Apostrophe Key Does Not Work Correctly

Oct 11, 2012

I have not been able to use the apostrophe key because of some keyboard setting I can`t fathom. Basically, to use the key I have to hold it down for ages but then lots of them appear after a really long delay. I know it`s not the keyboard because if I change to Japanese input it works okay.It is not the problem where it waits for the next key to be pressed before appearing.How do I fix this for my UK keyboard?

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Num Lock Does Not Work Correctly

Aug 3, 2012

I have a Pavilion dv-6 2155dx laptop. Windows 7. It's worked fine until recently. I have rebooted many times No change. The ON/OFF bell seems to work ok but the number pad does not work correctly. It does "strange" things now. Some keys do "something" and others do not as follows:

/ types a slash * types an asterisk - types a minus sign + types a plus sign
Enter seems to be ok
7, 8, 9, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3, DEL do nothing
5 unhighlights anything highlighted in a browser search bar. If nothing is highlighted then 5 does one of several things: brings up Page Navigation option, moves flashing cursor one space to left OR causes flashing cursor to disappear altogether. 0 seems to now and then cause the flashing cursor to disappear.

This has got to be something easy that I probably accidentally screwed up. I have tried to go into BIOS but directions I found did not get me to menus described to me.

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ATi 9550 Drivers Don't Work Correctly

Jul 7, 2009

I'm new, I'm not english (so, I'm sorry since now if something will be wrong with the language) and I have a big problem with my video card since I installed Windows Seven.

AMD does not support my video card (an ATi Radeon 9550 256Mb) with compatible drivers for Seven. I tried to install the drivers for Xp 32bit but even if I selected the compatibility mode (in properties) for that OS, when I restarted Windows after all the driver installation process I can't see anything on my monitor, or better, I see (it's difficult to explain) many vertical lines mainly colored in white and black flashing continously.

Now, I changed the video card with another one, only to uninstall the old drivers and retry in another way. And here comes out the second problem. When I go in the Control Panel to select the windows uninstall tool he says me that it's impossible to uninstall old drivers or non-ATi drivers.

I'm looking for an external tool for uninstalling driver; I found Driver Magician. except this second problem, is there any solution for the incompatibility with my video card? (please, don't say me to change it )(I tried to search here on the forum for something, but I didn't find anything).

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Windows 7 Search Does Not Work Correctly

Jan 1, 2010

This is a fresh install and I have Indexing enabled for the Entire root drive and have not altered any settings for Windows Search functions.Example is file extension .fdb (It's a legacy database file), I have hundreds of this is several locations that I cannot recall all locations so I'm trying to use Search.The OS is exactly named "Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium"What is going on?What could be something to check?Is their some setting I've missed?Is their any info from MSFT? Registry settings?

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Windows 7 Search Does Not Work Correctly

Feb 21, 2012

windows cannot a=ccess the specified path or file. /you may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item And yet it is my personal laptop and I am the administrator?

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WLPG 2011 Cropping Does Not Work Correctly

Feb 1, 2011

The cropping tool in wlpg 2011 does not work correctly. Tool is not relable and does not function as it should. I have an indentical PC with wlpg 2011 which does work correctly. I have reinstall twice with no luck.

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WiFi Security Code Does Not Work Correctly?

Dec 6, 2012

My wifi security code doesn't work properly, how can I fix it?

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Printing On 12x12 Photo Paper Doesn't Work Correctly

Nov 28, 2012

I just bought an HP7500A wide format so that I can print my 12 x 12 scrapbook pages at home. It prints borderless fine on cardstock but when I try to print on photo paper it stops about 1/4 inch from the outside edge and leaves a line of ink. I am using Red River glossy paper.

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Website Changes Don't Appear Correctly In IE

Dec 27, 2011

I built a website using MS Publisher 2007. Im using Filezilla to upload changes to the site. Everything works great. Except: When I use a computer which runs on Vista, and I upload the changes, all the changes are good on IE, Firefox and Chrome.

However (and heres the very strange part), when I upload the changes on a computer running Windows 7, the changes are all good on Firefox and Chrome but on IE, the menu bar down the left side doesnt show up which, of course, means that anyone viewing the site on IE cant go to other pages. Ive tried to upload the changes using another computer running Windows 7 to be sure it wasnt just my computer and the same thing happened.

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Never Boot Correctly?

Aug 17, 2011

I recently built a new computer using the Asus P67 Sabertooth Motherboard.I am using a Crucial SSD drive as my boot drive. This is my problem.If the computer ever goes into sleep the monitor will not wake up when moving the mouse and the computer has to be hard shut down in order to get it to get the screen to come on. The computer sounds as though its waking up just no video at all.The second thing is every couple of weeks my computer will start to boot up and then after the Bios screens it will sit at a black screen with a blinking cursor.I will restart and go into the bios and select boot menu and select the Crucial C300 SSD and it will say its resuming windows. But it will never boot correctly again.I will always have to boot this way.I am wondering if the SSD is bad.

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Dvd Will Not Function Correctly

Sep 26, 2011

dvd will not function correctly, tired seven dvd player/writers all from working units. it telling me no disc then said checking disc. I have used writeables rewriteables then put them in a unit with xp on it works fine format try again works fine again. I have installed 7 on this machine and it will not work. all the other systems work. JUST will not write or read a DVD HELP!!!!

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New 3TB HDD Won't Partition Correctly

Nov 20, 2012

I just bought a new 3 TB hard drive and I'm trying to install it. So far so good (I figured out how to do it) but for some reason it only partitioned 2048.00 GB on the drive. 746.52GB is unallocated and I can't figure out how to add it?

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Get Documents To Display Correctly?

Aug 7, 2011

I am running Windows Home Premium on a HP a1624n computer. I was trying to find a file the other day and what I did was sort a folder contents in My Documents by date modified to find the file. Great! I found the file I was looking for. The problem is, now the My Documents folder is not displayed correctly and I can't figure out how to fix it to display correctly. For example folder names in My Documents are:Word Docs, System Stuff, ## Outlook, My Scans, Temporary Copy Spot, Nexus One Related etc.These are displayed in that order. By my question, I want the folders displayed in order by name meaning the list above should be Left to Right:## Outlook Files, My Scans, Nexus One Related, Temporary Copy Spot, Word Docs etc. If I select : Arrange by Name, I see a list of all files inside of all the folders. If I select Arrange by Folders, I see the list folders in the incorrect order I have listed above. If I select any other option, I am presented with file lists of all files in all the folders in My Documents.How do I get this fixed to display correctly? I haven't tried a system restore as these files are personal files and System Restore doesn't touch them. Daviddude has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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All My Applications Won't Open Correctly

Nov 10, 2011

It seems all my applications are acting up so I have to use a separate computer. I know its not a virus since I never accessed the internet but all my applications went hay-wire, if I double click for example: notepad, it tries to open up internet explorer then shuts that down and asks me to run or save the file application, either choice I make causes the screen requesting those two options to reappear over and over. It all started when I made my falloutnewvegas.exe try to open with the falloutnewvegaslauncher which was the only one allowing the game to launch. so after that every application has a internet explorer icon in the middle of it with a blank page.

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Computer Won't Boot Up Correctly

Nov 24, 2011

So when I came back from class today, my computer was off and so I turned it on. It never got passed what seems to be the BIOS screen (I don't actually know what it is, but that's what I think it is).

I have a Predator G Series G5900, with no modifications. Attached is the photo of the screen I have when I turn on the computer.

What I have tried:

- Unplug every USB device and take off the power supply. Hold the power button for 30 seconds. Reboot.

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Websites Not Displaying Correctly

Jan 2, 2012

Certain websites such as eBay, Facebook & Hotmail are not loading correctly. Once I hit log in the page just shows as text to the left hand side of the screen. I have cleared all history, cookies & cache, I have restarted my computer, I have tried accessing them under a different windows PC user name, upgraded Mozilla, tried internet explorer, upgraded Java and made sure it was enabled.

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How To Save A Theme Correctly

May 10, 2012

For a desktop theme the i saved a theme right? then i got a new background and the first one was saved, but i save the second one and every background i choose it makes a "default" background and it overrights the second save. How are you suppose to save a theme without it being overwritten?

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Screen Not Displaying Correctly?

Sep 15, 2012

My display has suddenly decided to reduce it's size and doesn't any longer stretch to fill the monitor screen. There is a black border of about 1.5cm all round the desktop display. Using Windows 7 on a Dell All-inOne.

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None Of The Programs Are Saving Correctly?

May 28, 2011

am having a problem with many of my programs. For example, my minesweeper does not save my game anymore, my curse client does not open saying it is a logging system error, my google chrome does not save my history and the extensions i have on it do not save any of my history as well, my windows desktop gadgets do not update anymore (my weather is not updating and says it cannot connect to the internet), and my taskbar does not recognize my cursor leaving it so it keeps whatever icon i had my cursor on last highlighted. The last thing I remember installing before all the errors occurred is minecraft and a minecraft server

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HomeGroup Not Working Correctly?

Sep 15, 2009

Just set up a homegroup using 2 pcs running Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7600), both pcs can see each other and connect to view the librariesthis is where the problem ariseswhen i try to open a library on the remote pc, it wont open it even though there are files in that area on the pc i am trying to access. it is exactly the same if i switch pcs and try to access the 1st one.

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Gadgets Not Displaying Correctly?

Jun 11, 2010

For some odd reason, about a month ago all gadgets in my win 7 ultimate stopped working correctly and now look like this when extended:Not even samples for the clock are displayed correctly anymore, instead I just get this red X-es.I've tried many things already, such as repairing windows for the dvd and so on but none have worked.

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Program Won't Run Correctly Unless UAC Is Disabled?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a program (written by a community member for this game) that hooks into the game itself, and grabs the onscreen text. Now, the program itself works, but only when UAC is disabled. I can run it as administrator, and approve the changes it makes to the computer, however it still won't work unless the UAC is disabled.Do any of you guys know what the problem is? When UAC is off, the program does not need administrator priviledges. When the UAC's on, when the program starts up it the UAC makes its appearance and asks if you'd like to allow this program to make changes, and i always click "yes." So I don't understand why, even though i allow it to make changes, it still can't do those changes.My friend, the one who showed me it, runs XP and has no problem with it. if you want the link for it, if you need it, i can get you it. It's pretty simple really, just the program and a .DLL file that goes with it.

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Laptop Not Starting Up Correctly?

Jan 14, 2013

Ive got a Packard Bell laptop but have just noticed that it only starts up intermittently.Mostly I just get 'Windows is starting' and thats it - just a black screen. I have to shut it down and then it starts up in safe mode repairing the incorrect shut down i imagine.

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Your Profile Could Not Be Opened Correctly

Jul 4, 2012

OS win 7. This is an issue that I have (Like lots of other people too, I suspect) been having over the last couple of days. My home page is Google and when I boot up the message >Your profile could not be opened correctly. Some features may not be available. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents< without the arrow heads.I have tried keying the message into Google, but there doesn't seem to be a cure up to now. Does anyone have the same problem? If so, have you been able to find an answer. My pc is clean.

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IE 8 Not Working Correctly After IE 9 Is Uninstalled

Jun 30, 2011

I am a computer tech that works with a wide variety of operating systems. However, a client of mine got a brand new HP with Windows 7 Professional 64-bit pre-installed. Everything was working, but he installed IE 9. Web applications were taking too long to load, so he uninstalled it using the add / remove programs.

This is where it gets interesting. IE 8 seems to work, until you try to download something interactively. For example I went to adobe.com and tried to install Acrobat Reader, the download would not begin.

I tried to install chrome, however the auto-install would not start. When I chose the standalone install for chrome, the direct link to download worked.

The customer uses webmail and in IE he can log into his email, view the emails, but can't delete. When he selects an email and clicks the delete button, the page refreshes, but the email is not deleted.

So I can't uninstall IE 8, I can only turn it off in the Windows Component applet, and I don't see a full install of IE 8 either. He needs IE for some of the web applications he is using in his business, so we need to get IE working. how to fully remove and reinstall IE 8?

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Web Pages Not Loading Correctly

Dec 7, 2012

I have a really weird issue that I just cannot figure out, but it is annoying as ever.I use Google Chrome and sometimes when I am loading a webpage, the entire page doesn't load properly. For instance, below are 2 pictures.This first picture displays how everything is messed up and did not load correctly.how the website should normally load up to look like.Notice the difference between the two? And it's not just this page that does it, it's almost any page I go to and it happens randomly.how all of the smiley faces didn't load and all of the images above the message box? I don't think it's my connection. I've called my ISP a few times already and seriously questioned different reps and none of them can see any kind of problem with my connection.

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Png Thumbnails Donot Appear Correctly?

Nov 21, 2010

Since some time my png thumbnails doesnot appear in explorer. All the other image file types are fine.I tried changing the default program to open png files but it remains the same.I tried rebuild icon cache without success.What can be the problem?

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Windows Won't Load Up Correctly?

Oct 25, 2012

It loads fine but I wonder why doesn't the come up when it's booting up. It just stays there black. Is it because I have reinstalled my operating system way too many times? Because it's been like this since whenever I reinstalled it. Not a big deal but I'm just curious as of why. My windows is activated, btw.

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USB Hubs Not Working Correctly?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a couple of powered USB Hubs that work inconsistently. For simple stuff, such as transferring a file from one external drive to another, they generally seem to be OK, but when trying to do multiple transfers, they fail. They also seem to be inconsistant when seeking to link phones and so on.When I link the devices directly to the motherboard using the USB connections on the computer, I do not have a problem.

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3TB Internal HD Not Installing Correctly?

May 31, 2012

I have 3 internal hard drives and am trying to add a 4th. The ones that I have are a 1TB (Boot), a 2TB MBR, and a 3TB MBR. When I try to install the 2nd 3TB one and go into Disk Management to create the partitions, it only shows this 4th HD as being 746.52GB! In fact, I have already returned one to the store thinking there was something wrong with the drive but obviously it was not

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How To Format Your Computer Correctly

Jul 17, 2012

trying to format my computer,but each time i try to put windows 7 on my dell inspiron 350.i must have about 3 different windows7 on my computer now and its slowing it down.what can i do to make it run faster.

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