BSOD Listening To Music And Browsing Net?

Apr 12, 2012

Whenever I am playing music on my computer. Whether it be Spotify or Pandora.. and I go to a certain type of website, it triggers the blue screen of death. It seemed random, but I have a certain site I can get to trigger the bsod ever time if musics on... not if it is off

I am using Firefox 11.0 I am able to trigger the BSOD on navigating through the

I have attached all of the necessary BSOD items. Is Windows 7 . . . - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? X64 - the original installed OS on the system? Yes. Original - an OEM or full retail version? OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer - What is the age of system (hardware)? 1 month - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) Same. Have not re-installed OS.

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BSOD While Browsing, Listening To Music, Or Using Steam

Dec 25, 2011

I just finished building my new pc and got it up and running today, but it has bluescreened six or seven times since I've been using it. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on it last night and the BSOD will pop up after 10 minutes of browsing or doing light work or even after playing a couple hours of Skyrim. Very random. I looked over some of the dump files to see a pattern but I think there are multiple things causing the BSOD. All of the hardware is new and this is my first time building a pc, though I am fairly certain that all of the hardware components are put together correctly, so I'm not sure if I need to upgrade a certain driver or what. My specs are listed under the profile and the dump files and health report are attached.

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BSOD Random Times (more Frequent When Browsing Playing Music)

Aug 19, 2012

BSOD random times (more frequent when browsing playing music)

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Stuttering While Listening To Music And Playing Games?

Dec 14, 2012

i am running window 7 home premium 64 bit on my hp probook 4530s recently hp did all of the bios an other updatto my laptop and now whenever i watch a video, listen to music or try to play a game it stutters i've tried updating an downgrading my graphic card driver my sound card the video card is a intel HD graphics 3000.

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Listening Music Sound Stop Suddenly?

Feb 5, 2013

while I was listening music sound stop suddenly .why?

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Laptop Freezes And Makes Buzzy Sound When Listening To Music?

May 13, 2012

I've had the freezing problem for months and so far no solution. My laptop runs fine when I play games, or browse, as long as i don't watch videos or listen to music, it doesn't mind if online or from my drive. Tried different software but no luck. I would think it's hardware, but i don't have this problem on linux.I ran windows 8 for a few days, didn't see the freezing there, but I don't like the OS.I think the problem is with the audio drivers or something, I tried old and new ones, but no result.I am running Windows 7 ultimate 32bit (64 doesn't help either). My laptop is Acer Extensa 5635zg. I attach the Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 report+ the everest report inside the zip, where you can find the hardware information about my laptop.

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XP Style File / Music Browsing In Windows 7

Nov 13, 2011

I am looking for some advice or suggestions on something that has bugged me on windows 7 since i started using it back when it was released.I have quite a large (almost 200 gig) music collection, and browsing for music to listen to has always been a bit of a chore.Wondering if any of you know of a way to go back to XP style album art folders like this:The one on the left looks so much nicer!It always made me think Microsoft had take a backwards step by doing away with the old folders!Oh and 1 other thing.When you try to group a folders contents by 'Name' does anyone know if there is a way of modding windows so that you can sort by: A,B,C,D etc etc, rather than the standard A-H > I-P > Q-Z ??

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BSOD Due To Browsing

Jul 20, 2009

After running first XP and than Vista on my rig I ghosted the Vista (x64) install yesterday and formatted for Win 7 (RC). All installed just fine and appears stable as long as I do nothing. I haven't installed any supplier drivers, but run from Win 7 integrated drivers only. I went on with updating through Win Update with everything there was and then went on to the typical utility stuff (i.e. Flash, Acrobat Reader etc.).

My issue is that on SOME web pages my computer now go straight to blue screen of death memory dumping. An example of such a page is Nvidia's (, which will send me straight to BSOD as soon as the name is resolved and I have a title. ^^

I tried restoring to a system restore point prior to all 3rd party installs (such as Flash), but I have no different behavior. I am about to try a clean install to see if it persists, but I am curious as to if anyone else has seen or heard of this tiny issue before and has any interesting theories on it?

And to clarify; no Asus drivers were installed and no the BIOS is not updated, but on the other hand - if it was BIOS incompatability I would kinda expect some generela stability issues, not connected to sepcific home pages.

Any ideas? Aliens in my RAM? Microsoft censoring the internet? Computer come alive and has a taste of its own?

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BSOD - While Browsing Various Locations

Sep 26, 2012

I've been getting the BSOD since 2010...usually occurs when accessing video or photos at mainstream sites like or FOX etc...intermittently...I've attached the CPU-Z, RAM-MON and the SF Diagnostics dump files.

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BSOD While Browsing The Internet?

Nov 17, 2011

Out of the blue, (no pun indended), my computer decided to BSOD. It is a Lenovo X61T, using windows 7 x64 ultimate.I have attached the minidump,I have the current windows updates and checked my drivers.

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Jan 30, 2012

My computer's been perfectly stable for months now and suddenly it BSODs again. (the previous issues had been entirely accounted for and rectified) I have my hunches but I need someone to take a look at the BSOD logs to find out what exactly caused this one.I've been doing just fine until I started playing Battlefield 3. My NVIDIA 280.26 drivers weren't good enough, the game told me so and froze every 5 minutes of play, necessitating killing the process through the task manager. I did a clean reinstall complete with driver sweeper of the 285.62 driver version and that fixed my issue. The game requires you to have all sorts of crap running in the background when you play. Punkbuster is normal but now EA has their own version of Steam, 'Origin', which needs to be playing while you run it. It also runs the game through the web browser, which required their own addon through my Firefox browser (v9.0.1).

Things were going well till a couple of days ago. I had just finished up a game of BF3 and was browsing through the game's web site when my screen went black. Everything came back up and my PC told me my video drivers had crashed and recovered. Firefox had oddly crashed as well. Fast forward to today, I'd finished playing BF3, at least an hour had passed. I was browsing some unrelated web site when my computer popped the blue screen linked in attachments. No warning at all, just browsing the net. My computer has been 100% stable up until now so I'm thinking it's either the new drivers or the funny plugin the game shoved into my Firefox.Whenever I've gone to their web site the browser opens 3 'plugin container' processes which won't close until I shut down the browser entirely. I know Origin wasn't running this last time but I might not have shut down the browser and restarted.I use Windows 7 64 bit retail on a self-built computer.I just built the system at the end of last year. 285.62-desktop-Windows 7-winvista-64bit-english-whql (installed)

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BSOD While Using Computer For Browsing Web

Feb 17, 2012

I just had a very random BSOD while just using the computer for browsing the web. It was related to win32k.sys. I have attached the dump files to this post. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with SP1 and have an i5 760 processor and a GT240 graphics card.

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Random BSOD When Browsing Net?

Jun 4, 2012

I recently re installed the OS and updated the chipset and display driver but no luck.

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BSOD Web Browsing Ntoskrnl?

Jul 22, 2012

I am getting BSOD while doing average tasks like web browsing or playing solitaire. I have already done a memtest 86 for 7 passes with no errors, chkdisk, repair files from install disk with no errors found, updated bios, and windows update.

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BSOD While Watching Video And Sometimes Browsing IE 8 Or FF

Nov 8, 2011

when i am watching web video - news site video (cnn, wsj, fox) or Internet, a few minutes into it, my system restarts. also, but less frequently, i get random restart on browsing with both ie8 and ff. see my profile for specs - basically windows 7 32 bit oem on a 5 year old p4 system. its fully patched. i thought it might be my avast and ad aware so i uninstalled these and installed ms security essentials. its fully patched too. i have updated my video drivers and installed an ms codec update. the restarts are still happening. the case gets decent air flow and i even slipped the side panel off, blew out some dust. the cpu temp seems fine so i don't think its a thermal warning. i tried the instructions to generate a minidump file, but no luck. the zip file has all my settings re: minidump as per the thread. see word doc in zip file.

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Random BSOD's While Playing WoW Or Just Browsing

Nov 13, 2011

I'm getting a 0x0000003b BSOD, and one I tracked down to it being Avast Antivirus causing it, and I uninstalled it, but I have one other that I don't know what it is.

Copied from BlueScreenViewer

I have uploaded a picture of my BSW screen.I have also uploaded a .dmp file for a BSOD and a PERFMON HTML file. I'm not sure if I did this right.

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BSOD While Browsing The Internet And When Lid Is Closed

Nov 17, 2011

Attachment 184027Windows 7, x64. Intel Core2 Duo CPU, 4 gig ram Original installation on the system, and I've never reinstalled it. I've had the laptop for about 1.5 years, Dell Studio 1555. It was bought new.

I get the BSOD at random moments, and it usually says fltmgr.sys (something like this) and the Driver Equal or Inequal message. I'm usually using my computer to go on the internet, although sometimes there's a BSOD when I close the lid. (I know because when I boot up the computer again it tells me there was an unexpected shutdown.)

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BSOD And PC Shuts Down While Browsing Facebook

Feb 5, 2012

Windows 7 X64 Acer Aspire Laptop. Operating system came installed, assuming OEM. Never reinstalled. System about 4 months old. Browsing facebook. PC shuts down BSOD, it has happened a few times.

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Random BSOD While Just Browsing Internet

May 6, 2012

I've had this issue before & it was bad RAM before so i replaced my RAM in late March and have not had issues since until a few minutes ago, I was watching a live stream on of the Nevada GOP Convention while also browsing facebook and Reddit and everything suddenly locked up on me and then a BSOD occurred forcing a reboot of my system, I have attached the .zip file to this post to hopefully finally get to the bottom of this issue..Is Windows 7

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? - 64 bit
- the original installed OS on the system? - Windows 7 64 bit, & dual booting Windows 8 Beta on a different partition
- an OEM or full retail version? - OEM
- What is the age of system (hardware)? - custom built system but i'd say average is 3-4 years for the mobo/processor, Ram is brand new, one of my hard drives is also only a couple of months, the other is maybe 2-3 years at my best estimate
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) - I did a reformat just a few months ago.

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Random BSOD While Gaming And Browsing?

May 31, 2012

I have a self built gaming computer. I have completely formatted the hard drive back to OEM settings and re-installed Windows 7. Nothing about my computer was bought from a store, everything came from Tiger Direct. Im getting random BSoD's and cant figure out why. I am attaching all of the info that I think you might need. If you need more,

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BSOD And Freezing During Gaming/browsing

Jun 24, 2012

Windows 7 x64 Professional
Originally installed OS
Full Retail

Bought from roommate and replaced his hard drive with a brand new hard drive (2 weeks).

He never had any issues with freezing or BSOD. We've reseated all hardware, completely removed dust, temperatures are consistently between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius, CHKDSK showed 0 bad sectors, Memtest had 0 errors, several antivirus/malware programs have come up 100% clean.

Had no issues the first week with this computer. Components are all of various ages (under 1.5 years), power source is 1250W CoolerMaster, video card is ~7 months old, memory is also ~7 months old, motherboard and processor are ~1.5 years old.

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BSOD While Browsing The Web - Memory Management

Aug 18, 2012

my computer has been receiving random BSODs throughout the day, especially when I am browsing the web. The message is usually "memory management." This computer is around 3 months old. The first 1 1/2 month, it did not experience this problem. However, from July and onwards, my computer would get BSOD; it would occur at least once a day.

According to BlueScreenView, the driver that is causing BSOD is "ntoskrnl.exe."

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BSOD While Browsing, Occurs Every Once In 2 Weeks

Aug 24, 2012

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:4105

Additional information about the problem:



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BSOD During Media Playback And Internet Browsing?

Jun 27, 2011

I think the problem is related to my graphics drivers. I persistently have issues with atikmpag.sys and atikmdag.sys. It has happened from the start and I finally am fed up with it.It can happen during web browsing. Playing video in media center will do it. My wife tried watching a video on and it crashed[CODE]I've tried reseating graphics and memory. I uninstalled the graphics driver and entire catalyst suite and just reinstalled the driver as I've heard that can be a probl know enough about computers to feel too comfortable and do damage, but I haven't tried anything crazy yet.I don't know enough to be useful fixing them evidently.'m at my wits end and ready to either take it in to MicroCenter to have them try and fix it or just buy a new NON-ATI graphics card to see if that fixes it.

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BSOD While Browsing, Watching Videos Or Gaming

Oct 13, 2012

Ran the W7F diagnostic tool as admin and it wouldn't create anything on my desktop so have attached dump files/cpu-z/RAMMON

Has always BSOD occasionally but has become much more frequent, every 15mins when playing X-COM. Appears to be mostly 101 clock error. The processor was pre-overclocked by the supplier, the overclocking profile only kicks in when cpu is under load. I never changed voltages or anything else in bios.

Ran prime 95 for 3 hrs last night before it crashed but the error was different to what it normally is - that's the oldest dump file in attached.

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BSOD (Stop Code 124) While Browsing Internet

Dec 7, 2011

I encountered a BSOD while just browsing the internet, I managed to get the STOP code of 124 though before it cleared. I HAVE been having some issues with my HDD not maintaining constant speeds during file transfers, so maybe its a HDD problem?

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BSOD While Browsing, Watching Videos, And On Startup

Jan 10, 2012

I got a BSOD about 5 months ago and I replaced one of my memory sticks and everything was fine until now. I've been getting them recently and I noticed its usually while watching a video or playing a game (graphics card problem?). After each bsod I usually get another during startup. Then my laptop runs startup repair and everything is fine for a few hours. I ran the driver verifier and it crashed almost as soon as i loaded a video but didn't create a dmp file for some reason.

Running Windows 7 x64
Upgraded from Vista about 7 months ago
Machine is a HP Pavillion dv7 1450us - a little over 2 years old

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BSOD While Playing Games Or Just Browsing Randomly

Jan 16, 2012

My computer will randomly BSOD or a hard freeze. It has been happening for a few weeks now. I just reforamtted to Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I tried the the chipset drivers from the CD, and the newest from asus, but it still happens. Ran memtest on each stick passed with 0 errors. Using latest video drivers, and installed all the Windows Updates. [code]

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BSOD When Browsing Internet, Opening Several Tabs?

Feb 15, 2012

I've been having trouble with my laptop now for quite a while when I'm on the internet and open 2 or more tabs or on random websites it'll stop loading the page for a split second then go to BSOD then restart?I've followed the BSOD posting instructions however I can't find this perfmon/report thing it's talking about so if someone could guide me if they need it I'd be happy to oblige. I am using an Advent Roma 3000 laptop 32 bit windows 7 OS It's the original windows 7 that came installed on the laptop This laptop is about 2 years and 2 months old and I have not reinstalled the OS ever.

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BSOD Whilst Browsing The Internet 0x000000F4

May 12, 2012

I got a BSOD while on the internet after about 10-15 minutes. I tried it on Google Chrome, Firefox and IE 9. It also occured when playing runescape on EpicBot. It hasnt occured while i played maplestory. x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x86 - the original installed OS on the system? Windows 7 Starter - an OEM or full retail version? OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer - What is the age of system (hardware)? 5 Months - What is the age of OS installation? 5 Months

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BSOD While Web Browsing And Videos Error 0x0000001E

May 21, 2012

Getting the above error.

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