Create Task To Open Printer?

Jan 29, 2013

How can I create a task to 'open a printer, print the test page at that specific printer and then shut down the printer' ?

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Task Scheduler - Create New Task

Jul 16, 2009

How to Create a Automated Task that Runs at a Set Time in Windows 7 ?

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How To Create Task For MSE Scan

Sep 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a scheduled task that will wake my computer weekly to run a Security Essentials full scan. Apparently, the MSE scheduler does not wake the computer for scans but DOES put the computer to sleep during a scan if the sleep timer is set for less time than the scan requires (mine is).I have created a new Win 7 (64-bit) account to run the task because of apparent conflicts with doing so in the other user account. The main problem I'm having involves the "details" column of the "Actions" tab in the task properties; I don't know what to enter as the path for the MSE full scan so I can't tell Windows what program to start.

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Task - Create To Run A Program At Startup And Log On

Jun 21, 2010

How to Create a Task to Run a Program at Startup and Log On in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Schedule Manager (Create Task)?

Apr 14, 2012

i am looking for instructions to setup a new task. I haven't used the schedule manager before, but if your clear on explanations, I am an IT Technical Support - so I'll know what your talking about...I want to be able to setup a new task in which..When I go through my 'External Hard Drive' (browsing through folders) when I open a specific folder, I want a windows notification to appear on the screen with a message.I have been browsing through the commands for a few hours now and am unsure which option to select and how to properly set this up.

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Create A Scheduled Task - VLC Movie Player

Jun 11, 2012

I have been trying to get VLC media player to launch a video at a set time however I can't figure it out at all.

I've got the command down that launches the program, but there is nothing in the documentation that informs me what switch or option is used after the command to specify which video file to use.

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Task Manager - Create Elevated Shortcut

May 19, 2009

How to Create a Elevated Windows 7 Task Manager Shortcut ?

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Create Windows 7 Protection Point With Task Scheduler?

Jul 10, 2011

what program to execute in order to create a protection point from a scheduled task?

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Create An Undeletable Scheduled Task For A Standard Account?

Apr 18, 2012

Is is possible for an administrator to create a Scheduled Task for a standard user and prevent the standard user from deleting the task? If yes, can you explain or post a link to a tutorial?

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Task Manager Will Not Open

Dec 15, 2010

task manager will not open. I looked at old post but nothing there worked

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Task Manager Not Able To Open

Dec 30, 2012

i'm having recurring problems with PC freezing. I originally though it was when the PC went into stand-by, but turned that off and issue continued. Ctrl+Alt+del : get error message saying task manager not able to open, turn off using power switch. As nothing responds that is what I do. Checked anti-virus, and have run various scans, no problems reported. I have tried using different web browsers and the problem even occurred even when no browser open. Music continued playing until end of track. Have updated drivers, no overheating problems, PC 1 year old; MB: ASRock H67DE3; CPU: intel i5 2500; 8Go RAM; Windows 7 64-bits; ssd 64 Go (14.5 Go free); 1 To SATA 6Gb/s hard drive (840 Go free). Had no orblems until this last month. What proceedure can I take?

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Cannot Open Folder Or Continue Task Because File Or Folder Is Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I just got a new Samsung RC420 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium edition OS. When I was installing a software last night, a message pops up and tells me I cannot continue installation until I close a certain program (in this case it was Adobe Updater, which was not opened at all).Today, I am trying to open "my briefcase" from a USB thumb, but a message pops up telling me I cannot open "my briefcase" as it appears a file in it is already open. But nothing else is open on my computer. It was my first time opening anything from the USB thumb.

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Programs Don't Install Until Open Task Manager

Jun 6, 2012

Windows 7 64 bit on a Dell Inspiron.

Not a major problem -- more of a minor irritation and an "I wonder if anyone else has struck this...?"

Whenever installing a program lately (can't remember how long -- I've been ignoring it for a while), Windows doesn't respond when I click the .exe installer file. But as soon as I hit Ctrl - Alt - Del and open the Task Manager, Windows suddenly wakes up and installs the program without a hitch. I don't have to do anything in Task Manager; simply opening it is enough. Also, the computer hasn't crashed in this state. If I want to open another already-installed program and use it, I can without any problems. It's just that it completely ignores my command to run the .exe file until I threaten it with Task Manager.

The first couple of times, before I thought of opening Task Manager, I'd double click the .exe file several thousand times, as you do, wondering why it wasn't doing anything. Then, when I opened the Task Manager, it'd try to install the program several thousand times. Now I know to simply double click the .exe file, then hit Ctrl - Alt - Del, and voila, the program is installed.

What I want to know is, why doesn't Windows install the program in the first place?

FYI, the programs I was having trouble with were (from memory) Dropbox, Skype, memoQ (translation memory software) and a few others I can't remember. I doubt that the programs were the problem though. I'm pretty sure this is a Windows problem.

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Windows 7 32bit - Unable To Open Task Manager

Nov 25, 2012

I just noticed that I cannot open my task manager anymore, I right clicked on my task bar and click on Start task manager and nothing happens, did also the CTRL + ALT + DEL then click on Start task manager still nothing, no recent changes made in computer or newly installed programs.

Operating system windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit
AMD Dual Core 2.8 Ghz

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Skype Will Not Stay Open When Asked To Perform Any Task

Jan 1, 2012

I have windows 7 prof. I play a game called Kalonline, another called Forsaken World, and use skype and Imesh, as well. They have all been subject to occasional shutdown, but now the Skype in particular will not stay open when you ask it to perform any kind of task. It is, as such, useless.

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Taskbar Freezes On Bootup And Unable To Open Task Manager?

Oct 28, 2012

This just happened before I restarted the computer and did the Last Known Good Configuration for it to boot up without freezing.Before this, I had some problems with the screen turning black with an active mouse for a few seconds before going to the desktop (after Welcome Screen).[CODE]

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New Custom Built Gaming PC Freezing Randomly - Cannot Open Task Manager

Nov 29, 2012

I recently bought a new custom built gaming PC and it works fine in terms of performance. I've had the PC for just over a week and on two occasions I have had the problem where the PC would just completely freeze to the extent that I can't open task manager, move the mouse and the keyboard would stop working. Also the Skype call I was in would just stop. This would force me to have to reboot my PC using the button on the tower to shut it down. So far the two occasions have happened when I'm not actually on a game and when the problems did happen I was using two different programs. The first occasion I was on OpenOffice and the second occasion. I was just browsing using Firefox so I don't think it is program specific.

Here are my specs:
Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.4ghz
8gb 1333mhz ram
Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium
Gainward GTX 660ti
Asus P8Z77-V LX Motherboard
600w Xigmatek PSU

The first crash happened two days after owning the new pc, the second crash happened today. Is there anyway I could access a crash log?

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Unable To Get Printer Failure Detail On Taskbar.chk Task-mgr Property

Jan 3, 2012

I am not getting printer failure detail on taskbar.chk task-mgr property?

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Make Batch File That Task Scheduler Can Open At Certain Time To Close Chosen Program

May 4, 2011

I don't really know a better way to describe it, but I want to make a batch file that Task Scheduler can open at a certain time to close a chosen program.

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Create A Hotkey To Open A Certain Folder?

Jun 28, 2011

If I have a folder that usually takes a bit of navigation to get to (don't want any shortcuts on my desktop either as I don't have any shortcuts or icons on my desktop) is it possible to assign some sort of key to instantly open it? Such as holding down CTRL+ALT+184 on the num pad and it will open up that folder. Can it be done?

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How To Create A DC For A Printer In Windows 7

Jul 26, 2012

So many confusing things for the printer by Microsoft.I don't do "C". I don't need a Dialog box.I don't need "MFC".Just want a DC to use with EnumPrinters.I have it working in MASM32 but am having no luck in GoAsm.Been all over the place on the Microsoft page but have not been able to find what I need. When I look in my Win.Ini file I see nothing relating to printers.

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Way To Create An Automated Task Or Automated Rule

Jun 26, 2011

i would like to know if their is a way to create an automated task or automated rule, to be able to do something like once i close a web browser the computer would automatically clear dns.I'm pretty sure i can use the task scheduler as this would be even triggered.

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Possible To Create Shortcuts That Open More Than One Program Options

Nov 20, 2009

I'm wondering if it's possible to create or modify shortcuts that will open more than one thing. For instance I would like to open "tech overview" from my computer and it would open:
1: Control Panel
2: Manage Computer
3: System
4: Device Manager

And hopefully I would be able to add or remove things from the list to make it even more modified over time. Another example would be to open "my website" from my computer and it would open:
1: Explorer view of camera shot images
2: Explorer view of htdocs for the website
3: Explorer view of images directory
4: Explorer view of recent downloads
5: Dreamweaver

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Unresponsive And Freezing Windows (can't Open Task Manager, Can't Close Windows)

Jul 3, 2012

My computer is very unresponsive with hangs which can last up to several minutes where nothing is clickable, the mouse is movable, I can hover over desktop icons and see the outline register, but when I click, for example to open my computer, it will start the freezing.Task manager does not open, saying with an error message:"Failure to display security and shut down options The logon process was unable to display security and logon options when ctrl alt delete was pressed. If the operating system does not respond, press ESC or restart the computer by using the power switch."I checked performance monitor and there is no noticeable hardware issue, which makes me believe it's either the PSU or motherboard. I took out the ram one by one and tested the system and the same thing happens.My most likely guess is that the power supply is failing, and this is just early symptoms of that. I already had a power supply fail on this computer 2 years ago, but at that time it would shut the computer down unexpectedly.I removed viruses, spyware, and did all the basics. This is a fresh system install.

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Creating A Task Scheduler Task To Move Files Over A Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i need to have a task run that will move the contents of a folder from one computer to another over my home LAN. Files get downloaded during the night on one computer and then need to be transfered to another. Usually I am doing this by hand, but then though maybe I could get the task scheduler to do it for me.I understand how to create a task, however I am having trouble with the action tab. I was thinking that I should start windows explorer (where is explorer located for win 7 x64 machines?) under the action tab, but once I do this I am not sure how to tell explorer to check the source folder, select all the files in it and then move it to the target folder.

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Cannot Open Add Printer

Nov 19, 2009

I just installed this clean, via retail version. All seems to be going okay except that every time I try to add a printer, it tells me:

>>Windows can't open Add Printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.<<

And many attempts to do this via the services menu seems to go okay but when I try to add printer again = same result; also after making the change via services menu and then restarting = same result;

(Windows 7 Professional; 64-bit installation)

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Missing Task In Task Scheduler After Computer Name Change?

Apr 11, 2012

Setting up a new Windows 7 install and goofed up the computer name and didnt immediately notice. I had already setup a task to run upon logon when I noticed that the PC's name was all jacked. So I changed the pc's name and rebooted. After reboot the task disappeared from the task scheduler list but still runs. Is there anyway to remove this ghost task when it is no longer visible in the task scheduler?I thought about changing the name back temporarily to see if the task would show up but I have no idea what that name was, so that is not an option.

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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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Windows Can't Open Add Printer

Aug 18, 2011

I cant print to my brother multi function printer....I accidently deleted my permissions?

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Kill A Task Using A Task Scheduler On Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

programme a task scheduler to kill a programme at a specific time on wwwin7 other that using softwares like kill task

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