Crysis Is Overclocking My HD & Freezing?

Nov 24, 2012

Toshiba Satelite i7 3D Q series.Crysis & Crysis Warhead tend to overclock my hard drive to the point of freezing both screen & HD. It works on HP Presario 700 fair. Tried everything but, it seems that it wants to use the HD to process and not the pagefile, and that, I can't even find in the files. Everything else runs normal. Checked using Performance program. I know Directx10 is a pain but, my diagnosis using DXDiag says that it uses DX11 & I have a large pagefile?Hid the fxc files for the program so as it could not use them but, again, it still suffers the same fate?

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Crysis Game Not Working

Oct 30, 2009

My little brother purchased Windows 7 and did an upgrade install without doing a fresh install. He lost all of his old game installs and now isn't able to play any of them. We found the folders in windows.old, but none of the games are working. We are trying to get Crysis to work and looked in the registry for the serial key and we couldn't find it. Why couldn't windows have found a better way of doing the upgrade install?

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Screen Flickering In Crysis 2?

Oct 11, 2011

Before the problem, here are the specs: I have 6870 CFX6GB 1666 MHZand I7 965 ExtremeI have Crysis 2 (original, not skidrow not reloaded and etc) and it worked great 2 months ago. Now I want to play it again and this is what I get, but 25 times worse:[URL]

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Crysis 2 And 3DMark Won't Start Up

Mar 7, 2012

I just bought a new Clevo P150HM about 2 weeks ago. Since then, I've played Shogun 2: TW (with DirectX 11 enabled), NFS: Hot Pursuit, Rage, Crysis, CoD: MW2 and Mass Effect all without problems. In the first couple of days, I also ran 3DMark06 and was able to go through the whole test without any problems.Recently, I tried running 3DMark11 and for some reason, it wouldn't start. I'd see the little blue circle next to the mouse spinning a little bit and then it'd disappear and nothing would happen. A quick look in the Task Manager shows me that it's not running at all. I then tried PCMark Vantage and the same thing happened. Then I went back and tried 3DMark06 and the same thing is happening with that too now. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing the programs as well as uninstalling my GFX card drivers as well as doing a Driver Sweep and then re-installing the drivers but still the same thing. My games still worked fine though.But now I've just installed Crysis 2 and it appears to be having the same problem. All my other games are working fine though. What could be causing this? I have DirectX11 installed as well as the latest Catalyst drivers installed. [code]

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BSOD Playing Crysis Windows 7 X64?

Jan 2, 2012

Got a random BSOD playing Crysis last night, this error only occurs in Crysis, no other games. Had every setting on Very High which was putting a high load on the PC.

PC Specs:-

ASUS Sabertooth 990FX Motherboard
750W True Power Modular PSU
2x MSI Radeon R6850 Power O/C Edition (in Crossfire) (12.1 Preview Drivers)
2x WD50000AX 500GB HDD
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate Edition

All hardware between 2 weeks and 3 months old.

Bluescreen view:

Dump File : 010212-34242-01.dmp
Crash Time : 02/01/2012 02:22:36
Bug Check Code : 0x1000007e


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Game Crysis Warhead Freezes

Dec 28, 2009

Game was working fine 2 days ago when I last played. Now it starts up as normal but when I load the level where I left off it freezes at 82%. Error message says AppCrash etc...

I tried starting at previous levels but they don't work either. I haven't running any scans or anything so I can't think why it went from working fine to not working?

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Updated Windows 7 Won't Let Play Crysis 2.?

Apr 15, 2011

After I updated my Windows 7, I clicked the Crysis 2 icon and the message popped up: ""crysis 2 (TM) has stopped working." I believe it's something has to do with the update preventing me to play C2.

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How To Start The Game Crysis 2 Pc After Install

Feb 8, 2013

i install crysis 2 but when i click join mach don"t start the game please tell me what i should do for bigining

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Game Crysis Gameplay / Choppy When Played

Jul 25, 2009

First off lemme give you a few specs of my computer in case you can determine right off what the problem is

Gateway - model GT5656

AMD Athlon 64 X 2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3GHz


GeForece 8600 GT graphics

Wide screen HD monitor currently at 1440 x 900 resolution

Okay now the problem is when i play Crysis even on MEDIUM i get laggy/choppy gameplay and i checked the fps (this was a long time ago) i don't remember what they were but just that they were skipping around. I don't know that much about gaming but i figured more ram might help, plus i wanted more ram regardless because my downloads are only like 400kb/s.

I already ordered enough ram so that my total will be 6GB. Yes i know that i will have to take the other stick out bla bla bla i already calculated that. I'm not 100% sure how good quality it is but this is what i bought: 2GB PC4200 533MHz DDR2 SINGLE STICK 2GB PC-2 4200 RAM - eBay (item 130315129371 end time Jul-26-09 01:02:12 PDT)

Anyways getting to the point, tomorrow i will have enough to buy another one of those to have a total of 7GB ram is it worth it? will a 1GB increase even help that much? (and yes I'm running 64 bit)

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How To Play Crysis Warhead In 32bit With NVidia

Sep 7, 2012

I am unable to play crysis warhead with my 3.30 ghz processor n 2gb ram n 500 gb hard disk with nvidia geforce 210 which is of 1gb.

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While Playing Crysis 2 Pc Hangs And Starts Showing Colors

Sep 10, 2011

When i start playing my crysis 2 after 2 minutes my pc hangs and starts showing colors. Other games like fifa 11, mafia 2, brink, crysis warhead, crysis, gta4 work perfectly fine.


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Overclocking AMD CPU?

Nov 14, 2011

My Mother board has this capability of ''unlocking'' cores on my Athlon II X3 445, from 3 cores to 4... but the problem is, it resets the number of cores everytime i restart my pc... is there any way i can keep 4 cores unlocked at any time given?

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What Is Overclocking ?

Dec 8, 2009

I noticed your saying or whatever it's called at the bottom of your posts. What is "overclocking"? Does it speed your system? I have a XP Pro laptop that needs speed badly. It only has 1GB RAM, and it dual boots with Win 2K Pro, a slow startup system. Tell me more about it.

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Overclocking The Cpu For Q6600

Mar 1, 2011

I am thinking of overclocking my current cpu therefore I have got my self a new heatsink and fan. However I am kinda of an armature so I am worried replacing the heatsink. The only problem is that I don't have any cleaner to fully clean the old thermal paste so I wanted to ask is it recommended that one should clean it properly and if so can i use a white spirit to remove the old layer of thermal paste. Please post your suggestion or I will have to wait another few days for the alchol based cleaner

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Overclocking An AMD 5770

Jun 14, 2011

Will I actually gain anything out of overclocking an AMD 5770? What's the easiest, most trouble-free way of doing it? I'm thinking AMD overdrive in CCC and letting it automatically detect my settings.

Not sure if it helps but I can turn my fans on my case (Antec 900) up high, if that may help with heat. I've also overclocked my CPU from 3.0ghz --> 3.4ghz and it runs fine so far.

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Overclocking Gtx 550 Ti On Windows 7?

Sep 14, 2012

Should I overclock my gtx 550ti? and how much? would I notice a difference? How would I do this? Could you guys answer these for me? I also have a i7 3770k, and 16gb ram.Not sure about the psu how would I check?

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Overclocking MHz In Bios?

Jan 10, 2013

I have windows 7 with nVidia GeForce GTX 660M I'm trying to overclock the MHz above the default setting of 10,000.But when I try to raise the MHz it automatically raises it self to 11111 and when I select "Exit And Save" It never saves.If this matters any my computer also has Intel HDGraphics that it uses when I'm not gaming, but when I am gaming it automatically switches to nVidia.

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CPU Overclocking Memory

Nov 4, 2009

I just got into windows 7 around 2 weeks ago as almost the same time as I got my new rams, OCZ Dual Channel Gold PC2 8500-5-6-6-18. Before getting time, I've tried some overclock but it never showed in windows but right after I got them, I pushed the FSB to 266( running E5200 2.5ghz) to try to match the rams speed. My question is: Is there a reason why windows only shows it when my FSB is at 266, otherwise at 240, it doesn't show but only in CPU-Z.

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How To: Overclocking Your AMD Processor ?

Feb 23, 2009

Tom’s Hardware readers know all about overclocking, of course. In fact, many processor and graphics card reviews would be deemed incomplete without coverage of overclocking potential. Indeed, articles such as the System Builder Marathon series have a long history of specifically valuing performance achieved through overclocking rather than just through stock performance.

If you already consider yourself an enthusiast, pardon a bit of background here--we'll get into the nitty-gritty technical stuff in just a second.

What exactly is overclocking? In a nutshell, the term is used to describe running a component at a higher speed than its specification in an attempt to increase performance. Various computer components can be overclocked, including the processor, memory, and graphics card. And the degree of overclocking can include anything from simply procuring small gains from an inexpensive component all the way to seeking a level of performance way beyond what could even be purchased at that point in time.

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PC Doesn't Boot After Too Much Overclocking

Sep 8, 2012

I love games, but what i mostly love about them is their beauty, the graphics and that realistic crap, But if i Play games like Skyrim or L.A. Noire, i get Lag, (Only on Highest Settings)

Heres some of my specs:

Dual GeForce GTS 450s I also have SLI for the 2 cards (are there very expensive SLI bridges that can boost my performance?) 16GBs of Ram (4x8gb) Asus Rampage IV Extreme Motherboard Intel i7 CPU 3.6GHz And 2 Shitty Hard Drives (1 around 350gb and 2nd around 120gb) I have about a 900Watt powersupply that handles crap fine, The Hard drives are both old and slow, im not sure if they are bringing my performance down

So one day, i decided to do some overclocking, i started up the BIOS and i overclocked shit to the max, but then i clicked save and exit and my PC was basicly like this:

I push power button: PC turns on for 20 secs, then turns off i wait about 4 secs and PC starts again, i wait another 15-20 secs and PC turns off again, i wait and nothing happens, The if i push power button again it all repeats,

Basicly after Overclocking my PC doesn't Start, My problem isn't the PC not starting because i can fix that with a awesome reset button on my motherboard,

What i want is to be able to do Overclocking without having my PC restart itself and not manage to stay on for half a minute

NOTE: I reset my motherboard and went into BIOS again, and i had everything on default which works fine, and then i set a few things higher, nothing much, just things that would add a very small amount to my FPS, but still the PC decides not to work!

NOTE: I still had this problem back when i had a single graphics card and about 4gbs of ram,

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How To See If Your System Is Stable While Overclocking?

Jul 8, 2012

I'm very new to overclocking and I'm really bad at it. I can't overclock higher than 5 %. It is not because my hardware is bad because I can auto overclock to 29 % without any trouble. For my cpu I can adjust 10 voltages and I really don't understand it anymore. Can anybody explain me why there are multiple voltages in the cpu and which voltage does what

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How To Overclocking CPU & Change RAM Timing

Oct 24, 2012

I used AMD Athlon II X2 260 and 2GB 1333Mhz RAM. I plan to overclocking it via FSB on BIOS and change my RAM timing so I can use 1600Mhz RAM, but I dunno where and how.

The only thing I know is increase bus speed and change the timings to 8,8,8,24.

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Overclocking Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H?

Dec 15, 2012

am after a Tutorial for overclocking my Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H.

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Overclocking Athlon II X4 Chip

Oct 9, 2009

I just wanted to post up my results for OCing the new Athlon II X4 620 chip. I purchased it last week from and received my cooler a couple of days ago. I took some time today to play with it a bit to see what I could squeeze out of it ...

Athlon II X4 620

Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7 Rev. 2 cooler

Bus : 270MHz

Multiplier : x13

HT/NB Multiplier : x8 (default is 10)

HT/NB MHz : 2160MHz

Memory : 900MHz (x3.33)

CPU : 3.510MHz

CoreV : 1.45v

Overall I am very happy given I only took about an hour to tweak things in the BIOS. The stock speed is 2.6GHz, and I plan to get it to 3.6GHz when I have more time on Sunday.

Not bad for a $99 chip

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Overclocking Intel E5400

Nov 7, 2009

I was thinking of overclocking my Intel E5400 cpu and wanted to know how easy it would be and how higih it can go. I also have a utility on my pc from foxconn which allows me to over clock it automatically would it be worth just doing that to be on the safe side?

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CPU Overclocking Destroyed Windows 7

Dec 16, 2012

I was overclocking my C2D E7500 and I had forgot to boot into windows every time I just went to the post screen and after I had gotten the cpu to 4Ghz/1.4VCore. I tried to boot into windows and it said that "windows failed to start a recent hardware or software change might be the cause" so I thought that the overclock was to high so I turned it down all the way to default and it still says the same thing the last software I put on it was coretemp to check my cpu temp for the overclock. I don't know what to do I'm kinda scared that I damaged the cpu or worse.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Recent BSOD's NO Gaming / No Overclocking

Feb 25, 2012

I've had two recent BSOD's this month. My HP Pavillion Elite Core i7, 750GB, 8 GB, is 2 1/2 years old. Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Prior to the BSOD's, I have recently installed Office 365, and am using Lync and Sharepoint. I've also recently hooked up a new Western Digital External 2TB, USB 2.0/3.0 to back up my data using Windows Backup. I have not left the external drive connected.

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AMD A6-3400M QuadCore 1.4Ghz Overclocking

Sep 23, 2011

just wanted to ask, if anyone by any chance has tried overclocking the new AMD's A6-3400M QuadCore 1.4Ghz. I've read somewhere that it can easily be set up to go 2.1 or even 2.3Ghz. I have never done any overclocking myself, so I'd also like to know which program or where in BIOS can this be done and are there any risks inlvolved.. its a new laptop so I do go overclocking only if its a safe thing to do.

PS. I've also read that this processor has in reality been underclocked.. to cut on voltage, power consumption, so essentially its a 'natural candidate'.

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Does Overclocking Shorten The Life Of Processor

Oct 27, 2011

does overclocking shorten the life of processor or anythings?

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Overclocking System AND Graphic Card?

Dec 27, 2011

Q. Is it safe/stable to overclock system and in addition to that also overclock graphic card.? How to be sure for stability. previous Gr. Card HD 4350 died I suspect because I did little overclocking in system ( as now) and then in graphic card was on AUto Tune, overdrice. Graphic card showed erratic behaviour after couple of hours completely died. My system specs briefly:ASUS P5QPL PRO Q9400 2GB CORSAIR DDR2 Dual Channel.Graphic card: SAPPHIRE RADEON HD 6850 GDDR5 1GB.I have done little overclocking on system, some initial steps only. then in catalyst it is set to :Enable Graphic overdrive. 775 MHZ for GPU and 1GHz for GDDR5. these values I got through Auto Tune.

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