Vista Boot Mange Does Not Allow Restore

Feb 2, 2009

I had Vista on C: drive and later installed XP on D: drive. Boot order was then Vista - XP, worked ok. I then changed the boot order where XP to be the default . And now the boot manager does not allow me to even choose Vista, but goes directly to XP. The changes I did in Vista. I have "restorepoint delete" fix active ( System Restore Points - Stop XP Dual Boot Delete) Restoring the fix does no difference to this issue other than making boot.ini visible for changes on the XP side, but without options for Vista. Has my Vista gone "hasta la vista" or is it "see you never more". Is there some means of getting it alive again?

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XP Dual Boot XP Deletes Vista Restore Points

Mar 2, 2009

I purchased a computer with Windows Vista Home Premium x64 preinstalled. This computer comes with a 640GB SATA II hard drive. Recently, I have decided I do not want to use Windows Vista for at least (estimating here...) another year, and I'd rather use Windows XP. I have another hard drive that is IDE. On this IDE hard drive, I would like to install Windows XP. I would also like to make Windows XP the
default OS on this computer until I decide to make the eventual switch to Vista.

1.) 'Dual-booting XP deletes Vista restore points | PC Tips'. - Here, it is reported that dual-booting Vista/XP will cause Vista's restore points to be lost, which I do not want to occur. With the OS being installed on 2 separate drives (one SATA, one IDE) in my case, is there a chance this happens?

2.) How do I set up which OS my computer boots from? Do I use the BIOS menu and declare the IDE drive as the primary drive to boot from, or is there a way I can actually set up a boot loader that will let me choose which OS to use, without using BIOS directly?

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User Accounts Won't Click Mange Account Type

Nov 25, 2009

I cannot change the date or time on my computer. Everytime I try it says that I have to be an administrator to do it, even though I am the administrator, in fact I am the only user on the system! I have tried going into the user accounts but it won't let me click on manage another account type, change account type, or even change account name. As a side issue which might also be related, I cannot install windows updates and it won't let me click on 'ok' when I try to change the setting to allow all users to install updates.

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Ghost Restore Won't Boot

Mar 23, 2009

I have a machine with Vista 64-bit ultimate edition. I'm running raid 1+0, and started having a drive fail. Instead of just replacing that single drive, I figured I'd use this time to upgrade to larger drives.

I did a ghost image of all 4 partitions, swapped the drives out, rebooted with the ghost boot cd, and reloaded. It copied all the data to all partitions, but it won't boot.

I did have a boot helper installed - I think it may be EasyBCD - to help go between windows XP pro and Vista.

Anyway, when Ghost finished and I rebooted, I get the No OS found. I was thinking the boot partition may be messed up, but I'm not sure how to fix this.

I don't think I want to try a Vista repair from the boot DVD, but maybe that is what I have to do.

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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System Restore, Wouldn't Boot

Jul 29, 2009

I downloaded a film ( a backup o one of my DVD's it has got scratched and I really wanted to see it as well. Anyway when I did I opened up the video file into windows media player, it asked me to get some rights/ acquisitions to play the file. As the message was coming from windows media player I guess hmm it must be true. Usually I wouldn't if anything asked me to download anything. As it finished windows media message came up with a message to say it was downloaded correctly. So I checked task manager making sure it was actually windows media player and it was. When I tried playing the file it wouldn't play.

Whatever it downloaded hadn't taken effect yet. Then I blue screened. My laptop wouldn't boot up normally. So I tried booting up with " last good configuration" it booted up but I found out what had happened. All my programmes were "corrupted" something to do with the registry according to the 60 pop up messages saying each and every programme had been corrupted.........

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System Restore "restore Points Vista Already Running Program"

Apr 13, 2008

Trying to restore my system but when I attempt to see the restore points Vista tells me the wizard is already running the this program will close.

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System Restore Failed Not Able To Boot Up - Blue Screen

Sep 29, 2009

I have my laptop(Vista Home premium 32 bit) fine and running from past 1 and half year.
Suddenly from 5 days I am facing 'Display driver nvlddmkm failed and restore successfully'. Don't know when and why this happens.So I thought of restoring my system to 5 days back.I selected System restore back up point to 23rd of September,09.During this process something got messed up and when restarted it is showing 'blue screen' . Nothing else is visible.I'm able to login through safe mode.but don't know what to do with this. I also tried to do system repair. But no use.Ended up with same.
Tried to do system restore again. Even if I want to reinstall Vista, manufacturer has not provided any backup cd with my laptop.

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System Restore Disk, Cannot Boot Into Window Or Safe Mode

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use a system restore disk for my friend's computer that I downloaded. The computer have Vista, now I have a 32 bit and 64 bit disc. How can I find out which version of Vista I have? I cannot boot into window or safe mode ( I could figure it out from there). I also tried to check the Bios and saw nothing. The laptop only has 2 gigs of RAM I think, so I would assume 32 Bit, but I want to be sure. Also, if I used the wrong one, would it mess up the computer? or could I just redo it with the other CD?

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Dual-boot XP, Can't Boot Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore.
I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed. I don't have Vista's DVD, and I'm trying to avoid installing XP again. If there's any way around...I would be gratefull! (Is there any way I can edit bcdedit.exe in XP?)

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Dual-boot XP - Can't Boot Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I searched all over the internet for this simple (I think) problem, but I couldn't find any solutions. I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore. I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed.

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Dual Boot: Vista And Vista On 2 Hard Drives?

Jun 19, 2008

There are many articles on how to dual boot Vista and XP, but I want to dual boot Vista and Vista, with an existing installation, on 2 Hard Drives. Currently I switch these in the BIOS, but I'd much rather chose at a later stage, can this be done? Why? Because I keep one of the drives for random software that I rarely use.

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Vista 64 & Vista 32 Dual Boot Issue

Mar 26, 2008

I had an Vista 32 bit version installed and which was used fine.

3 days before I had upgrade my PC's memory to 4G, then I find Vista 32 Bit version can not recognize all the memory.So I try to install an Vista 64 Bit version for the test to check if the 64 bit system is ok for me.

The problem is, Vista 32 was installed on to the 3rd partition of the harddisk,usually the drive letter will be E in Windows XP and previous version windows, although it in Vista it display as C drive. I tried to install the 64 Bit Vista in to the 4th partiton. After all the drivers and applications install completed,that seems so far so good. Then I find my previous F drive now names C. The Drive C in Vista 32 Bit names E now. When
I try to boot into Vista 32, the error message : winload.exe could not find.

I used bcdedit try to redirect the device and osdevice to E drive, Vista 32 still could not start normally, the system will hang up in the blue desktop background,seems can not load user profile or sth like that.

I have check the E drive, all the files of Vista 32 are still there.Anyone have any good idea about fix the Vista 32 bit boot and keep the Vista 64 bit also?

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Restore MBR And Vista

Jun 26, 2008

I want to dual boot a Linux Kubuntu OS. After reading I see that if I decide to delete the Linux partition later, I won't be able to boot into Widows until the MBR is repaired/replaced. Is there an easy way to do this? I have the Oem installation Disk.

Windows Vista Home Premium 64-BIT SP1

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83GHz

4.00 GB RAM

300 GB HDD

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Restore Vista, NO Disc

Jan 26, 2008

i installed UBUNTU an it completely tookover an wiped out vista,all i have is the licence key from underneath my laptop, how do i restore vista as was pre installed and came with NO disc or instructions,i visited microsofts vista site who say go to start button,but that has gone. in mycomputer it only reconises ubuntu an no restore points( i feel i need to download the entire vista os from?)

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Vista Backup And Restore

Oct 15, 2009

Running Vista Home 64 going to upgrade to 7 professional. I understand that I will have to reinstall everything. My question is if I am using the vista backup and restore once I have completed the 7 install will I be able to restore my files with 7 even though it was originally backup up with vista or do I need to manually copy all my files onto an external drive instead of relying on the vista backup?

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Can't System Restore Vista

Mar 23, 2008

They said I am creating WMA when I should be creating CDA....Well, ALL was working fine a month and 1/2 ago..I did do a Media Player update in Nov. ( this thing stopped working mid Nov) and I cannot do a system restore as HORRID VISTA will only let you go back ONE month NOT LIKE xp where you can pick any calendar date as a restore point. I am scared to do a system restore as I think I might create even MORE PROBLEMS than I already have. DO I go back to the date closest to today or go back a full month if I try a system restore..??? I don't want to lose restore points if I need them later....

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Backup Vista Restore Os

Oct 14, 2009

If I download Macrium Reflect and backup my OS (Vista), will I be able to restore the entire OS back to Vista, after trying Windows 7, but prefer Vista?

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Use System Restore To Restore Back To Certain Restore Points?

May 26, 2008

Why can't I use system restore to restore back to certain restore points? I was only successful twice with it. When my laptap was new and when I used it after re-formatting my hard drive. On all occassions after those two instances I can never restore back to any restore point. It always says that "unspecified error" line. If Microsoft doesn't know what happend, how could I. Why did they bother putting system restore if it doesn't work all the time anyway. It gives you a false sense of security.

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Why Does Vista Delete All Restore Points

May 29, 2009

A customer has been hit with the "Startup Repair" loop issue. The Startup
Repair cannot repair the problem and shuts dow the computer, no restore
points are available and "Last known good configuration" are useless. The
computer needed to be recovered from the recovery partition.

After recovery and purposely setting several restore points manually I
thought I was finished with all updates and such so I set my final restore
point. I uninstalled an application that was not needed any more and on the
next reboot I got a BSOD. Startup Repair was the option so it ran thru its
paces and gave the message that it could not repair the issue and so I
attempted to do a system restore to the last restore point I created before
this happened. Vista reported again that I had no restore points (I know I
manually create 5 of them). So this time "Last Known Configuration" did
work. I went to chech the restore points and sure enough ther were none.

Why did Vista delete my restore points?

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Restore Vista And Have A Backup Machine

Jul 6, 2009

I have a HP Pavillion M8150N with a quad core 2.4, (2)320 drives, upgraded to 4gbram (that was a waste) ... and ... its a great machine. I bought it 18 months ago and it fixed every problem I had with my old celeron 1.7 machine. I bought a project pavillion M9040N desktop box with no hard drives. I bought an HP Restore Disc and moved my (1) unused 320 SATA drive from my 8150 to the other machine ... and expected to just restore vista and have a backup machine.

It wasn't quite that easy. After (20) tries, I <powered on>, <hit F10>, entered the setup program and made the HD the first device, made the CD the 3rd device, made the HD the first boot device, and set it to display the parameters as it loaded. I dont know if I said that right.....

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Backup And Restore Not Included Vista

Nov 10, 2008

I have just bought a new pc with vista home edition premium, included in the package were 2 dvds with blank recovery dvd written on them ,on inquireing I was told that I would have to make my own recovery dvds and that instructions on how to do it would be found on my pc I then found out that windows complete pc backup and restore is not included with vista home premium Can anyone tell me how I can reinstall vista should I ever need to without some sort of recovery disk,as one wasn't included in the package

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Having Two Copies Of Vista On One Computer: Install Vista On The Smaller Drive, Boot With That, And Access Files On The Other Drive

Dec 25, 2008

Right now I have a single 640 gig HDD that everything's on. I've got a laptop too that I'm gonna be taking out on rotations eventually. I wanted to get a new smaller (250GB) HDD and put my Vista on that, so my 640 will be data only (then I could take it with me in an external enclosure and leave the desktop for my mom to use til I come back and collect it). I was gonna DBAN the 640, but I wanted to get the data off of it first- about 170 GB of stuff that I'd rather not lose.

My question is-

Can I install Vista on the smaller drive, boot with that, and access files on the other drive? Would it work if there's another Vista running on the other drive? (both SATA).

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Vista Security Virus And System Restore?

Apr 28, 2010

My grandson allowed the vista security virus on their PC I am trying to fix it. It blocked everything I did between using my Daughters laptop and gathering info from the internet I did get the PC Doctor downloaded (took forever) and installed on the infected PC then ran a scan only to find out that I had to purchase the tool to remove it. I did and the Pc worked fine or so I thought.

DD looked up lowes last night and now today it is again posessed it will not let me run system restore everytime I look up something on the internet it redirects me to stupid pages that have nothing to do with what i key in. so I am trying system restore and it wont open it tells me it is already running. This is a vista home basics I have no idea if it is 32 or 64.

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Vista Ultimate Saves All The Restore Points?

Mar 23, 2008

Vista Ultimate saves all the Restore Points? I would like to prevent some of them to be erased in the future.

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Vital Setting Restore Full Vista Backup

Sep 14, 2009

I'm using a combination of the Vista backup to do a complete backup of my OS and applications (for emergency restore) and another backup tool to handle my data. My OS is on C: and my data on D: (and other drives). query is that C: will contain application settings/data - for example if I write actions in Photoshop they will be stored under the user application data subdirectory or if I create a DOT template for Word it will be stored under the hidden data directories for Word.

I want to be sure that I am backing up all of the vital application data/settings so that I can either restore just those or in an emergency can restore my full Vista backup (done weekly) and then restore the application data (which I want to backup daily). I've searched this set of forums and elsewhere to find something that lists which subdirectory tree(s) I need to ensure that I have backed up (and I guess I'll need to do a registry backup too each day just in case settings are stored there). I can't find such a list. Does anyone know of a document that details what the vital stuff to backup is?

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Restore Start Menu Search Button In Vista SP1

May 23, 2008

In Windows Vista SP1 Microsoft removed the option for the Search button on the right side of the start panel.  If you used that button frequently it is possible to bring it back by replacing the Help and Support button....

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What Default HDD Space Vista Reserves For System Restore Points?

Jun 9, 2009

how to change the size of the HDD space Vista reserves for Restore points. I still would like to know;

1) What is the default HDD space Vista Reserves for System Restore Points?
2) Another reply to my Part 1 question indicated a user was experiencing the same issue, losing 3 to 4GB of HDD space a day...and Dell instructed that user to turn Off Restore to fix the problem. This to me is not a fix.

Given that I was losing 3 to 4GB space a day......was it as a Resullt of System Restore Points or could there be other issues? My PC is running fine except for this issue. CouldWould all New Restore Points save a file 3 to 4GB in size, and if that is so, does this Restore Point File just keep its size, grew Larger....and consume 3 to 4GB of HDD space daily and go on forever? This just doesn't seem so, I have been running this PC for nearly 2 years and I just saw this issue start about 2 weeks ago.....seems it started at or near the time of the Vista SP2 Download

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Set Restore Point On Vista X64 Home Premium, 0X81000101 Revisited

Jun 23, 2009

Getting the time out error 0X81000101 when I try to set a restore point on Vista X64 Home Premium. This happened right after trying to install a Creative external 24bit Live sound blaster driver updates. I have read many threads and have done the following to no avail:

Turned off AVG free 8.5 Resident Shield. Ran disk clean up and rebooted. Turned off System Restore as Administrator, rebooted, turned on System Restore for C: drive only. Made sure that the Volume Shadow Copy Service is Running and set on Automatic and Started. I have read a few regedit posts but am reluctant to try that yet since I can't make a copy of my registry right now with the failed System Restore. When I do try to create a System Restore point, it hangs forever. Task manager says it is not responding.

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Vista Boot DVD

Apr 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium.

What is the recommended way to create a Vista boot disk? Is Bart PE Builder still the choice?

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OS's Vista And XP Cannot Get It To Boot

Jan 31, 2009

I have two OS's Vista and also XP and its XP that is the problem in so much as I cannot get it to boot, I get the error ntldr is missing, and no matter if I put the disk in and try to boot from the disk, the system still won't play ball, it just tells me to ctrl-alt-del to reboot, this is despite me pressing any key to boot from the disk.

I really do not know what else to do, getting XP to work is not a major issue for me, but it would be nice to see what I have on that drive. As a point of note, I have both my operating systems in caddies, so I can remove Vista and slide XP in whenever I want to, incase some of you have not heard of caddies.

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