Crashes When Loading Up Certain Programmes

May 15, 2009

Ive just installed Windows 7 on my machine. Running an AMD dual core 3800+ with 4.0DDR2 and GForce 9750GT

On the initial installation, just before you have the option to set up user name- the screen went all blue with lots on small black horizontal line across. It hung for a few mins and eventually I had to manually re-start. Off to a great start!!

Anyway once it re-booted and after it had checked for the intial first use and graphics, I managed to get in to the system and successfully load onto the desktop. Continued through windows update and there was some updates for my graphics cards. After this I went to Nvidia's site and downloaded the 124mb file Windows 7 64 bit file.

All this downloaded and installed ok, however, whenever I try to open a media file, Windows media centre it'self and msn messenger, the screen freezes and seems un recoverable. I haven't installed any other programes yet, but I can only assume it's something to do with the graphics card?

remember this happened before I managed to even load the OS propperly for the first time...does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be at all and a possible solution?

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Computer Crashes And Restarts When Loading Games

Jul 14, 2012

I've run into a problem recently with my computer. I haven't played any games since early in the year and, if I remember correctly, haven't installed or changed anything much since then. But when I went to boot up Sims 3 for my cousin it repeatedly crashed while on the loading screen. I put this down to their awful patches and typically buggy games. But I today I went to start Skyrim and the same thing happened.

As soon as the loading screen finished my computer switched off and restarted. This happens repeatedly - I cannot get further than the loading screen without my computer restarting. I've played both of these games without any issue in the past year. I've since cleaned out the inside of my PC, updated the BIOS and drivers, and monitored the temperatures for the CPU and GPU. Everything seems normal.

My specs are:
Intel Core i7 950
Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit
Asus P6TD Deluxe
AMD Radeon HD 6800

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Internet Explorer Crashes Within 5 - 10 Seconds Of Loading A Page

Feb 27, 2012

I recently re-installed Windows 7 from some rescue disks, and everything, with the exception of Internet Explorer is now running fine! Basically whenever I load a web page in IE it crashes after a short time (5 - 10 seconds), and I then have to exit with CTRL + SHIFT + ESC (Task Manager)! Inside task manager I actually have to terminate the IE processes, as IE won't exit if I attempt to shut down through the Applications tab.

Initially IE8 was installed from the rescue disks, and I have since upgraded to IE9, but both versions are behaving just as badly as each other.

I have even tried to start IE in "No-Add Ons" mode from the "Accessories" menu - however after a short time it still crashes. Now I have no add ons enabled, I have deleted everything (in IE history), scanned for viruses (there are none), and I am wondering if there is some way of repairing IE?

P.S.: I have installed other browsers, but I actually need IE for running some Microsoft Online Services, all other browsers are only supported in "lite" mode!!!

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Crashes Lots And Won't Even Get Past Windows Symbol Loading

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using my phone type this have hp pav laptop windows 7 64 bit and ran startup repair for 2 days and no go try reinstalling and gave me bunch errors its almost 3 yr old comp any suggestions or help I don't really jave money to take it in and never mad recovery disk. I was playing on fire fox when crashed and I got malware adivra advast I alsp sometimes get the instruction at 0x7797e02 refrenced memory at 0x00000000

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Programmes Washed Out, IE Search And Others

Dec 16, 2009

Some programmes look Washed Out, IE Search and Search Web, also others are difficullt to see. I have tried everything that I know and thats not much, Please help or is this normal, never had this with the dreaded Vista.

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Unwanted File And Two Programmes

Nov 26, 2011

How do i get rid of facemoods on IE9 my com is lenovo i5 4g's ram 500gb hd.I use ccleaner and in registry clean there's always one file it can't remote. what can i do? lots of letters and numbers.I have star defender from oberon games and it won't uninstall as it says intallation file.

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Can't Open Programmes Error Message

Oct 6, 2010

i recently turned my computer on and its changed, and when i try to open a programme it comes up with a error message saying:'These files can't be opened. Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.' i cant show you a printscreen because i cant access my files ? but here is a similiar thread: Internet security settings prevents one or more files from being opened.

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Nero Programmes This Part Is Missing?

Mar 8, 2012

I used Nero 6 because of the Nero Wave Editor. Other Nero programmes this part is missing. What can I use?

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After Using Sleep Button, On Wake Up New Programmes Not Starting

Feb 9, 2011

I frequently use the Sleep option, and it's worked fine until recently, when I wake up the computer everything comes up back as normal, but I can't launch new programs... I click the icon and the cursor in dictates it's loading, but then it stops and the program never loads.

I then have to restart my laptop.

Any clue why this is happening?

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Unable To Install Programmes After Upgrading From Vista?

Aug 15, 2011

I have just upgraded my laptop from Vista to Windows 7 and need to install a couple of programmes, iTunes and printer drivers from a CD. Neither will allow installation, the iTunes download has been made but when I click on install it reads: 'The installer encountered errors..... Errors occurred during installation. Your system has not been modified.' When I insert the CD to install the drivers for my printer I get the message: 'Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.'

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Why Does Media Center Record Programmes In Small Pieces

Jun 11, 2011

windows 7 pre 64 bit media center we record most programme fine but then sometimes it record then in small part and losse some of the programme

I have tried to man recored as well as setting recoreding from guide

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Certain Sites Not Loading Or Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2011

One particular site that is not loading at all, on any browsers on my computer is [URL]. There are many more that fail to load as well. I did test these sites on my iPhone with no problems though. There are a handful of other sites that do open but do not load properly [missing images, ect.] I also thought that it might be malware but I installed & scanned my computer with four different programs which did not solve the problem. I'm guessing that it still may be some problem on the software side with settings but I can't seem to figure out where to look. BTW, I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials as my antivirus program for the past couple of days now. Prior to that I was using Avira but it seemed to be giving me problems so I uninstalled it and installed the Microsoft app.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Oct 8, 2011

Until yesterday I had two different versions of Windows installed on two different hard drives, one on C: and one on E:. Yesterday I decided to remove the one on E: and started using CCleaner to just wipe the drive clean. I stopped in the middle and decided to format the disk instead because it was going to take a few hours using CCleaner's wipe. But by then Windows was having trouble with that drive and although it was detected, I couldn't format it or do anything to it for that matter.So I downloaded a copy of Natty and running it from the disk, I was going to try formatting it from there, but it was not detecting that drive. Fine. I understand there is a way to mount the drive and I just have to figure that out.

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Feb 20, 2012

Windows 7 not loading?I have tryed F8 R and trying to load it from the disc no luck?

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Jan 17, 2013

i have a big problem my window is not able to load properly after window 7 log my pc gets hang and nothing can be done 1st i thought it can be because of corrupted window so i tried to install new window that's window 8 but new setup is also getting hang what to do guys?and good thing is that window 7 is working fine in safe mode but its not working in normal mode in any case nor in normal window or in normal setup mode

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Desktop Not Loading Up?

Oct 8, 2010

recently I had a virus so I did a recovery to an old start date, now I have no desktop. Windows 7 loads up, I put in my password and then I get a blue screen..through CTRL+ALT+DEL I can get to the internet (works fine) and also my Computer drives. However nothing loads on my desktop. I have tried to run Explorer.exe..

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IE Not Loading Many Websites

Feb 26, 2011

Acer All In One computer with IE 8 and Windows 7. Some web sites load fine but others don't come up. Tried Firefox and no difference. Had similar issue with previous computer and used Windows Transfer to move evrything off that to new Acer. Seems to be getting worse. Use Qwest DSL hard connection. Can VPN to work ccomputer and bring up the web sites that won't load locally. Have tries variuos scans and nothing is found. For instance can get into US Bank site and Vanguard, but not Tax Act or Fidelity.

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Not Loading Web Images In IE9 & FF5

Jul 11, 2011

HP Pavillion DV6 laptop running Windows 7.

Problem: Internet Explorer 9 and also Firefox 5 do not load web images. Strangely though, Google Chrome seems to work. Attached you will find some screen captures. I think both were done before the browsers were updated. So far, I've updated the browsers to the newest version, and updated java to 6.26.

firefox.png   154.49K 13 downloads IE.png   135.1K 13 downloads

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Certain Web Pages Not Loading?

May 25, 2012

Strange thing has started happening, i have upgraded to 100MBb broadband and i am connected via Ethernet and speed test showing average 94mb. yet random web pages links i click in Google open in an new window but the page will not load, never happened before when i was on 50mb, i have run anti virus and spybot which found maybe 1 or 2 things but it has not resolved the issue,

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IE, Not Loading Pages?

Jul 16, 2012

a week ago the IE stopped loading pages, i have also firefox installed which is working fine. googled the problem and show a suggestion to reset the IE (tools - internet options - advanced - reset). but this option was in grey. i tried tune up utilities to fix the win but it didn't heventually i removed the IE9 (control panel - programs and features...). the problem was solved or so i thought. the problem came back again in the next time i run ie8. i tried to re install IE9 but the problem was till there. i removed again the IE9 and again i thought the problem solved but it came back in the next time i run ie8.

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Msconfig Is Not Loading?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm using Windows 7 home prem.And I want to launch msconfig.But once It loads, it suddenly turns off.Why?What to do , how to lauch that.

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The Screensaver Is Not Loading

Jan 13, 2011

I want the screen saver to load after 20 minuets. But currently after 20 minutes the power saver of the screen is loading instead...

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Bug: Loading Screen

Nov 3, 2009

If i install windows 7 in Raid 0 config the black animated loading screen says crosoft corporation instead of microsoft corporation but if i load in a non raid config it displays microsoft corporation as it should.

Why would it say crosoft and not microsoft?

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Error In Loading Dll

Nov 7, 2009

I am very new to computers and have just purchased a dell lap top with windows 7.

Every time I start up I get a message saying "error loading dll file dell support centre common". I have clicked yes to run script to enable me to continue, but would love to stop this message appearing every time I swith on.

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Mouse Says Something Loading But Nothing Comes Up

May 21, 2012

I don't know if it's a file error, or what. But every time I click on the Disk Cleaner, my mouse says something's loading but nothing ever comes up. I've tried running the Disk Cleanup location (C:WindowsSystem32cleanmgr.exe) and other ways to try and open it. Yet, it's the same thing every time I click, nothing comes up. Is there a solution to this? Do I have to re-download the file?

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Stuck Before Loading The OS?

Jun 9, 2012

Sometimes, when I turn on my pc, it gets stuck before loading the OSI can see the bios logo, all fineThen a black screen with an intermitent _ I must reset the pc from the case button because I cant even ctrl alt del (this happens right before i can see a windows logo, message, anything)and then after the reset the system boots normally

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Windows Not Loading

Jul 1, 2012

Turned on my laptop and after it loads i get a black blank screen with only the cursor

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Loading A Program On A Drive Other Than C:?

Mar 17, 2012

main problem on this computer is thats it a windows XP motherboard trying desperately to run Win7. It can to a point, but is having issues as Win 7 improves etc. etc. Now my gaming rig is Win7 has a far better graphics platform but has a small C drive. Initially it ran Rfactor (online car racing, and I organize races for a team of guys, we do this weekly and consequently I have several other related programs) and that was all it was going to run. So since then another group of us play BF3 and I've always liked the golf games so I ported those to games across to the gaming rig - hence the reason they are on another drive. I could get another larger drive and start again from scratch but it is to damn awkward at the moment because of the racing season has started. Obviously there is a problem with TW writing log files to my I: drive but I would have thought Origin Had thought of that when they are saying that you can install the game on another drive (other than C: Drive)

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Cursor Keeps Blink-loading?

Jun 26, 2012

I got it personalized into a syringe but i dont know if thats it... because its been a syringe for a year now but just now its been having issues.Not sure if there is something just trying to load over and over again or not.. I checked my services and there was nothing totally taking over anything.These 2 weeks my CPU usage was 100% and never ever went down in that time.But today, its in the 20's.Not sure if thats an issue either because its been blinking even before today.

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Loading Programs Into Virtual Xp

Sep 19, 2012

Inspiron 1525 with T8300 Intel proc.--4gb ram---windows 7 professional and virtual xp. Trying to load an old genealogy program "family tree maker 16" 32bit into virtual xp. As soon as I click on install I get the "configuring system for install" window for a flash of a second then another window opens "catastrophic failure". I am assuming that not "all" 32bit programs will run on virtual xp even though it's running flawlessly on my xp desktop.

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