Allowing All Users To Use Profile On Windows 7 Machine?

Sep 28, 2012

I want the pc to be set up so that all users can use the profile that is on the machine. I know how its done in xp but now windows 7

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Allowing Limited Users Admin Priviliges?

Aug 15, 2012

When I am on a limited user and I try to set permissions of its folders I need to provide the admin password to proceed, why?

Now the problem with User Account Control. When I click on advanced sharing, or try to do any activity that requires admin priviliges, User Account Control window pops up, you know, that window asks for the password and it somehow blocks the desktop and anything else so I cant take a picture of it.

Anyway after I provide the admin's password, the pop up closes but the process hangs/freezes does not respond for eternity.

If it is an app, it does not run. If it is a folder, the explorer thread(is it thread?) related to that folder is not responding for eternity and it is stuck, hangs. however you want to call it.

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Cannot Access Users Profile Information

Jul 2, 2012

i can not acces to my information and when i logged in a message appeared and it said that all my information would be deleated when i log off, it is what i did, i clicked in my profile properties and then i clicked in the security tab and i clicked in edit then i marked all in deny because i wanted to make private all my information but then it happened all that im describing. I can not acces my information, i want to know how can i do to recover my information. Meanwhilei can not turn off my pc because i will lose all my information, i logged in with another account but i can not access to my information, when i clicked in this users properties and then i click in the security tab, my profile that is in danger does not appear

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Skydrive App Multiple Users Same Machine?

Feb 1, 2013

I want to use the skydrive app for users on the domain. They would all share this drive in the notification area but log in and out of the drive with each accessing their own files on a windows 7 machine.this will be for clients logging in with an active directory account. Is this possible? use it as secure online storage obviously they would all need a hotmail address.This would be for multiple domain users on the same physical computer? or is there any free alternative that can accomplish the same

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Windows 7 Not Allowing To Use USB

Sep 7, 2011

I had Windows 7 installed on my 64x HP PC and all was fine. But yesterday morning I got my old P4 out of the closet and decided to wipe 7 and install Windows Server 08 with my old P4 as the client running XP. Then I was offered another PC that is significantly better than this P4 so I put Win 7 back on the HP with intentions of replacing the P4 with the new AMD box.These "things" are device recognizancian. First, there are camera card readers built into the front of the HP box. They showed in "Computer". But they are not there now.Second, I have a USB HD. I store all of my data on it. When I plug it in now the computer makes those beeps as it does when it recognizes a new USB device but it won't show up in "Computer" either.

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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Does Windows 7 Allowing Same Names 2 Documents Folders

Sep 21, 2009

i opened %userprofile% folder and found that there are 2 My Documents folders.Does windows 7 allowing same names now ?Both are exact same name, copy name paste to other has no effect as if they were named differently but not.This making me confused where user data is stored.Is this normal ?And why folders are being created when i removed them ? Folders like my pictures/videos/music ? i dont use media player/dont upload pictures or recording vides so WTF is up with that ?

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Windows 7 Not Allowing Client Side Web Launch?

Jul 14, 2012

Ive been having an issue for several weeks now where windows will not allow programs to launch web based items, ie: Acrobat opening links in Pdf's, Any program trying to open help tabs or 'about' pages, Loader screens for games not allowing to open website links for accounts, forums, downloads etc...At the same time I noticed my menu's in all programs also changed the manner in which they opened- they cascade to the farthest left alignment instead of classic right side orientation- this applies to the desktop right click as well.At first I ignored these as they were only annoying and I thought they would resolve themselves thru future updates- not the case.

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Allowing Fullscreen Applications To Overlap Taskbar Under Windows 7?

Jan 30, 2012

I need to allow full screen Windows applications overlapping task bar under Windows 7. The "auto hide" is not the option due to user requirements. One possible solution is to change the code of those applications to allow them overlapping task bar, but it will imply a lot of work as we have many of them already running at customer's side. The best would be just to remove programmatically the "topmost" style of task bar window, but my code failed to do that with the error 0x00000005 "Access denied".

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Windows 7 Ultimate Setup At Home Allowing A VPN Connections

Feb 26, 2012

I have a windows 7 ultimate setup at home allowing a VPN connections via ptppp using the incoming setup.I set up the Client which is my iPad 2 and the connection goes through fine authenticating and then connected internally within the network and externally outside the network. Everything seems work prefectly.The client(iPad 2) loses internet browsing capability if I turn On the option to send all traffic however if the send all traffic is off then everything works fine. It's only my assumption that the reason why the internet works when the send all traffic is Off via my iPad 2 to the windows 7 machine is because it created a split tunnel which allows me to use the Internet without problems.My goal is to be able to turn On Send All traffic and it works. Having all data passthrough the windows machine

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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Creating New Profile / Run Program From Another Profile?

May 18, 2012

i have problems with adobe cs6 installing, and it's been suggested i install it under a new profile. no problem with that, however, will i be able to access / run it under my 'normal' profile? finally, will doing this affect any of my existing programs in my 'normal' profile?

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Connecting 1 Windows 7 Machine And 1 Windows Xp Machine To Share Files

Feb 6, 2011

ive got 2 computers hooked up to a router by Ethernet sharing an internet connection, the internet connection works fine for both computers. i would like to share documents also between the computers

-one is a windows xp 32
-one is a windows 7 64

ive set up many networks in the past with a bunch of xp machines without any trouble but now i am having trouble my first step was on the windows 7 machine, i went to control panel -> network and sharing center -> setup a connection or network -> set up a new network this is where i believe i am making a mistake of some kind, it seems that the windows 7 machine is assuming that i want to set up the network wirelessly, when it is connected to the router via Ethernet. it simply brings me to a screen that says choose the wireless router or access point you want to configure, and hangs there with a greyed out next button everything seems to be going fine on the xp machine, i created a new network called "share bear", told it that the computer connects through a residential gateway, enabled file and printer sharing, rebooted the machine, and confirmed that there was a new folder in the network places for shared documents..i went back to the windows 7 machine where it was still hanging, rebooted it, looked for the new network in network and sharing center and it wasn't there, i tried again to "set up a new network" on the windows 7 machine with the same hanging screen

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[ACCOUNTS] Move C:users To D:users?

Jan 30, 2011

I just installed a new 64 gig SSD in my computer. I also have a 2T secondary hard drive.The SSD is not big enough to contain all the stuff that will eventually be in "My documents",i.e. under "users" so I need to move the users directory to my secondary hard drive but havewindows behave as it were in its original location.I did some research and found the following technique which seemed plausible (and several people said it worked for them)

1. Install windows normally.
2. After install, boot from installation disk.
3. Get into the command prompt by clicking "repair".
4. Use robocopy to copy c:users to d:users. The command line should be: robocopy c:users d:users /mir /xj /copyall
5. Verify all files copied successfully.
6. Delete c:users. Command line should be: rmdir /s /q c:users
7. Delete c:documents and settings. Command line should be: rmdir "c:documents and settings"
8. Create junction to new users directory. Command line should be: mklink /j c:users d:users
9. Create junction for the old "documents and settings". Command line should be: mkdir /j "c:documents and settings" d:users
10. Restart computer.

Note:When in recovery mode the disk drives end up with different drive letters than what the normally have.Consequently my SSD drive which is "C" became "E" and my hard drive which is "D" became "C". Confusing, but I adjusted the above commands to reflect this.All seemed to go well until I rebooted. The computer booted up fine, but when I entered my password to log in windows complained that it could not find my profile. Since I could not log in at all I was forced to re-install windows. Supposedly, this is doable and I NEED to do it asap as my SSD will not hold all the stuff that will eventually be in "users".

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Show Processes From All Users, With No Other Users

May 4, 2011

I am cleaning a laptop out and i created a brand new user name. I deleted the other 2 users using the control passwords2.

So the machine starts and i select the user. Process usage is very high and it says 50, but actual user shows about 9. I click show processes from all users and i find the culprit as well as 50 processes. I deleted the users so there shouldnt be that option.

Why is there more processes if this is the only user, why does it even have the option?

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What Are The All Users And Default Users Folders

Apr 3, 2012

What are the all users and default users folders? Do I need them or can I delete them if I am the only user.

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Users / All Users Redundant Folders?

Nov 10, 2012

I will if I have to manually delete them, although I'm not sure what other files may still be around on my drive that are located in Users/All Users that are redundant any recommended programs that I could depend on for this task ?

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It Is Already Open On An XP Machine In Same Network

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine. Permissions on the XP that is hosting the database is set to allow everyone. And all the XP machines can access it at the same time.

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Not Allowing Deletion?

Jan 12, 2013

so i reinstall my os and backed up all of my c drive and an additional hdd when i restored them on the new hdd i try to delete the old c folder and it says i dont have permission but im the only user on this computer and it will not allow me to delete this folder at all i tried to go in and allow myself full access but yet can not delete this folder can anyone give me some insight on this and a way to get rid of this restored c

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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Allowing Program To Keep Pc Awake

Jan 2, 2012

i have a ftp server that goes to sleep after 2 minuets of inactivity, cool it will save me on my electricity bill, i send a magic packet to wake it when i need it, hears the issue, filezilla server will not keep it awake when somebody is logged into it, so when im out and about, i can wake it up, just into it with filezilla client but it then will sleep after two minuets because apparently it doesn't realize i am logged into it. how do i allow this program to keep the pc awake, i have a feeling that if there is a way then it will keep it awake forever considering the server end is always running when the PC is on, id like to set it to stay on if somebody is logged in.

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New Mobo Only Allowing Half Of Ram?

Nov 27, 2012

recently i bought a new mobo and CPU. now that everything is installed its telling me i have 16GB of ram installed, but only 8GB are usable.... here is my new processor, AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0GHz (4.2GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 125W Eight-Core Desktop Processor here is the new mobo..ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard with UEFI BIOS?G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory its the same type of ram i have now.. i'm noticing that on the mobo, unlike my old mobo, the slots are different ----alternating---- colors.. where my old board the colors were paired together.... should i be placing the ram in a certain way?

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Bluetooth Not Allowing Playback?

Jan 15, 2013

So I can't seem to get my audio from the computer to playback on my bluetooth headset. I'm using ventrilo, and it doesn't allow me to select bluetooth as my output device. It seemed to pair to it alright... btw it's a motorola c305 and I'm using Windows 7 x64.

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File Sharing From A Windows Xp Machine To A Windows 7 Machine?

Aug 7, 2012

well i'm try to copy files from my xp machine to my win 7 machine i can see the xp machine but i get a message that says "make sure that the xp machine allow incoming connections for file sharing" and i have done just that i think but its a no go i've just about everything.

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Installing Windows 7 Using An Old HDD On An Old Machine To Install Windows 7 On A New Machine?

Dec 17, 2012

Installing W7 using an old HDD on an old machine to install W7 on a new SSD to be used on a new machine.I'm currently using this old machine from '09 and its performance levels have died down a lot. I bought all the components to build a new machine except I didn't want to spend extra money on another HDD to install the OS on my new 180GB Intel SSD. So basically, I want to use the HDD from my old computer, install W7 onto the SSD, then transfer the drive to my new computer, and use it on the machine and just reinstall all my other files.

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Constant Request For Allowing Cookies?

Dec 24, 2011

I am using W7, home premium on 1 year old HP desktop computer.Recently, I was having trouble accessing videos from you tube, email and other sites. I had been using adobe flash player 9 and I was told to upgrade adobe flash and to get version 11. I installed version 11 but it would not play until I lowered my privacy settings from medium high to medium per instructions on Adobe. The flash player worked after that except now I am constantly getting the following message everytime I launch IE 9 and every time I go to a web site. The error message is always similar to this -"Privacy Alert The website (AZh).com has requested to save a file on your computer called a cookie. Do you want to allow?Allow or block"I am currently getting this message many times a day. No matter if I select block or allow, they keep coming back. This happens on all sites and often is unrelated to the site I am visiting.

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