BSOD BAD_POOL_CALLER Happens Randomly Or At Start When Windows 7 Loads?

Jun 10, 2012

I have been working on the problem for 2 days now and have gotten to various stages of working and not working. The issue at its worst will always BSOD when starting windows even using the various options. I have since then used the command prompt option form the install disc to run chkdsk and other repair options (fixmbr sfc /scannow) and am now able to boot into windows most of the time. Oh and sfc /scannow reports corruption but unable to fixI believe it is the work of some sort of malware but i have run updated versions of kaspersky and malwarebytes as well as rkill in an attempt to remove it but all report back that there is no malware. If that is the case then I feel like my drivers have been corrupted somehow and have replaced most of them but still get BSOD's but usually after I try to run a full security scan.

The only lead I have is the log file from sfc /scannow. Oh and most of my issues happened after running driver verifier so thats why I believe it is a corrupted driver and I recently believe that my Diablo 3 account was stolen by a keylogger but yet again using all the different security options that I have since downloaded found nothing including running avg with a linux disk at startup.Anyway Im sure i forgot to add stuff that I did but hopefuly we can figure it out i feel like my only uption is to do a repair install which i think I tried bu didnt work since my install drive is only 64GB and has 6 GB space left.

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BSOD Randomly Bad_pool_caller?

Jan 9, 2013

Did a fresh install of Windows 7 Professional and made sure all the Microsoft Updates were installed. But every now and then the laptop shows the BSOD and restarts itself. It seems to happen randomly. I've uploaded the most recent dmp file in hopes that someone can help me figure out what is causing the BSOD. The laptop is a Gateway W350A if it matters any.

So I used Whocrashed to look at the dmp file myself and found that it was the Realtek wireless lan driver causing the BSOD. I went to find an update from the Realtek website which I installed. Now the card won't recognize any hotspots at all. Windows diagnosed the problem as the wireless on the laptop being turned off. I triple checked that the wireless was on, disabled and re-enabled the card and the results were the same. S the latest version of the driver makes the laptop think the wireless is off and the previous version works but causes the BSOD.The version of the driver causing the BSOD is Realtek RTL8187SE 6.1020.226.2009 The most recent version that causes the wireless card to not recognize hotspots is 9109.1028.2009?

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Bsod Bad_pool_caller?

Apr 11, 2012

so today my computer BSOD'd on me with the line: BAD_POOL_CALLERThis happened while I ws trying to connect to wifi, and now my computer won't even see my wireless connection.My computer is about two years oldWindows 7 64bit (the one that came installed.)

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BSOD: Bad_pool_caller! Constantly Crashing

May 12, 2011

I had posted another forum post on the games section where I kept getting this bluescreen error when I played WoW. However today the issue occured even when I didn't run the game so I think its just a general problem now.I wiped my entire computer, reupdated all my drivers and reinstalled windows 7 and wow to try to fix the problem, but no luck. I though the problem was my memory at first, so I did several memory diagnosis tests and tried different sticks of RAM (current using 8g) and they all passed and no errors came up on the windows memory diagnosis tests. I also went to the alienware website and re-downloaded all the drivers for my M17 model, and I updated windows about 50 times.I will provide my system specs and my minidump files below for you techy's to take a look:

OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional
Version6.1.7600 Build 7600
Other OS Description Not Available
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation
System NameNICK-PC


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BSOD When Resuming From Sleep. Bad_pool_caller?

May 29, 2012

I got a new monitor (Dell 2007wfp) and hooked it up to via VGA cable. I ordered a usb cable for it, and a DVI cable and then I went out of town for two weeks and completely unplugged all electronics including my computer. When I got back I installed the new cables, plugged everything back in, and the computer wouldn't start. The light on the PSU was flashing. I re-seated the PSU and then it came on just fine. Now every time my computer tries to resume from sleep I get a BSOD with the error "Bad_Pool_Caller".I have included the files requested in the instructions.

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Hotspot Shield Keeps Causing Bad_Pool_Caller BSOD?

Mar 12, 2012

I run HotSpot Shield because my college has a network security that logs your activity (Sonicwall), and I find it to be a little too invading on my privacy.However, I find that HSS keeps causing BSODs while waking from hibernate (whether I'm running 7 or 8). I don't know if this is due to dual booting or simply because HSS runs a virtual network adapter, but I'd like to get it to work properly.

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All Programs List From Start Menu Loads Slow

Mar 17, 2009

After I restart, or turn off-turn on my pc and go start -> all programs, Windows 7 seems to hang for 7-10 seconds sometimes, then the list appears. After that first "load" of the programs list, it opens normally. I have indexed the start menu, as well as the rest of my drive. Any ideas about what might be causing this?

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BSOD At Random But Usually Whenever Games Loads

Aug 23, 2012

My computer BSODs at random times usually whenever I load Star Wars: The Old Republic. At first I thought it was overheating, but I have changed my cooling and it is still doing the same thing.

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BSOD "BAD_POOL_CALLER" When Torrenting Or Using Certain Browsers

Apr 22, 2012

My laptop originally came with Vista 64 but a few months ago I installed Windows 7 32 bit (64 would not run for some reason). Since then I've been getting a BSOD pretty consistently when torrenting, or randomly when using either Chrome or IE--Firefox seems to work fine. I suspect the problem might stem from bad/outdated network drivers, how to interpret the dump file?

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BSOD Randomly And PC Freezes Randomly?

Jun 30, 2012

my pc has been acting weird lately, it has began randomly crashing frequently. I turn it on and after 3 or so minutes of random activity it just freezes or gives me a blue screen error. Sometimes while playing BF3, it freezes.[CODE]

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Bad_Pool_Caller - Windows 7

Oct 26, 2011

Stop:0x000000C2, (0x00000007, 0x00001097, 0x6A1C4783B, 0x8E469D24) ntfs.sys 8E469D24 base at 8E43B000, Got this error 5 times. Is it memory? The Motherboard, or Chip? Also attempted to reload Win 7 again and got the same crash...

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Bad_pool_caller Windows 7 Fix?

Feb 8, 2012

bad_pool_caller how to fix with free site

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Windows Failed To Start After Randomly Turning Off

Nov 22, 2012

I had my computer on and after a little wile it just turned off. After turning it back on it displays a "windows has failed to start a recent ..." And after clicking the repair option it is in the middle of loading it then it just turns of and I have the whole problem again. If I wait a day or so I can successfully repair it according to the popup but the. After a while it turns of again and the whole problem starts over again. The thing is I have not made any changes to my computer regarding software or windows 7 this just happened randomly.

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BSOD On Windows 7 Randomly?

Aug 15, 2011

Getting random BSOD with win7 that i've nv gotten with my old XP SP3. The only new hardware i added was a very old DDR2 1gb Ram and a samsung hdd which probably isn't the issue.

i've used the SF diag tool v4 to gather all that

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BSOD Randomly - Windows 7 Pro / HP Pavilion H8 1041

May 6, 2012

Random BSOD that I have been experiencing on this HP Pavilion H8-1041 Windows 7 64-bit machine. I bought it refurbished and it seems this problem existed since day1. It was running Windows 7 Premium and now Windows 7 Pro, but the same problem still exists. Warranty already expired, although it is only 4 months old. I do have McAfee VirusScan 8.7 installed and up to date.

Dump is attached.

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BSOD Windows 7 X64 Shutdown And/or Restart Randomly?

Jul 5, 2012

In the past days my laptop shutdown unexpectedly only with uTorrent opened... I thought it was from high temperature but now I just don't know what is it because I don't think the laptop is too much warm and it not doing any heavy task when this happens.

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Windows 7 Keeps Turning Off And Blue Screen Error Bad_pool_caller?

Nov 6, 2012

My laptop keeps turning itself off and keeps blue screen..BAD_POOL_CALLER ))..i have attached the last of my minidump .DMP files if you can access then and check the for me ...#DOWS 7 32BITINTEL DUAL CORE T3200 & 2GB X 22GB RAMADVENT

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[BSOD] Windows 7 64bit Randomly Crashed / Freezing?

Feb 26, 2012

Bought new laptop 4 month ago and this problem have been all the time.When I bought then it was freezing when I was surfing with Internet explorer and its just freezed (Is not working).But now is just freezing/shuting down.Few times have been blue death screen aswell.

My System Specifications

Operating System:
Windows (Service Pack 1)
CPU Type:
Intel� Core� i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz
CPU Speed:
2.02 GHz
System Memory:
7.95 GB


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BSOD Randomly (Error 0x000000d1) After Windows 7 Fresh Install

Jun 23, 2012

I built my pc about a year ago. I had no problems with it up until like a week ago when I started to get random bsod there mostly do to with ntoskrnl.exe., not that good with these types of issues. I actually reinstalled windows by doing a fresh install but I installed many of the same programs again so i don't know what is causing the issue.

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BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000c2

Jun 14, 2012

I have a brand new Dell Optiplex 990 where I replaced the existing SSD with an Intel SSD520 and I installed a Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2. Whole system was freshly installed with newest drivers. But now I got this:

Dump File : 061412-5959-01.dmp
Crash Time : 14.06.2012 03:20:35
Bug Check String : BAD_POOL_CALLER
Bug Check Code : 0x000000c2
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000007
Parameter 2 : 00000000`0000109b


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Different BSOD Randomly

May 16, 2012

There seems to be no pattern as to when I get a BSOD. I ran Memtest86+ for about 18 hours (8 full cycles) and there were no errors. I've noticed also that anytime I run Prime95 with high FFT lengths, all 4 cores fail almost immediately ("Rounding was 0.5, expected 0.4" is a common one). I have gotten BSOD's when nothing was overclocked. I've gotten it when doing light overclock stress testing as well. I've gotten it when doing no stress testing and nothing else that's CPU or memory intensive.

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BSOD Randomly Once A Day?

Jun 29, 2012

Lately I've been getting BSODs randomly during the day. I work from my computer at home and then sometimes also play games at night like Mass Effect which is pretty system intensive. Whats strange is that the BSODs only happen when I'm working. I have 2 browsers up, a text editor maybe 2, ftp program, sometimes music. Nothing that would strain the system.I've ran driver verifier already which lead me to remove my Realtek HD Audio driver, I've turned it off since. I ran memtest86 overnight once and will run it again for a more extended period, but because of when the crashes happen I'm inclined to think it's a software issue.

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Getting BSOD Randomly

Jul 2, 2012

So I have been having random bsods every 5 to 12 hours for the past week before this week it's been about every two or three days most of the time after the computer crashes even though it says that it is writing a memory dump when I go to look for it, it's not there so I can't find out what is wrong I have noticed that ntsokrnl.exe is a reaccurring error when it does write a dump I've had many many different errors I have had DRIVER_IRQL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO I've also had NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM I'll start listing them from now on and updating the forum post any help will be useful I have also replaced my memory done mem checks did a disk check reinstalled windows multiple times I'm at a complete loss here is the one dump I have been able to get

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BSOD Randomly During Use?

Sep 18, 2012

My PC keeps getting BSOD's at random points during use though I'm thinking it could be hardware, but was hoping to get some expert advice before coming to that conclusion.It started happening a while ago and created quite a few minidump files, though tonight I think I reset the CMOS (couldn't boot PC) & went into windows, the date/time were reverted back to 2002 & the minidumps were no longer there (even after adjusting the date/time back to normal)I have 2x dumps at the moment & hope they are of some use.(attached). I had to add .doc to the end of the .dmp files. The upload manager wouldn't upload the standard .dmp file.There's no specific point at which it would BSOD, sometimes PC would just lock up without the BSOD screen showing up. Could happen within minutes of turning on, or an hour+ after. Could be watching a movie or surfing the net.. or just sitting there.

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Error Message BAD_Pool_CALLER

Dec 17, 2011

I have been working on a client computer recieving a BAD_POOL CALLER error. This is a Dell Deminsion 8200, Win XP Home. Unable to provide any other specs as I was unable to get past this BSOD. Tried loading original oem disk, disk loaded to repair, pressed (r) for repair, comes back to BSOD BAD_POOL_CALLER. Also, unbale to use safe mode or any other mode.Tried to reload Win XP with fresh install recieved same error.

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Laptop Freeze Randomly, Need To Take Off Power Supply And Start Again?

Mar 7, 2012

it freeze totally at random, i cant move my mouse or do anything.

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Icons For Start Menu Programs Randomly Disappear

Aug 14, 2010

This is not a big problem but is quite annoying, sometimes randomly the icons for my start menu programs will disappear and the icon will change to the default one when there is no icon to be found. Just random programs do this and if I go to properties it still says the icon is the old one but shows up as default in the program list. If I just hit apply and ok it changes it back. Is there anyway to prevent this or know why this does happen?

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Front USB Ports Randomly Stop/start Working?

Jan 14, 2013

I recently got a new power supply and video card for my computer. It has been working great but on accident one day I broke the plastic divider inside one of my usb ports so that one no longer worked and now my other usb port is not working. It will not recognize anything plugged into it and my phone can't even charge through it. It did the same thing a few days ago but it randomly started working again but now it isn't and I don't know how to get it back or make it stop. The usb ports on the back of the pc are still working though, my keyboard and mouse are plugged in through it and haven't stopped working once.

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BSOD Randomly But No Minidump

Jun 21, 2011

I have recently built a new PC (about a month ago), but I'm continuing to get BSOD randomly. I did have two HDD in my PC and the BSOD were more frequent, but since reducing to one HDD over a week ago, I have just received another BSOD. My biggest problem is that, every time my PC BSOD, it doesn't leave a Minidump for me to analyse. It appears that most of the time the BSOD is displaying KERNAL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and either volmgrx.sys or nfts.sys.

PC as follows -
Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD4-B3
Intel i5 2500K
G. Skill Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL
Gainward GeForce GTX 580 3GB Phantom
Pioneer BDR-206 Blu-Ray Disc Writer
OCZ Vertex 3 120GB SSD
Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB HD103SJ (not currently connected as above)
Windows 7 PRO 64bit

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Dec 21, 2011

my computer BSOD's random times. after a little research i thought it was caused by my mouse. but i removed it and it still occurs. at random times.

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BSOD Randomly While Surfing On Net?

Dec 24, 2011

i just got a new laptop lenovo y570 and today is the second day of it and i got a bsod twice . Is Windows 7 ... - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 - the original installed OS on the system? yes - an OEM or full retail version? oem -What is the age of system (hardware)? 2 days What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 2 days..

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