Vista Sp2 Is Not Working

Jan 29, 2010

I have Windows Vista Premuim Home edition SP2. Where can I find the folder that contains all the programs that are supposed to start when Windows boots? I want to add a program to the list so it loads at bootup. Wiyhin the program (Secunia), I checked off the box that should enable the program to do this - but it isn't working. Therefore, I can just put a copy of the executable in the Startup folder (if I could find it).

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Can't Working Vista

Jan 15, 2009

I installed windows 7 beta and was so thrilled. But i do miss vista and wanted to do a dual boot. Little did i realize that when i upgraded, i also changed over the whole OS. Now i have nothing i can do! Im soooo damn stupid!!!! I have no CD and dell refuses to send me one. My PC recovery tool doesnt work since i updated the os. And i dont have a DVD that i can burn the info to tongiht and cant get to a store to get one for a week or so(parents are out of town and im 16) I have a legally bought (from dell with my computer) key code for windows home premium. I am familiar with torrent downloads and was thinking i could download the install info but i dont know how to run it.

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Sound Is Working In Vista

Mar 9, 2009

When i had XP on my computer everything was working fine. I did an overlay of Vista and now any audio device with a jack won't work.. My USB headphones do... I have gone through all the playback settings, searched through all of control panel to do with sound. I have downloaded the necessary realtek drivers (High Definition Audio Device) and nothing. I have also tried plugging the jack in the front instead of the back. The speakers work on any XP machine... just having troubles with my vista machine.

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Soundcard Not Working In Vista 64

Nov 25, 2008

Got myself a Creative PCI express Xfi extreme audio a couple of months ago and have now come to the conclusion that it sucks... There´s betadrivers for most other cards BUT the one I got and I read som where that it´s a older card just being re-labled.. Great.

I listen to tons of music and play games, mostly counterstrike Source, i have Sennheiser HD555 phones and a Logitec Z-5500 5.1 soundsystem. My old computer had another Xfi card in it and the sound is totally different in quality with same settings (crystilzer etc). So anyone know of another soundcard that you have experience of? in vista 64?

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How To Get A Screensaver Working In Vista?

Apr 28, 2009

How do I get a screensaver working in Vista?

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How Get Scanner Working Under Vista 64?

Apr 18, 2007

how to get the Canon Lide 35 Scanner working under Vista 64? I tried everything, but even Vuescan won't work.

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Wallpaper Can't Working With VISTA

Aug 16, 2009

Using Vista for the first time - lotsa little annoyances, but nothing I don't thing I can handle or deal with except... Whenever I shut down and restart, my wallpaper is gone. It's a simple JPG downloaded from the internet. I keep a few dozen in a folder and change them as the whim hits. Any idea why it doesn't remain in place a after a reboot?

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Vista 64bit Os Can't Working

Dec 31, 2007

I just found this site by chance and it looks like it's going to be handy! I'm looking to buy a new system within the next month or two! This is the spec I'm looking at.....It's advertised as coming with Vista 64bit home premium (but that can be changed if I wish!). My question to you all is- "Are there any problems with Vista 64bit OS?" Ohh whilst I'm here, ATM I use Comodo FW and Avast AV with Windows XP. Can I still use both or those on Vista 64bit? if not what do you suggest? In a nutshell- I have heard all the rumours that Vista has loads of problems and I'm a little worried about making the leap (Should I be?)

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Run Th Sims 2 Vista 32 Not Working

Aug 20, 2008

Well I wanted to run the Sims 2, Pets,Seasons and Open for Business on Vista 32, can I?
Here are my specs,

OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Version 6.0.6000 Build 6000
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer HP Pavilion 061....

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Can't Working Running Vista X 64

Mar 29, 2008

i've been working on this for awhile now and i'm at a dead end. Here is my issue, my machine is running vista x64 ultimate and for the last few weeks, I have not been able to get my 360 to connect to my pc. When i actually turn the 360 on, I get a notification in the taskbar and when i go through the steps to set up my extender, it always fails at connecting to extender. At the same time, the 360 just sits at the contacting screen with the white dots and eventually fails. I'm only using the windows firewall, which i've disabled and still have had no luck. I've also connected the 360 directly to my pc to no avail with 3 different ethernet cables and i'm pretty sure its not the network or my 360 itself because my xp media center works just fine. At this point, I've narrowed it down to my vista machine, but i'm at a loss.

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DEP Not Working Vista Ultimate 64

Aug 10, 2008

System is dual opteron single core, Highpoint 1820 raid 5 western raptors, another for photos another as scratch disk and a spare tyan 2885 mother board ultimate on raid 5 drive as c drive. System appears stable till I try to do anything as an administrator. I click on something to change something and system locks up. will only work after a hard restart till I click on something again, Where do I need to start looking for problem, system was stable with 2x the memory 4 gigs in XP 32 and 64 even thru the vista betas, I could only reinstall with 2 gigs of memory all ecc and registered all are matched. Office 2007 installed and updated, printers installed, networked etc. last crash I had message 3 days to activate, activate now. I clicked on activate now system locked up

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Network In XP Working But Cannot Connect To The Vista

Mar 23, 2008

This should not be this difficult! However, 3 weeks later and I'm still not connecting. It seems I've tried about every suggestion I can find. I will attempt to recapitulate in brief but I'm sure I have forgotten things I've tried. I have 2 and printer to a router. One wireless one direct. Another wireless xp occasionally. Works great no problem. I am trying to get just one to connect to the Vista. The Vista has been tried both wireless and cable to router.

Installed the XP responder patch. Created users with identical names and passwords. Configured NetBios on Vista. Turned off and on TCP layer 6. Re-setup networking, same workgroup. Enabled sharing, etc. Only windows firewall, tried both off and on. There is likely more but I have forgotten now. They are visible on each others full maps and they ping each other fine. On the XP when I select the Vista pc I get not accessible, no permission. On Vista I cannot see the XP except in full map view. Maybe it's something simple but I am stumped.

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Upgraded To Vista, Software Not Working

Dec 14, 2007

I had this problem since I upgraded to Vista. All softwares I used before in Windows XP worked without any problem, but most of them now support Vista and they are giving me tons of problems everyday.

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Vista 64 Bit Sound Card Can.t Working

Sep 9, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64bit, with Realtek onboard sound on my mother board. However, my Quadraphonic speakers don't seem to be working as I can only get sound to come out of my front two speakers when in WMP etc. when I go into control panel, I can get sound coming out of all 4 speakers, that silly test sound.

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Vista Repair Disk Not Working

May 14, 2008

I have lots of bad sectors and not even able to do a restore to a previous restore point. I tried chkdsk/f but on restart it doesn't do the chkdsk. I have a Vista repair disk and I ran the repair but I still have the sector errors that prevent going to the previous restore point.

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Upgraded Vista: Sound Can Not Working

Apr 26, 2010

So this, has been by life for the past little while. I have a Gateway M520 laptop, wich had XP on it, and i upgraded to vista. When i did that, I lost my sound. I have spent hours on the net, on the manufacturers websites, in random forums, Only to not find an awnser, and be left without sound. Nothing is muted, All drivers are supposedly up to date, tried uninstalling/re-installing, Tried letting windows update do luck. Seriously about ready to take a slegehammer to my laptop, lol.

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Running Vista 64 Printer Is Not Working

Oct 17, 2007

something was wrong to where i thought i got banned..i couldnt post messages or do anything.. well i had a question i got 2 computers one running vista 64 and the other vista 32 and got one hp psc 2355 printer with the latest vista drivers...the wired router i have is a BEFSR41 v. 4.2 and the internet and all works perfectly..i have disarmed my firewall and enabled printer sharing and all...but the printer isnt working..its showing up on the network but... no luck

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Reinstalled Vista Can Not Working Printer

Feb 6, 2009

I don't even have a Vista Computer, but one is arriving in a few days - Vista Ultimate My old XP computer drives two four year old printers - one HP all-in -one LaserJet and one Epson inkjet. When I installed these printers on the XP machine, each came with a CD with the installation software (drivers, manual PDF, etc..).I assume I now must get updated CD's or some other arrangement to get the printers re-installed. Here are several questions

1. Do the vendors usually either wash their hands and tell you to get a new printer?
2. How do I get the appropriate software? Printer vendor web-sites?
3. Generally, do pre-Vista peripherals, and particularl printer/scanner/fax machines install without problems?

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Flag An Email Cannot Working Vista

Apr 9, 2008

How do I flag an email for followup? I can accomplish in XP at work. But cannot in Vista at home.

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Vista Games Exploere Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

could a 'friends' system be included into the vista games explorer? So i could see what games, servers etc my mates r playing on as well as a chat system? This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane......

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Vista Boot Can't Working Properly

Jul 6, 2009

I suspect my problem is NOT a Vista problem as such, since the boot failure seems to occur before BIOS POST. If this is the case, then clearly this posting does not belong anywhere within Vista Forums and could therefor be deleted. However, in the hope that somebody can shed light on this problem, I will briefly explain the symptoms:

a) power-on
b) function buttons selection displayed
c) then, immediately windows boot manager displays a message, the essentials of which are: a recent hardware/software change might have installed an incorrectly signed or damaged file. it goes on to suggest: using a windows installation disk to repair computer or press enter to display the boot menu then f8 for advanced boot options and select last known good. It finishes the message with Status: 0xc0000428 Info: windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file I don't have an installation disk; pressing enter just reboots the computer and repeats the above message; I cannot access the recovery partition on the hard drive; I rely on Paragon drive backup but of course this is useless if the problem is pre-POST!!!

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Vista 64 Av Firewall Using Not Working Properly

Mar 16, 2009

well i just bought a new laptop today. was an xp user. was using avg on xp. anyways what would you guys recommend i use for vista64? should i get an AV and another one for firewall? or should i go with something 2 in 1 like ESET Smart Security 4?

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Vista Running Startup Can Working Properly

Feb 23, 2009

Have Vista running on Dell Inspiron 1720. All of a sudden I can't start Windows. Startup Repair can't fix the problem and System restore can't seem to solve the problem either. Am starting to panic. Startup Repair listed the following as the problem details but it leaves me clueless.
Problem Event Name:Startup repairV2
Problem Signature 01: AutoFailure
Prob Sig 02: 6.0.6001.18000.6.0.6001.18000
Prob Sig 03: 6
Prob Sig 04: 786444
Prob Sig 05: Corruptvolume
Prob Sig 06: NoRootCause
Prob Sig 07: 0
Prob Sig 08: 2
Prob Sig 09: WrpRepair
Prob Sig 10: 87
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Local ID: 1003

Have used Dell pre-boot checks and all physical systems seem fine so must be software.

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Windows Live Mail Can Not Working With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Like many others, I've wasted more than enough time trying to get Windows Mail to work yet it remains completely unreliable. I have Windows Live Mail but it does not meet my needs (e.g. no provision for sub-folders or bulk despatch of emails). The email client "Thunderbird" has been recommended to me (though by an XP user - not Vista).

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Transfer File Xp To Vista Stops Working

Mar 23, 2008

Will Windows Easy Transfer work with only XP? I'm getting a new laptop before my old one stops working and I don't want to move to Vista. I just want to move XP pro to XP pro.

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Program Supported Vista But The Sound Not Working

May 24, 2008

i have a problem with windows vista ultimate 32bit. i install linktivity program supported vista but the sound not working.

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Upgrade Vista Reinstallation Of Xp Stopped Working

Dec 27, 2008

im new here so dont be harsh but last night i decided to format my pc, so i formated it and tried to reinstall vista, the reinstallation worked fine but then it said i had to have a old version of windows for me to activate, because its an upgrade version. i then formated AGAIN and tried to clean-install XP so i could then upgrade to my vista but during my reinstallation of xp it stopped working. this is where it may get confusing haha, after the first part of the xp install it restarts (the first part meaning where it formats and copys all the files to memory) but just after it restarts it comes up with the screen "press any key to boot to CD........" i let it go because ur not ment to boot to cd after that, but on that same screen it comes up with a few different coloured boxes on the screen and it just hangs and thats where im absulutly stumped

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Running Vista Wireless Not Working Properly

Feb 26, 2009

Newbie to Vista also so I am looking for your expertise/input to guide me in a computer selection...I am looking to buy a laptop. Do not need many bells or whistles, however, here are the specs: .......I have been told that running Microsoft Windows Vista on wireless will take "forever" to load with only 2GB on this computer. Is this true? My needs are very limited for this laptop, just looking to perform limited work on it...e-mail, small business folders etc. I apologize for my ignorance, as I said I am a newbie in many ways and hoping to learn as I go. Stumbled upon this web-site while looking for information on Windows Vista.

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Installing Vista/7 X64 Dual Boot Not Working

May 8, 2009

I want to install Windows 7 RC 64bit on my laptop as a dual boot. Do the requirements meet the minimum for 64 bit versions? I would surely like to know.

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Vista Trading Active Trader Pro Not Working

Oct 27, 2009

I am having problems with a trading program Avtive trader pro.

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NVidia Control Panel Stopped Working In Vista 64

Jun 16, 2009

I have a dual boot system with Win XP on one partition and Vista 64 Ultimate on the second partition. Sometime recently, perhaps at the latest Windows Update on Vista, my nVidia Control Panel stopped working in Vista 64. I am using nVidia driver 185.85, the latest non-beta version available. I am using nVidia system tools 6.05, the latest set available. I have cleaned out my drivers with Driver Sweeper, and reloaded them with no change. I have loaded the drivers with all virus software shut down, with all unnecessary apps shut down. When I try to start up the nVidia control panel, whether in the Windows Control Panel or other shortcut, Vista tells me that "nVidia Control Panel has stopped working". I am getting the impression that the nVidia drivers are not running, since when I add them they are not defaulting to max resolution like they normally do. The system seems to be running on some default video driver instead. CPU, GPU, MCP temperatures are nominal, no indications of problems there.......

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