Silver Letter 'A' : Strange Icon At Startup

Feb 2, 2010

When I start my Vista 32 bit machine, and the desktop comes up after a few seconds this weird Icon appears for a few seconds usually in between 2 existing Icons on the screen. It's in the shape of a silver letter 'A' with rounded top left and right corners. I have tried to capture it using the "print screen" key but when I go into my graphics program and paste the image everything comes up except this Icon. I have tried clicking on it but it does nothing.

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Drive Icon Changed (only 1) - Strange Issue

Aug 11, 2009

I've read the Tutorial on this: Drive Icon Change but not sure where to start.

I multi-boot (Vista Ultimate SP2 on C: & D:, Windows 7 Ultimate on L: ) and the same strange icon appears in Windows Explorer in all the 3 systems I boot. That makes registry editing a question mark....where do I do it, if I do it?

I've run chkdsk and the volume is clean. This is a brand new computer and all was well until I used that drive for the first time yesterday when I backed up my files from my external drive to it.

Any suggestions anyone?

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Window Flip: Strange Icon With No Information

Apr 16, 2009

I have a question about Windows Vista Home Premium [service pack 1] and Windows Flip. When flipping (alt-TAB) thru active applications on Windows Vista, there is a strange icon on the left side that really has no information. When selected all other apps have a descriptive name but when this particular icon/app is selected, there is no descriptive name or information. When this icon is selected nothing happens but when any of the other apps are selected, the appropriate function happens. The icon has a white box and in the lower right corner it has a few small boxes (each a different size) close together. One box it white, the other is orange, the other is red, the other is blue and the last is white with a small vertical line. Does anyone know what this is and why it is there? If it is nothing I need and it is not system critical, how do I remove it? Here is the icon I am talking about. It is on the left hand side. When highlighted it has no name and when selected it does nothing.

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What Is Silver Light

May 24, 2008

What is Silver light and what is it's purpose

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Can Map A Drive Letter

May 13, 2009

Have two computer. One is Vista premium (32-bit) and the other Win XP Media. The XP can see the shared C: drive on the Vista. However, Vista can't see the shared C: drive on XP. Yet, Vista can map a drive letter using \station1c format. (station1 is XP). So if I can map a drive letter, why can't Vista see the XP drive in the Network icon? All it sees is itself (station2).

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Trying To Get Rid Of Drive Letter F

Mar 23, 2008

trying to get rid of the drive letter F: it shows up as a removable drive, in my computer, but doesn't show up in the manage disk box. I can "safely remove it" but upon next reboot it is back. I have an external USB G: drive, and I can change it to F: in the manage box, but upon reboot it is G: again.

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Phantom CD Drive Letter

Mar 18, 2009

Since installing Vista HP (about 6 months ago), I have had a 'phantom' CD drive (always Drive Letter E).

I have so far tolerated it - but not knowing what the h&ll it is is irritating me!

The FOXCONN Motherboard has an (unused) CD connector, but FOXCONN don't believe that that is the problem.

Computer has:

2 x HDD, SATA connected
2 x CD/DVD, IDE connected
External 80 GB USB Hard Drive.
Internal USB Multi-Card Reader/USB Port

On boot
E :- unknown CD Drive ?
H: - 80GB USB External Drive
I: - Multi-Card Reader
K: - Multi-Card Reader
L: - Multi-Card Reader
M: - Multi-Card Reader
N: - Multi-Card Reader (USB Flash Drive on USB Port)

Drive E: appears in My Computer/Windows Explorer. Drive E: does NOT APPEAR in Disk Management (so I cannot change its Drive Letter and letter E is NOT AVAILABLE),OR Device Manager (in a way that I can identify)

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Letter Of The Name, Contact Composition

Jun 23, 2009

With XP once you entered the first or second letter of the a name in your contact group it displayed a whole name for you to choose. Vista doesn't seem to do this or am I missing something?

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My Computer Not The Dirve Letter

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to remove the annoying alphabetic letters in the Detail view in 'my computer' not the drive letters these i want but the unecessary a-h, i-p, and q-z i am sure its easy as i have done it before but that was 2 years ago when i originally formatted the machine now i simply cant find the way to do it again. I am going mad now

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Very Strange Problem

Dec 5, 2009

I gamble on sports, yes, bad like that, and have encountered a bug. I copy data from a place called to look into the future or past if you will. Not as good as a psychic though!

Specifically I copy stats from the NBA and baseball.

Here is my bug. I go to the site,

Then I scroll over to the NBA drop down menu. Then I click team statistics.

Then I click a team, say Boston. I cut and paste normally, the game data. The second box you see with last 20 games.

Like this.

DateOpponentLineOUScoreSUATSOUFG %3PT %FT %REBFG %3PT %FT %REB12-4-09at OKLAHOMA CITY-4190105-87WWOv56.5%52.9%75.0%4647.1%17.6%76.9%3212-3-09at SAN ANTONIOPK18790-83WWUn46.2%22.2%73.7%4242.0%12.5%41.2%6612-1-09at CHARLOTTE-4177.5108-90WWOv54.5%58.8%89.7%4440.5%18.2%68.6%47

On my old machine which runs XP and has Excel 2003 it works fine.

With Vista, it messes up the dates. I have tried everything. Different browsers, compared settings in Excel, even tried or free office or whatever it is called.

Still won't work. It copies half the dates correctly, and some dates it copies like text or worse. I am not really sure, I cannot type data in to fix the error.

I have a new Gateway with Vista. I am waiting for them to mail me Windows 7.

It is so easy to cut and paste on my other PC, and I have loked in every forum I can find for three days and found nothing that fixes this bug with Vista.

So it is not the Browser, I tried three including IE 8, Opera and Google. It is not Excel, or Star Office as both mess up, it is something with Vista.

I made myself a super admin BTW, on my computer, figured that one out. So I can adjust everything.

I have files dating back ten years that are all gving me date issues. Some work, some do not. I need a fix!

Do not ask for sports picks.

I trade sports like stocks, that is how I use the data.

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Strange Memory

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc...

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right?

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Strange Folder

Apr 12, 2009

I have a folder under my user in Vista Home Premium. Its name is: {5fa4fc65-86a1-42c8-9cce-0ba76deacf2b} It has a sub-folder named drivers that has a sub-folder named dot4 and that folder is empty.

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Change Disk Drive Letter?

Jun 22, 2008

how my External Hard drive's letter (F Changed to G and moved to my Cd Drive. I was wondering how to change my CD drive's letter, so that I can have my external as the letter F again.

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Sending A Letter In WORD Via Email

Feb 2, 2010

sending a letter in WORD via emailm, this message cannot be sent

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Change The Partition Letter Assignments?

Oct 21, 2009

I've installed a 320 gb disk in place of my full-up 80 gb disk. To make room for W7. Now I'm formatting it into C: and D:, running from a CD. But since the CD is D:, the 2nd partition became E:. I am using software from StorageCraft to restore everything - boot record and all. But my 2nd partition must be D: for my installed software to work. How can I change the partition letter assignments?

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Not Allow To Send Digitaly Signed Letter

Apr 22, 2008

Windows mail wil not allow me to send a digitaly signed letter.

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Non-removable Drive Letter Assignments

Jul 7, 2008

Given an internal drive with multiple Vista installations how do I change the drive letter of the boot drive of an installation?
Best explained with an example. Given:

Partition 1: Vista 1
Partition 2: Vista 2
Partition 3: Vista 3

In other words, Vista seems to insist on the currently running system living on C: (like in the olden days). I thought since W2K Windows can be installed on any drive e.g. my old system has W98 on C: (no choice there) but W2K boots from and stays on D:.

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Reinstall Does Not Change The Drive Letter

Jan 28, 2009

I have an external USB floppy drive that got assigned the drive letter B when it was plugged into one of the usb ports on the back of my PC. I need to change it to letter A. The drive is not listed under computer management: disk management. Removing the drive and reinstalling does not chhange the drive letter. Removing the driver in device manager results in installing new hardware, but with drive letter B. The Bios has several settings releated to usb devices--but nothing to do with drive letters. so I am at a loss of how to fix this---a

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Strange Application Switcher

Mar 3, 2009

Just discovered a bizarre application switcher from microsoft, somewhat similar to Apple's Expose.

Here's the screenshot ...

The thing came up when I clicked the mouse wheel. The mouse is Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000. Microsoft software that came with the mouse is installed. Checked the mouse buttons config, and it says that clicking the wheel brings up the Flip 3D.

But, since I use the basic vista theme with Aero disabled (like it more this way), there is no Flip 3D on my machine. When I enable the Aero, clicking the mouse wheel brings up Flip 3D.

Anyone got any idea what is this thing?

Actually i quite like it, because it is fast as hell, way faster and more useful than other third party "expose on windows" third party solutions I tried some time before.

I was wondering how to bring up this thing from my keyboard, but win+tab does nothing. As for now, only clicking the mouse wheel works.

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Strange Sub-window In WinMail

Jun 13, 2008

Contrary to others I love Vista!Meanwhile I have 3 machines running under Vista (my desktop, my TabletPC and my wife's desktop). What bothers me most at present:
For app. 2 weeks - out if a sudden - on my desktop (and only there) I'm having an unseen phenomenon with the screen layout:

Below the normal parts of the WinMail-window (columns for the folders[left side] and the headers preview and the messages preview [right,upper and lower half]) appears a sub-window with a scrollbar which stretches across the whole WinMail window. This sub-windows always is totally empty (no contents at all).

As this description might be unclear, pls see:

I cab drag this sub-window bigger and smaller. But there always remain a minimal height determined by the "Up" and "Down" scroll-button (arrows).

I checked literally *everything* to get rid of this totally useless(empty) sub-window. To no avail An I already asked in the German Vista NGs. To no avail either {siiiigh}

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Strange Bug, Nothign Responds

Mar 26, 2008

following on from the bug i had Ive scanned the drive with the maxtor/seagate tools and no problems. It seems to be something to do with the harddrive as if is start a checkdisk it almost instantly causes problems, you can move the mouse but nothign responds. If you try and go into ctrl-alt-delete you get a message saying a 'logon process has failed to create the security options dialog'.

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Strange Mouse Happenings

Jun 1, 2008

Up until a few days ago, my mouse(s)(both my notebook pad and my wireless Mouse) worked "normally".That is,I could highlight text by holding the control key down;pressing the left button and then could copy/paste that elsewhere.That still happens on my Windows mail items.However,whenever I now go to a"dialog box' in a web site...and try to do the same thing,highlight the text and then copy/paste it.I get a"hand" figure that tries to move the text around, but I cannot find a way to highlight and copy anymore.No doubt some setting has changed (probably by me!!).I went to control panel and looked at the various mouse settings, but none of them seem to help.I tried to do three different System Restores and every time I do I get a message that says that the restore didn't work due to an "unspecified error"?

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Strange Noise From Computer

Oct 11, 2008

my friend has an alienware comp and it keeps crashing he is running the asus p5 and unfortunatly his warranty has expired it's also running xp it will crash from boot or some times after 10min other times it's after a few hours. he is running a 7800gtx 256mb gpu also, if anyone knows of any fauts this has after 2 years of use would be appreciated i am recommending a new card for him too 9800gt or there abouts something usefull but not overly pricey as he doesn't require it for things like crysis and stuff

i'm looking for things to look for to help him resolve it as the alienware call out charge for him is 600quid i told him to just get a new comp but he would like to keep it for a while i'm going to fit new ram that i have lying around as i think it may be a hardware fault as there is a strange noise coming from his computer possibly making it an overheating issue but when i googled his comp i got a ton of hits on the same fault with the same comp so it's not a one off case and nowhere was there a solution so i figured i'd put to the people.

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Drive Letter & User Temporary Suggestions Only

Dec 16, 2008

Like with most other settings in Vista 64 Bit, ...Windows starts loosing it mind/(memory). Windows takes the meaning of "settings" to mean, "user temporary suggestions only". I'm sure somewhere in the fine print of "The Window's Handbook" it somewhat clearly states: Window's settings are subject to change at "any" given moment, time or place . (Period) Settings will change clearly at whim of... well,...just about "most any" given reason or causation, usually when you least expect it, and surly to extract the most pain & suffering.

I just went though a series of reboots working "other" problems,...when my external hard drives or "Mass Storage Units" along with all my flash "thumb" drives... got scrambled. I mean I'm down to L, M, and/or N clearly on how Vista shuffles them. Based on weather or not my printer is turned on or not. When you have certain programs writing to fixed drive letters ...

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Partitioning In Windows 7: Boot Partition Without A Letter - 100 MB

Mar 20, 2010

partition on his 1 terabyte HD with Windows 7 premium installed. In Computeradmin. it shows: The HD is partitioned with: boot partition without a letter - 100 MB. OEM partition also without a letter - 20 MB.

C: partition, system - 945 GB.

D: partition, Recover- 20 GB

All partitions are Simple, fundamental, primary partitions. I did reduce the C-partition from 945 to 439 GB. Then I would make a new simpel partition on the unallocated part. I right clicked to create a simple partition, but it said all partitions would be converted to dynamic dishes. I would only have a simple partition, but there was no such choice.

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Dual Boot Change XP Drive Letter?

Mar 31, 2009

I searched all over and I haven't found a solution, but I know there has to got to be way to do this. I shrank my XP 64 partition and booted from the Vista 64 disk and installed on the unallocated space.

Everything works except:

When I boot into Vista 64 my XP 64 partition is drive D:, how do I change the XP partition to any letter but D:? D: has all my data (when booted into XP 64).

I've read that it can't be done, but there has got to be a way, if I
had a 3 partition triple boot one of those partitions would be something
other than D.

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Can I Mount A Share To A Folder And NOT A Drive Letter?

Mar 11, 2010

I am running Windows 7, but this would pertain to earlier versions too.I have access to a share, I'll call it \SERVERDocuments. I know how to mount that to a drive letter. That is not what I want to do. Instead I want to map it to my C:UsersusernameDocuments. I have searched online and others have asked this only to be told how to map to a drive letter.

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Assign Letter To Unformatted/wbfs-drive!

Apr 17, 2009

How can I assign a drive letter to drive that is formatted as WBFS? Windows finds the drive and says its unformatted, its ok but I need a drive letter to the drive so I can connect to the drive with cmd!

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Start Menu And Change The Letter Of The Drive

May 30, 2008

I installed windows for the 21st time...(Yes it is 21) It's all working out but i found a glitch. When i changed the location of my pictures and music to an other location, all of them where working 100%. But then i had to change the letter of the drive they were on. Now when i click on them they don't do anything and if i right-click on it and go to properties it kind of freezes. A properties window appears but it's almost all white.

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64 Dual Boot Changing Drive Letter

Mar 23, 2008

I wish to install vista 64 on my computer that has Windows XP Pro as dual boot. Drive C would have XP Pro Drive G Vista 64. But when you boot vista it calls changes drive G and calls it drive C. Can this be stopped or can I install windows XP and Vista 64 to the same drive?

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