Create A Scheduled Task - VLC Movie Player

Jun 11, 2012

I have been trying to get VLC media player to launch a video at a set time however I can't figure it out at all.

I've got the command down that launches the program, but there is nothing in the documentation that informs me what switch or option is used after the command to specify which video file to use.

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Create An Undeletable Scheduled Task For A Standard Account?

Apr 18, 2012

Is is possible for an administrator to create a Scheduled Task for a standard user and prevent the standard user from deleting the task? If yes, can you explain or post a link to a tutorial?

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Movie Made With Windows Movie Maker Won't Play On DVD Player

Jun 22, 2012

I have made my first movie on the windows movie maker. I burned the DVD and it will play on a computer but will not play on my blue ray player.(blue ray player will play regular and blue ray dvd's)

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How To Run Scheduled Task When Pc Is Off

Oct 27, 2012

How do run scheduled task when pc is off?

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Scheduled Task Not Running

Jun 25, 2012

Scheduled Task not running when "run whether user is logged on or not" option is selected? Is this an issue/bug in windows 7?

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Setting Up A Scheduled Task?

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to use the free program FreeFileSync to do a nightly back up of some files and have had some trouble setting up the job. The syntax for the job would be "FreeFileSync myjob.batch" run from the utilities location.I set the trigger to 2am each day, with the action to start the program from its location with the batch job file which is located in the same folder being the argument. Under conditions tab I set it so that it will wake the computer up to run the task and set it so that if another instance is running it will run in parallel in the settings tab. With that, the task did not run?

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Scheduled Task: Wake From Sleep, Run Task And Return To Sleep?

May 21, 2012

I have a Win7 Ultrabook. I'm using Areca backup software to backup my personal data.I created a Scheduled Task to run my backup weekly.I set it so that it would wake from sleep to run the task. But I'm having trouble finding a setting to tell it to return to sleep if it woke itself up. Is it possible to do so?In the alternative, is there something I can insert in my batch file (the scheduled task runs a bat file) to tell my book to enter sleep mode?

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Windows 7 - How To Delete Scheduled Task

Nov 29, 2012

Recently I used Task Scheduler to program my laptop to shut down at a certain time every night. Tonight I decided that I wanted to delete the scheduled shutdown, but I can't figure out how to do it. I've followed the directions under Delete a Task, which instruct me to to click Delete in the Actions pane. The problem is that I don't see a Delete option in the Actions pane.

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Run Scheduled Task When Connect Headphones?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to use the Windows 7 Task scheduler to automatically open an app when I connect headphones, but I can't figure out the event ID/log for connected jack. When I connect/disconnect a jack, I get a taskbar notification, andC:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM gets updated.

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Scheduled Task Starts Even If Not Marked So?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a task to hibernate my computer at 8pmIf I hibernate the computer earlier, and turn it on next morning, the task runs and hibernates the computer.I HAVE NOT selectede the "Run task as soon as posible after a schedule start is missed"

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Task Scheduler Has 40 Tasks Scheduled?

Nov 27, 2010

I took a look and seen 40 scheduled tasks. Just wondering if any are over kill. I see defrag in there as well.

Its as installed Windows 7 Pro x64.

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Windows 7 Scheduled Task Won't Run After Being Altered By SYSTEM

Jan 27, 2012

I have a sched task that I authored using my user account that I know from running manually works. The problem I'm having is that at some point Windows 7 is deleting and recreating this task, and doing it incorrectly. Consequently the task won't run at its scheduled time.The most important change it is making is that it's setting Run As user to SYSTEM instead of my user account. I know this won't work this way from manual runs.Looking at the task history I can see what Windows 7 is doing, I just don't know why, or how to stop it. Every time I create this task Windows will eventually go through this sequence of events, resulting in a task that is different than the one I created:

1. Task registration deleted
2. Task registered
3. Task registration updated

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Scheduled Task Not Showing Up In Active List?

Jan 19, 2012

I setup my first scheduled task of an executable. But the task is not showing up in the list of Active tasks. I know that it is there because I re-created it and it stated that it already exists. In case I have to modify it, I need to be able to see it. I have clicked to show 'Hidden Tasks'.

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Run Scheduled Task Or GPO When Windows 7 Sleep Mode Triggered?

Jul 9, 2012

I'd like to launch a custom batch file when my computer goes into sleep mode. I would like to launch this batch through a GPO or task scheduler. I've tested using task scheduler and the power event ID for sleep mode but it seems the event triggers too late for the application to run and the computer just continues into sleep mode. I could create a scheduled task to trigger a minute before the idle time-out for sleep mode but this doesn't work if I actively put the computer into sleep mode. Any way to do this?

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Run Scheduled Task Or A GPO When Windows 7 Sleep Mode Is Triggered?

Jul 9, 2012

I'd like to launch a custom batch file when my computer goes into sleep mode. I would like to launch this batch through a GPO or task scheduler.

I've tested using task scheduler and the power event ID for sleep mode but it seems the event triggers too late for the application to run and the computer just continues into sleep mode. I could create a scheduled task to trigger a minute before the idle time-out for sleep mode but this doesn't help if I actively put the computer into sleep mode.

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Creating Scheduled Task With .bat File Delayed Execution?

Sep 14, 2012

I know how to create scheduled task from .bat file. But if the PC is turned off, i want it to run first time someone logs on. Code: SchTasks /Create /SC MONTHLY /D 15 /TN My Task /TR C:RunMe.bat /ST 14:00 what should i add to this code to make it run if the user opens his pc at 16:00?

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Taskeng.exe Suddenly Showing Up As Window When Run A Scheduled Task

Oct 14, 2012

Since I built this computer in 2010 I've had a scheduled task which runs a VBS script to remind me to take my tablets each morning. Until the last few days, only one element was visible from this task, the message box spawned by the VBS script.However, in the last few days, I also get a taskeng.exe window appearing at exactly the same time as the message box. The window is labelled taskeng.exe, has a VBS scripting host icon and the content of the window is pure black.If I terminate taskeng.exe in Task Manager or click OK in the VBS message box, both the VBS script and that black window disappear.I have no idea what might have caused taskeng.exe to only appear in this situation, because MSI AfterBurner also uses it to start the app during user login and it doesn't appear for that.

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EruNT Lives Again, On Windows 7/Vista -- Without 'Scheduled Task' UAC-hack?

Aug 14, 2012

This (widely acclaimed) Windows Registry backup utility restores the security feature Microsoft discontinued with Windows 98SE and Windows ME: the ability to retain full daily automatic backups of a user-determined number of registries, as the first (and it should not be the only) line of defense in recovering a 'hosed' system, from registry corruption.Starting with Windows Vista, there has been a compatiblity problem, as noted by Lars Hederer, the utility's author:Quote:Question: Do ERUNT and NTREGOPT run on Windows 7? Answer: ERUNT and NTREGOPT in their current versions 1.1j are still compatible with Windows 7, but as in Vista, they will only work correctly if you turn off User Account Control in Windows' Control Panel (move the slider to the lowest position). ... Future versions of ERUNT and NTREGOPT will of course have these issues fixed. Keep an eye on my homepage for updates. Unfortunately, there have been no "future versions", so users have devised work-arounds, the best known being creating a scheduled-shortcut to the .exe that runs the daily backup, to prevent it from 'hanging' and failing, when Windows' silent prompt (are you sure you really want to run this .exe file, that you just clicked on?) gets no human response. Many users are reluctant to take the author's advice, to just shut off UAC, although this does fix it.

I (hope!) I have found a simpler solution, suitable even for the non-hacker.Install and run this small (85KB) utility, to put UAC in the 'Quiet Mode' -- as shown in the illustration. You should have a Windows Shortcut for eruNT's autoback.exe in the StartUp directory. First, set MS Windows' UAC slider wherever you wish. Then turn on 'Quiet Mode' in the linked utility. Then exit, and don't look again at the UAC slider, as a Windows-bug makes it show an erroneous indication (carefully read the utility's documentation on this point).Just make sure that the shortcut to autoback.exe is set to run its target in Administrative mode, and then set the Target-line as:[CODE]

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Task Scheduler - Create New Task

Jul 16, 2009

How to Create a Automated Task that Runs at a Set Time in Windows 7 ?

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How To Create Movie Using Flash

Aug 2, 2012

how to create a simple movie using flash cs5

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Best Player For Watching Movie In Windows 7 OS?

Jun 19, 2010

What the best player to watch a movie in windows 7 os ?

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Take The Dvd Of Media Player And Put On Windows Movie Maker?

May 18, 2011

taking a Fw-disc from the sonmyhandy cam to put the video on windows movie maker i put the disc in and can watch the videos on media player but it wont let me copy onto moviemaker. hwod o i make it work?

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BSOD Watching Movie With VLC Player, Error 0x0000000A?

Jun 27, 2012

I have many BSOD with this computer while playing games, watching video with VLC,using bittorrent client. It's a custom built configuration.The exact line on the bluescreen is STOP: 0x0000000A (0x92C46604,0x00000002,0x000000001,0x82c80002)

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Loaded A DVD Movie In Laptop But Windows Media Player Is Not Coming Up?

Jan 5, 2013

I loaded a DVD movie in my laptop but window media player is not coming up and playing the movie. it was working fine before.

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How To Create Task For MSE Scan

Sep 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a scheduled task that will wake my computer weekly to run a Security Essentials full scan. Apparently, the MSE scheduler does not wake the computer for scans but DOES put the computer to sleep during a scan if the sleep timer is set for less time than the scan requires (mine is).I have created a new Win 7 (64-bit) account to run the task because of apparent conflicts with doing so in the other user account. The main problem I'm having involves the "details" column of the "Actions" tab in the task properties; I don't know what to enter as the path for the MSE full scan so I can't tell Windows what program to start.

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Create Task To Open Printer?

Jan 29, 2013

How can I create a task to 'open a printer, print the test page at that specific printer and then shut down the printer' ?

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Task - Create To Run A Program At Startup And Log On

Jun 21, 2010

How to Create a Task to Run a Program at Startup and Log On in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Schedule Manager (Create Task)?

Apr 14, 2012

i am looking for instructions to setup a new task. I haven't used the schedule manager before, but if your clear on explanations, I am an IT Technical Support - so I'll know what your talking about...I want to be able to setup a new task in which..When I go through my 'External Hard Drive' (browsing through folders) when I open a specific folder, I want a windows notification to appear on the screen with a message.I have been browsing through the commands for a few hours now and am unsure which option to select and how to properly set this up.

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Task Manager - Create Elevated Shortcut

May 19, 2009

How to Create a Elevated Windows 7 Task Manager Shortcut ?

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Create Windows 7 Protection Point With Task Scheduler?

Jul 10, 2011

what program to execute in order to create a protection point from a scheduled task?

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Task Scheduler & Windows Media Player Quit Working Together?

Oct 20, 2011

I used to run a nature sound file in Media Player, to help me sleep, with Task Scheduler set to wake me up with an online radio program. First task stops, "wakeup" task starts immediately after; worked great for almost a year.Suddenly, doesn't work. Running task doesn't stop, and either wakeup task never starts, or, if it does, it runs as some sort of "ghost" instance: no window showing in the Taskbar, nothing showing in Task Manager (neither as application or as process). I have to restart the whole computer to get it to stop!Checked all the settings in Task Scheduler, tried drawing up new tasks; no change.Too bad I bought this PC with Windows 7 preinstalled--no disks to rebuild from.

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