Cannot Boot Windows 7 32bit

May 3, 2012

I just bought a new, CPU, Motherboard, PSU, and casing, and I take my graphic card, ram and HDD/SDD from my old computer. I put them on to my new computer, then turned it on, but then it says windows cannot boot, I pick the right HDD for my windows folder, and it says to repair, and I tried the repair mode, but then it says windows cannot repair this, and i only can click finish and shut down my computer.

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Boot Windows 7 Into 32bit?

Dec 2, 2009

how to boot windows7 into 32bit

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Dual Boot Windows 7 32bit And 64bit?

Jul 31, 2010

I have installed w7 64bit to take advantaqe of the 4GB ram. My scanner and a few progs I use do not work even with compatability mode. On another pc with w7 32bit the scanner and progs work. Would it be possible to install both W7 32bit and 64bit on the same pc either on different partitions or hard drives and use either? If this is not possible and I have to use just 32bit is there a simple way of converting from 64bit to 32bit without totally removing the installation?

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Dual Boot Netbook XP Pro And Windows 7 32bit?

Sep 23, 2010

I am considering getting a netbook through an online company and with it would have installed 2gb memory, 500gb hdd and Win 7 32 bit Home Premium. For various reasons (accessing older hardware on the go etc...) I want to be able to dual boot from XP Pro (I have like 3 unused retail licenses) and the 7 home premium 32 bit that I might also upgrade later. Netbook doesn't come with media. Is there a way to do this? I have an upgrade disc that came with my desktop PC but, it is 64 bit.

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Upgrading To 32bit Windows 7- Could Not Boot To Next Phase?

Jan 13, 2011

i'm trying to upgrade from vista 32 bit to 7 32bit using an official CD. Doing a clean install isnt something I can do b/c I dont want to lose everything on my harddrive. When I do the upgrade I get the error "Windows could not prepare the computer to boot into the next phase of installation." I've tried disabling everything but microsoft services at bootup before installing, but to no avail. The compatibility checker thing doesn't come up with any problems before installation.I've got over 20gigs of space still on my harddrive, so I don't think that's the problem. I've also run the chkdsk utility from the command prompt, but I don't think it found anything.

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Windows 7 32bit And 64bit Dual Boot

Jan 28, 2011

I had Windows XP and Windows 7 32-bit dual boot set up on my system. I decided to do away with XP and install Windows 7 64-bit instead. But I can't fully migrate to 64-bit yet as some of my old software don't run in 64-bit. So I clean-installed Windows 7 64-bit after formatting the XP partition. But now I no longer get a boot menu to boot into Windows 7 32-bit. I can only boot into 64-bit. But the 32-bit partition is in tact. Is there any way I can get a boot menu with options to use both 32-bit and 64-bit versions?

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Dual Boot On Windows 7 64bit & 32bit

Jul 17, 2010

Basically i would like to know how to have a dual boot on my PC, where when i start up my PC it automatically starts up the 64bit version of Windows 7 but if i choose i can easily change to the 32bit without a hassle.

2nd Question, if i make a dual boot PC i would have to split my HDD im guessing. If i would split up my HDD and save something while using the 32bit version how would i get the saved file over to the 64bit version? Do i have to use a USB or can i drag it into the 64bit part of the HDD?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64bit & XP Pro 32bit?

Jul 20, 2010

1) Can I just add my old Windows XP Pro 32-bit SATA hard drive to my new computer (due to arrive in a few days) that has Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit installed and set up a dual boot? It would be nice to keep all my programs and files as they are. Or do I have to do a clean install? XP Pro was pre-installed on my 2nd to last system and I have a Product Key.

2) Once a dual boot is setup would there be a way to allocate different memory to each O/S? My new computer will have 8GB RAM and I want to take full advantage of it for the 64-bit O/S, but I understand that 4GB of RAM is the maximum for 32-bit systems and that it is sometimes a problem going that high (so I was thinking like 3 GB for the 32-bit O/S).

3) If I have both 7 64-bit and XP Pro 32-bit installed, will the old hardware like my scanner or a fax/modem card work like it did on my old computer for the new XP boot because they are not listed as compatible under Windows 7?

The reason I want to have a dual boot with XP Pro is I'm worried some of my most used programs will no longer work on the 64-bit system. And I heard the virtual XP is not that great, besides the fact that I would have to upgrade for $89 to get that capability.

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Upgrading To Windows 32bit - Machine Does Not Boot Back Up

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to upgrade windows vista ultimate 32 bit to windows 7 ultimate 32 bit on a computer i built. I've tried custom installation and the recommended installation, but the same problem arises. The problem is, whenever the computer goes to restart, it does not boot back up. So, during the installation, it starts to restart, but does not boot back up, but the machine is still running.

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Dual Boot Two Separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit IDE & Snow Leopard SATA

May 22, 2012

install on my PC desktop a Dual Boot two separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit on IDE drive & Snow Leopard OSX on SATA drive

Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz
2MB DDR2 NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS

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Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit / Starter 32bit (Partitions) Dual Boot

Jun 23, 2011

I have just purchased a new pc that came with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, which wont run my company software, which was made in 1995, 16 bit. This 16bit software ran fine on my previous pc, which had Windows 7 Starter 32-bit. But the 64 bit Windows 7 version wont run it, I cant use Windows XP Mode on my version of Windows 7, need Pro - Ultimate Version.

I want to install and run the Windows 7 32-bit I have, on my new pc (I still have the installation disk) on a separate partition and keep the 64 bit version to. Is this possible to install both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and then select which to run when the pc boots?

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No Windows 7 Boot Animation On Fresh Install Windows 7 32bit?

Jul 14, 2010

I have just installed (and reinstalled) Windows 7 Pro (32 bit) on my system, and get no boot animation... the number 7 morphing from the Windows logo.Instead I get the text Starting Windows and a small red dot in the centre of the screen!Windows does boot correctly and there seem to be no related issues, so I am not overly worried, though it is certainly od

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Dual Boot - Windows XP(32bit) & Windows 7(64bit)?

Oct 28, 2009

I use VPN-1 SecureClient to connect to my workplace and I hear that it doesn't play well with 64bit Windows 7. So I'm wanting to do all my non-work applications with Windows 7.And then when I need to do work, I'll just reboot under XP.

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Have Dual Boot Between Windows 7 32bit And Windows 7 64 Bit With EasyBCD?

Nov 24, 2011

Is it possible to have dual boot beetwen Win7 32bit and Win 7 64 bit with EasyBCD (lastversion)?

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Trying To Dual Boot 7 64bit And Xp 32bit

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to dual boot 7 64bit and xp 32bit I have 7 up and running on a 90gb ssd and I have two 500gb WD drives in RAID 0 where I am wanting to create a 60gb partition to run xp. I have setup my raid array in bios but for some reason the boot option is grayed out. I installed xp anyway and got it to boot but as soon as I start loading drivers or updates then it crashes mother board is a xfx750i.

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Can I Dual Boot 64bit And 32bit ?

Nov 3, 2009

I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit upgrade currently installed on my pc, but I am having wireless internet installation problems. TP-Link WN851N adapter (No Win 7 drivers availabe, but it works fine with Linux Ubuntu 9.14).

My ethernet connection works fine.

So as a process of elimination (I am on holidays and heve to much spare time lol) I want to install Win 7 32bit in dual boot with Win 7 64 bit.

Can it be done?

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Dual Boot Problem With Win7 64bit / XP 32bit

Oct 23, 2009

Im thinking I might regret. I was told its better to build ur own, so I did and nothing but problems! I had vista 64 / xp 32 bit bit and was having nothing but problems trying to get my video cards to work right! So someone told me to get Windows 7 and Ill have no problems. Wrong!

My problem now is that when I turn on the computer it doesn't give me the option to chose which operating system it just loads into Windows 7. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? When I hit the (my computer) option it sees Xp as the D drive. When I loaded Windows 7 I just threw the disc in and followed the directions. I didn't reformat anything cause the disc does it for u.

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Boot 64bit Windows 7 On 32bit Processor Installed On 64bit

Mar 2, 2011

Can I boot Windows 7 64bit on a 32bit processor if the Windows installation took place on a 64bit processor?

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4 Gb Ram With 1gb Gpu On 32bit Windows 7?

Sep 4, 2011

I currently have 2gb of ram,also planning to buy a HD6750 1gb graphic card & more 2gb of ram which changes my configuration frm 2gb ram to 4gb also 1gb gpu. So my question is that can a 32bit win 7 will be able to address whole memory(4gb ram +1gb gpu)?

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Getting Rid Of Windows 7 32bit

Dec 27, 2011

I built a new computer for my Mom and am using the old hard-drive that has windows 7 32 bit so I installed the 64 bit windows 7 pro and for some reason is has both versions of windows 7 32 bit which I can get into and the 64 bit that I can get into. The windows version that I have are XP sp3 that is a full version and Windows Home that is with my laptop, how I go about getting rid of windows 7 32 bit one anyone have any advice.

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Upgrading Windows 7 32bit To 64

Dec 30, 2010

i recently upgraded my laptops RAM from 2GB to 4GB but only 2.93GB is usable. i started reading around and i found out that it was because im running 32bit windows 7 and not 64bit. so i wanted to know if there is anyway of changing from 32bit to 64bit without paying for windows 7 as my windows 7 came already installed on the laptop.

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Windows 7 32bit Not Working?

Jul 23, 2012

I have a NB550D with windows 7 home 32Bit installed and but i am having issues with it. I usually put it to sleep all the time as i use it for school. I went to use it 2 days ago and it started to become REALLY slow. The hdd light was on all the time and doing anything started to take a very long time. It ended up blue screening with something up the top with irql not less or equal message up the top but before i could read anymore it restarted.When it starts up, it prompts for my password, and i login. It then sits on the Welcome screen with the little circle spinning for ages. it ends up with a black screen with the cursor that is moveable for about 10 minutes and then it freezes. The hdd light is on the whole time.

It is booting into safe mode so i decided to install SP1 to see if that would cure it which it did... for 1 day. It has stopped working again today with the same symptoms but instead of it sitting in welcome screen for 5 minutes it sits there for about 30 seconds and then goes to a black screen with the cursor. It appears to be loading something because the cursor has got that little spinning thing and then after a while the task bar comes up. It is responsive to some degree but the background is nowhere to be found. I can move the mouse right up until 2 seconds before it reboots. there is no warning as to when it reboots, it just goes blank and then the BIOS logo appears. It appears to be trying to load something faster than the HDD can cope and then it crashes. It still boots into safe mode.

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Cannot Update Windows 7 (32bit)

Nov 23, 2011

I was infected by some malware which affected the ability of the computer to run Windows Updates. The malware infection has been cleaned successfully with the help of fireman4it.

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Often BSOD On Windows 7 32Bit

Jul 2, 2012

, i have some problems regarding bsod,my computer often times gets bsod problem,please help me identify the cause of these.

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How Much RAM Windows 7 32bit Can Support

Jan 4, 2011

I want to know how much RAM Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit can support? Right now i have 2GB but i am planning to get another 2GB later to make 4GB in total

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Can Windows 7 32bit Utilize 4 GB RAM

Nov 8, 2010

Is there any software that can fully utilized my Core i5 4GB RAM.

Currently i am using 64bit windows 7 ultimate. Plan to switch back to Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit due to some drivers are not compatible.

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How To Install Windows 7-32bit

Sep 18, 2011

Before I used Windows XP, but now I clean install by installing Windows 7. I prefer Windows 7 32-bit. When installing the Windows 7, I got only Windows 7 64-bit and 86-bit options. It means I can't install windows 7 32-bit to my current computer. What must I do to get "Windows 7 32-bit" to work? Or it's because of my computer status that can't support Windows 7 32-bit. My computer is Dell Optiplex 380 (CPU Core to duo 2.6, Ram 2GB, and Hard Disk 640GB). Please help to tell me how to figure it out.

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Updating From Windows 7 32bit To 64 Bit?

Dec 28, 2012

I'm looking to update my windows 7 home premium from 32bit to 64bit. My question is, will this affect all the partitions on my hdd? Its 1TB split into D:100GB for the OS, D:200GB for games and the other E: for music, movies etc.
I only ask because it would be a pain to back up everything or can I get away with just backing up the C: drive.

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Hp 530 Windows 7 Drivers 32bit

Sep 13, 2011

do we have a drivers for windows 7, hp 530

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How To Update Windows 7 32bit To 64 Bit

Oct 2, 2011

I did upgrade my system 32 to 64 bit with 6GB RAM & 500GB HD Window-7. Now other S/W are not working bt SAP R/3 is working only.

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Designjet 600 Windows 7 32bit?

Oct 11, 2011

I'll like get driver for my plotter

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