XP, about four years ago, and so am pretty rusty.Basically, my girlfriends computer randomly turned off about a week ago, she assumed it was a dead battery, plugged it in, and then when it turned back on it wouldn't boot displaying error message: missing operating system.As it is a Dell laptop it didn't come with any installation discs, and I totally forgot to even make a repair disc when we got the laptop. I managed to get hold of a Windows 7 Installation Disc and license key for Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit through my university. I think the laptop was previously running Windows 7 Home Premium, but that's all I know, and I'm not entirely sure of that fact.

Anyway, burnt the .iso to disc and have tried to boot several times from DVD Drive. The laptop loads the files from the DVD fine, and gets as far as the "Starting Windows" screen, where it seems to get stuck for a few minutes, until it becomes a black screen with just a cursor (the cursor still moves). This also happens with an 64 bit repair DVD I also managed to get hold of.

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Driver Update Corrupted Laptop

Nov 3, 2009

I installed Driver Utility and it was installing 2 new drivers and a littler earlier there was a Windows update popup and it had to restart so I hit postpone for 4 hours

and so I left it to finish installing the 2 drivers and I checked on it 30 min later and it started restarting and then it showed the specs for the laptop and then it gets to a menu (all black background) and the options are

Launch Startup Repair

which finds no problems


Start Windows Normally

which just shows the specs and ends up on this screen

I tried doing a System Restore and it didn't even do anything from that

and I ran a diagnostics and I also got nothing

so does anyone know how to fix this?

this is Windows 7 Ultimate

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HP 1018 Driver Corrupted -- Unable To Uninstall

Aug 16, 2012

The driver for my HP 1018 has become corrupted and I tried to reinstall it. However, when I tried to uninstall the existing driver via the HP Print and Scan Doctor it informed me that I must uninstall it via the Windows Control Panel, as its uninstaller component is not present.

However, there is no mention of the HP program on the Control Panel. I tried using the Microsoft Fixit program, but as HP was not listed it asked me to insert the Product Code. Where can I find that?

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Driver For This Device Might Be Corrupted Or Your System May Be Running Low

May 18, 2012

I own a Dell latitude D820 laptop. It had been left on, and I noticed the screen was black so rebooted it. When it came back online I was no longer able to use the keyboard or built in touch pad. I was however able to use a wireless USB mouse and keyboard so I can use the laptop and get online with it. I checked device manager and it shows several items with errors including the DVD drive so I cannot reinstall windows. The error for each item is "The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources. (Code 3)"It doesn't even see the DVD drive in my computer. I did a little bit of research and found a site that suggested I am missing an important file called wdf01000. I did try and do a system restore, but the only restore point available was from midnight the night before and it didn't fix the problem.As a last resort I might attempt to locate an external USB DVD drive, but I'm hoping to not go in that direction if possible.Running Windows 7 32 bit version.

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Windows 7 Not Booting After Graphics Driver Installation?

Oct 14, 2012

I've got an Asus P8Z77V Motherboard with an Intel I3 - 2120 processor and 6GB Corsair DDR3 Ram.After I installed the drivers i got on the mobo installation CD, Windows (32 bit Ultimate) just refused to boot. I then went into safe mode uninstalled the graphic drivers and Windows then started up. I am looking to install the graphic drivers as my videos are lagging.

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Dvd Driver Missing For Windows 7

Jul 17, 2011

i have download dvd driver for window7

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DVD Driver Missing In Windows 7?

Jul 21, 2011

Where can I download driver for D drive

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Missing Cd/dvd Driver Windows 7?

Dec 18, 2012

Cant perform a freah win7 install, HD is formated to simple. Used Ide, Raid and ACHI in bois. M/B M4a77tusb3. Keep coming up with this problem. Downloaded drivers for 7 sata drives, on usb stick still get no drivers.

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Cd Dvd Driver Missing Windows 7?

Feb 17, 2013

CD DVD will not burn or play

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Windows Phone Driver Missing

Dec 23, 2012

My company recently gave me an Windows 8 phone (Nokia Lumia 920). It's a great phone but when I plug it into my Windows 7 "N Edition" laptop it cannot find drivers for it. My wife's Vista laptop, however, does.

I've heard that downloading the Zune software should instal them, but Zune won't install because it can't find Media Player.It would be great if I could just download the Windows Phone drivers from Microsoft, but for some reason that's just not possible.

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Missing Sound Driver Windows 7

Jan 26, 2012

i have a question and any help would be appreciated.i have windows 7. my mom used my comp and somehow she uninstalled the sound max sound driver is there a way to reinstall this without having to buy a new driver? update driver tells me i already have the latest update but the driver is missing and not working obviously.

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Windows 7 Device Driver Missing?

Jan 30, 2011

"A required CD/DVD device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVDm or USB flash drive, please insert it now. Note. If the windows installation media is in the drive, you can safely remove it for this step."

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ODBC Driver Missing In Windows 7

Jun 1, 2011

ODBC driver for Oracle is missing in my laptop running Windows 7.When I try to add a DSN, it's throwing up an error saying that ODBC driver not found please reinstall how can I reinstall it ?

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Windows Will Not Boot, Possible HDD Driver Missing?

Oct 30, 2012

I'm having an issue on my HP dm4-3090se Beats Edition laptop with Windows 7. It was working perfectly yesterday, but all of a sudden, it will not boot past the Windows Boot Manager. It gives an error:Quote :Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your language settings and then click "Next".3. Click "Repair your computer".If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

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Windows 7 A Device Driver Missing

Feb 16, 2013

The driver for my Sony Camcorder TRV60E willnot work with Windows 7

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Booting Hangs Infinitely At "windows Loading", Caused By Driver?

May 9, 2012

Computer Stats: 2009 Macbook Pro running Windows 7 Ultimate x32 via boot camp, all drivers up to date as of last night, no non-factory parts or tampering with any system files. Issue: Around a month ago, I noticed my laptop freeze up whenever I left it unattended for more than half an hour. Sometimes it would lag for 30 seconds or so and then be fine, sometimes I would have to reboot entirely. This happened again two days ago and upon rebooting it became stuck during the animation at the "windows loading" screen. I restarted and used F8 to pull up the advanced boot menu, chose "system repair", and it went through two loading screens before presenting a black screen of death that never seems to change. Booting in safe mode works, which I've used to scour the internet for fixes and ways to get incredibly drunk. Attempted Fixes: A full system virus scan (duration: 13 hours) with Kaspersky, Malware Bytes, and Panda. Nothing was returned save a few false-positives from torrents (only trusted trackers, nothing dodgy file-wise). Used the "repair my computer" option at F8'd start-up multiple times to no avail. Used "sfc/scannow" twice, which downloaded some windows updates but didn't fix anything. Yelled really loudly at computer and raised my hand as if to smack it, intimidating it into submission but not fixing core issue.

Here is the result of my bootlog, but before that I'll note that it hangs on "Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS" for about thirty seconds when loading in safe mode. I thought that might have been the root and downloaded another copy of classpnp.sys, but again it didn't change anything:

Quote: Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS
Did not load driver @hal.inf,%acpiapic.devicedesc%;ACPI x86-based PC
Did not load driver @battery.inf,%*compbatt.devicedesc%;Microsoft Composite Battery
Did not load driver @battery.inf,%*compbatt.devicedesc%;Microsoft Composite Battery


edit: I made a system recovery disk and attempted to use both its automatic fix feature and its "detect memory problems" feature. Both came back completely fine. Nothing has changed.

edit: Startup Repair has verified that the root cause is a driver. However, I've no idea which one. Surely that's contained somewhere in the bootlog.

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A Required CD/DVD Device Driver Is Missing If You Have A Driver On A Floppy Disk

Jun 15, 2012

trying to install Windows 7 .iso disk image on my macpro Lion.....for using VMware Fusion 4 on my Mac.

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Vaio VGN-FW21Z DVD-Rom Missing Driver On Windows 7

Mar 4, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FW21Z Laptop, i bought it with Windows Vista installed on it but i changed the windows to Windows 7 and now the dvd-rom doesn't work anymore.
I have read on internet that the problem can be from the drivers. I can't find any driver for windows 7 for my dvd-rom.

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