How To Update Windows 7 32bit To 64 Bit

Oct 2, 2011

I did upgrade my system 32 to 64 bit with 6GB RAM & 500GB HD Window-7. Now other S/W are not working bt SAP R/3 is working only.

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Cannot Update Windows 7 (32bit)

Nov 23, 2011

I was infected by some malware which affected the ability of the computer to run Windows Updates. The malware infection has been cleaned successfully with the help of fireman4it.

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Windows 7 32bit, Update Not Launching?

May 6, 2012

i have installed new geniune WINDOWS 7 32bit SP1 , downloaded from MSDN. it is activated

but it is not updating at all, when i try to launch automatic update by pressing check for update button, it instantaneously bounce back the message that your window is already up to date.

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Windows 7 32bit - Network Controller Device Software Update?

Oct 7, 2012

I want update software for network controller device for Lab Toshibac660-24f for win 7 32bit

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Windows XP Pro 32bit To Windows Xp Pro 64bit Update

Feb 1, 2013

sry but my english is not so good,I have many programms from siemens simatic manager winncc winccflex touch paneel and so on, but the system goes very often down memory to low and so I think.. hey I have 8mb ram but only use 3.2, because I don`'t have realy the fun to pay the stupid price for'n update to 64 bit in real life such a thing is "dienst am kĂșnden" sry when microsoft is to no interested in such thing Perhaps is nearby future all user will use.

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Windows Update Error / Not Search Or Update / Install Critical Items

Jan 30, 2011

I'm out of ideas. I've been running Win 7 on this machine for more than a year without issues in updating etc. Now it will not search or update/install critical items. I'm running Symantec (even tried turning the firewall off without any success). I get an error code 80072F7C. When I run hijackthis, I get an error message that my system denied write access to the Hosts file. I proceed with the scan but am unable to produce a log file. I've included a screenshot from the windows update error as well as the error I get when trying to run hijack this.

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Optional Update In Windows Update Is Giving A Blue Screen

Nov 3, 2012

The update is called:

nvidia - Graphics adapter WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Other hardware - NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M.

After installing it, whenever my laptop tries to use the Nvidia card, I get a blue screen and the system restarts. I looked in installed updates to uninstall it, and it is not there. I did a system restore to four days before I installed it, and I still get the same effect. Lastly, I installed some older nvidia drivers that used to work using the clean install option, and I still have this problem.

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Unable To Update Using Windows 7 Update (Code 8000FFFF Error)?

Oct 30, 2012

A while back, after successfully downloading and installing some updates in the Windows Update, it prompted me to restart the computer to finish the update installation process. However, I continued to use the computer for quite some time before restarting it, and then when it tried to configure the updates on the start-up screen, it showed that it was not successful in doing so. In the past, I noticed that this would typically happen when I did not restart the computer immediately (or within a short time) after the updates finished and I got the prompt to restart. I would have to go to Windows Update and do it over again, and then upon immediate restart, it would always work properly. But this time, it did not, and I keep getting the 8000FFFF error message instead.

Also, now, every time I start the computer, it shows that it's "Preparing to configure Windows... Do not shut off computer" (presumably the updates that never got completely and correctly configured) in the start-up screen... gets to 35%..fails... shuts down (screen goes black)... restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, shuts down and restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, and finally it apparently gives up and says "reverting changes" and finally goes to the desktop.I've looked at the answers in several threads at the forum that were started by people with similar problems, and also tried several of the Microsoft "FixIt" files on the Microsoft site, but none of them worked. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Windows Update - View Update History Details

Nov 3, 2011

How to View Windows Update History Details in Windows 7 ?

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Windows Update - Uninstall An Update

Jun 21, 2010

How to Uninstall a Windows Update in Windows 7 ?

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Windows Update Won't Update, Stuck At 0%?

Oct 25, 2012

My windows update does not like to load! It takes a very long time and sometimes causes explorer to crash! When I checked, I had 92 updates to install. When I click download and install, it would freeze and stay there for a long time. I tried to use the Fix it application, however that gets stuck on "Checking Online for Updates" as well! What should I do? I also tried to update in safe mode, but it wouldn't let me.

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Auto-update Property Sheet Extension File Update

Oct 12, 2011

Is this file safe to have operating on my computer???

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Won't Update It Tells To Download Only The Update Threw The Software?

Apr 22, 2012

I use iTunes because I have an ipod touch, iTunes wants me to update it before i will sync my ipod touch. It won't update it tells me to download only the update threw the software, I've done a google search and no one that posted a fix had one that worked, i've have this issue before and i tried to uninstall and reinstall itune and nothing worked.

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Cannot Run Windows Update - Windows 7 (AHCI Driver Update)

Nov 21, 2011

I have an HP Dx7500 that run perfectly.Before making any change i made a checkpoint for future restore. Than i update my AHCI driver (Instead regular IDE) to "Intel ICH/10R SATA AHCI controller" and windows update can't run, no error.. just clicking and nothing move.I fix it for now with system restore.. but i want my hardware to be most updated.

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Cannot Update Through Windows Update

Oct 6, 2011

Previously i used Auslogic Boostspeed to optimize my computer. Instead it backfired and deleted my System 32. After i reinstalled my Windows normally and got my programs fixed i can't update through Windows Update. Nor can i reinstall or unistall Microsoft Word 2010. It comes up with the error code "80070643".

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Cannot Update On Windows 7 Update?

Nov 9, 2011

As you can see in this picture, i can't successfully install certain KB security updates. I downloaded the "Hotfix for Windows" as you can see

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Windows 7 Update Won't Update?

Jan 15, 2013

OK, first I have to say I am a complete piker with this stuff. If I have to do anything that requires changing the BIOS or registry or anything like that, I am gonna have to pay someone to fix this.OK, here is my problem. Windows update fails with a code 8007370B. I have Windows 7 Pro, a Dell XPS 9100 with 16GB RAM, which I added, as well as a Asus ENGTX460 Top video card. The system has worked great with this configuration for well over a year. I use MSE as security, and Zone Alarm for the firewall.I have been getting this code since October. I tried doing the windows troubleshoot and fix links, I tried Fixit, I tried System Restore, nothing worksThe system also says under last time updated "Never" and it displays no record

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Windows 7 Update Broken After Windows 7 Update?

Jan 2, 2012

I did an update of Windows last week, which included two critical fixes (I think both were related to .NET) and two "optional" security updates. I updated, rebooted, and now Windows Update no longer works: the icon is missing from the menu item, and when I click it nothing happens. The Windows Update service is running; tried restarting that as well. Tried a .NET cleanup utility, but all that seemed to do was remove or break one of the .NET version installations (a game that uses .NET complained after running the utility, and stopped complaining after I manually re-installed .NET 3.5 and updates).

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Samsung Bios Software Update For Bios / Update Fails

Dec 1, 2012

My Samsung series 3 laptop has been sending out popup messages telling me I need a bios update, I go to the Samsung software update site and this bios update has been failing, I have made several calls and chats to techs at Samsung who tell me to do what I have already done, they tell to ask for tier 2 tech, who can go in my computer and fix it , When I finally got a tier 2 tech, they told me the same thing, I told him what I had been told about him and what he could do, He said, is it working , I said yes, but settings on computer change on their own,like wifi turns itself on and that concerns me. Anyway, He said that it didn't need a bios update,even the Samsung website said this computer needed a bios update. I posted this on hardware,firmware concerns, and they told me to post here, I was going to go to a site ,that had a download that checked drivers,

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4 Gb Ram With 1gb Gpu On 32bit Windows 7?

Sep 4, 2011

I currently have 2gb of ram,also planning to buy a HD6750 1gb graphic card & more 2gb of ram which changes my configuration frm 2gb ram to 4gb also 1gb gpu. So my question is that can a 32bit win 7 will be able to address whole memory(4gb ram +1gb gpu)?

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Getting Rid Of Windows 7 32bit

Dec 27, 2011

I built a new computer for my Mom and am using the old hard-drive that has windows 7 32 bit so I installed the 64 bit windows 7 pro and for some reason is has both versions of windows 7 32 bit which I can get into and the 64 bit that I can get into. The windows version that I have are XP sp3 that is a full version and Windows Home that is with my laptop, how I go about getting rid of windows 7 32 bit one anyone have any advice.

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Upgrading Windows 7 32bit To 64

Dec 30, 2010

i recently upgraded my laptops RAM from 2GB to 4GB but only 2.93GB is usable. i started reading around and i found out that it was because im running 32bit windows 7 and not 64bit. so i wanted to know if there is anyway of changing from 32bit to 64bit without paying for windows 7 as my windows 7 came already installed on the laptop.

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Windows 7 32bit Not Working?

Jul 23, 2012

I have a NB550D with windows 7 home 32Bit installed and but i am having issues with it. I usually put it to sleep all the time as i use it for school. I went to use it 2 days ago and it started to become REALLY slow. The hdd light was on all the time and doing anything started to take a very long time. It ended up blue screening with something up the top with irql not less or equal message up the top but before i could read anymore it restarted.When it starts up, it prompts for my password, and i login. It then sits on the Welcome screen with the little circle spinning for ages. it ends up with a black screen with the cursor that is moveable for about 10 minutes and then it freezes. The hdd light is on the whole time.

It is booting into safe mode so i decided to install SP1 to see if that would cure it which it did... for 1 day. It has stopped working again today with the same symptoms but instead of it sitting in welcome screen for 5 minutes it sits there for about 30 seconds and then goes to a black screen with the cursor. It appears to be loading something because the cursor has got that little spinning thing and then after a while the task bar comes up. It is responsive to some degree but the background is nowhere to be found. I can move the mouse right up until 2 seconds before it reboots. there is no warning as to when it reboots, it just goes blank and then the BIOS logo appears. It appears to be trying to load something faster than the HDD can cope and then it crashes. It still boots into safe mode.

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 32bit

May 3, 2012

I just bought a new, CPU, Motherboard, PSU, and casing, and I take my graphic card, ram and HDD/SDD from my old computer. I put them on to my new computer, then turned it on, but then it says windows cannot boot, I pick the right HDD for my windows folder, and it says to repair, and I tried the repair mode, but then it says windows cannot repair this, and i only can click finish and shut down my computer.

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Often BSOD On Windows 7 32Bit

Jul 2, 2012

, i have some problems regarding bsod,my computer often times gets bsod problem,please help me identify the cause of these.

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How Much RAM Windows 7 32bit Can Support

Jan 4, 2011

I want to know how much RAM Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit can support? Right now i have 2GB but i am planning to get another 2GB later to make 4GB in total

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Can Windows 7 32bit Utilize 4 GB RAM

Nov 8, 2010

Is there any software that can fully utilized my Core i5 4GB RAM.

Currently i am using 64bit windows 7 ultimate. Plan to switch back to Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit due to some drivers are not compatible.

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How To Install Windows 7-32bit

Sep 18, 2011

Before I used Windows XP, but now I clean install by installing Windows 7. I prefer Windows 7 32-bit. When installing the Windows 7, I got only Windows 7 64-bit and 86-bit options. It means I can't install windows 7 32-bit to my current computer. What must I do to get "Windows 7 32-bit" to work? Or it's because of my computer status that can't support Windows 7 32-bit. My computer is Dell Optiplex 380 (CPU Core to duo 2.6, Ram 2GB, and Hard Disk 640GB). Please help to tell me how to figure it out.

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Updating From Windows 7 32bit To 64 Bit?

Dec 28, 2012

I'm looking to update my windows 7 home premium from 32bit to 64bit. My question is, will this affect all the partitions on my hdd? Its 1TB split into D:100GB for the OS, D:200GB for games and the other E: for music, movies etc.
I only ask because it would be a pain to back up everything or can I get away with just backing up the C: drive.

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Boot Windows 7 Into 32bit?

Dec 2, 2009

how to boot windows7 into 32bit

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Hp 530 Windows 7 Drivers 32bit

Sep 13, 2011

do we have a drivers for windows 7, hp 530

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